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Sun ONE Identity Server 6.0 Installation and Configuration Guide

Appendix A
Migrating Data from DSAME 5.1
to Identity Server 6.0


This appendix describes the process for migrating data from DSAME 5.1 to Identity Server 6.0. The steps in the process must be performed in the order they are listed here.

The migration process involves the following steps:

  1. Backing up the entire DSAME 5.1 data.
  2. Uninstalling DSAME 5.1 excluding Directory Server 5.1.
  3. Configuring the Directory Server for Identity Server 6.0 schema.
  4. Installing Identity Server 6.0 with the existing Directory Server and DIT.
  5. Migrating DSAME 5.1 services, policies and authentication entries to Identity Server 6.0.

It is expected that the person performing the migration procedure is familiar with Directory Server commands, schema semantics, DIT, Identity Server schema and Identity Server DIT structures. In addition, familiarity with XML and Identity Server installation procedure are required.

Identity Server 6.0 provides a set of Perl scripts to migrate DSAME 5.1 data to Identity Server 6.0. The migration procedure is complex, but these scripts handle many of those complexities. Typically, scripts generate an input file and an output file. Both these files are retained after the scripts are run. This helps in checking the entries in output files. The input files will contain the entries in 5.1 format, while the output files will have the entries in 6.0 format. When using these migration scripts, keep the following in mind:

Backing up the Existing Installation

Before you start migration, ensure that DSAME 5.1 installation is completely backed up.

The Web Server data must be backed up manually. You can use the copy and tar commands for this. Any changes done to the Web Server files after the 5.1 installation must be backed up. The following directories must also be backed up.

Table 10-1  Directories to be backed up

Directory to be backed up


<IS install dir>/SUNWam/web-apps/applications

IS Console files

<IS install dir>/SUNWam/web-apps/services

IS services files

<IS install dir>/SUNWam/servers/alias


<IS install dir>/SUNWam/config

various XML files

<IS install dir>/SUNWam/lib/

property files

<IS install dir>/SUNWam/locale

locale files

You can refer to these backups, to make corresponding changes once Identity Server 6.0 is installed. These changes need to be done manually after the Identity Server 6.0 is installed.

You should also backup logs, debug and install files. The following table lists the directories that contain these files.

Table 10-2  Files to be backed up



log files

/var/<IS 5.1 install dir>/SUNWam/logs

debug files

/var/<IS 5.1 install dir>/SUNWam/debug

install files

/var/<IS 5.1 install dir>/SUNWam/install

Back up any other data that needs to be updated after the 6.0 migration.

Uninstalling DSAME 5.1

Use the DSAME 5.1 uninstallation program to remove components of DSAME. But, you must NOT remove Directory Server 5.1.

On Solaris

To remove DSAME components on Solaris:

  1. Run aminstall script from DSAME 5.1.
  2. Choose the following option:
  3. 1) Remove existing components, then continue  installation

  4. At the next prompt, choose the following option to remove DSAME Management and Policy services.
  5. 1) DSAME Management and Policy Services

  6. Run aminstall script again and choose option 1.
  7. At the next prompt, choose the following option to remove Directory Server Configuration.
  8. 3) iPlanet Directory Server Configuration for DSAME

    This will remove the schema configuration for the Directory Server.

  9. If Directory Server and Identity Server exist on different computer systems, then after installation is complete, you must manually remove the DSAME 5.1 schema file 95ns-amschema.ldif from the Directory Server schema directory.
  10. Check for the SUNWamjdk package after the uninstallation is complete using the following command:
  11. pkginfo |grep SUNWamjdk

  12. If the SUNWamjdk package is present, remove it using the following command:
  13. pkgrm SUNWamjdk

  14. Restart Directory Server after you have uninstalled the DSAME components.

On Windows

To uninstall DSAME 5.1 components, follow these steps:

  1. Run the DSAME 5.1 uninstallation program. Refer to DSAME 5.1 Installation and Configuration Guide for detailed steps. You can find this guide online at:
  2. Select partial uninstallation.
  3. Choose DSAME Management and Policy services.

