
This Suntrademark ONE Application Framework Tutorial introduces developers to the mechanics and techniques used to build Web applications with the Sun ONE Application Framework tools.

It is intended for developers who are at least somewhat familiar with building Web applications using existing J2EE Web technologies (servlets and JSPs), but new to building Web applications with the Sun ONE Application Framework.

How This Book Is Organized

In the following chapter, you see an overview of the primary features of the Sun ONE Application Framework and toolset (IDE) for enterprise Web application development.

In the following chapter, you see an outline of the mechanics of using the Suntrademark ONE Application Framework tools to build a J2EE Web application.

In the following chapters, you create the application infrastructure needed for all subsequent chapters, and add your first Sun ONE Application Framework page.

In the following chapters, you expand the existing application by adding a SQL-based model, and a page to display that model's data. You then link the two application pages together so they show coordinated data.

In the following chapters, you create a Command component that can be reused by many buttons and HREFs within the same application. This is the alternative technique to implementing request handling code in the button or HREF's handle request event inside its parent container view class.

In the following chapters, you expand the existing application by adding a Web service-based model and a page to display that model's data. You need to register for and download the Google developer's SDK to build a model for a Web service.

Using UNIX Commands

This document might not contain information on basic UNIX® commands and procedures such as shutting down the system, booting the system, and configuring devices. See the following for this information:

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Part Number

Sun ONE Application Framework 2.1

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Sun ONE Application Framework Component Reference Guide, Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1


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Sun ONE Application Framework Tag Library Reference, Sun ONE Studio 5 update 1


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Sun ONE Application Framework Tutorial, part number 817-4358-10