C H A P T E R  12

Troubleshooting Problems

This chapter provides tips for how to troubleshoot problems that you might encounter in the following areas:

Installing Solaris 8 OS Patches With the solaris_patch_installer

TABLE 12-1 describes problems you might encounter using the solaris_patch_installer script.

TABLE 12-1 solaris_patch_installer Problems



You get an error message similar to the following after running the solaris_patch_installer on a newly installed Solaris 8 OS:

# ./solaris_patch_installer

Solaris Patch Installer for J2SE, v.1.4.1
Installing 109147-14... successfully installed
Installing 108434-06...


Installing 108773-12... pkgadd failed
Cannot continue patch installation.
For more details, please look at /var/tmp/solaris_patch_installer.log

Run the solaris_patch_installer script a second time. If you continue to have problems, contact your Solaris system administrator.

This error can occur if you have a more recent revision of a patch on your system than the one that is included in the script. The script does not install the older patch version. In rare cases, the subsequent patch that the script tries to install has an explicit dependency on that older patch. When this situation arises, it will be necessary to examine the specific patches on the system and use the patches listed in Appendix A to decide what to do. This task is best done by an experienced system administrator. Remember, the order in which the solaris_patch_installer installs the patches is important. The patches are installed in the order listed in Appendix A.

Installing the IDE

TABLE 12-2 describes problems you might encounter during the IDE installation.

TABLE 12-2 Sun ONE Studio 5 IDE Installation Problems



You get an error message while installing the Sun ONE Studio 5 IDE:
Error writing file = There may not be enough temporary disk space. Try using -is:tempdir to use a temporary directory on a partition with more disk space

Start the installer using -is:tempdir command-line option to specify a directory with more space. Don't specify a directory on an NFS-mounted filesystem. Don't specify a directory using a symlink.

For example, in a Solaris operating environment, type the following at the command prompt:

$ s1s5se-sol-sparc-en.bin -is:tempdir temporary-directory

The installer fails and displays a message that there is not enough available disk space to use for installation. However, the file system you specified for installing the IDE has plenty of available disk space.

Determine if the filesystem you specified is symbolically linked to another file system whose disk space is not recognized. For example, in a Solaris environment, /export/home has 2 GB of space and / has 100 MB. The /opt directory is symbolically linked to /export/home. If you specified /opt/s1studio as the IDE installation directory, the Sun ONE Studio 5 installer does not recognize the symbolic link to /export/home. The installer recognizes only the / directory, which is the target directory for /opt and has only 100 MB.

To correct the problem, directly specify the filesystem with the larger available disk space as the installation directory.

You get the following error message while installing the Sun ONE Studio 5 IDE:
Error: Could not find JVM

Start the installer with the -is:javahome command-line option, to specify where the J2SE platform is installed.

For example, in a Solaris OS, type the following at the command prompt:

s1s5se-sol-sparc-en.bin -is:javahome java-home-directory

(UNIX only) The installer looks like it has hung. No messages are displayed.

  • Check that the DISPLAY environment variable is set correctly. If you are installing on your local system, the DISPLAY environment variable should be set to your-machine-name:0.0.
  • Check that you have enabled access to the X server with the command xhost + your-machine-name.

See Chapter 3 for Linux systems installation and Chapter 4 for Solaris OS installation.

(Solaris OS only)

ERROR: could not initialize interface awt - exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:130


Wizard.getExitCode(): called after WizardServices is shutdown.

Wizard.getExitCode(): called after WizardServices is shutdown.

This error indicates that your DISPLAY environment variable is not set correctly. In some cases, you need to make sure that it includes the domain as well as the host name. For example:

setenv DISPLAY your-machine-name.your-domain:0.0

The IDE installer exits without installing the product. No messages are displayed.

  • The file you downloaded from the Sun ONE Studio product download page is not complete. Download the file again and check that the size of the downloaded file is the same as the file size specified on the product download page. Run the IDE installer again.
  • You have specified an invalid command-line parameter in the installer-name.sp file. Check the file and correct the command-line options. Run the IDE installer again. See Appendix D.
  • Run the installer launcher (installer-name.exe file or installer-name.bin file) with the option -is:log log.txt, where installer-name is the specific installer file name for your platform. Check log.txt for possible errors. See Appendix D.

(Solaris OS only) While attempting to install using remote CD drive, the following error is seen in the CD Mount Support dialog box:

No CD found. Please insert Sun ONE Studio 5 CD.