The above steps do not remove Directory Server configuration for DSAME on Windows. In order to configure the Directory Server of DSAME 5.1 to Identity Server 6.0 schema in the next step, you must uninstall DSAME 5.1 schema configuration. Remove DSAME 5.1 schema file, 95ns-amschema.ldif from the Directory Server schema directory. In addition, the productregistry file must be updated to remove the directory server configuration component. You may remove the productregistry file itself. Please be sure to keep a backup of the productregistry file. If you remove the productregistry file, you can choose Add/Remove programs to remove Directory Server installation later.

  1. Restart Directory Server after you have uninstalled the DSAME components.

Configuring Directory Server for IS 6.0 Schema

Using the Identity Server 6.0 installation program, configure Directory Server to work with Identity Server 6.0. For detailed instructions, see "Installing Identity Server Schema" of this guide.

Installing Identity Server 6.0 on Directory Server 5.1

You may need to make some changes to the Directory Server that exists with DSAME. This Directory Server supports a DIT like this:



Here isp is not really an organization. In such cases, the entry isp must be updated before you install Identity Server 6.0. If DSAME 5.1 Directory Server has an organization (flat DIT) as top level entry, then this change is not necessary before installing Identity Server 6.0. If the top level entry has iplanet-am-service-status attribute set, Identity Server 6.0 installation does not modify the Directory Server DIT. To retain the 5.1 DIT structure, add this attribute to the top level entry.

  1. Run the following command to update the top level entry, if it is not an organization:

    <5.1 Directory Server install dir>/shared/bin/ldapmodify -D "cn=directory manager" -w <password>

    dn: o=isp

    changetype: modify

    delete: objectClass

    objectClass: iplanet-am-managed-org


    add: objectClass

    objectClass: sunManagedOrganization


    add: iplanet-am-service-staus


  2. Use the right dn in the above command for your installation. If the top level entry in your DSAME 5.1 DIT is already an organization, then you shouldn't run the above command. You may run ldapsearch on the top level entry to check if this attribute is set.
  3. Now, install Identity Server 6.0 on this Directory Server. During installation, choose the option of installing with an existing DIT.
  4. While installing Identity Server 6.0, be sure the following entries have the same values as in DSAME 5.1 installation:
    • directory root suffix
    • directory manager password
    • admin user
    • admin password
    • directory server host
    • directory server port
    • console deployment description
    • services deployment descriptor
    • Refer to the file from the DSAME 5.1 installation backup for any values you are not sure. Also, retain the DSAME 5.1 values for organization object class, organization naming attribute, user object class and user naming attribute.

This step does not modify Directory Server data and schema. It only installs Identity Server 6.0 packages, libraries, configuration files, jar files, etc.

Migrating Directory Server Data

Once Identity Server 6.0 is installed and the Directory Server schema is updated, the Directory Server data must be modified to Identity Server 6.0 format. All the migration scripts needed for this are located under the directory <install dir>/SUNWam/migration/51to60. The scripts contain additional information, which you must read before running the scripts. It will help you set some variables in each script or check the values of the variables.

In Identity Server 6.0, policy, authentication and console components have changed significantly from DSAME 5.1 and hence need to be migrated. However, Identity Server entries such as roles, groups, users, organizations, organizationalUnits and ACIs remain as they were in DSAME 5.1. They need not be migrated.

The following entries of DSAME 5.1 need to be updated to Identity Server 6.0.

Migration Tasks

The migration process involves the following tasks:

Migrating Schema Changes

Identity Server 6.0 has seen some schema changes from DSAME 5.1. For example, objectClass iplanet-am-managed-org for the organization has been changed to sunManagedOrganization. The attribute iplanet-am-domain-name is changed to sunPreferredDomain. Similarly, there are other schema changes. A script, is provided to migrate schema changes. Run this script to migrate schema changes. Refer to the script for additional information. It generates an input file, 51entries.ldif and an output file, 60entries.ldif. Run ldapmodify on this output ldif file. The last line of the script specifies the syntax for running the ldapmodify command on this output file. DSAME 5.1 entries are updated to Identity Server 6.0 schema when you run this script.

