C H A P T E R  3

Software Installation

After you have completed the hardware installation and powered on the computer, follow the instructions in this chapter for your operating system to install the HBA driver and any other utilities required for the installation.

This chapter contains the following topics:

Installing Software for the Solaris OS

This section contains the following topics:

Installing the Fibre Channel Driver

The qlc HBA driver for the Solaris OS is included with the Solaris 10 8/07 (s10u4) OS release; no further action is required. The latest version of the qlc driver is included with the following Solaris patches:

You can download these patches from the SunSolve website at:


procedure icon  To Install or Update the qlc HBA Driver From a Patch

1. Log in as the root user.

2. Navigate to the directory that contains the patch.

3. Add the latest patch by using the patchadd command.

# patchadd patch-number

Installing the Ethernet Driver

Check the SunSolve web site to ensure that you have the latest patch clusters and security patches for the ethernet driver. You can download the latest patch clusters and security patches at:


Diagnostic Support for the Solaris OS

Diagnostic support for the HBA is included in the SunVTS software beginning with version 6.3. The SunVTS software is included with the Solaris 10 8/07 (s10u4) OS. The SunVTS software is also available for download at: http://www.sun.com/oem/products/vts

The qlctest utility, which is provided as part of the SunVTS software, supports the following functions:

Installing Software for the Red Hat/SUSE Linux OS

This section describes how to download and install the fibre channel and ethernet drivers required by the HBA. It also describes how to install diagnostic support software for the HBA. This section contains the following topics:

Downloading the Red Hat/SUSE Linux Drivers

This section describes how to download the fibre channel and ethernet driver for the HBA. This section contains the following topics:

procedure icon  To Download the Fibre Channel Driver

1. Go to the QLogic support site for Sun Microsystems at:


2. Locate the table containing the SG-XPCIE2FCGBE-Q-Z model.

3. At the bottom of the table, in the Software for row, click Linux.

4. In the Red Hat or SUSE Linux table, find the appropriate driver (the file name is in the format qla2x00-vx.yy.zz-dist.tgz).

5. In the Download column of that row, click Download.

6. Save the file to a directory on the hard disk of the computer.

Note - Because the driver distribution file is now larger than 1.44 Mb, it cannot fit on a 1.44 Mb floppy disk; therefore, you must use a USB driver or local hard disk to download the file.

procedure icon  To Download the Ethernet Driver

1. Go to the QLogic support site for Sun Microsystems at:


2. Locate and click the link for the Ethernet drivers.

3. Find and select the Go to Download Center link.

4. Type 82571EB in the search window and select search.

5. Locate and select Intel 82571EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller.

6. Using the drop-down menu, either select the individual OS or All Operating Systems, then click Go!.

Individual software downloads are now available.

7. Download and save the driver on the hard disk of the computer.

Installing the Red Hat/SUSE Linux Drivers

After you download the drivers, as described in Downloading the Red Hat/SUSE Linux Drivers, you can install the drivers by following the steps in this section:

1. To Build the Fibre Channel Driver

2. To Load the Newly Built Fibre Channel Driver

3. To Build and Load the Ethernet HBA Driver

procedure icon  To Build the Fibre Channel Driver

The driver installation makes extensive use of the build.sh script, which is located in driver source (extras/build.sh).

From the source code, you can build a qla2xxx.ko module and a qla2xxx_conf.ko module for the host. You can then choose to load the driver manually or automatically, as described in To Load the Newly Built Fibre Channel Driver.

1. In the directory that contains the source driver file, qla2xxx-x.yy.zz-dist.tgz, use the commands shown in the following example.

# tar -xvzf *.tgz
# cd qlogic
# ./drvrsetup (this extracts the source files directory into the current directory)
# cd qla2xxx-x.yy.zz (x.yy indicates the driver version; zz indicates the file extension, which is typically .ko for kernel modules (binaries)).

