

Add a ViewBean, 1

Add JDBC Datasource option, 1

Add Model button, 1

Add Page button, 1

Advanced Tip - Modules, 1

Alternative runtime environments, 1

Application Framework application, description, 1

Application Framework applications, how organized, 1

Application Framework JDBC Datasource wizard, 1

Application Framework module, description, 1

application layout, observe, 1

Application Location panel, 1

Application Name folder, select, 1

application pages, link, 1

Application Properties panel, 1

Application Servlet, 1

application servlet not required, 1

application servlet, JatoTutorialAppServletBase, super class, 1

Application, Run the, 1

application, tutorial, about, 1

Associate JSP panel, 1, 2

assumptions for this tutorial, 1

audience for this tutorial, 1

Auto Retrieving Models combo box, 1

Auto Retrieving Models custom editor, 1

Auto Retrieving Models property, 1


base directory, default, 1

Basic ViewBean option, select, 1

basics covered in tutorial, 1

Before You Begin, 1 - 2

Bind Display Fields panel, 1

Bound fields list box, 1

Button Command Descriptor, configure, 1

Button Component, add, 1


Certification, QA, 1

Choose Template panel, 1

Columns node of the CustomerModel, 1

Command Component, create, 1

Command Descriptor editor, 1

Command Descriptor property, set, 1

comments, send to Sun, 1

Component Palette, 1

Create an Application Wizard, 1

Current Application Components, 1

Customer Page, add hidden field, 1

Customer Page, create, 1

Customer Page, test run, 1

customer record, enable button to update, 1

Customer Update, test, 1

CustomerMode, Create, 1

CustomerModel object, created in main module, 1

CustomerPage, 1

CustomerPage node, 1


deployment step required, 1

Design-Time Resources folder, 1

directory location for new application, 1

Display Fields, add to Login page, 1


accessing, 1


events, module servlet, about, 1

execute Method, add code to, 1

Execute Page (Redeploy) button, 1

Execute Page button, 1


Features, Application Framework, 1

feedback, for Sun, 1

first page of application, create, 1

front controller servlet, 1


Getting Started, 1, 2 - 3

Google Search Page, create, 1

Google Search Page, test run, 1

Google Search Page, test run, with results, 1

Google Web service software SDK, download, 1


handleLoginRequest Method in LoginPage, edit, 1

HREF Command Descriptor, configure, 1

HREF tag in Customer JSP, format, 1

HREF, add to a Customer page, 1


infrastructure, need to create, 1


J2EE application, description, 1

J2EE component, description, 1

J2EE module, description, 1

J2EE Web application, description, 1

J2EE/Sun ONE Application Framework Terminology, 1

JDBC datasource panel, 1

JDBC Datasources, 1

JDBC Datasources node, 1

JDBC Datasources, create additional, 1

JDBC SQL Model, create, 1

JDBC URL, makes connection to database, 1

JSP Content, format, 1

JSP, format the, 1

JSP, formatting, 1


location, directory, for new application, 1

login name, invalid, 1

Login Page, create, 1

Login Page, link to Customer Page, 1

Login Page, test run, 1, 2

Login, test a successful, 1

Login/Logout Command, test run, 1

LoginPage, 1

LoginPage node, 1


main module folder, 1

MainModuleServlet, 1

Manual Code Technique, 1

Model Associations panel, 1

Model Auto Retrieve, making, 1

Model Field Properties tab in property sheet, 1

Model's Key Field(s), mark, 1

Module Properties panel, 1

Module Servlet, 1

module servlet hierarchy, can be customized, 1

module, only one in this application, 1


New App Directory field, 1

New datasource name textbox, 1

Non-JNDI Enabled Containers, add connection code for, 1

Non-Visual Components node, 1


Operation Name property, 1

organization of Application Framework applications, 1


Page Component, add, 1

Pagelet, add to a page, 1

part number, IDE Guide, 1

Point & Click Technique (code-free), 1

PointBase driver, 1

PointBase Network Server (database server), starting, 1

Preface, 1 - 2

Primary Model Dataset Name, getting correct, 1


QA Certification, 1


RDBMS database, assumption, 1

related documentation, 1

Rename option, 1

RequestHandler property, 1

Runtime Environments, alternative, 1


Sample Database, connect to, 1

Search Button, enable, 1

Search, try a, 1, 2

Section 4.1, Prepare to Create a Web Service Model, 1 - 2

Section 4.2, Create the Google Search Page, 1 - 2

Section 4.3, Test Run the Google Search Page, 1 - 2

Section 4.4, Add Results Listing to the Google Search Page, 1 - 2

Section 4.5, Test Run the Google Search Page, 1 - 2

Select connection combo box, 1

Select Database Tables page, 1

Select Datasource page, 1

Select Model Type panel, 1

Select Table Columns page, 1

Select View Type panel, 1

servlet classes created, 1

Settings & Configuration folder, 1

SQL Database, accessing, 1

SQL-based model, add, 1

SQL-based model, add page to display data, 1

Static Text Field option, 1

success message, 1

successful login, test, 1

Sun documentation, accessing, 1

Sun ONE Application Framework

Primary Features, 1

Sun ONE Studio editor display, 1

Sun ONE Web Application, new, 1

Sun technical support, 1

super class, application servlet, JatoTutorialAppServletBase, 1

support, technical, 1


technical support, 1

Terminology, J2EE/Sun ONE Application Framework, 1

TiledView Pagelet Component, configure, 1

TiledView Pagelet, create, 1

TiledView, add, 1

Tomcat (and other non-JNDI containers) SQL Connection Preparation, 1

tree, Sun ONE Application, 1

tutorial basics, 1

Tutorial Sections (Links to), 1 - 2

Tutorial, about, 1

tutorial, goal of, 1

Tutorial-Section 1.1, Application Infrastructure, 1 - 2

Tutorial-Section 1.2, Create Login Page, 1 - 2

Tutorial-Section 1.3, Test Run the Login Page, 1 - 2

Tutorial-Section 2.1, Prepare Application to Access SQL Database, 1 - 2

Tutorial-Section 2.2, Create the CustomerModel, 1 - 2

Tutorial-Section 2.3, Create Customer Page, 1 - 2

Tutorial-Section 2.4, Test Run the Customer Page, 1 - 2

Tutorial-Section 2.5, Link Login Page to Customer Page, 1 - 2

Tutorial-Section 2.6, Run Application, 1 - 2

Tutorial-Section 3.1, Create a Command Component, 1 - 2

Tutorial-Section 3.2, Add a Logout Link to the Customer Page, 1 - 2

Tutorial-Section 3.3, Test Run the Login/Logout Command Component, 1 - 2


Unsuccessful Login, test, 1

Use formatting to beautify fields on JSP - option, 1

Use formatting to beautify fields on JSP check box, 1

UserAccessCommand Component, create, 1


View beans tab, Basic ViewBean option, 1

View Location panel, 1

ViewBean - created, 1

ViewBean, add, 1

Visual Components node, 1

Visual Components, add more to page, 1


Web Application, compile, 1

Web Service Model, create, 1

Web Service SDK, download, 1

Web Service User Registration and Downloading, 1

Web Service, register to use, 1

writing Application Framework applications, discussion, 1