C H A P T E R  1

Preparing for Installation

This chapter contains information that you need before you install the Suntrademark ONE Studio 5, Standard Edition IDE. This release of Sun ONE Studio includes Suntrademark ONE Application Server 7, Standard Edition and PointBase Server 4.2 Restricted Edition (PointBase). The installation of these products with the Sun ONE Studio installer results in an integrated enterprise level tool for developing and deploying applications written in the Javatrademark programming language using J2EE concepts.

This chapter covers:

Overview of the Installation Process

This section describes the general process for installing and configuring the Sun ONE Studio IDE on your system.

TABLE 1-1 Overview of IDE Installation and Configuration


For Instructions

Verify that your platform is supported.

Supported Platforms

Verify the system and disk space requirements.

System and Disk Space Requirements

(Solaris only) Install the necessary Solaris patches.

See Applying the Solaris 8 OS Patches

Verify that you have access to the required verion of the J2SE platform.

Verifying Your J2SE Platform

Determine if you have the correct permissions to install the IDE.

Having the Correct User Privileges

Determine if you want to keep your previous version of the IDE.

Supporting Previous Software Releases

Install the IDE.

Set up your initial IDE environment.

Setting Up the IDE

(Optional) Confirm configuration of Sun ONE Application Server 7.

Using Sun ONE Application Server With the IDE

(Optional) Validate your installation of the IDE by creating a simple J2EE application.

Validating Your IDE Installation

(Optional) Configure PointBase.

Using Databases With the IDE

(Optional) Configure your WebLogic Server environment.

Using BEA WebLogic Servers With the IDE

Supported Platforms

The Sun ONE Studio 5, Standard Edition IDE is supported on the following platforms:

System and Disk Space Requirements

TABLE 1-2 lists the system requirements needed to install a minimum configuration on any of the supported platforms.

TABLE 1-2 Sun ONE Studio 5, Standard Edition System Requirements

Supported Platforms

Minimum Configuration

Recommended Configuration

Windows 2000, Windows XP

Pentium III, 500 MHz

512 MB RAM

Pentium III, 1GHz

768 MB RAM

Red Hat Linux 7.2

Pentium III 500 MHz

512 MB RAM

Pentium III, 1GHz

768 MB RAM

Solaris 8, Solaris 9 operating systems (32-bit/64-bit, UltraSPARC® platform)

Ultratrademark 60, 450 MHz

512 MB RAM

Sun Bladetrademark 1000, 750 MHz


These are general guidelines. Your requirements might vary depending on which additional software you have installed for use with the Sun ONE Studio.

Disk Space Requirements

The main factor in determining how much installation disk space you need is to know if the Sun ONE Studio IDE installer will install the IDE and the Sun ONE Application Server or just the IDE. The IDE installer looks for an existing installation of Sun ONE Application Server 7 and PointBase Server 4.2 Restricted Edition on your system.

The PointBase Server 4.2 Restricted Edition is the default database provided with the IDE. The database is provided so you can start immediately to build and deploy applications. You need this database to use the Sun ONE Studio examples and tutorials.

Temporary Space Requirements

Running the installer requires sufficient temporary space to unpack the installation files.

Space Requirements by Platform

The space requirements are described in TABLE 1-3 for Microsoft Windows, TABLE 1-4 for Linux systems, and TABLE 1-5 for Solaris OS systems..

TABLE 1-3 Disk Space Requirements for Microsoft Windows


Sun ONE Studio plus Sun ONE Application Server 7

Sun ONE Studio only


450 MB

150 MB

temporary space as defined in user variable TEMP found in System Properties

190 MB

190 MB

TABLE 1-4 Disk Space Requirements for Linux OS


Sun ONE Studio plus Sun ONE Application Server 7

Sun ONE Studio


485 MB

150 MB

/tmp (temporary space)

200 MB

200 MB


2 MB



20 MB



8 MB


TABLE 1-5 Disk Space Requirements for Solaris OS


Sun ONE Studio plus Sun ONE Application Server 7

Sun ONE Studio


550 MB

150 MB

/var/tmp (temporary space)

190 MB

190 MB


76 MB



4 MB



30 MB


Verifying Your J2SE Platform

To install the Sun ONE Studio IDE you must have one of the following:

Note - To maximize runtime performance, the J2SE platform should be installed on and accessed from your local system.

The recommended J2SE platform version is included on the product companion CD-ROM. You can also find J2SE platform versions at http://java.sun.com/j2se/downloads.html.

At this site, you can access current versions as well as archived J2SE platform versions. Sun maintains the download site for previously released versions of the J2SE platform and related products that have completed the end-of-life process and are no longer covered by standard support contracts. These downloads are made available as a courtesy to developers to assist in problem resolution. Look for the section titled "Download Archived Releases" or the Archived Downloads link.

procedure icon  To Determine Your Current J2SE Platform Version

The output looks similar to the following:
java -version
java version "1.4.1_02"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.1_02-b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.1_02-b02, mixed mode)

If you do not have at least the J2SE version 1.4.1_02 platform available to your system, you must install the supported J2SE version 1.4.1_02 platform.

Depending on how you have your PATH environment variable set, the java -version command may not return complete results. If this command does not return the correct version and you know you have a suitable J2SE version on your system, use the command line option, -is:javahome, to specify the the path. See Appendix D for details.

procedure icon  To Install the J2SE Version 1.4.1_02 Platform

Note - (Solaris only) Prior to installing the J2SE platform, you must ensure that you have installed the full set of required patches. See Applying the Solaris 8 OS Patches.

1. Obtain the appropriate platform-specific installer file from http://java.sun.com/j2se/downloads.html or from the Sun ONE Studio 5 companion CD.

TABLE 1-6 lists the installer file names for each supported platform.

2. Install the J2SE version 1.4.1_02 platform on your system.

Installation instructions can be found on the web site. If you have the product CDs, you can find the installation instructions on the companion CD in the same directory as the J2SE software installer file.

TABLE 1-6 J2SE Software Installer File Names.


Companion CD Directory

Installer File Name

Microsoft Windows



Linux OS



Solaris OS 32-bit



Solaris OS 64-bit



Supporting Previous Software Releases

To upgrade your previous version of the Sun ONE Studio IDE to Sun ONE Studio 5, Standard Edition, you must do one of the following:

  • To keep your previous version of the IDE, identify a different directory in which to install the Sun ONE Studio 5 software when prompted during installation.
To use the same installation directory as the previous IDE version, first uninstall the previous version of the IDE prior to installing Sun ONE Studio 5 software. See the Getting Started Guide for your currently installed version of the IDE.
  • To keep your current IDE user settings, specify the location of your current user directory when prompted during the initial IDE setup on the Settings Import wizard. See Setting Up the IDE.

Having the Correct User Privileges

On a Solaris or Linux system, you must have superuser (root) privileges to install a standard installation of this software. A standard installation includes Sun ONE Studio and Sun ONE Application Server 7 with PointBase. On a Linux system, if you have an existing installation of Sun ONE Application Server 7, including PointBase, then you do not need superuser privileges because only the IDE is installed.

On a Microsoft Windows system, you must have administrative privileges to install a standard installation of this software. A standard installation includes Sun ONE Studio and Sun ONE Application Server 7 with PointBase. If you have an existing installation of Sun ONE Application Server 7, including PointBase, then you do not need administrator privileges because only the IDE is installed.

If you do not have the proper user privileges or are unfamiliar with installing software necessitating these privileges, please contact your system administrator for assistance.