2. Build and install the driver modules from the source code by executing the build.sh script.

# ./extras/build.sh install

This build script does the following:

3. Choose how you want to load the driver, as described in To Load the Newly Built Fibre Channel Driver.

procedure icon  To Load the Newly Built Fibre Channel Driver

After you build the fibre channel driver, as described in To Build the Fibre Channel Driver, you can choose to manually or automatically load the driver. This section contains the following topics:

procedure icon  To Manually Load the Fibre Channel Driver

After building the fibre channel driver, you can choose to manually load the driver. If you want to automatically load the driver, skip to To Automatically Load the Fibre Channel Driver.

1. Build the driver binary, as described in To Build the Fibre Channel Driver.

2. Manually load the driver by using the modprobe -v command.

# modprobe -v qla2xxx

3. Now that the fibre channel driver is manually loaded, you can build and load the ethernet driver, as described in To Build and Load the Ethernet HBA Driver.

4. If you want to manually unload the driver, use the modprobe -r command.

# modprobe -r qla2xxx
# modprobe -r qla2xxx_conf (SANsurfer use only)

procedure icon  To Automatically Load the Fibre Channel Driver

After building the fibre channel driver, you can choose to automatically load the driver. If you want to manually load the fibre channel driver, see To Manually Load the Fibre Channel Driver.

1. Build the driver binary, as described in To Build the Fibre Channel Driver.

2. Install the driver module (*.ko) files to the appropriate kernel module directory.

# ./extras/build.sh install

3. For Red Hat Linux users, edit the /etc/modprobe.conf file and add the following entries, if they are not present:

4. For SUSE Linux users, edit the /etc/sysconfig/kernel file and modify the INITRD_MODULES directive as shown in the following example.

In this example, note that you must add the first module, qla2xxx_conf (for SANsurfer), followed by the qla2xxx module. The qla2xxx_conf module is for use only with SANsurfer while the qla2xxx module is a common module.

INITRD_MODULES=".... qla2xxx_conf qla2xxx"

5. Change to the /boot directory.

6. Back up the current RAMDISK image.

# cp -f initrd-2.6.kernel-version.img initrd-2.6.kernel-version.img.bak

7. Build the RAMDISK image with the mkinitrd -f command.

Red Hat: # mkinitrd -f initrd-2.6.kernel-version.img kernel-version
SUSE: # /sbin/mk_initrd

8. Reboot the system to load the RAMDISK image with the driver.

9. You can now build and load the ethernet driver, as described in To Build and Load the Ethernet HBA Driver.

procedure icon  To Build and Load the Ethernet HBA Driver

1. Build the Ethernet HBA driver.

Red Hat: # rpmbuild --rebuild sun-pci-e-dual-gigabit-kernel-6.1.5.src.rpm

2. Change to the rpm directory.

Red Hat: # cd /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/arch

3. Install the Ethernet rpms, using the same command for both Red Hat and SUSE OSes.

# rpm -ivh sun-pci-e-dual-gigabit-kernel-6.1.5.rpm

4. Use the depmod command to register the HBA.

# depmod

5. Manually load the e1000 driver for all instances.

# modprobe e1000

Diagnostic Support for the Red Hat/SUSE OS

Diagnostic support for the HBA is available through the SANsurfer PRO graphical user interface (GUI) utility or the SANsurfer command-line interface (CLI) utility. These utilities support the following functions:

procedure icon  To Install Diagnostic Support for the Red Hat/SUSE Linux OS

1. Go to the QLogic support site for Sun Microsystems at:


2. Locate the table containing the SG-XPCIE2FCGBE-Q-Z model.

3. At the bottom of the table, click Windows.

4. Locate the SANsurfer CLI (command-line interface) or SANsurfer PRO (GUI) diagnostic utility.

5. Click Download to copy diagnostic archive to a local file system.

6. Click Readme link for additional information.

Installing Software for the VMware Technology

The HBA drivers included on the VMware distribution are sufficient for supporting the HBA. No further action is required.

