Netra Proxy Cache Server Configuration Guide

TTY Method

Skip to "Diskette Method" for instructions for the diskette method.

In this section it is assumed that you have connected a terminal, workstation, or PC to your Netra Proxy Cache Server. See Appendix A, Establishing a tip Connection," for instructions.

To Use the TTY Method to Configure the Network Interface
  1. Power on the Netra Proxy Cache Server.

  2. At the Netra Proxy Cache Server, log in as user setup with the password setup.

    NewNetra console login: setup
    Password: setup password you enter is not displayed

    Later, you have an opportunity to change the administration password.

  3. Enter 1 to configure the local area network interface.

    Welcome to the Netra server setup account
    Select from the following options:
    1) Configure the local area network interface.
    2) Restore configuration from floppy.
    3) Exit
    Enter an option: 1

  4. Press Return or enter 1 to accept the default choice for network interfaces:

    This program configures the local area network interface.
    Values shown in square brackets are the default values.
    Hit <return> to accept these values.
    The following interfaces are available:
    1) SunFastEthernet 2.0 Port 0
    2) SunFastEthernet 2.0 Port 1
    Enter the number corresponding to the interface
    to be configured [1]: 

  5. Enter the host IP address for the Netra Proxy Cache Server:

    Enter the local area network host address for the
    Netra server: 

    Use dotted-decimal notation; for example,

  6. Enter the netmask used on the network to which the Netra Proxy Cache Server is connected, or press Return to accept the default of

    Enter the local area network netmask for the
    Netra server []:

  7. Press Return or enter 1 to accept the values just entered, or enter 2 to repeat the steps just described:

    The following configuration information has been entered:
    Interface:      hme0
    Host Address: <your IP address>
    Netmask: <your netmask>
    Select from the following options:
    1) Configure hme0 with these values.
    2) Discard these values and input new values.
    3) Discard these values and exit.
    Enter an option [1]:

    After you accept the entered values, the following message is displayed:

    SunFastEthernet 2.0 Port 0 has been configured for TCP/IP operation.
    Host Address: <your IP address>
    Netmask: <your netmask>
    Welcome to the Netra server setup account
    Select from the following options:
    1) Configure the local area network interface.
    2) Restore configuration from floppy.
    3) Exit
    Enter an option: 3

  8. Make a note of the values displayed for host address and netmask.

  9. Enter 3 (Exit).

    The NewNetra console login is displayed:

    NewNetra console login:

    At this point, on a machine that is network-accessible to the Netra Proxy Cache Server, you can use a browser to connect to the Netra Proxy Cache machine.

  10. To ensure network connectivity, on the machine on which you will run the browser for further configuration, enter:

    non-netra% ping <netra host IP address>

    If the host name and IP address of the Netra Proxy Cache machine is known to a name service, you can ping the host by name, instead of numeric address. If you receive a response indicating that the Netra Proxy Cache Server is reachable, proceed. If you cannot ping the Netra Proxy Cache machine, you must have entered the host IP address or netmask incorrectly. Check the values you noted in Step 8. If necessary, repeat the steps just described to configure your network interface.

  11. On the machine on which you are running the browser, point the browser at:

    http://<netra host IP address>:81

    The string <netra host IP address> is the address you specified in the ping command, above.

    Note -

    Depending on the capabilities of your router, you might need to use a browser on a host on the same subnet as the Netra Proxy Cache Server.

  12. At this point, proceed to "Using a Browser to Complete Initial Configuration".