3 Software Installation Using Solaris 1.x

3.1 Solaris 1.x

Note - Be sure and read the README file on the CD ROM for late breaking information.

The Solaris 1 software version of the SBus Quad Ethernet Controller driver is supported on Solaris 1.1 (SunOS 4.1.3) and later releases. To utilize the SQEC card, the system also needs to contain OpenBoot(TM) PROM (OBP) level 2.3 or later. There is no restriction on the number of SQEC cards that can be installed in one system. The name of the SQEC interface is "qe".

After installation of the SQEC card (see Chapter 2, "Installing the SBus Quad Ethernet Controller Card"), you can install the software which is located on CD-ROM part number 704-4885-10.

If you will be running the software on a diskless workstation, install the product software on the boot server for that diskless machine. The Section 3.3, "Installing from CD-ROM", covers installation from a CD-ROM.

3.2 Preparing for Software Installation

Before loading the SQEC software:

hostname % uname -r ----------------------
hostname # cd /export/exec hostname # ls -l sun4 lrwxrwxrwx l root 4 Apr 9 03:27 sun4 - /usr ---------------------------------------------

The example response from command ls -l shows that the sun4 and /usr directories are symbolically linked. If the link does not exist, create one while still in the directory /export/exec, by entering the ln -s command as shown in the following example:

hostname # ln -s /usr sun4 -----------------------------

3.3 Installing from CD-ROM

3.3.1 Access to Remote CD-ROM

If the CD-ROM player that you are using for software installation is attached to a remote machine, refer to your SunOS installation guide for remote CD-ROM access and proceed with the installation procedures that follow.

3.3.2 Using cdm

When installing the SQEC software from a CD-ROM, you can use the cdm program. The cdm program has a command-line interface that allows you to install applications directly onto a machine that does not have a bit-mapped display. The following text presents instructions for cdm.

3.3.3 Mounting the CD-ROM

    1. Mount the CD-ROM from either a local or remote machine. For example, for a local machine enter the following:
hostname # mkdir /cdrom hostname # mount -r /dev/sr0 /cdrom --------------------------------------

    For a remote machine enter the following:

hostname # mkdir /cdrom hostname # mount -r <remote machine: /cdrom /cdrom -----------------------------------------------------
    2. After successfully mounting the CD-ROM filesystem, change directories to /cdrom as follows:
hostname # cd /cdrom -----------------------

3.3.4 Install Script Using cdm

    3. Enter ./cdm at a shell prompt. You will then see the following display:
----->>CDM<<<<<----- 1. Select Application 2. Show Current Application 3. Install Application 4. Display Application Text File 5. Print Application Text File 6. List Applications 7. List Categories 8. Change Current Category 9. Change current Directory 10. Show Program Environment Please enter a number or q to quit: -------------------------------------
    4. Enter 1 to select an application.

    You will then see the following display:

Applications available: 1. SBus Quad Ethernet Controller Driver 2. SunFastEthernet Driver Please enter a number or q to quit: ------------------------------------------------
    5. Enter 1 to select SBus Quad Ethernet Controller.

    You will then see the following display:

*"SBus Quad Ethernet Controller" Driver selected as new application. ----->>CDM<<<<<----- 1. Select Application 2. Show Current Application 3. Install Application 4. Display Application Text File 5. Print Application Text File 6. List Applications 7. List Categories 8. Change Current Category 9. Change current Directory 10. Show Program Environment Please enter a number or q to quit: ----------------------------------------------------------
    6. Enter 3 to initiate the installation.

    You will then see the following display:

Begin installation now? -----------------------------
    7. Enter y to begin installation.

    You will then see the following display:

Executing installation file... The following product will be installed: Product Name: 1.1 FCS SunFastEthernet and SBus Quad Ethernet Controller Driver Sun Platforms: Sun-4m SUNBIN Media type/format: CD-ROM (UFS file system format) 1 of 1 Part Number: 258-4882 Compatible with the Solaris(R) 1.1, 1.1.1, and 1.1.2 releases Copyright 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved Printed in the United States of America. 2550 Garcia Avenue, Mountain View, California, 94043-1100 U.S.A. This product and related documentation is protected by copyright and distributed under licenses restricting its use, copying, distribution and decompilation. No part of this product or related documentation may be reproduced in any form by any means without prior written authorization of Sun and its licensors, if any. Portions of this product may be derived from the UNIX(R) and Berkeley 4.3 BSD systems, licensed from UNIX Systems Laboratories, Inc. and the University of California, respectively. Third party font software in this product is protected by copyright and licensed from Sun's Font Suppliers. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 52.227-7013 (Oct. 1988) and FAR 52.227-19(c) The OPEN LOOK(R) and Sun(R) Graphical User Interfaces were developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. for its users and licensees. Sun acknowledges the pioneering efforts of Xerox(R) in researching and developing the concept of visual or graphical user interfaces for the computer industry. Sun holds a non-exclusive license from Xerox to the Xerox Graphical User Interface, which license also covers Sun's licensees who implement OPEN LOOK GUIs and otherwise comply with Sun's written license agreements. ----------------------------------------------------------------------

