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Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1 Release Notes

Document Information

1.  Overview

2.  About Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server

What's New in Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v2.1.1

Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server Features

Hardware and Software Requirements

Supported Platforms

System Virtualization Support

Important Patch Information

Solaris Patch Requirements

JDK Version

To Switch to the Supported Java SE Version

Apache Ant Version

JDBC Drivers and Databases

Using the Bundled Java DB Database

Starting and Stopping the Java DB Database

Java DB Utility Scripts

Message Queue Versions

Web Servers for the Load Balancing Plugin


HADB Requirements and Supported Platforms

Supported Platforms

HADB Server Host Requirements

HADB Management Host Requirements

HADB Client Host Requirements

Upgrading the Enterprise Server

Required Free Ports

Other Requirements

Java EE 5 Platform APIs

Java EE 5 SDK

Switching to Another Supported Java Version

To Switch to Another Supported Java Version

Known Java ES 5 Compatibility Issues

Oracle Access Manager Integration

Web Stack Support

Front-ending Enterprise Server with Apache httpd and mod_jk

Features Not Supported on All Operating Systems

Features Not Supported on the AIX Operating System

Features Not Supported on the Linux Operating System

Features Not Supported on the Ubuntu Operating System

Sun GlassFish Enterprise Manger

Using the Update Center

To Use the Update Center

Upgrading the Enterprise Server on the Ubuntu Operating System

Enabling Multilevel Relationship Prefetching

Setting the Interval for Rotating a Node Agent's Log File

To Set the Interval for Rotating a Node Agent's Log File

More About WSIT Integration

3.  Known Issues and Limitations

Using the Update Center

The Update Center provides automated Enterprise Server updates and easy access to additional components.

When the Update Center is enabled, it performs an automated software update. During this automated update process, the Update Center collects and transmits the following data to Sun Microsystems (or its service provider):

No personally identifiable information is tracked. No personally identifiable information is associated with any other data or used for reporting purposes.

To Use the Update Center

To ensure explicit agreement of the automated update, the Update Center is disabled by default. To enable the Update Center to perform periodic checks and automated updates:

  1. Start the Update Center.
    • On Unix: <installdir>/updatecenter/bin/updatetool

    • On Windows: <installdir>\updatecenter\bin\updatetool.bat

  2. Select the Preferences tab.
  3. In the Update Scheduling window, change the Check for Updates drop-down box value from Never (Manual) to a desired value. For example, daily or weekly.
  4. Specify the desired day of the week and time of the day for the update.
  5. Select the Save button to save your changes.

    The Update Center will now automatically check for Enterprise Server component updates according to the schedule specified. When an update is available, the Update Center will launch and notify you of the component available to update.