C H A P T E R  17

Tutorial--Section 4.2
Create the Google Search Page

This chapter describes how to create a page in the Suntrademark ONE Application Framework that displays data it gets from a model that accesses data from a Web service.

Task 2: Create the Google Search Page

Add a Page Component

1. Select the main module folder.

2. Click the Add Page button on the Sun ONE Application Framework toolbar.

The Select View Type panel displays.

This figure shows the Select View Type panel. 

3. Enter GoogleSearchPage in the Name field (to replace <default>).

4. Select Basic ViewBean.

5. Click Next.

The Associate JSP panel displays.

This figure shows the Associate JSP panel. 

6. Check the Use formatting to beautify fields on JSP option.

7. Click Next.

The Model Associations panel displays.

This figure shows the Model Associations panel. 

8. Expand Current Application Components to expose jatotutorial -> main.

9. Select GoogleSearchModel.

10. Click Add.

11. Click Next.

The Bind Display Fields panel displays.

This figure shows the Bind Display Fields panel. 

12. Add the first field (as seen above):

a. Expand the doGoogleSearch operation node.

b. Expand the Parameters node.

c. Select the q field (q for query string: q -> String).

d. Select the Text field option.

e. Click Add field(s).

The q field is added to the Bound fields list box.

Note - You are not finished with this wizard panel yet.

13. Add the following fields as Text fields (WebService model fields are not multi selectable like JDBC model fields):

a. start

b. maxResults

c. restrict

14. Add the following fields as Static text fields (not Text fields):

(Expand the Returns: ... node [above the Parameters node])

a. searchTime

b. startIndex

c. endIndex

d. estimatedTotalResultsCount

15. Click Finish.

You have created the GoogleSearchViewBean.

16. The wizard automatically sets the Auto Retrieving Models property with the model that was used in the Page wizard. Normally, this is a desired setting, and therefore, the wizard assumes that it should be configured that way. However, with the Web service model, this is not the case.

a. Launch the Auto Retrieving Models custom editor by clicking its ellipsis button.

b. Select the googleSearchModel reference in the indexed list, and click the Delete button to remove it from the list.

c. Click the OK button to save the modifications.

  [ D ]

17. Rename the fields to have shorter, simpler names (select the field and click F2 to rename).

The following table shows the longer field names in the left column, and the shorter names in the right column.


to queryString


to start


to max


to restrict


to searchTime


to startIndex


to endIndex


to estTotal

Set the properties for the start and max text fields according to the table shown below.

Note that you do not need to set properties for the restrict field.

Important: Launch the Initial Value editor by clicking the ellipsis button so you can select the Integer type. If you type the value in place in the property sheet, it is treated as a String.


Initial Value


Type: Integer

Value: 0


Type: Integer

Value: 5

You have created four search fields and four result fields for this page component, but you will need a few more search fields (required fields by the Google Web service). These are added and bound to the GoogleSearchModel one at a time. You want these fields to be added as something other than text or static text fields, which is why you add these outside of the Page wizard.

Add More Visual Components to the Page

1. Select the GoogleSearchPage.

2. Add a Basic Hidden Field using the Component Palette.

The default name is hidden1.

3. Rename the default as key.

4. Set the Model Reference property for the key field.

This figure shows the Basic Hidden Field renamed as key. 

5. Select googleSearchModel from the drop down list.

6. Set the Model Field Binding property.

This figure shows the Model Field Binding property option. 

7. Click the ellipsis button to launch the Model Field Binding editor.

This figure shows the Model Field Binding editor. 

8. Click the ellipsis button for the Read field name property in this editor.

This figure shows the Choose a Model Field editor. 

9. Expand the doGoogleSearch operation node, then expand the Parameters node.

10. Select key -> String.

11. Click OK.

The read and write fields are populated with the doGoogleSearch.key model field.

This figure shows the populated Read field name and Write field name fields in the Model Field Binding editor. 

12. Click OK to finish setting the Model Field Binding property for the key hidden display field.

13. Set the Initial value property (just above the Model field binding property) for the key field using the key that was emailed to you from Google.

The default Type for the Initial Value property is String. You do not need to launch the editor. Just enter the string value directly in the property cell.

This figure shows the Initial Value property. 

The key field's properties should look something as shown in the figure above, however, your key's initial value will be different.

