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Sun ONE Application Framework Tutorial

Suntrademark ONE Studio 5 update 1




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1. Before You Begin

Primary Features of the Sun ONE Application Framework

QA Certification

2. Getting Started


Writing Sun ONE Application Framework Applications

J2EE/Sun ONE Application Framework Terminology

How Sun ONE Application Framework Applications Are Organized

About the Sun ONE Application Framework Tutorial

3. Tutorial Sections (Links to)

Sections 1.1--1.3

Sections 2.1--2.6

Sections 3.1--3.3

Sections 4.1--4.5

4. Tutorial--Section 1.1 Application Infrastructure

Task 1: New Sun ONE Web Application

Create an Application Wizard

Application Servlet

Module Servlet

Advanced Tip - Modules

5. Tutorial--Section 1.2 Create Login Page

Task 2: Create the Login Page

Add a ViewBean

Add Display Fields to the Login Page

Add Code to the Login Button

6. Tutorial--Section 1.3 Test Run the Login Page

Task 3: Test Run the Login Page

Compile the Web Application

Test Run the Login Page

Test a Successful Login

Test an Unsuccessful Login

Alternative Runtime Environments

7. Tutorial--Section 2.1 Prepare Application to Access SQL Database

Task 1: Accessing a SQL Database

Connect to the Sample Database

JDBC Datasources

Tomcat (and other non-JNDI containers) SQL Connection Preparation

8. Tutorial--Section 2.2 Create the CustomerModel

Task 2: Create the CustomerMode

Create a JDBCtrademark SQL Model

Mark the Model's Key Field(s)

Add Connection Code for Non-JNDI Enabled Containers

9. Tutorial--Section 2.3 Create Customer Page

Task 3: Create the Customer Page

Add a ViewBean

Add a Button Component

Making a Model Auto Update

Add a Hidden Field to the Customer Page

Format the JSP

10. Tutorial--Section 2.4 Test Run the Customer Page

Task 4: Test Run the Customer Page

Test a Customer Update

11. Tutorial--Section 2.5 Link Login Page to Customer Page

Task 5: Link the Login Page to the Customer Page

Edit the handleLoginRequest Method in LoginPage

12. Tutorial--Section 2.6 Run Application

Task 6: Run the Application

13. Tutorial--Section 3.1 Create a Command Component

Task 1: Create a Command Component

Create the UserAccessCommand Component

Add Code to the execute Method

Configure a Button's Command Descriptor

14. Tutorial--Section 3.2 Add a Logout Link to the Customer Page

Task 2: Add an HREF to a Customer Page

Configure an HREF's Command Descriptor

Format the HREF tag in the Customer JSP

15. Tutorial--Section 3.3 Test Run the Login/Logout Command Component

Task 3: Test Run the Login/Logout Command

16. Tutorial--Section 4.1 Prepare to Create a Web Service Model

Task 1: Web Service User Registration and Downloading

Download the Web Service SDK

Register to Use the Web Service

Create the Web Service Model

17. Tutorial--Section 4.2 Create the Google Search Page

Task 2: Create the Google Search Page

Add a Page Component

Add More Visual Components to the Page

Enable the Search Button

Manual Code Technique

Point & Click Technique (code-free)

Format the JSP Content

18. Tutorial--Section 4.3 Test Run the Google Search Page

Task 3: Test Run the Google Search Page

Try a Search

19. Tutorial--Section 4.4 Add Results Listing to the Google Search Page

Task 4: Create a TiledView Pagelet

Add a TiledView

Configure the TiledView Pagelet Component

Getting the Correct Primary Model Dataset Name

Add the Pagelet to a Page

Formatting the JSP

20. Tutorial--Section 4.5 Test Run the Google Search Page

Task 5: Test Run the Google Search Page with Results

Try a Search