Migrating DSAME 5.1 Policies

DSAME 5.1 uses Class of Service (COS) templates for policy implementation. The policy definition does not contain subjects to which the policy is assigned. Instead, policy must be explicitly assigned to a role or an organization. When a policy is assigned to an organization or a role, a COS template is created. There is one COS template for each organization or role that has a URL policy assigned.

In Identity Server 6.0, policy implementation is not done using COS templates. The policy definition itself contains the subjects like organization or roles. Using the policy COS templates, the DSAME 5.1 policies must be converted to Identity Server 6.0 policies to contain the subjects in the policy definition itself.

To convert the DSAME 5.1 policies to Identity Server 6.0 policies, the script is provided. This script can be run for each organization or top level organization. If only one organization is specified to the script, it generates one output file containing 5.1 policies converted to 6.0 format for that organization. If the top level organization is specified, one XML file for each organization that has policies under the top level organization is generated. The output file name is of the format <rdn>-<rdn>.xml. For example, if,o=isp has some policies, the output file is Run script to generate XML files for the organization that have policies in DSAME 5.1. Refer to the script for additional details.

DSAME 5.1 has domain URL service. This service lets you do policy delegation control. This is somewhat similar to referral policies in Identity Server 6.0. If there are any domain URL policies defined, they must be backed up manually in this migration step.

For each domain URL policy, a referral policy may need to be created in Identity Server 6.0. Based on the domain URL policies, corresponding referral policies must be created in Identity Server 6.0. This needs to be done manually. No script is provided for this purpose. Refer to the section "Updating Policies to Identity Server 6.0" for more details.

This step must be run before migrating services. The output generated in this step will be used after the step "Updating Policies to Identity Server 6.0".

The URL policy DTD for DSAME 5.1 is located under DSAME_root/SUNWam/dtd.

The URL policy DTD for Identity Server 6.0 is installed under Identity_Server_root/SunWam/dtd.

Migrating Authentication Entries

Authentication services have changed significantly in Identity Server 6.0. These include changes in attribute names, attribute values, and default values and removal of attributes. The authentication information is present for each organization. The migration must update authentication entries for all organizations.

Run the authentication migration script, The script generates an output file, 51to60auth-entries.ldif. It also generates an input file 51auth-entries.dn.

The output files generated in this step will be used in the step "Updating Authentication Entries to Identity Server 6.0".

Refer to the section "Changes in Authentication Services" for the details on changes in authentication services from DSAME 5.1 to Identity Server 6.0.

Migrating Services

Each of the DSAME services needs to be removed and the corresponding Identity Server 6.0 service loaded. In addition, all the new Identity Server 6.0 services must also be loaded. The services branch has global schema information for each of the services and may contain entries specific to an organization. If the top level DSAME entry is an organization itself, like, then the services branch under will contain global schema and organization specific entries as well. The organization-specific entries depend on what services have been registered for this organization. Follow this procedure to update the services branch.

  1. If the top level entry is not an organization (such as o=isp, not an Identity Server organization), go to step 3. If the top level is an organization, go to step 2.
  2. Run script. This script backs up organization entries for various authentication services and Identity Server Console service registered for the top level organization. The organization entries for the services reside under the global services entry for the top level organization. In order to update global services to 6.0, those services must be removed and loaded from 6.0. This step keeps a backup of the organization entries that reside under global services entry. Refer to this script for details. Check that it covers all the services which have organization specific entries (refer to step 3 as well).
  3. This script generates 51to60toporg-template.ldif output file. It also generates, 51toporg-template.dn input file.

  4. Use Directory Server console to remove the DSAME services. If you added other services, don't remove them. The following services must be removed.
  5. iPlanetAMAdminConsoleService





















If you have not added any additional services, you can remove the entire services branch under the top level entry.

  1. Run to load Identity Server 6.0 services. This script loads all Identity Server 6.0 services. It uses the services XML  <install dir>/SUNWam/config/ums/ums.xml and the XML files under <install dir>/SUNWam/config/xml.
  2. Load the output file generated (51to60toporg-template.ldif) in step 2 above. This is required only if top level organization is an Identity Server organization. Use the ldapmodify command to load the output file. Refer to the last line in the output file for the syntax ("system" is not required, as that is used to run the script from the Perl script itself).

