Sun StorageTek 5800 System SDK Reference Manual

Chapter 3 Sun StorageTek 5800 System Open Edition Software

This chapter provides information on running the 5800 system open edition software.

Note –

For the 1.1.1 release, the name of the 5800 system emulator was changed to the 5800 system open edition software.

The following topics are discussed:

Introduction to the Open Edition Software

The 5800 system open edition software mimics the behavior of a 5800 system server. This feature enables you to test software being developed for a 5800 system without having to access a 5800 system server. The open edition software stores all data and metadata on the local hard drive. This data is by default stored in the openedition/var directory.

Software Requirements

The 5800 system open edition software requires at minimum the JDK 1.5 software.

Open Edition Software Startup

The 5800 system open edition software can run on Solaris, Linux, or Windows environments. To start the open edition software, go to the openedition/bin directory and execute the file for Solaris and Linux environments or the start.bat file for the Windows environment. The open edition software listens on port 8080 of the machine you start it on.

See Open Edition Software Configuration Settings for directions on changing the port number.

Open Edition Software Shutdown

Connect to port 8080 of the machine running the 5800 system open edition software with your web browser (http://localhost:8080 if you are on your local system). Click on HttpContext [/admin], then Click here to shutdown the open edition software.

Schema Modification

To add a custom schema to the 5800 system, create an XML file detailing your custom schema. Refer to the XML files in the config directory for examples of a custom schema. Also, see “Configuring Metadata and File System View” in Sun StorageTek 5800 System Administration Guide.

Once your XML schema file is complete, stop the open edition software and run the script (metadata_merge_config.bat on Windows) located in the bin directory. This script takes one command-line argument, which is the full path to your XML schema file. The open edition software should be stopped while updating the schema.

ProcedureTo Activate a New Schema for the Open Edition Software

  1. Shut down the open edition software if it is currently running.

    See Open Edition Software Shutdown for details.

  2. Run the metadata_merge_config program to activate the new schema.

  3. Restart the open edition software.

    See Open Edition Software Startup for details.

Open Edition Software Event Log

The open edition software event log is automatically stored under /openedition/logs/emulator.log. The event log contains all the transactions that the open edition software has processed, as well as startup and shutdown information. This log can be very helpful in debugging your 5800 system client applications.

Open Edition Software Configuration Settings

You can configure the open edition software through the open edition software configuration file located at /openedition/config/emulator.config. Table 3–1 provides the settings you can change.

Table 3–1 Open Edition Software Configuration File Settings



honeycomb.cell.capacity.megs = size

size is the amount of available storage (in Mbytes) for the open edition software. The default is 500 Mbytes. Note that the actual capacity is 80% of the value provided, which enables the healing of a missing disk in the 5800 system (healing is not implemented in the open edition software).

honeycomb.protocol.port = port_number

port_number is the port the open edition software will listen on.

For further information on the configuration file, refer to the Sun StorageTek 5800 Administrator’s Guide.