14. Using the Component Palette, add three more display fields.

The table shown below contains a list of the three display fields and the desired property settings.



Initial Value

Model Reference

Model Field Binding

Basic Check Box





Basic Check Box





Basic Button


Type: String

Value: Search



Your GoogleSearch Page node structure should look something the following figure:

This figure shows the GoogleSearchPage node structure. 

Enable the Search Button

Currently, the search button has not been implemented to do anything when it is clicked. When the search button is clicked, you need to execute the Web service model and then reload the page to see the results. All you see now is the statistical information:

In the next task, you add visual components to show a list of actual search results.

For the button, there are two techniques from which you can choose to execute the Web service model and reload the page. One technique is to write a few lines of code. The other technique is all point-and-click. Choose only one technique to implement.

Manual Code Technique

1. Right-click the search button.

2. Select Events.

3. Select handleRequest.

This inserts the handleSearchRequest event stub into the GoogleSearchPage class.

4. Implement the search button handle request code.

Replace the following default code:


with the code shown in bold below:

public void handleSearchRequest(RequestInvocationEvent event) throws Exception
      // get a reference to the Google web service model
      GoogleSearchModel model = (GoogleSearchModel)getModel(
      // execute the model using the doGoogleSearch operation
      // (the model execution context) 
      model.execute(new ModelExecutionContextBase("doGoogleSearch"));
      // redisplay the page which will now show the query statistical results

Point & Click Technique (code-free)

1. Select the search button.

2. Launch the editor for its Request Handler property by clicking the ellipsis button.

This figure shows the Request Handler editor. 

3. Select the Execute Model and Goto Page Command option.

4. Set the Name to searchAndReloadCommand.

On the Component Properties tab, you need to set all three properties.

This figure shows the Component Properties tab. 

5. For the Executing Model Reference property, launch its editor by clicking the ellipsis button.

This figure shows the Executing Model Reference editor. 

6. Select the Model Reference (Default) option.

7. Launch the Model Class Name property editor.

8. Browse and select the GoogleSearchModel.

9. When you return to the editor above, and the Model Class Name property is set properly, click OK.

The Model Operation Name is a drop down control.

This figure shows the Model Operation Name property. 

10. Select doGoogleSearch from its option list.

11. Launch the Target ViewBean Class Name editor.

12. Browse and choose the GoogleSearchPage.

Your Request Handler editor should now appear as shown in the figure below.

This figure shows the Request Invocation Command editor. 

13. Click OK to finish setting the button's Request Handler property.

An addition to the GoogleSearchPage's Non-Visual Components node displays: searchAndReloadCommand.

Format the JSP Content

Before you test run this page, be sure to format the JSP as you prefer.

1. Under the GoogleSearchPage, expand the JSPs node and double-click the GoogleSearchPage JSP to open it in the Sun ONE Studio editor.

2. Give the fields proper case names.

3. Add a label attribute to the checkbox fields and delete the label that has been created automatically.

4. Give the page a title, and split it into two sections with a horizontal rule: input fields on top and display-only static text fields on the bottom.

The most interesting pieces of the JSP/HTML code are shown in bold below:

<jato:form name="GoogleSearchPage" method="post">
<h2>Google Search</h2>
<table border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2 width="100%">
  <td align=right valign=middle width="20%"><b>Search for:</b></td>
  <td align=left valign=middle><jato:textField name="queryString"/></td>
  <td align=right valign=middle width="20%"><b>Start:</b></td>
  <td align=left valign=middle><jato:textField name="start"/></td>
  <td align=right valign=middle width="20%"><b>Max Results:</b></td>
  <td align=left valign=middle><jato:textField name="max"/></td>
  <td align=right valign=middle width="20%"><b>Restrict Search:</b></td>
<td align=left valign=middle><jato:textField name="restrict"/></td>
  <td align=right valign=middle width="20%"><b>Filter:</b></td>
  <td align=left valign=middle><jato:checkbox name="filter" label="Filter?"/></td>
  <td align=right valign=middle width="20%"></td>
  <td align=left valign=middle><jato:checkbox name="safeSearch" label="Safe Search?"/></td>
<jato:button name="search"/>
Search Time: <jato:text name="searchTime"/>
Results <jato:text name="startIndex"/>
 to <jato:text name="endIndex"/>
 of <jato:text name="estTotal"/>
<jato:hidden name="key"/>