C H A P T E R  2

Replacing the Sun Blade 6048 InfiniBand QDR Switched Network Express Module

This chapter describes how to replace a Sun Blade 6048 InfiniBand QDR Switched Network Express Module (IB-QNEM) in a powered-on Sun Blade 6048 Series Chassis. This chapter also includes instructions to verify that the IB-QNEM has been installed correctly.

This chapter contains the following sections:

2.1 Replacing IB-QNEM Hardware

If an IB-QNEM fails or if you choose to change the I/O configuration, you must replace the IB-QNEM. You can replace an IB-QNEM in a powered-on Sun Blade 6048 Series Chassis using a hot-plug operation.

If you are removing but not replacing the IB-QNEM, you must install both NEM slot filler panels to meet FCC limits for electromagnetic interference (EMI) and to ensure proper airflow and cooling.

If you encounter a problem replacing the IB-QNEM, see Managing the IB-QNEM.

Note - If you are installing a IB-QNEM in a Sun Blade 6048 Series Chassis that has not been powered on, see the Sun Blade 6048 Series Installation Guide (820-2312).

The IB-QNEMs are customer-replaceable units (CRUs).

procedure icon  To Remove the IB-QNEM in a Powered-On Chassis

  1. Identify which IB-QNEM to replace.

    If the amber Service Action Required indicator is lit on a specific IB-QNEM, there is a problem with that IB-QNEM. Otherwise, you can choose any IB-QNEM to replace if, for example, you want to change the I/O configuration.

  2. Remove all cables from the IB-QNEM.

  3. Squeeze the two tabs on both ejector levers to unlatch the levers from the IB-QNEM rear panel.

  4. Pull both ejector levers simultaneously out to the sides until the IB-QNEM disengages from the chassis midplane.

    caution icon

    Caution - Be careful not to over rotate the ejector levers and damage the chassis.

    Once the IB-QNEM is disconnected from the midplane, the green OK led will turn off.

  5. Pull both ejector levers away from the NEM slot to slide the IB-QNEM out until you can comfortably remove the assembly with both hands.

    caution icon

    Caution - Do not support the IB-QNEM by the two ejector levers.

procedure icon  To Install the IB-QNEM in a Powered-On Chassis

  1. Inspect the midplane connectors in the chassis NEM slots for bent or damaged pins before installing the IB-QNEM.

    Do not install the IB-QNEM if you find any bent or damaged pins.

  2. Align the IB-QNEM with the top NEM slot and the chassis guidance system.

    Ensure that the IB-QNEM aligns with the chassis guidance system. Failure to align the IB-QNEM correctly can result in damage to the IB-QNEM's connections to the chassis midplane.

  3. Slide the IB-QNEM into the NEM guide rails until the ejector levers touch the guide rails.

  4. Pull both ejector levers out to the sides and position them into their latch on the rails.

    The levers can be closed slightly to ensure that they are aligned correctly.

  5. With both hands on the rear panel, push the IB-QNEM firmly into the midplane connectors.

    caution icon

    Caution - Do not push the IB-QNEM in at an angle or slam it into the midplane connectors. Such actions might result in bent or damaged connector pins.

  6. Push both ejector levers simultaneously toward the center so that the IB-QNEM engages fully with the connectors on the midplane

    The levers should eventually lock into their latch openings on the IB-QNEM rear panel.

    caution icon

    Caution - Locking one lever at a time might result in seating problems that can lead to symbol errors.

    The IB-QNEM will automatic power on once the IB-QNEM is fully seated in the chassis. The green OK LED will blink during power up and eventually remain lit once the power on completes successfully.

    If the amber Service Action Required indicator is on, try re-installing the IB-QNEM. If the problem persists, initiate a service call.

  7. Connect the InfiniBand cables to the IB-QNEM port connectors.

    Ensure that the connectors are properly engaged. The connectors click when locked.

    caution icon

    Caution - Avoid putting unnecessary stress on the connection. Do not bend or twist the cable near the connectors, and avoid sharp cable bends of more than 90 degrees.

  8. Verify that the IB-QNEM is working properly.

    See To Verify Hardware Installation.

    Note - If you are replacing an IB-QNEM, you might not need to install the InfiniBand software packages on the server modules. The appropriate software package will have been installed and configured as part of the initial IB-QNEM installation. Refer to the server module’s documentation for more information.

