C H A P T E R  15

Tutorial--Section 3.3
Test Run the Login/Logout Command Component

This chapter describes how to run your Suntrademark ONE Application Framework application.

Task 3: Test Run the Login/Logout Command

Important: Make sure the PointBase Network Server is running. If it is not, you can start it in the Suntrademark ONE Studio as follows:

1. Select menu option Tools -> PointBase Network Server -> Start Server.

Since you have created a new class and made modifications to two other classes, be sure to compile/deploy the application.

2. Right-click the Application Classes node, and select the Compile All action.

3. If you are running on Suntrademark ONE Application Server, you must Deploy the application when changes are made.

Select the Sun ONE Application Framework Application node (JatoTutorial), and click the Deploy button on the Sun ONE Application Framework toolbar.

4. Select the LoginPage node, and click the Execute Page (Redeploy) button

Using this execute and redeploy option restarts the server to ensure the server picks up all changes and does not use any cached resources.

A default browser starts the application.

Note - In sections 3.1 and 3.2, you hardcoded three customer numbers into the login validation. The new UserAccessCommand will validate the entered customer number against the database.

For your convenience, a list of the valid customer numbers from the sample PointBase database is as follows: 1, 2, 3, 25, 36, 106, 149, 409, 410, 722, 753, 777, 863

5. Enter an invalid customer number first.

This figure shows an invalid customer number. 

6. Enter a valid customer number.

This figure shows an valid customer number. 

7. Try the Logout link.

This figure shows a successful logout.