Sun WorkShop TeamWare 2.1 User's Guide

Starting Freezepointing

You can start Freezepointing by:

The Freezepointing window opens in Creation mode (see Figure 15-1).

Figure 15-1 Freezepointing Window in Creation Mode


File menu 

Provides a command to exit Freezepointing 

View menu 

Provides the Show Output command 

TeamWare menu 

Provides commands for starting other TeamWare tools 

Category list box 

Lets you switch between the Creation and Extraction panes of the Freezepointing window 

Update Freezepoint File checkbox 

Lets you choose to update an existing freezepoint file rather than create a new one 

Use Default Workspace checkbox 

Lets you use the workspace named in the freezepoint file 

Freezepoint File text box 

Lets you type the absolute path name of the freezepoint file 

Workspace text box 

Lets you specify the source workspace.  

Directories and Files pane 

Contains a list of files and directories that will be preserved in the freezepoint file 

Add Files button 

Opens the Add Files dialog box, where you can select files to add to the Directories and Files pane 

Load Entire Directory button 

Loads the entire workspace directory 

Select All 

Selects all the files and directories listed in the pane 

Deselect All 

Deselects all the files and directories listed in the pane 


Deletes the selected items from the pane