For details on Identity Server services changes in 6.0, refer to "Services in Identity Server 6.0".

Updating Authentication Entries to Identity Server 6.0

Load the output file generated in the step "Migrating Authentication Entries." Use the ldapmodify command to load this. You can refer to the last line in the script for the syntax. This step migrates the DSAME 5.1 authentication entries to Identity Server 6.0. In addition, the following procedures may be necessary.

Customized 5.1 HTML templates, if any, need to be changed to 6.0 JSP-based templates.

Any customized authentication module need to be rewritten using Screen properties need to be changed to use the XML- based Authentication module properties. Refer to Identity Server 6.0 documentation for more details on writing custom authentication modules.

User's authentication module configuration will not be migrated automatically. If any authentication module is selected for any user in DSAME 5.1, it will not be available for that user after migration. The required authentication modules need to be configured manually for that user in Identity Server 6.0.

The user's default login URL attribute (iplanet-am-user-default-url) is no longer available in 6.0. This attribute is not migrated to 6.0 automatically. The value of this attribute can be set to iplanet-am-auth-login-success-url in the core authentication service or the planet-am-auth-login-success-url in the authentication configuration service or to a custom attribute depending on the deployment needs. This attribute must be migrated and removed from the user entries. Otherwise user entries that have this attribute can't be modified (you will get object class violation error).

Updating Identity Server Console Service Entries to 6.0

There are changes in the Identity Server 6.0 Console service that affect the Console display. The Domain URL Service is no longer available in 6.0. Because of the policy changes in 6.0, Web Agent service and Domain URL service need not be registered to organization, role and user entries. A script is provided to update entries to reflect these changes.

  1. Run script to update the Console service if it is registered to any organization. The script generates input files, 51console.ldif and 51services.ldif and an output file, 60services.ldif.
  2. Run the ldapmodify command on the output file 60services.ldif. This command migrates console service entries registered for the organization. It also migrates organization, roles and user entries for Domain URL and Web Agent services.

Enabling Federation Management

Identity Server 6.0 implements Liberty Alliance Phase 1 specifications. When you migrate services (see "Migrating Services"), two services are loaded for Federation Management. They are iPlanetAMAuthenticationDomainConfigService and iPlanetAMProviderConfigService. These services must be registered before you can use the Federation management features. An ldif file named liberty-services.ldif is provided to register these services.

Substitute the value of ROOT_SUFFIX in this file with the top-level organization. Run ldamodify on this ldif file. If the entries specified in this file are present in Identity Server 6.0, remove those entries from this ldif file and load the remaining entries. After this step, Federation management is enabled in Identity Server 6.0.

Once the services and authentication entries are migrated, users should be able to successfully log in to Identity Server 6.0. If the Directory Server is on the same machine as Identity Server 6.0, edit <installdir>/bin/amserver script and modify the NDS_SERVER variable to point to the correct Directory Server instance.

Restart the Identity Server and login to the Identity Server 6.0 Console. If the default login URL of 5.1 in the core authentication service is not modified (<protocol>://<host>:<port>/amserver/login), you can use default login URL of Identity Server 6.0 (<protocol>://<host>:<port>/amserver/UI/Login) to login to Identity Server 6.0 Console. There is a known issue in 5.1, where the default login url is set to /amserver/login sometimes instead of <protocol>://<host>/amserver/login in core authentication service. In such cases, you can't use 6.0 default login URL to login. You need to modify the associated domain attribute of the default org to the 6.0 default login URL(<protocol>://<host>/amserver/UI/Login) to access the console using 6.0 default login URL. Use the fully qualified domain name for host and use the correct deployment descriptor in the URL. Note that the associated domain attribute value does not have port number in it but while accessing the console, need to specify the port. You can also use the URL of the form <protocol>://<host>:<port>/amserver/UI/Login?org=<org RDN>. It is a good idea to check for login, before migrating other entries. The migration is a step-by-step process; the steps should be validated as and when possible.

