C H A P T E R  18

Tutorial--Section 4.3
Test Run the Google Search Page

This chapter describes how to run your Suntrademark ONE Application Framework application.

Task 3: Test Run the Google Search Page

Since you have made modifications to a few classes, be sure to compile the application.

1. Right-click the Application Classes node, and select the Compile All action.

If you are running on Sun ONE Application Server, you must Deploy the application when changes are made.

2. Select the Sun ONE Application Framework Application node (JatoTutorial), and click the Deploy button on the Sun ONE Application Framework toolbar.

3. Select the GoogleSearchPage node, and click the Execute Page (Redeploy) button.

Using this execute and redeploy option restarts the server to ensure the server picks up all changes and does not use any cached resources.

A default browser starts the application.

The results portion of the page initially has zeroes for values.

The search will return values for those fields.

Caution - If you receive the following exception, you might have forgotten to do step 15 of part 4.2.1 (remove the googleSearchModel from the GoogleSearchPage's Auto Retrieving Models property):

com.iplanet.jato.NavigationException: Exception encountered during forward
Root cause = [com.iplanet.jato.model.ModelControlException: no current dataset assigned yet]

Try a Search

1. Enter a search query string.

In the figure shown below, the Search for is lacrosse.

2. Click the Search button.

This figure shows a Google Search (in this case, the search is for lacrosse). 

3. Try other searches to see what results you receive.