The X Window System is a product of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun Logo, Solaris, SunOS, ONC, NFS, OpenWindows, DeskSet, AnswerBook, SunLink, SunView, SunDiag, NeWS, OpenBoot, OpenFonts, SunInstall, SunNet, ToolTalk, X11/NeWS and XView are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc. in the United States and other countries. X/Open Company, Ltd. is the exclusive licensor of such trademark. PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. which may be registered in some jurisdictions. All other product names mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners. All SPARC trademarks, including the SCD Compliant Logo, are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. SPARCstation, SPARCserver, SPARCengine, SPARCworks and SPARCompiler are licensed exclusively to Sun Microsystems, Inc. Products bearing SPARC trademarks are based upon an architecture developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    8. The script will then query: Do you want to continue [y|n]?

    Enter y to continue. You will then see the following display:

extract_unbundled : Extracting Installation Scripts extract_unbundled : Begin Install Script Execution Invoking /usr/tmp/unbundled/install_BQE; log file is /usr/tmp/unbundled/1.0_BQE.log -------------------------------------------------------
    9. The script will then query: Do you want to see a description of this installation script [y|n]?

    Follow by entering n. You will then see the following display:

Install the SBus Quad Ethernet Controller driver. Installation should take approximately 2 minutes. Here is the Current Free Disk space: Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on /dev/sd1a 30807 3854 23873 14% / /dev/sd1g 185351 162989 3827 98% /usr /dev/sd1d 276263 3725 244912 1% /export /dev/sd1e 45959 16401 24963 40% /export/swap /dev/sd1h 323735 10 291352 0% /home /dev/sd1f 37863 131 33946 0% /var This software requires 500 kbytes of disk space -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    10. The script will then query: Do you want to continue [y|n]?

    Follow by entering y. You will then see the following display:

The destination directory for the SQEC is: /export/exec a sun4/BQE/install/install_bqe 25 blocks a sun4/BQE/install/deinstall_bqe 8 blocks a sun4/BQE/usr/bin/be_speed 208 blocks a sun4/BQE/usr/man/man4/be.4s 17 blocks a sun4/BQE/usr/man/man4/qe.4s 16 blocks a sun4/BQE/usr/man/man4/qec.4s 6 blocks a sun4/BQE/4.1.3/sys/sunif/if_bmac.h 19 blocks a sun4/BQE/4.1.3/sys/sunif/if_bqe.h 15 blocks a sun4/BQE/4.1.3/sys/sunif/if_mace.h 17 blocks a sun4/BQE/4.1.3/sys/sunif/if_qec.h 28 blocks a sun4/BQE/4.1.3/sys/sun4m/OBJ/if_bqe.o 57 blocks a sun4/BQE/4.1.3/sys/sun4m/OBJ/if_qec.o 9 blocks a sun4/BQE/4.1.3_U1/sys/sunif/if_bmac.h 19 blocks a sun4/BQE/4.1.3_U1/sys/sunif/if_bqe.h 15 blocks a sun4/BQE/4.1.3_U1/sys/sunif/if_mace.h 17 blocks a sun4/BQE/4.1.3_U1/sys/sunif/if_qec.h 28 blocks a sun4/BQE/4.1.3_U1/sys/sun4m/OBJ/if_bqe.o 58 blocks a sun4/BQE/4.1.3_U1/sys/sun4m/OBJ/if_qec.o 9 blocks Software successfully extracted. 4.1.3_U1 ----------------------------------------------------------

Note - The install script assumes you have assigned the hostname for the SBus Quad Ethernet Controller. For example, if you want to call the SBus Quad Ethernet Controller system5, then system5 should exist in the /etc/hosts file or NIS hosts maps (if you are running NIS), otherwise the script exits, and you will have to restart cdm again.

