Before You Begin

This Getting Started Guide provides instructions for installing, setting up, and starting the Suntrademark ONE Studio 5, Standard Edition integrated development environment (IDE). This book is designed for both system administrators and developers who install software. You should be experienced with basic installation procedures on your platform.

Screen shots and commands entered at the command line vary slightly from one platform to another. For example, a Microsoft Windows command might look like this:

c:>cd MyWorkDir\MyPackage

A UNIX® command might look like this:

% cd MyWorkDir/MyPackage

Before You Read This Book

You should be familiar with installing and uninstalling software products on the platforms you choose to use with this release of the Sun ONE Studio 5 IDE. You need familiarity with system administration commands, such as:

  • su, xhost, pkginfo, pkgadd, and pkgrm utilities in the Solaristrademark Operating System (Solaris OS)
  • Add/Remove Program utility on Microsoft Windows systems
  • rpm command in the Linux environment

If you are unsure about the system administration commands for your operating system, contact your system administrator for assistance with the instructions in this guide.

Before using this IDE, you should also be familiar with the following subjects:

  • Javatrademark programming language
  • Enterprise JavaBeanstrademark (EJBtrademark) technology concepts
  • Javatrademark Servlet API syntax
  • Syntax for drivers that support the JDBCtrademark API
  • HTML syntax
  • JavaServer Pagestrademark technology syntax
  • How to use JDBC databases
  • Javatrademark 2Enterprise Edition (J2EEtrademark) application assembly and deployment concepts
  • Web Services
  • Using application servers such as Suntrademark ONE Application Server 7, Standard Edition

Using the Sun ONE Studio 5, Standard Edition IDE successfully requires a knowledge of J2EEtrademark concepts, as described in the following resources:

Familiarity with the Java API for XML-Based RPC (JAX-RPC) is helpful. For more information, see this web page:

Note - Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party web sites mentioned in this document and does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products, or other materials on or available from such sites or resources. Sun will not be responsible or liable for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services available on or through any such sites or resources.

Typographic Conventions





The names of commands, files, and directories; on-screen computer output

Edit your .cvspass file.

Use DIR to list all files.

Search is complete.


What you type, when contrasted with on-screen computer output

> login



Book titles, new words or terms, words to be emphasized

Read Chapter 6 in the User's Guide.

These are called class options.

You must save your changes.


Command-line variable; replace with a real name or value

To delete a file, type DEL filename.

Related Documentation

Sun ONE Studio documentation includes books delivered in Acrobat Reader (PDF) format, release notes, online help, readme files for example applications, and Javadoctrademark documentation.

Documentation Available Online

The documents described in this section are available from the docs.sun.comSM web site and from the documentation page of the Sun ONE Studio Developer Resources portal at

The web site ( enables you to read, print, and buy Sun Microsystems manuals through the Internet. If you cannot find a manual, see the documentation index that is installed with the product on your local system or network.

  • Release notes (HTML format)
Available for each Sun ONE Studio edition. Describe last-minute release changes and technical notes.
    • Sun ONE Studio 5, Standard Edition Release Notes - part no. 817-2337-10
  • Getting Started guides (PDF format)
Describe how to install the Sun ONE Studio integrated development environment (IDE) on each supported platform and include other pertinent information, such as system requirements, upgrade instructions, application server information, command-line switches, installed subdirectories, database integration, and information on how to use the Update Center.
    • Sun ONE Studio 5, Standard Edition Getting Started Guide - part no. 817-2318-10
    • Sun ONE Studio 4, Mobile Edition Getting Started Guide - part no. 817-1145-10
  • Sun ONE Studio 5 Programming series (PDF format)
This series provides in-depth information on how to use various Sun ONE Studio features to develop well-formed J2EE applications.
    • Building Web Components - part no. 817-2334-10
Describes how to build a web application as a J2EE web module using JSP pages, servlets, tag libraries, and supporting classes and files.
    • Building J2EE Applications - part no. 817-2327-10
Describes how to assemble EJB modules and web modules into a J2EE application and how to deploy and run a J2EE application.
    • Building Enterprise JavaBeans Components - part no. 817-2330-10
Describes how to build EJB components (session beans, message-driven beans, and entity beans with container-managed persistence or bean-managed persistence) using the Sun ONE Studio EJB Builder wizard and other components of the IDE.
    • Building Web Services - part no. 817-2324-10
Describes how to use the Sun ONE Studio IDE to build web services, to make web services available to others through a UDDI registry, and to generate web service clients from a local web service or a UDDI registry.
    • Using Java DataBase Connectivity - part no. 817-2332-10
Describes how to use the JDBC productivity enhancement tools of the Sun ONE Studio IDE, including how to use them to create a JDBC application.
  • Sun ONE Studio tutorials (PDF format)
These tutorials demonstrate how to use the major features of Sun ONE Studio 5, Standard Edition:
    • Sun ONE Studio 5 Web Application Tutorial - part no. 817-2320-10
Provides step-by-step instructions for building a simple J2EE web application.
    • Sun ONE Studio 5 J2EE Application Tutorial - part no. 817-2322-10
Provides step-by-step instructions for building an application using EJB components and web services technology.
    • Sun ONE Studio 4, Mobile Edition Tutorial - part no. 816-7873-10
Provides step-by-step instructions for building a simple application for a wireless device, such as a cellular phone or personal digital assistant (PDA). The application you build is compliant with the Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2MEtrademark platform) and conforms to the Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) and Connected, Limited Device Configuration (CLDC).

You can also find the completed tutorial applications at:

Online Help

Online help is available in the Sun ONE Studio IDE. You can open help by pressing the help key (F1 in Microsoft Windows and Linux environments, Help key in the Solaris environment), or by choosing Help right arrow Contents. Either action displays a list of help topics and a search facility.


You can download examples that illustrate a particular Sun ONE Studio feature, as well as completed tutorial applications, from the Sun ONE Studio Developer Resources portal at:

The site includes the applications that are used in this document.

Javadoc Documentation

Javadoc documentation is available within the IDE for many Sun ONE Studio modules. Refer to the release notes for instructions on installing this documentation.

Documentation in Accessible Formats

The documentation is provided in accessible formats that are readable by assistive technologies for users with disabilities. You can find accessible versions of documentation as described in the following table.

Type of Documentation

Format and Location of Accessible Version

Books and tutorials




Integrated example readmes

HTML in the example subdirectories of s1studio-install-directory/examples

Release notes


Contacting Sun Technical Support

If you have technical questions about this product that are not answered in this document, go to:

Sun Welcomes Your Comments

Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and suggestions. Email your comments about this book to Sun at this address:

Please include the part number (817-2318-10) of this document in the subject line of your email.