C H A P T E R  3

Configuring Network Parameters

This chapter describes how to configure system parameters. It contains the following sections:

Note - For instructions on accessing the CLI commands and GUI functions described in this chapter, see Using the Administrative Interfaces.

About Network Parameters

You must configure Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers to ensure that the computer clocks in the system are coordinated.

You can enable DNS for the system, although this is not required.

NTP Servers

A Network Time Protocol (NTP) server synchronizes the clocks on systems on the network and ensures that the timestamps indicating when data is stored or deleted are accurate.

For 5800 system operation, you must specify at least one external NTP server. After you configure the NTP servers, you can check to see the current system time.

You configure NTP servers on a per-hive basis.

procedure icon  To Configure an NTP Server Using the CLI

single-step bullet  To configure the external NTP servers, use the command
hivecfg --ntp_server ip_addresses.

For example:

ST5800 $ hivecfg --ntp_server,

procedure icon  To Configure an NTP Server Using the GUI

1. From the navigation panel, choose Configuration > Network.

2. Click Set NTP Server.

3. To add a new NTP server IP address or host name:

a. Click the Add button


A new row is displayed in the table.

b. (Optional) If Domain Name Service (DNS) is enabled and you want to enter host names instead of IP addresses, select Host Name.

c. Type the NTP server host name or IP address in the newly added text fields of the table.

4. To remove an NTP server, select the host name or IP address in the table and click the Remove button


5. Click Apply.

procedure icon  To Check the System Time Using the CLI

single-step bullet  Check the system time using the command date.

For example:

ST5800 $ date
Thu Jun 28 12:43:17 UTC 2007

procedure icon  To Check the System Time Using the GUI

To check the time and date for a cell:

single-step bullet  From the navigation panel, choose Cells > Cell ID.

The Cell Summary panel is displayed, listing the System Time.


The Domain Name Service (DNS) is a service that the 5800 system may use to translate names (such as the NTP server name) to Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.

You configure DNS on a per-hive basis.

procedure icon  To Configure DNS Using the CLI

single-step bullet  Use the command hivecfg --set to set the DNS parameters, as follows:

For example:

ST5800 $ hivecfg --set
Enter new value, or hit <enter> to leave the value unchanged:
[multiple values need to be comma separated]
NTP Server [,]: 
SMTP Server []: 
SMTP Port [25]: 
Authorized Clients [all]: 
External Logger []: 
DNS [y or n] [y]: y
Domain Name [sfbay.sun.com]: sfran.sun.com
DNS Search [sfbay.sun.com,sun.com,eng.sun.com]: sfran.sun.com,sun.com,eng.sun.com
Primary DNS Server []:
Secondary DNS Server []:

procedure icon  To Configure DNS Using the GUI

1. From the navigation panel, choose Configuration > Network.

2. Click Set Up DNS.

3. Select the Enable DNS check box.

4. In the Domain Name field, type the domain name to be used by the system.

5. In the Primary Server field, type the IP address of the first server the system should use to translate domain names.

6. In the Secondary Server field, type the IP address of the backup server the system should use if the primary server is unable to translate.

7. Click the Add button

to add DNS suffixes to the DNS Suffix Search List. These are additional domains the system should search if the specified Domain Name does not result in a valid IP address.

8. Click Apply.