    11. The script will then query:

    What host name do you wish to use for qe0 [Don't Configure]:

    Respond by typing the assigned hostname. If there is more than one hardware device installed the script will then query: What host name do you wish to use for qe1 [Don't Configure]:, and so on until the script has prompted you for a hostname for every SBus Quad Ethernet Controller hardware device installed. Once all devices have been given a hostname, you will then see the following display:

The current official hostname is: (current official hostname) Do you wish to change the official hostname? (y|n) [n]: ---------------------------------------------------------------
    12. The default is n, if you want to change the official hostname respond by entering y.

    Once the hostname is changed or the default n is selected, you will then see the following display:

This script is designed to continue the SQEC installation by: Creating a System Config File based on a source Config File Changing protections on various files Running sys_install Modifying the system config file Configuring and building the new kernel Setting up the new Kernel image for booting FOLLOW THE STEPS IN THE MANUAL *PRIOR* TO REBOOTING! Then you must halt the system and reboot using the new kernel. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    13. The script will then query: Do you wish to continue with this script (y/n) [y]:

    Enter y to continue. The script will then query:

Source System Config File [GENERIC]: --------------------------------------

    If you want to change the source system config file from the default [GENERIC} then enter the change now, otherwise press RETURN to accept the default.

    You will then see the following prompt:

New System Config File [BQE]: -------------------------------

    If you want to change the new system config file from the default [BQE], then enter the new file name now or press RETURN to accept the default.

    You will then see the following display:

File protection on files and BQE adjusted .... Doing a "make depend" /etc/config BQE run successfully .... Issuing make ... cc -sparc -c -O -Dsun4m -DGENERIC -DSUN4M_35 -DSUN4M_50 - DSUN4M_690 -DWINSVJ -DVDDRV -DASYNCHIO -DLWP -DVFSSTATS -DRFS - DCRYPT -DTCPDEBUG -DIPCSHMEM -DIPCSEMAPHORE -DIPCMESSAGE - DSYSAUDIT -DSYSACCT -DPCFS -DHSFS -DTMPFS -DTFS -DLOFS - DNFSSERVER -DNFSCLIENT -DUFS -DQUOTA -DINET -DMULTIPROCESSOR - DKERNEL -I. -I.. -I../.. ../../netinet/in_proto.c cc -sparc -c -O -Dsun4m -DGENERIC -DSUN4M_35 -DSUN4M_50 - DSUN4M_690 -DWINSVJ -DVDDRV -DASYNCHIO -DLWP -DVFSSTATS -DRFS - DCRYPT -DTCPDEBUG -DIPCSHMEM -DIPCSEMAPHORE -DIPCMESSAGE - DSYSAUDIT -DSYSACCT -DPCFS -DHSFS -DTMPFS -DTFS -DLOFS - DNFSSERVER -DNFSCLIENT -DUFS -DQUOTA -DINET -DMULTIPROCESSOR - DKERNEL -I. -I.. -I../.. ../../netinet/tcp_debug.c cc -sparc -c -g -Dsun4m -DGENERIC -DSUN4M_35 -DSUN4M_50 - DSUN4M_690 -DWINSVJ -DVDDRV -DASYNCHIO -DLWP -DVFSSTATS -DRFS - DCRYPT -DTCPDEBUG -DIPCSHMEM -DIPCSEMAPHORE -DIPCMESSAGE - DSYSAUDIT -DSYSACCT -DPCFS -DHSFS -DTMPFS -DTFS -DLOFS - DNFSSERVER -DNFSCLIENT -DUFS -DQUOTA -DINET -DMULTIPROCESSOR - DKERNEL -I. -I.. -I../.. ../../os/init_dbx.c cc -sparc -c -O -Dsun4m -DGENERIC -DSUN4M_35 -DSUN4M_50 - DSUN4M_690 -DWINSVJ -DVDDRV -DASYNCHIO -DLWP -DVFSSTATS -DRFS - DCRYPT -DTCPDEBUG -DIPCSHMEM -DIPCSEMAPHORE -DIPCMESSAGE - DSYSAUDIT -DSYSACCT -DPCFS -DHSFS -DTMPFS -DTFS (deleted for brevity) loading vmunix rearranging symbols text data bss dec hex 1531904 463064 215088 2210056 21b908 'make' ran successfully .... -----------------------------------------------------------------

    Followed by:

*************************************************************** The SBus Quad Ethernet Controller has been successfully installed. To use the new kernel, do the following: # mv vmunix vmunix.org # mv vmunix.bqe vmunix # /etc/reboot *************************************************************** -----------------------------------------------------------------

Note - If there are problems with the preceding procedure (moving vmunix / rebooting), then you need to boot the old vmunix which is vmunix.org in the above example. Thus, type: boot vmunix.org.

