i-Planet Administration Guide


GO-Joe is a thin client X server for all Java-enabled displays. It provides access to UNIX/X without software rewriting or a fat X server on the desktop. It is available from the GraphOn Corporation.

Note -

You must purchase a copy of GO-Joe for each desktop that you want to control remotely.

After you have installed the GO-Joe server software, you can control a desktop UNIX machine remotely over the Internet. You can find more information on Go-Joe at the URL:



Five licenses are included in the package that is supplied. If you want more than five licenses or have any question about the licensing, you must contact the GraphOn Corporation.

Installing GO-Joe on the Machine You Want to Control

If your end users want to have remote X-Window control of a machine, you or they must install the package SUNWgjvxs from the i-Planet CD-ROM on the machines that they want to control. This package is on the i-Planet CD-ROM, "Contains 3rd Party Software Packages Only."

Note -

If you are using the Solaris 2.5.1 Operating Environment, you must install the Common Desktop Environment (CDE) package from Sun Microsystems, Inc., before you install GO-Joe. This package is on a separate Solaris 2.5.1 CD-ROM.

To Add the Package SUNWgjvxs
  1. Mount the i-Planet CD-ROM, "Contains 3rd Party Software Packages Only," on the machine that you want to control remotely.

  2. As root, go to the directory on the CD-ROM for your OS:

    cd /cdrom/cdrom0

  3. Add the package SUNWgjvxs:

    pkgadd -d . SUNWgjvxs

  4. Eject the CD-ROM:

    cd /eject cdrom0

    You must stop any process started when the current working directory is /cdrom/cdrom0 before you can eject the CD_ROM.

    Note -

    If you are using GO-Joe with Internet Explorer 4.71 or 4.72, pressing the Return key after you have typed the username and password during login will cause Internet Explorer to hang.

Enabling GO-Joe in the Administration Console

In the Administration Console, you must enable GO-Joe (Remote X-Window) in the Administration Console in the Netlet Administration and the NetFile Configuration pages so that your end users can use it.

To Enable Go-Joe
  1. Start the Administration Console

  2. Click the Netlet link under Applications in the navigation frame.

  3. Click the box after GO-Joe (Remote X-Window) in the Netlet Configuration page to show the check mark denoting that GO-Joe is enabled.

  4. Click the Enter button at the bottom of the Netlet Administration page.

  5. Click the NetFile link under Applications in the navigation frame.

  6. Click the box after Allow X-Window Connections in the NetFile Configuration page to show the check mark denoting that X-Window Connections are enabled.

  7. Click Enter at the bottom of the NetFile Configuration page.

  8. Open a terminal window on the i-Planet server.

  9. As root on the i-Planet server, type the following to stop and restart the web server so that the changes will take effect.

    /opt/SUNWjeev/bin/iplanet_serv stop/opt/SUNWjeev/bin/iplanet_serv start

Using GO-Joe With Browsers

GO-Joe has no known problems with Netscape. Internet Explorer may hang if you are using it with GO-Joe. The following procedure may prevent this difficulty.

Using GO-Joe With Internet Explorer
  1. Press the Tab key until you reach the Start Session button.

  2. Press Space bar, Enter key, or click the Start Session button.

    Note -

    More recent versions of Internet Explorer may not have this problem.

    • By default, the startup file for the GO-Joe client sets the virtual display size to 100 percent of the width and height of the browser when end users start the applet.

Because the browser's resolution size for the virtuality display has already been negotiated with the window server, resizing the window will not help.

End users should set the fonts for the window manager to a small font size, if they use this feature often from systems that have lower resolutions so as not to limit the screen real estate in which to operate.