Sun Java System Instant Messaging 7.2 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Customize Instant Messenger to Allow New User Registration

  1. Open the im.jnlp.template file in a text editor.

    By default this file is stored in im-svr-base/html.

  2. Search for the line:

    <application-desc main-class="">
  3. Add the following argument to the end of the section:

  4. Save and close im.jnlp.template.

  5. Open the im.html.template file in a text editor.

    By default this file is stored in im-svr-base/html.

  6. Add the register parameter to the file:

    <PARAM NAME="register" VALUE="true">
  7. Add the following parameter to the EMBED tag:

  8. Save and close im.html.template.

  9. Run the configure utility, selecting the “Messenger Resources” component only when prompted for which components you want to configure.

    See Configuring Instant Messaging After Installing or Upgrading for instructions.

  10. If you are usingSun Java System Application Server or Sun Java System Web Server, redeploy the resource files.

    See Redeploying Resource Files for instructions.

  11. Launch Instant Messenger.

    The I am a New User button should appear on the Login dialog box.