To verify that the drivers loaded successfully, look for the following lines in the /var/log/vmkernel file:

VMKernel qla2300_707.o loaded successfully 
e1000.o loaded successfully

The first line indicates that the fibre channel driver loaded successfully. The second line indicates that the ethernet driver loaded successfully.

Installing Software for the Windows OS

This section describes how to download and install the fibre channel and ethernet drivers required by the HBA. It also describes how to install diagnostic support software for the HBA. This section contains the following topics:

procedure icon  To Download the Fibre Channel Driver

1. Go to the QLogic support site for Sun Microsystems at:


2. Locate the table containing the SG-XPCIE2FCGBE-Q-Z model.

3. At the bottom of the table, in the Software for row, click Windows.

4. In the table for your Windows operating system, find the appropriate driver.

5. In the Download column of that row, click Download.

6. Save the file to a directory on the hard disk of the computer.

7. Unzip (extract) the driver files to a location on the hard disk of the computer.

procedure icon  To Install the Fibre Channel Driver

After installing the HBA and restarting the computer, the Windows OS detects the newly installed device and displays the Found New Hardware with Fibre Channel Controller message. The Found New Hardware wizard launches.

Note - This procedure requires a system configured with the latest Service Pack and Windows Update.

1. On the first screen of the Found New Hardware wizard, click Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended), and then click Next.

2. Browse to the location on the where you downloaded the Fibre Channel driver, then click Next.

Windows displays a message, letting you know it found a driver for this device.

3. On the Completing the Found New Hardware Wizard window, click Finish.

4. If the system displays the following message, click Yes to restart the computer:

System Settings Change. Windows has finished installing a new device. The software that supports your device requires that you restart your computer. You must restart your computer before the new settings will take effect. Do you want to restart your computer now?

procedure icon  To Download and Install the Ethernet Driver

1. Go to the QLogic support site for Sun Microsystems at:


2. Locate and click the link for the Ethernet drivers.

3. Find and select the Go to Download Center link.

4. Type 82571EB in the search window and select search.

5. Locate and select Intel 82571EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller.

6. Using the drop-down menu, select either the individual OS or All Operating Systems, then click Go!.

Individual software downloads will now be available.

7. Download and save the driver on the hard disk of the computer.

8. Navigate to the location on the hard disk where you downloaded the driver, and run the driver file.

The driver file is a self-extracting archive. When you run the file, the files are extracted to a temporary directory and the installation wizard is run to install the driver. After the driver is installed, the temporary files are removed.

Diagnostic Support for the Windows OS

Diagnostic support for the HBA is available through the SANsurfer PRO GUI utility or the SANsurfer CLI utility. These utilities support the following functions:

procedure icon  To Install Diagnostic Support for the Windows OS

1. Go to the QLogic support site for Sun Microsystems at:


2. Locate the table containing the SG-XPCIE2FCGBE-Q-Z model.

3. At the bottom of the table, click Windows.

4. Locate the SANsurfer CLI or SANsurfer PRO (GUI) diagnostic utility.

5. Click Download to copy the diagnostic archive to a local file system.

6. Click Readme for additional information.

Installing a CLI for Updating the BIOS and FCode

If you need to update the fibre channel BIOS and FCode, you can do so by using the SANsurfer command-line interface (CLI).

Note - The SANsurfer CLI is supported by all supported operating system and technology versions except for VMware ESX Server 3.0.2. To use the CLI with the VMware technology, upgrade to ESX Server 3.5.

If you have not done so already, you can download the SANsurfer CLI package from the QLogic support site for Sun Microsystems at:


Follow the installation instructions in the README.TXT file. Installation instructions are also available in the QLogic document, SANsurfer FC HBA CLI User’s Guide (SN0054614-00), which can be found on the QLogic web site, www.qlogic.com.

For instructions on how to update the BIOS and FCode, see the SANsurfer FC HBA CLI User’s Guide at the QLogic web site.