You are attempting to install from a remote CD drive mounted through NFS. NFS is not supported. You should invoke installation directly from the remote CD drive. You must still have the proper J2SE platform version installed on the local machine. Run the Solaris installer from the following location:


The -is:tempdir command-line option is not working.

Ensure that you are using the correct syntax for the command-line option. For example, in a Solaris environment, the syntax is as follows:

s1s5se_sol-sparc-en.bin -is:tempdir temporary-directory.

Don't specify a directory on an NFS-mounted filesystem.

You get an error message that says that the product is not supported for the Solaris 7 OS after you inserted the product CD on a computer running in the Solaris 7 operating environment.

The Sun ONE Studio 5 IDE is only supported for the Solaris 8 and Solaris 9 OS.

(Solaris OS only) You get the following error message:

ERROR: cannot find product/product.xml on your computer.

Stop and restart the volume management process (vold) on your system, and run the installer again.

  1. Ensure that CD-ROMs or floppy disks are not being used. If you are not sure whether you have found all users of the media, run the fuser command.
  2. Become superuser.
  3. Stop volume management.
    # /etc/init.d/volmgt stop
  4. Restart volume management.
    # /etc/init.d/volmgt start

(Solaris OS only) Not able to eject the product CD after running the installer manually.

After running the installer manually, change out of the CD-ROM directory before trying to eject the CD-ROM from the drive. The CD-ROM is not ejecting because the system is detecting that the CD is being used.

(Linux RedHat 7.2 only) During installation, the installer componenet panel displays the message:

The installation of Sun ONE Application Server 7 with PointBase is not supported on your platform.

Linux RedHat 7.2 is a supported platform. However, if you have modified the /etc/redhat-release system file, the installer cannot recognize your platform as valid.

The installer is looking for the value "Red Hat Linux release 7.2" in the system file.

(Solaris OS) After inserting the CD, the installer started but displayed the following message:

The installation cannot continue for the following reason(s): To install Sun ONE Studio 5 you need to log in as superuser or a user with administrator privileges.

You are logged in as a standard user without the appropriate permissions to install this product. Do one of the following:

Method one:

  1. Click Finish on the installer wizard page.
  2. Open a terminal window and type eject cdrom.
  3. Log out of your system.
  4. Log in to your sytem as a superuser. .
  5. Reinsert the CD.


Method two:

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Enable access to the Xserver by typing xhost + your-machine-name.
  3. Set the DISPLAY environment variable to your local machine by typing, for example: setenv DISPLAY your-machine-name:0.0
  4. Become a superuser.
  5. Change to the CD-ROM directory. Type:
    cd /cdrom/en_studiose_5
  6. Invoke the installer. Type:
  7. When the installation is finished, disable the Xserver by typing xhost -, then exit from superuser privileges.


If you do not have the proper login permissions, contact your system administrator.

(Solaris OS only) During installation, you see this error message: J2SDK packages SUNWj2rt or SUNWj3rt are missing on your system. you must install a valid package-based JDK 1.4.1_02 (or later) before running this installer.

Some of the default Java packages on your Solaris OS have been removed. You must install a package-based J2SE platform that meets the minimum requirements. See Chapter 1 for more details.

(UNIX systems) The installer Summary panel indicates that your installation was successful, but when you review the install.log file, you see the following error: Setup.product.install, com.sun.installer.

InstallApplicationServerAction, err, Error occured while

installing [0] -> /s1studio-install-directory/appserver_inst/install.sh

/s1studio-install-directory/appserver_inst statefile ../install.log where s1studio-install-directory is an NFS-mounted filesystem.

This error occurs on UNIX systems if you specify an NFS-mounted filesystem as the installation directory. As a result of this error, the IDE has been installed, but not Sun ONE Application Server 7.

For best results, it is recommended that you uninstall the IDE, then reinstall the IDE specifying a local filesystem directory for your installation directory. See Chapter 11.

If necessary, also see Identifying and Fixing an Incomplete Uninstallation for additional help.

(Microsoft Windows) After exiting the installer or uninstaller wizard, you see the WindowsNativeToolkit process consuming a large percentage of your CPU resources.

The WindowsNativeToolkit process is started during installation and uninstallation. Sometimes it does not stop properly. Use the Windows Task Manager to find any instances of the process WindowsNativeToolkit and end the process.

