i-Planet Administration Guide

Self-Signed SSL Certificate on the i-Planet Gateway

When you installed the i-Planet software, you created and installed a self-signed SSL certificate. At some point after installation, you might want to generate a new self-signed certificate; you might want to change the information for the certificate you entered during the original installation, for example.

To Generate a Self-Signed SSL Certificate for the i-Planet Gateway
  1. As root, run the certadmin script on the i-Planet gateway:


    The Certificate Administration menu is displayed:

    1) Generate Self-Signed Certificate
    2) Generate Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
    3) Add Root CA Certificate
    4) Install Certificate from Certificate Authority (CA)
    5) Quit
    choice: [5]

  2. Enter 1 on the Certificate Administration menu to generate a self-signed certificate.

    The Certificate Administration script prompts you to enter specific information about your organization and a passphrase for the self-signed certificate:

    What is the fully qualified DNS name of this host? [hostname.domainname]
    What is the name of your organization? []
    What is the name of your organizational unit? []
    What is the name of your City or Locality? []
    What is the name of your State or Province? []
    What is the two-letter country code for this unit? []
    Enter passphrase []

  3. Enter the information for your organization and a passphrase for the self-signed certificate.

    A self-signed certificate is generated and added to the file /etc/opt/SUNWstnr/rp.keystore on the i-Planet gateway. Your prompt returns.

  4. Stop and restart the reverse proxy server on the i-Planet gateway for the certificate to take effect.

    See the procedure "To Stop and Restart the Reverse Proxy Server on the i-Planet Gateway" in Chapter 3, Other Administrative Tasks.

  5. Make a backup copy of the rp.keystore file.