User management is not enabled by default. After the login to Identity Server Console, go to Service Configuration tab. Edit Administration service. Click on "Enable User Management" check box and save the service. Now you can go to Identity Management tab for user management functions.

IS 6.0 has introduced a new user, amldapuser. This user is used to bind and search the directory for LDAP, Membership authentication modules. This user is also used in the policy config service. Once the LDAP, Membership or Policy Config Service is registered to an organization, password for this user must be explicitly entered in those services. The password is the amldapuser password entered during Identity Server 6.0 installation. In addition, this user must also be created. Run the following two commands to create this user and to set access rights to this user.

<path to ldapmodify>/ldapmodify -D "cn=directory manager" -w <password>

dn: cn=amldapuser,ou=DSAME Users,ROOT_SUFFIX

changetype: add

objectclass: inetuser

objectclass: organizationalperson

objectclass: person

objectclass: top

cn: amldapuser

sn: amldapuser

userPassword: <password>

<path to ldapmodify>/ldapmodify -D "cn=directory manager" -w <password>


changetype: modify

add: aci

aci: (target="ldap:///ROOT_SUFFIX")(targetattr="*")(version 3.0; acl "special ldap auth user rights"; allow (read,search) userdn = "ldap:///cn=amldapuser,ou=DSAME Users,ROOT_SUFFIX";)

In the above commands, specify the Directory Manager password for the -w option. Replace ROOT_SUFFIX with the your install root entry. Specify the amldapuser password for the userPassword attribute in the first command.

Note that if the LDAP and Membership services are already registered to an organization in IS 5.1, the bind DN used for the user search is "dsameuser". Change that user to the "amldapuser" created above and the password to the amldapuser password. This should be done in all the organizations where these two services are registered. If they are kept as "dsameuser", it will continue to work, but for Identity Server 6.0, it is recommended that you use "amldapuser".

The Identity Server user’s profile has an account expiration date attribute. The account expiration date format in DSAME 5.1 is mm/dd/yy hh:mm, while the account expiration date format in 6.0 is mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm. The attribute format is present in the file present in the directory named locale. If the account expiration attribute is set for the users in DSAME 5.1, the format of the date should be changed to 6.0 format, when modifying the users profile from Identity Server Console, to save the users profile changes. Alternatively, the date format can be changed to use the DSAME 5.1 format in The ldapmodify command can also be used to modify the account expiration attribute value.

If there are any specific changes made to in DSAME 5.1, those changes must also be made in after Identity Server 6.0 is installed.

Updating Policies to Identity Server 6.0

Before loading the updated policies in the Directory Server, the DSAME 5.1 policies must be deleted. Run the delete-policies script to delete all policies. It generates an input file delete-policies.dn and an output file, delete-policies.ldif. Run ldapdelete command on delete-policies.ldif to delete all 5.1 policies. Make sure all the entries specified in delete-policies.ldif are deleted. If you get errors for the entries that don't exist in the Directory Server, remove those entries from the ldif file and continue deleting other entries of the file. The delete-policies.ldif file may have some duplicate entries. It may give errors while deleting already deleted entries (for duplicate entries). You can ignore such errors. You can run ldapdelete in continuous mode to ignore such errors.

Identity Server 6.0 has a new Policy Configuration service. This service specifies various configuration attributes used by policy components like subjects, referrals and conditions. In order to create policies in an organization, policy configuration service must be registered. For each organization, before loading the policies to that organization, this service must be registered. You can login to Identity Server 6.0 Console and register these services to each organization. You can also use the amadmin command to register this service to each organization.

Starting with the top level organization, run the following command to load Identity Server 6.0 policies:

Identity_Server_root/bin/amadmin -u amadmin id -w password -t output migrated policy file for the organization

In Identity Server 6.0, the policies can have a description along with the policy name. Also individual elements of policy such as rules, subjects, conditions and referrals have names. When importing DSAME 5.1 policies, the names for these elements and description are automatically generated. The names can be modified after the policies are imported.