(Solaris OS) The installer Summary panel indicates that installation was successful, but when you review the install.log file, you see the following error: Installing Appserver...

Existing Sun ONE Message Queue 3.0 installation has been detected. Silent installation cannot proceed. Please consult Installation Guide for upgrade information.

Can't write statefile "s1studio-install-directory/appserver7/statefile" :java.io.FileNotFoundException: "s1studio-install-directory/appserver7/statefile (No such file or directory)

(date-time) Finished Installing Appserver7...

This indicates that the Sun ONE Application Server was not installed.

This problem occurs if you try to install Sun ONE Studio 5 on a system that already has Suntrademark One Message Queue 3.0 software installed. This has caused the Sun ONE Application Server 7 installation to fail and only the IDE has been installed. To fix this problem, follow these steps:

  1. Uninstall Message Queue 3.0 using the pgkrm utility. See the Sun ONE Message Queue Installation Guide at http://docs.sun.com/source/816-5928-10/index.html for details on uninstalling this software.
  2. Uninstall the IDE. See To Uninstall the IDE (Solaris OS).
  3. Reinstall Sun ONE Studio 5.

Starting the IDE

TABLE 12-3 describes problems you might receive during startup and configuration of the newly installed IDE.

TABLE 12-3 Sun ONE Studio 5 Startup and Configuration Problems



When starting the IDE, you get an error message similar to the following:

ERROR: The J2SE[tm] 1.2.1 found at /usr/java1.2/bin/java cannot be used by the IDE. J2SE[tm] 1.4.1_02 is recommended.
NOTE: You can download and install the J2SE[tm] and related Solaris[tm] patches from http://access1.sun.com/forte/.

Warning: Current runtime environment does not satisfy minimum requirements.

The values of the $JAVA_PATH and $JDK_HOME environment variables override the value of the J2SE platform path you specified during the IDE installation. You need to unset these environment variables or use the -jdkhome command-line option when starting the IDE. See .

You experience performance problems running the IDE.

Increase your virtual memory or swap space to 1.5 to 2 times the amount of your machines's installed RAM.

Using Start Menu Items
(Microsoft Windows Platform)

TABLE 12-4 describes errors you might receive using the Start menu items on Microsoft Windows to access documentation, examples and tutorials, or other items that take you to a web page. These errors are due to the way Microsoft Windows is interpreting your browser settings.

TABLE 12-4 Start Menu Errors (Windows)



Error message appears when you select one of the IDE Start Menu items that take you to a web page. For example:

Error: Cannot find the file C:\Sun\studio5_se\docs\documentation.html. Make sure the path and filename are correct and that all required libraries are available.

This error is a Microsoft Windows error that occurs when using a Netscape browser. If you have Netscape set as the program to open HTML pages, but you don't set Netscape as your default browser, you may see this error.

Click OK to dismiss the error.


To solve this problem, set Netscape as your default browser, or set Internet Explorer as the program to open HTML pages.

A subsequent error message appears after dismissing the one described above.

Error: Unable to run this command.

Click OK to dismiss this error.

Set Netscape as your default browser.

Running Web Services

TABLE 12-5 describes error messages you might get when running a web service using any of the application servers supported by the IDE.

TABLE 12-5 Errors When Running a Web Service With Any Application Server



[java.rmi.RemoteException: HTTP transport error: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused; nested exception is: HTTP transport error: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused

  • Changes were made to the web service, and you did not refresh the web service client that was making the call to the web service. To refresh the web service client: Right-click the web service client node and select Refresh From Web Service. from the contextual menu. This regenerates the client proxy to reflect the changes made to the web service.
  • After you developed and deployed your web service, you changed the target deployment server and you did not change the web service SOAP RPC URL. To fix this:
  • Change the SOAP RPC URL property found on the web service property sheet.
  • Right-click the web service node and choose Generate Web Service Files.
  • If you have a default client, right-click it and select Refresh From Web Service.
  • Redeploy the web service.

[java.rmi.RemoteException:cannot connect to server:Not found;

nested exception is: cannot connect to server: Not found

The Web Context property of the web module in the J2EE application does not match the context root specified in the SOAP RPC URL property of the web service. To view the Web Context property of the web module:

  1. Expand the J2EE application to which the web service was added.
  2. Right-click the web module of the web service (the file whose name ends in _War) and choose Properties.
  3. The Web Context property is one of the properties displayed in the Properties window.