2.2 Verifying Installation

If you have not installed the IB-QNEM in the chassis and connected it to an operational InfiniBand switch or HCA, do so before you attempt to verify the installation. The InfiniBand switch should automatically recognize InfiniBand servers when the servers are connected to the fabric.

procedure icon  To Verify Hardware Installation

  1. Once you have physically installed the IB-QNEM and ensured that the cables are connected to the IB-QNEM and other IB devices (switches or HCA), ensure that an IB Subnet Manager is running on the connected InfiniBand fabric (network).

    If the green Physical Link indicator is illuminated, you have successfully completed the hardware installation and you can proceed to verification through the ILOM interfaces (Step 2). The green Physical Link indicator lights to show that the port is enabled. That is, a physical link to a remote switch (or, possibly an HCA) has been established. There might be a short delay before the indicator lights.

    If the port LEDs are not illuminated, one possible cause might be that the InfiniBand drivers are not installed. You cannot verify a complete installation on Linux until you install these drivers.

  2. Examine hardware status through one of the ILOM (Integrated Lights Out Manager) interfaces.

    Use one of the following procedures:

    For a description of the possible states of the IB-QNEM LEDs, see To Verify Component Status Using the LEDs.

procedure icon  To Verify Installation Using the ILOM Web Interface

  1. Log in to the ILOM web interface using the IP address of the CMM.

    The initial page of the ILOM web interface appears, providing visual verification of successful hardware installation. Note the image of the installed IB-QNEM in the view of the back of the chassis.

  2. In the left navigation pane, select CMM.

    The ILOM Version Information page appears.

  3. Select the System Information tab and then select the Components tab.

    The Component Management page appears.

  4. Scroll down to /CH/NEM1 and select the NEM1 component name.

    The ILOM page showing the IB-QNEM status details appears.

  5. If you are physically near the IB-QNEM, you can examine its LEDs to verify that it has returned the expected feedback.

    See To Verify Component Status Using the LEDs.

procedure icon  To Verify Installation Using the ILOM CLI

  1. Log in to the ILOM CLI.

  2. Find the NEM1 in your system. type:

    show /CH

  3. To verify that the NEM1 is installed, type:

    > show /CH/NEM1
            type = Network Express Module
            fru_name = ASSY,SB6048 QDR NEM
            fru_part_number = 541-3378-01
            fru_serial_number = 0110SJC-0904CA0037

  4. If you are physically near the IB-QNEM, examine its LEDs to verify that it has returned the expected feedback.

    See To Verify Component Status Using the LEDs.

procedure icon  To Verify Component Status Using the LEDs

2.3 Managing the IB-QNEM

Because the IB-QNEMs are shared resources, all Sun Blade server modules must respond favorably to the PCI hot-remove request. However, a blade might not relinquish the link to a IB-QNEM if, for instance, there are busy NFS mounted volumes, file transfers, and so on.

Note - The IB-QNEM does not need any user-level configurations. IB-QNEM functionality is predefined by the switches firmware. Advance network and InfiniBand configurations can be performed using the Subnet Manager on a supported server module.

To determine the state of the NEM-to-blade connections, you can use the ILOM command-line interface, as described in the following procedure.

procedure icon  To Manage IB-QNEM Using the ILOM CLI

  1. Log in to the ILOM CMM CLI interface. For example:.

    # ssh root@cmm-ip-address
    The authenticity of host ’xx.xx.xx.xxx (xx.xx.xx.xxx)’ can’t be established. RSA key fingerprint is a2:71:bd:bc:ce:74:4c:24:50:5f:fb:c5:c3:01:e6:58.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
    Warning: Permanently added ’’ (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
    Sun(TM) Integrated Lights Out Manager
    Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
    Use is subject to license terms.
    Warning: password is set to factory default.

  2. Start the CLI by typing the command shown in the example.

    start /CH/NEM1/SP/cli
    Are you sure you want to start /CH/NEM1/SP/cli (y/n)? y
    Sun Blade 6048 QDR InfiniBand Network Express Module
    -> help
    Special characters used in the help command are
    []   encloses optional keywords or options
    <>   encloses a description of the keyword
         (If <> is not present, an actual keyword is indicated)
    |    indicates a choice of keywords or options
    Valid proxy CLI commands are:
            show [<property> ... ]
            set <property>=<value>
            resetswitch { A | B | all }
            help [<command>]