The install script will then return you to cdm and the following display:

----->> CDM <<<<<----- 1. Select Application 2. Show Current Application 3. Install Application 4. Display Application Text File 5. Print Application Text File 6. List Applications 7. List Categories 8. Change Current Category 9. Change Current Directory 10. Show Program Environment Please enter a number or q to quit: q -------------------------------------------

3.3.5 SBus Quad Etnernet Controller Directories

The following table lists the major subdirectories of the directory that receives SBus Quad Ethernet Controller files, /export/exec/sun4/BQE. Note that /export/exec/sun4 is a symbolic link to /usr.

    Table 3-1 /export/exec/sun4/BQE Subdirectories

Subdirectory Description ----------------------------------------------------
4.1.3/sys     Kernel and system configuration files
install       Product specific installation scripts
usr/bin       Utilities
usr/man       Product manual pages


3.3.6 Installation Verification

Use the netstat (8c) utility to check for qe<num'> interfaces. For example:

hostname # netstat -ia Name Mtu Net/Dest Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Collis Queue leo 1500 mtnview-en avon 197315 0 160609 0 3 0 beo 4428 mtnview-en avon-bf0 184858 0 177808 0 0 0 qe1* 4428 mtnview-en avon-bf1 0 0 0 0 0 0 leo 1536 loopback localhost 11418 0 11418 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

An asterick (*) following an interface name, such as qe1 as shown in the previous example, indicates that the interface is down, that is, you have not used ifconfig to bring the interface up.

You can also use ifconfig to check on a particular interface, for example:

hostname # ifconfig be0 be0: flags=63<UP,DROADCAST,NOTRAILERS,RUNNING'> inet <IP_address> netmask <netmask> broadcast <address> -------------------------------------------------------------

The string <UP,BROADCAST,NOTRAILERS,RUNNING indicates that the SBus Quad Ethernet Controller interface is correctly installed and configured.

3.4 Setting Up Diskless Clients

This section tells you how to set up a server so that you can boot and run diskless client workstations over the SBus Quad Ethernet Controller. This setup includes building a kernel that supports the SBus Quad Ethernet Controller interface.

3.4.1 Setting Up to Write to the Server's /usr Partition

If your server exports /usr read-only to the diskless client, then you need to refer to the "System Administrators Guide" for the server's operating system, to find out how to export the /usr filesystem read/write to the diskless client.

3.4.2 Building a New Kernel

The following instructions are a supplement to the instructions in Chapter 8, "Administering Workstations", in the SunOS manual, "System and Network Administration".

You can use the script install_bqe on the client machine to configure a new kernel containing a linkable driver for the SBus Quad Ethernet Controller. Depending upon the size of the kernel on which you are basing the new kernel, you need about 2MB of free space in your root partition.You can use the install script to build a new kernel for each client individually. Follow the directions in Section 3.3, "Installing from CD-ROM".

If you have a lot of diskless clients, installing the clients one by one may not be practical. You can build the kernels manually by following the steps below. SYS is assumed to be the directory where you build kernels for you diskless client, use whatever path is right for you in place of SYS.

If you are on a SunOS 4.1.3 machine use 4.1.3 in place of OSVER, for releases later than SunOS 4.1.3 use 4.1.3_U1 in place of OSVER. Enter the following commands:

# cp /usr/BQE/OSVER/sys/sunif/* SYS/sunif # cp /usr/BQE/OSVER/sys/sun4m/OBJ/* SYS/sun4m/OBJ # cp SYS/sun4m/conf/files SYS/sun4m/conf/files.prebqe --------------------------------------------------------

Add the following lines to SYS/sun4m/conf/files:

# # SunFastEthernet and SBus Quad Ethernet Controller # sunif/if_qec.c optional qec sunif/if_bqe.c optional bqe -------------------------------------------------------

Add the following lines to the configuration file that you use for building diskless client kernels:

# # SunFastEthernet and SBus Quad Ethernet Controller # device-driver qec device-driver bqe ------------------------------------------------------

Now use the config command to rebuild the system configuration files for the diskless client. You can now copy the new kernel over to the diskless clients.

You need to remember to add the SBus Quad Ethernet Controller interface names to /etc/hosts for each diskless client, and add the names of all the new interfaces to NIS if you are using it. The name of the SBus Quad Ethernet Controller interface will become the official hostname for the diskless clients. If you do not want this to happen, then use the SBus Quad Ethernet Controller install script to do an install on one machine and copy the changes made to /etc/rc.boot to the other diskless clients.