Sun Cluster Data Service for Oracle RAC Guide for Solaris OS
 OCR (Oracle cluster registry) files
  in cluster file system ( Index Term Link )
  file-system options ( Index Term Link )
  storage management schemes ( Index Term Link )
  in Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system ( Index Term Link )
 offline-restart dependencies ( Index Term Link )
 oinstall group ( Index Term Link )
 Online message ( Index Term Link )
 online redo log files
  in cluster file system ( Index Term Link )
  file-system options ( Index Term Link )
  storage management schemes ( Index Term Link )
  in Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system ( Index Term Link )
 oper group ( Index Term Link )
 OPS/RAC, See Oracle RAC
 Oracle, error numbers ( Index Term Link )
 Oracle 10g
  configuring after Sun Cluster upgrade ( Index Term Link )
  database resources
   creating with clsetup utility ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   extension properties ( Index Term Link )
   administering with Sun Cluster ( Index Term Link )
   creating ( Index Term Link )
  location of data files ( Index Term Link )
  log files ( Index Term Link )
  overriding networking defaults ( Index Term Link )
  resource group affinities ( Index Term Link )
  sample configurations ( Index Term Link )
   database resources ( Index Term Link )
   installation ( Index Term Link )
 Oracle 9i
  database resources
   creating with clsetup utility ( Index Term Link )
   extension properties ( Index Term Link )
   administering with Sun Cluster ( Index Term Link )
   creating ( Index Term Link )
  location of data files ( Index Term Link )
  log files ( Index Term Link )
  resource group affinities ( Index Term Link )
  sample configurations ( Index Term Link )
  upgrading database resources ( Index Term Link )
  use of older resource types ( Index Term Link )
   database resources ( Index Term Link )
   installation ( Index Term Link )
 Oracle binary files, location ( Index Term Link )
 Oracle cluster registry (OCR) files
  in cluster file system ( Index Term Link )
  file-system options ( Index Term Link )
  storage management schemes ( Index Term Link )
  in Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system ( Index Term Link )
 oracle_config_file extension property ( Index Term Link )
 Oracle configuration files, location ( Index Term Link )
 Oracle Data Guard ( Index Term Link )
 Oracle distributed lock manager (DLM) ( Index Term Link )
 Oracle files
  binary file location ( Index Term Link )
  configuration file location ( Index Term Link )
  disks ( Index Term Link )
  local disks ( Index Term Link )
  storage management schemes for ( Index Term Link )
  storage resources for
   creating with clsetup utility ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   creating with Sun Cluster maintenance commands ( Index Term Link )
   planning ( Index Term Link )
  Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system ( Index Term Link )
 oracle_home extension property
  scalable_rac_listener resource type ( Index Term Link )
  scalable_rac_server_proxy resource type ( Index Term Link )
  scalable_rac_server resource type ( Index Term Link )
  SUNW.scalable_rac_listener resource type ( Index Term Link )
  SUNW.scalable_rac_server_proxy resource type ( Index Term Link )
  SUNW.scalable_rac_server resource type ( Index Term Link )
 Oracle Parallel Server
  See also Oracle RAC
  equivalence to Oracle RAC ( Index Term Link )
  incompatibility with Solaris Volume Manager for Sun Cluster ( Index Term Link )
 Oracle RAC
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  32–bit mode ( Index Term Link )
  64–bit mode ( Index Term Link )
  Data Guard ( Index Term Link )
  files related to ( Index Term Link )
  Guard option ( Index Term Link )
   overview ( Index Term Link )
   verifying installation ( Index Term Link )
  log file locations ( Index Term Link )
  multi-owner disk sets for ( Index Term Link )
  preparing nodes for ( Index Term Link )
  shared-disk groups for ( Index Term Link )
  verifying installation and configuration ( Index Term Link )
 oracle_rac_listener resource type ( Index Term Link )
 oracle_rac_server resource type ( Index Term Link )
 Oracle RDBMS (relational database management system)
  file-system options
   Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system ( Index Term Link )
   UNIX file system ( Index Term Link )
  processor architecture requirements ( Index Term Link )
  storage management schemes ( Index Term Link )
 Oracle relational database management system (RDBMS)
  file-system options
   Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system ( Index Term Link )
   UNIX file system ( Index Term Link )
  processor architecture requirements ( Index Term Link )
  storage management schemes ( Index Term Link )
 oracle_sid extension property
  scalable_rac_server_proxy resource type ( Index Term Link )
  scalable_rac_server resource type ( Index Term Link )
  SUNW.scalable_rac_server_proxy resource type ( Index Term Link )
  SUNW.scalable_rac_server resource type ( Index Term Link )
 Oracle UDLM (UNIX Distributed Lock Manager)
  caution notice ( Index Term Link )
  communications ports
   extension properties ( Index Term Link )
   guidelines for setting ( Index Term Link )
  core files ( Index Term Link )
  effect on tunable when disabled extension properties ( Index Term Link )
  event logs ( Index Term Link )
  extension properties ( Index Term Link )
  installing ( Index Term Link )
  log files ( Index Term Link )
  processor architecture requirements ( Index Term Link )
  resource type for ( Index Term Link )
  restrictions ( Index Term Link )
 oracle user ( Index Term Link )
  granting access to file systems ( Index Term Link )
  granting access to volumes ( Index Term Link )
 order, entries in custom action file ( Index Term Link )
 overriding, server fault monitor presets ( Index Term Link )
  Oracle RAC ( Index Term Link )
  RAC framework resource group ( Index Term Link )