  3. Type the show command to display the IB-QNEM hardware and software information:

    -> show
        fpga_version        = 03
        cpld_version        = 08
        cpld_id             = 5C
        full_serial_no      = 0110SJC-0904
        S/N                 = CA0037
        P/N                 = 5413378
        HW_rev              = 01
        FRUID_specno        = 885-1445-01
        ENG_change_tag      =
        mfg_time            = Mon Jan 19 19:12:59 2009
        cable_present       =
              0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
              1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
        ports_A             =
          External 4x IB ports on switch A:
            A0   A1   A2   A3   A4   A5   A6   A7   A8   A9   A10  A11  A12  A13  A14
            Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up
          ports belonging to server blades on switch A:
            BL0#0  BL0#1  BL1#0  BL1#1  BL2#0  BL2#1  BL3#0  BL3#1  BL4#0  BL4#1  BL5#0  BL5#1
            down   down   down   down   down   down   down   down   Up     Up     Up     down
          ports on switch A connected to the peer switch:
            #28  #29  #30  #31  #32  #33  #34  #35  #36
            Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up
          Logical p#   Phys p#   State
          ----------   -------   -----
                 1       ( 1)     Up
                 2       ( 2)     Up
                 3       ( 3)     Up
                 4       ( 4)     Up
                 5       ( 5)     Up
                 6       ( 6)     Up
                 7       ( 7)     Up
                 8       ( 8)     Up
                 9       ( 9)     Up
                10       (10)     Up
                11       (11)     Up
                12       (12)     Up
                13       (18)     Up
                14       (17)     Up
                15       (16)     Up
                16       (19)     down
                17       (20)     down
                18       (21)     down
                19       (22)     down
                20       (23)     down
                21       (24)     down
                22       (25)     down
                23       (26)     down
                24       (27)     Up
                25       (28)     Up
                26       (29)     Up
                27       (30)     down
                28       (15)     Up
                29       (14)     Up
                30       (13)     Up
                31       (31)     Up
                32       (32)     Up
                33       (33)     Up
                34       (34)     Up
                35       (35)     Up
                36       (36)     Up
        ports_B             =
          External 4x IB ports on switch B:
            B0   B1   B2   B3   B4   B5   B6   B7   B8   B9   B10  B11  B12  B13  B14
            Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up
          ports belonging to server blades on switch B:
            BL6#0  BL6#1  BL7#0  BL7#1  BL8#0  BL8#1  BL9#0  BL9#1  BL10#0 BL10#1 BL11#0 BL11#1
            down   down   down   down   down   down   down   down   down   down   down   down
          ports on switch B connected to the peer switch:
            #28  #29  #30  #31  #32  #33  #34  #35  #36
            Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up   Up
          Logical p#   Phys p#   State
          ----------   -------   -----
                 1       ( 4)     Up
                 2       ( 5)     Up
                 3       ( 6)     Up
                 4       ( 7)     Up
                 5       ( 8)     Up
                 6       ( 9)     Up
                 7       (10)     Up
                 8       (11)     Up
                 9       (12)     Up
                10       (18)     Up
                11       (17)     Up
                12       (16)     Up
                13       (15)     Up
                14       (14)     Up
                15       (13)     Up
                16       (25)     down
                17       (26)     down
                18       (27)     down
                19       (28)     down
                20       (29)     down
                21       (30)     down
                22       (36)     down
                23       (35)     down
                24       (34)     down
                25       (33)     down
                26       (32)     down
                27       (31)     down
                28       ( 3)     Up
                29       ( 2)     Up
                30       ( 1)     Up
                31       (19)     Up
                32       (20)     Up
                33       (21)     Up
                34       (22)     Up
                35       (23)     Up
                36       (24)     Up
        temperature         = 34 degrees
        leds                =
            Locate : Off
            OK     : On
            Service: Off
            R2R    : Off
        ipass0              = 2612BER-0904XB0006    10m,  84  Circuit iPass  Stacked  Active  Optical Cable
        ipass1              = 2612BER-0905XA0011    10m,  84  Circuit iPass  Stacked  Active  Optical Cable
        ipass2              = 2612BER-0905XB0003    10m,  84  Circuit iPass  Stacked  Active  Optical Cable
        ipass3              = 2612BER-0905XB0004    10m,  84  Circuit iPass  Stacked  Active  Optical Cable
        ipass4              = 2612BER-0904XB0025    10m,  84  Circuit iPass  Stacked  Active  Optical Cable
        ipass5              = 2612BER-0904XA0006    10m,  84  Circuit iPass  Stacked  Active  Optical Cable
        ipass6              = 2612BER-0905XB0011    10m,  84  Circuit iPass  Stacked  Active  Optical Cable
        ipass7              = 2612BER-0905XA0003    10m,  84  Circuit iPass  Stacked  Active  Optical Cable
        ipass8              = 2612BER-0905XA0004    10m,  84  Circuit iPass  Stacked  Active  Optical Cable
        ipass9              = 2612BER-0904XA0025    10m,  84  Circuit iPass  Stacked  Active  Optical Cable