Sun Directory Services 3.1 Administration Guide

To Configure Pull Replication

  1. Create the replica naming context.

This procedure is described as part of the procedure for creating a data store in "To Create a Data Store". If the replica naming context exists, double-click on it in the Data Store section of the Admin Console.

  1. In the Add Naming Context Window or the Modify Naming Context Window, set the Configure Pull Replication button to Yes.

    This displays additional replication parameter fields.

  2. Select the attributes to replicate.

    If you select Include attributes or Exclude attributes, you must specify a list of attributes to include in or exclude from the replication.

  3. Specify the following parameters for the master server:

    • The distinguished name and password that the slave server will supply when requesting authentication

    • The LDAP timeout on the bind request

    • The Bind method, security mode, and SSL key package if you select SSL as the security mode

  4. Click OK to save your changes and dismiss the Add Naming Context window.

    In the Data Store section of the Admin Console main window, an extra set of controls is displayed. These controls enable you to set up a synchronization schedule on the slave server, and to start replication at any time from the slave.