To view the context of the SOAP RPC URL property of the web service:

  1. Right-click the web service node and choose Properties.
  2. The SOAP RPC URL property displays a value that is similar to the following:

The first instance of MyService in this URL is the context root or web context. You can change it to any value of your choice, but it must match the value of the Web Context property of the web module in the J2EE application.

Running Web Services Using UDDI

TABLE 12-6 describes error messages you might get when running a web service using UDDI.

TABLE 12-6 Errors When Running a Web Service Using UDDI



You get an empty web page when viewing .wsdl files.

Many versions of the Netscape web browser do not display the .wsdl file. View the page's source file to see the actual .wsdl file.

You get the following exception when searching for anything in a UDDI registry using the New Client wizard:

If you intend to use a public UDDI registry, set the User Proxy Server name and port information in the IDE.

  • Choose Tools right arrow Setup Wizard from the main window of the IDE and provide the User Proxy Server name and port.

You must restart the IDE for the values to take effect.

The internal UDDI registry server fails to start and displays the following exception:

jjava.lang.RuntimeException: RegistryServerSevlet.initializeDB(...):

com.sun.xnode.XNodeException: aborting connection attempt.,

RegistryServerServlet.init(...): connection: 1, Database failed to connect

A possible cause is that a previous Xindice server instance was not terminated properly. (On a Microsoft Windows system, you might have to restart the operating system to get rid of these server instances.)

  1. Terminate the corresponding Java processes associated with that Xindice server instance.
  2. Restart the IDE.

Always terminate the internal UDDI registry server using the following steps:

  1. Select the Runtime tab of the Explorer.
  2. Expand the UDDI Server Registry node.
  3. Right-click the Internal UDDI Registry and choose Stop Server from the contextual menu.

Using WebLogic Server 6.1 or 7.0

TABLE 12-7 describes error messages you might get when using WebLogic Server 6.1 or 7.0.

TABLE 12-7 Errors When Using WebLogic Server 6.1 or 7.0



WebLogic server is unable to download its XML document definitions from the BEA web site.

If you deploy a J2EE application client to the WebLogic server, the server must be able to download its XML document definitions from the WebLogic web site. If your connection to the web requires a proxy server, specify this setting in the IDE before deploying an application to the WebLogic server. To set the proxy server, choose Tools right arrow Setup Wizard and specify your proxy and web browser settings.

When executing a J2EE application you see the following error:

Error configuring application listener of class ...<.JAXRPCContextListener>

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ...<JAXRPCContentListener>

You started the WebLogic server from outside the IDE. Please see to start the server from the IDE.

If you must start the server from outside the IDE, add the following to the WebLogic class path environment variable. For example, on a Microsoft Windows system, the path t add is s1studio-install-directory\jwsdp\jwsdp-common-lib\jwsdp-common.jar. See WebLogic documentation for more information if needed.

Identifying and Fixing an Incomplete Uninstallation

If the IDE uninstaller wizard quits before all the product files are deleted, some files, directories, and other system entries are not properly uninstalled.

You can identify a failed uninstallation in the following ways:

If you have a failed uninstallation you might encounter problems if you try to reinstall the same or different versions of the IDE or if you try to install a stand-alone version of Sun ONE Application Server 7.

If you used an uninstallation method other than the provided uninstaller wizard, you might be left with an incomplete or corrupted uninstallation. The following sections describe what to do to fix your system if you determine that you have an incomplete uninstallation. You can also visit the Knowledge Base at the Sun ONE Studio Developer Resources portal at the following URL: http://forte.sun.com/ffj.

procedure icon  To Fix a Failed Uninstall (Microsoft Windows Platform)

1. Be sure you are logged in as a user with administrator privileges.

2. Locate the application server uninstaller in your s1studio-install-directory.

The default installation directory is %SystemDrive%\Sun\studio5_se.If this executable is not present, continue to Step 4.

3. Run the application server uninstaller and continue to Step 4.

C:\> s1studio-install-directory\appserver7\uninstall.exe

4. Stop the WindowsNativeToolkit processes and remove corresponding files.

a. Use the Windows Task Manager to find any instances of the process WindowsNativeToolkit and end the process.

b. Delete the WindowsNativeToolkit file found at %TEMP%\WindowsNativeToolkit_version-id.exe.