Identity Server 6.0 has the concept of referral policies. Refer to the Identity Server 6.0 documentation for more details on this. In order to create policies in sub organizations, there must be referral policies from the top level organization. Referral policies do policy delegation based on the resource referrals. Consider the following DIT:



In order to create policies at or, there must be a referral policy at to and

The referral policies at must contain the resource or resource prefix being managed at or If manages, the referral policy at must contain the resource in its rule and it must refer to organization. For other resources being managed at, other referral policies must be created at o=isp. Only after creating the top level referral policies, the policies at the sub-organization must be updated by running the command specified above.  If there are no referral policies at the parent level for the resource specified at the sub org level policies, policy creation fails. So it is important to create referral policies at the parent level to the sub organization level before running the above command. Refer to the policy output file for each sub organization and check the resources contained in the XML files. For each of those resources, a referral policy must exist at the top level before loading the policy output XML file for that sub organization.

DSAME 5.1 has domain URL service. This service lets you do policy delegation control. This is somewhat similar to referral policies in 6.0. The key difference is that the domain URL service is enforced during policy evaluation, referral policies are enforced during policy creation as well as policy evaluation. Only the top level administrator can create domain URL policies in DSAME 5.1 by default.

In DSAME 5.1, using the above DIT, one could create policies in giving access to resources in and vice versa. However the top level admin at o=isp, can create domain URL policies at,o=isp. This policy specifies what is allowed in this organization. If the domain URL policy says, allow*, only those resources allowed in URL policies that match* would be returned during policy evaluation. This is enforced using referral policies in 6.0. For each domain URL policy created in DSAME 5.1, a corresponding referral policy must be created in 6.0. This step must be done manually.

Identity Server 6.0 has policy administrator role for policy management. The policy administrator has privileges to create, delete or modify policies and to assign services to organizations. For each organization in 6.0, policy administrator role must be created. Run script. It generates an output file, add-policy-roles.ldif. It also generates an input file, 51org-entries.dn. Load the output file generated by this script using ldapmodify. Refer to the syntax at the end of the script.

This step creates various policy admin roles in Directory Server.

Migrating Console Changes

If any console customization has been done in DSAME 5.1, those changes must be migrated to console files in Identity Server 6.0. For example, if you followed the instructions in "Backing up the Existing Installation" and you backed up customized files the DSAME_root/SUNWam/locale directory, then you must now copy those customized files back into the DSAME_root/SUNWam/locale directory.

This step must be done manually. No scripts are provided for this purpose.

The above steps migrate Directory Server Data, Schema and any customized data to 6.0. Once the steps are complete, you should restart Identity Server 6.0.

Migrating Agents

Agents 1.0 or 1.1 do not work with Identity Server 6.0. You must have Agents 2.0 to work with Identity Server 6.0. In order to migrate agents, you must uninstall Agents 1.0 or 1.1 and then install Agents 2.0.

  1. Backup any configuration changes made in 1.0 or 1.1 agents. For example changes done to
  2. Install 2.0 agents.
  3. Make changes to 2.0 configuration files.
  4. Restart the agents.  


    1.  Any changes done to DSAME 5.1 XML files are not migrated in this procedure. Once Identity Server 6.0 is installed, those changes need to be manually updated in the 6.0 XML files. One way to do this is to update the 6.0 XML files before loading them.

    2.  The script is not used in the migration procedure. This script can be used in step 3.4, if this script is available from another Identity Server 6.0 install. This script updates the top level entry to have iplanet-am-service-staus attribute.

Changes in Authentication Services

This section describes in detail the changes in authentication services.

Authentication Service (Core) [amAuth.xml]

