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Sun ONE Studio 5, Standard Edition Getting Started Guide



Before You Begin

Before You Read This Book

Typographic Conventions

Related Documentation

Contacting Sun Technical Support

Sun Welcomes Your Comments

1. Preparing for Installation

Overview of the Installation Process

Supported Platforms

System and Disk Space Requirements

Disk Space Requirements

Verifying Your J2SE Platform

Supporting Previous Software Releases

Having the Correct User Privileges

2. Installing the IDE (Microsoft Windows Systems)

Using the GUI Installer

Using Command-line Options During Installation

3. Installing the IDE (Linux Systems)

Using the GUI Installer

Using Command-Line Options During Installation

4. Installing the IDE (Solaris OS)

Applying the Solaris 8 OS Patches

Using the GUI Installer

Using Command-Line Options During Installation

5. Setting Up the IDE

Starting the IDE

Setting Up the IDE

Settings Import Wizard

Registration Wizard

Setup Wizard

Using the Startup Options

6. Using Sun ONE Application Server With the IDE

Understanding Administrative Domains

Using the Default Administrative Domain

Creating Admininstrative Domains for Each User

Using the Sun ONE Application Server 7

7. Validating Your IDE Installation

Creating a J2EE Platform Application

8. Using Databases With the IDE

Setting Up PointBase Connectivity

Using the PointBase Server and Console

Using Other JDBC Enabled Databases

9. Using BEA WebLogic Servers With the IDE

Configuring the WebLogic Environment

WebLogic Support in a Multiuser Environment

10. Upgrading Your Installation

Updating Modules With the Update Center

Using the License Manager Tool

11. Uninstalling the IDE

Using the Uninstaller

12. Troubleshooting Problems

Installing Solaris 8 OS Patches With the solaris_patch_installer

Installing the IDE

Starting the IDE

Using Start Menu Items (Microsoft Windows Platform)

Running Web Services

Running Web Services Using UDDI

Using WebLogic Server 6.1 or 7.0

Identifying and Fixing an Incomplete Uninstallation

A. Solaris 8 OS Patch Numbers and Descriptions

B. Port Usage in the IDE

C. IDE Subdirectories

Installation Subdirectories

IDE User Subdirectory

D. Command-Line Options for Installing the IDE

Command-Line Options Used With the GUI Installer

Specifying the Location of the J2SE Platform

Specifying the Location of the Temporary Space Directory

Specifying a Log File for Error Messages

Installing the IDE in Silent Mode

Installing Silently Using Web Download

Installing Silently Using the CD-ROM