5. Use the wincleanup.exe utility to remove services corresponding to the default domain and any instances you created.

a. Locate the wincleanup.exe utility at s1studio-install-directory\appserver7\bin\wincleanup.exe.

If the utility is not at this location, you can download it from http://forte.sun.com/ffj. Look underneath the heading IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY.

b. Run wincleanup.exe to remove the default domain services.

C:\> s1studio-install-directory\appserver7\bin\wincleanup.exe

c. Repeat Step b for any additional domains or server instances you have created, using the service (domain or server) name as an argument.

C:\> s1studio-install-directory\appserver7\bin\wincleanup.exe service-name

6. Using the Windows Registry Editor, delete the following folder and its contents from the Windows Registry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sun Microsystems\Application Server

7. Remove the following key and its contents:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Sun ONE Application Server 7

8. Remove the application server entries from the productregistry file located at %SystemRoot%\system32\.

9. Remove the Start Menu Program Group named Sun Microsystems > Sun ONE Application Server 7 and its contents (Program Items).

10. Remove the Start Menu Program Group named Sun Microsystems > Sun ONE Studio 5 SE and its contents.

11. Remove the product files from the s1studio-install-directory.

12. Reboot the system so that the system comes up with a clean registry.

procedure icon  To Fix a Failed Uninstall (Solaris OS)

1. Enable client access to the X server.

% xhost + your-local-machine

2. Set the DISPLAY environment variable to display to your local system.

For example, if you use the C shell, type:

% setenv DISPLAY your-local-machine:0.0

3. Become a superuser.

4. Open the Solaris Product Registry tool.

# /usr/bin/prodreg &

5. Expand the System Registry node and choose the Sun ONE Application Server node.

6. Click Uninstall and follow the instructions.

7. Remove the remaining files in the s1studio-install-directory.

# rm -r s1studio-install-directory

Note - Remove the program files and directories as the last step in this procedure.

The following Solaris packages are installed by the IDE installer:

  • SUNWasaco
  • SUNWascmo
  • SUNWasdbo
  • SUNWasdmo
  • SUNWasdvo
  • SUNWaslco
  • SUNWaso
  • SUNWaspx
  • SUNWasro

Use this list as a reference to be sure you removed all of them. It is recommended that you only remove these packages manually if the uninstaller wizard and the Solaris Product Registry tool failed to remove them.

8. Disable client access to the X server and exit from superuser privileges.

# xhost - your-local-machine
# exit

procedure icon  To Cleanup a Failed Uninstall (Linux Systems)

1. Become a superuser.

2. Query for installed application server rpm packages.

# rpm -qa | grep SUNW

You see some or all of the following packages:

  • SUNWasaco-7.0.0-0.0.0
  • SUNWaso-7.0.0-0.0.0
  • SUNWtls-3.3.2-0.0.0
  • SUNWxsrt-7.0.0-0.0.0
  • SUNWjhrt-7.0.0-0.0.0
  • SUNWascmo-7.0.0-0.0.0
  • SUNWjaxp-7.0.0-0.0.0
  • SUNWxrgrt-7.0.0-0.0.0
  • SUNWasdmo-7.0.0-0.0.0
  • SUNWicu-7.0.0-0.0.0
  • SUNWasro-7.0.0-0.0.0
  • SUNWjaf-7.0.0-0.0.0
  • SUNWxrpcrt-7.0.0-0.0.0
  • SUNWpr-4.1.2-0.0.0
  • SUNWjmail-7.0.0-0.0.0
  • SUNWaclg-7.0.0-0.0.0
  • SUNWasdbo-7.0.0-0.0.0

3. Remove any of the 17 packages listed above that appear in the output from the command in Step 2

# rpm -e package-name

4. Check for installed Message Queue packages.

# rpm -qa | grep imq
# imq-3.0.1-01

5. If found, as illustrated in Step 4, remove theMessage Queue packages.

# rpm -e imq-3.0.1-01

6. Rename /var/tmp/productregistry to /var/tmp/productregistry.BACKUP.

7. Remove the following directories, using the rm -rf command:

  • /var/opt/imq
  • /etc/opt/imq
  • /var/opt/SUNWappserver7
  • /etc/opt/SUNWappserver7
  • /tmp/*admin*
  • /tmp/*domain*
  • /tmp/*server*

8. Remove the s1studio-install-directory.

$ rm -rf /s1studio-install-directory

9. Exit from superuser privileges.