Attribute Changes

  1. Removed "iplanet-am-auth-login-worker-classes"
  2. Added "iplanet-am-auth-sleep-interval"
  1. Removed "iplanet-am-auth-chaining-modules"
  2. Removed "iplanet-am-auth-chaining-enabled"
  3. Removed "iplanet-am-auth-non-interactive-modules"
  4. Removed "iplanet-am-auth-default-url"
  5. Removed "iplanet-am-auth-user-based"
  6. Removed "iplanet-am-auth-login-worker-class"
  7. Added "iplanet-am-auth-org-config"
  8. Added "iplanet-am-auth-login-success-url"
  9. Added "iplanet-am-auth-login-failure-url"
  10. Added "iplanet-am-auth-post-login-process-class
  11. Added "iplanet-am-auth-username-generator-enabled"
  12. Added "iplanet-am-auth-username-generator-class
  13. Changed "iplanet-am-auth-menu" to "iplanet-am-auth-allowed-modules"
  14. In "iplanet-am-auth-admin-auth-module",
    • Changed ’type’ from "single_choice" to "single"
    • Changed ’syntax’ from "string" to "xml"
    • Added attribute ’propertiesViewBeanURL’ set to "/amconsole/auth/ACModuleList"
    • Added attribute ’uitype’ set to "link"
    • Removed sub-element ChoiceValues
    • Changed Default Value from plain string to xml string
  15. In "iplanet-am-auth-login-failure-count", Changed Default Value from 3 to 5
  16. In "iplanet-am-auth-login-failure-duration", Changed Default Value from 15 to 300
  17. In "iplanet-am-auth-lockout-warn-user", Changed Default Value from 1 to 4
  18. In "iplanet-am-auth-default-auth-level", Changed ’syntax’ from "string" to "number"

Authentication related attribute changes in User Service [amUser.xml]

Attribute Changes

  1. Removed "iplanet-am-user-auth-modules"
  1. Removed "iplanet-am-user-auth-modules"
  2. Removed "iplanet-am-user-default-url"
  3. Added "iplanet-am-user-auth-config"
  4. Added "iplanet-am-user-alias-list"
  5. Added "iplanet-am-user-success-url"
  6. Added "iplanet-am-user-failure-url"
  7. In "iplanet-am-user-account-life", changed ’syntax’ from "date" to "string"

All "Organization" attributes in the following xml files

The following table describes the UI changes for authentication interface.

Table 10-3  GUI Changes in the Authentication Interface


DSAME 5.1.1 Filename


IS 6.0 Filename



Your account has expired. Contact your system administrator.




Configuration error.




This is a sample disclaimer template.




Persistent Cookie Username does not exist in the Persistent Cookie Domain.





The password entered does not contain enough characters.





No such domain.




User has no profile in this organization.




Authentication failed.




Authentication Menu

the tag rows will be replaced with login_menu_modules.html.





Authentication Menu will loop and display (replace the tag inside) this file with all the available modules





User based login page.




You have logged in successfully, but your system has no default login page.





Login/Password page




Your login session has timed out.




You have logged out.




Maximum Sessions Limit Reached.





Self Registration Module








One of the required fields was not completed.




Your authentication module is denied.




Missing the confirmation password field.




Authentication Page Generator not found.





There was no password entered.





There was no user name entered.




No user profile was found matching the user name.





This organization is not active.




The password and the confirm password do not match.





User does not have access to this operation.




An error occurred while storing the user profile.





RADIUS authentication requires i-Planet patch 1.




Self Registration




Your session is invalid.




Your session is timed out.




A user already exists with this name.




The User Name and Password fields cannot have the same value.




This user is not active.




The password entered is invalid.




Displays internal authentication framework errors.




No configuration found/defined for a user for an organization.




User is not in a Role. (for ’role’ based authentication.)


Services in Identity Server 6.0

The following are the new services in Identity Server 6.0:

The following services have been removed in 6.0:

The following services remain quite similar in DSAME 5.1 and Identity Server 6.0:

The following services have changed significantly in 6.0:

Name Changes to Attributes and Object Classes

The following attributes have been renamed in Identity Server 6.0.

Table 10-4  Renamed Attributes

Old Attribute Name

New Attribute Name

















The following object classes have been renamed in Identity Server 6.0.

Table 10-5  Renamed Object Classes

Old Object Class

New Object Class











In addition, iplanet-am-unique-attribute-list and iplanet-am-attribute-uniqueness-enabled attributes are removed from Identity Server Console Service. A new attribute sunNameSapceUniqueAttrs in the new object class sunNameSpace is added to the organization entries to accommodate unique attribute list removed from Identity Server Console Service.

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