Solaris for ISPs Administration Guide

Solaris for ISPs Platform Extensions

Solaris for ISPs includes the following enhancements to the Solaris operating system:

Sun Internet Administrator

Sun Internet Administrator provides secure central management for distributed ISP services. It gives ISP administrators the following features:

Host Configuration Software

The Solaris for ISPs host configuration software provides the following functionality:

The host configuration software is a required software component. It is installed on every Solaris for ISPs host machine.

Sun Internet Services Monitor

The performance monitoring software allows an ISP to set up special client machines that emulate a subscriber's experience with the ISP services. The performance monitoring applet can be set to connect to any combination of Web, mail, news, and directory services servers and collect information on their performance from a subscriber's perspective. This data is collected on the monitoring host machine and viewable with a Web browser.

Sun Internet Services Monitor is a two-tier application. It is manageable through Sun Internet Administrator, but does not receive the benefits of single sign-on or administrator authentication. See "Managing Services with Sun Internet Administrator" for more information on the two-tier architecture.

Sun Directory Services

This Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) implementation provides a shared repository for both user (administrator) and service configuration information. Administrators store subscriber information in the repository as well. Features in this release of Sun Directory Services include:

Sun Directory Services is manageable from Sun Internet Administrator as an X-based application.

Sun Directory Services installs with a no-license limitation of 1K (one thousand) entries in the directory. A license certificate for 5K (five thousand) entries ships with Solaris for ISPs and must be redeemed and registered with the FlexLM license server before it takes effect. See the instructions in the Solaris for ISPs Installation Guide for details of redeeming and installing the license certificate.

See Chapter 5, Using Directory Services and Chapter 6, Solaris for ISPs Directory Services Schema of this book for information about the role of Sun Directory Services in Solaris for ISPs. The Sun Directory Services documentation consists of two books, Sun Directory Services 3.1 Administration Guide and Sun Directory Services 3.1 User's Guide, both delivered as AnswerBook2TM packages. The Sun Directory Services Deja tool also has full on-line help.

Sunscreen SKIP

SunscreenTM SKIP is based on the Simple Key-management for Internet Protocols (SKIP) standard of key management for IP encryption. Characteristics of SKIP include:

The full SKIP technology is available only in North America, but a version exists for export to other parts of the world. When SKIP is installed, its manual pages are located at /opt/SUNWicp/man.

FlexLM License Server

The FlexLM license server is used by Sun Directory Services to manage licenses of various sizes. If you already have a license server in your network (version 4.1 or later), you can use it to serve Sun Directory Services licenses.

Sun Directory Services allows 1K (one thousand) entries before requiring a license. This is sufficient to install and initialize the directory. In any reasonable ISP application, however, more entries will quickly be required. Follow the directions in the Solaris for ISPs Installation Guide for acquiring a license key and configuring the server.

After it is installed, the FlexLM manual pages are located at /opt/SUNWste/licene_tools/man.

HotJava Browser

The HotJava browser is provided with Solaris for ISPs to support Sun Internet Administrator and other administration user interfaces in the product. It supports the following Internet standards and protocols:

Java Development Kit

The Java Development Kit (JDK) is provided with Solaris for ISPs to support the use of Java in the product. JDK version 1.1.5 includes the following new capabilities: