Sun Cluster 2.2 System Administration Guide

D.2 Cluster Management Information Base

The Management Information Base (MIB) is a collection of objects that can be accessed through a network management protocol. The definition of the objects should be in a generic and consistent manner so that various management platforms can read and parse the definition.

Run the snmpd daemon on the management server, which is the cluster administration workstation, or on any client. This agent provides information (gathered from smond) for all the SNMP attributes defined in the cluster MIB. This MIB file is typically compiled into an "SNMP-aware" network manager like the SunNet Manager Console. See "D.5 Changing the snmpd.conf File".

The sun.mib file provides information about clusters in the following tables:

Note -

In the preceding bullets, time refers to the local time on the SNMP server (in which the table is maintained). Thus, the time indicates when any attribute change is reported on the server.

D.2.1 The clustersTable Attributes

The clusters table consists of entries for all of the monitored clusters. Each entry in the table contains specific attributes that provide cluster information. See Table D-1 for the clustersTable attributes.

Table D-1 clustersTable Attributes

Attribute Names 



The name of the cluster 


A description of the cluster 


The release version of the cluster 


The number of nodes in the cluster 


The names of all the nodes in the cluster, separated by commas 


The names of all the quorum devices in the cluster, separated by commas 


The last time any of the attributes of this entry were modified 

D.2.2 The clusterNodesTable Attributes

The cluster nodes table consists of the known nodes of all of the monitored clusters. Each entry contains specific information about the node. See Table D-2 for the clusterNodesTable attributes.

Note -

When using a cross-reference, note that the belongsToCluster attribute acts as the key reference between this table and the clustersTable.

Table D-2 clusterNodesTable Attributes

Attribute Names 



The host name of the node. 


The name of the cluster (to which this node belongs). 


State of the Sun Cluster software component on this node (Stopped, Aborted, In Transition, Included, Excluded, or Unknown). An enterprise specific trap signals a change in state. 


State of the volume manager software component on this node. An enterprise specific trap signals a change in state. 


State of the database software component on this node (Down, Up, or Unknown). An enterprise specific trap signals a change in state. 


The type of volume manager currently being used on this node. 


Mode of the SSVM software component on this node (Master, Slave, or Unknown). An enterprise specific trap signals a change in state. This attribute is not valid for clusters with other volume managers. 


The last time any of the attributes of this entry were modified. 

D.2.3 The switchesTable Attributes

The switches table consists of entries for all of the switches. Each entry in the table contains specific information about a switch in a cluster. See Table D-3 for the switchesTable attributes.

Table D-3 switchesTable Attributes

Attribute Names 



The name of the switch 


The number of ports on the switch 


The names of all the nodes that are presently connected to the ports of the switch 


The last time any of the switch attributes of this entry were modified 

D.2.4 The portsTable Attributes

The ports table consists of entries for all of the switch ports. Each entry in the table contains specific information about a port within a switch. See Table D-4 for the portsTable attributes.

Note -

When using a cross-reference, note that the belongsToSwitch attribute acts as the key reference between this table and the switchesTable.

Table D-4 portsTable Attributes

Attribute Names 



The port ID or number 


The name of the switch (to which this port belongs) 


The name of the node (to which this port is presently connected) 


The adapter ID (of the SCI card) on the node to which this port is connected 


The status of the port (Active, Inactive, and so forth) 


The last time any of the port attributes of this entry were modified 

D.2.5 The lhostTable Attributes

The logical hosts table consists of entries for each logical host configured in the cluster. See Table D-5 for the lhostTable attributes.

Table D-5 lhostTable Attributes

Attribute Names 



The name of the logical host 


The list of node names that constitute the logical host 


The name of the node that is currently the master for the logical host 


The list of data services configured to run on this logical host 


The disk groups configured on this logical host 


The logical IP address associated with this logical host 


The current status of the logical host (UP or DOWN) 


The last time any of the attributes of this entry were modified 

D.2.6 The dsTable Attributes

The data services table consists of entries for all data services that are configured for all logical hosts in the monitored clusters. Each entry in the table consists of specific information about a data service configured on a logical host. See Table D-6 for the dsTable attributes.

Note -

When using a cross-reference, note that the dsonLhost attribute acts as a key reference between this table and the lhostTable.

Table D-6 dsTable Attributes

Attribute Names 



The name of the data service. 


The name of the logical host on which the data service is configured. 


The value is 1 or 0 depending on whether the data service is registered and configured to run (1) or not run (0). 


The current status of the data service (ON/OFF/INST DOWN). 


The list of other data services on which this data service depends. 


The package name for the data service. 


The last time any of the attributes of this entry were last modified. 

D.2.7 The dsinstTable Attributes

The data service instance table consists of entries for all data service instances. See Table D-7 for the dsinstTable attributes.

Note -

When using a cross-reference, note that the dsinstOfDS attribute can be used as a key reference between this table and the dsTable. Similarly, the dsinstOnLhost attribute can be used as a key reference between this table and the lhostTable.

Table D-7 dsinstTable Attributes

Attribute Names 



The name of the data service instance 


The name of the data service of which this is a data service instance 


The name of the logical host on which this data service instance is running 


The status of the data service instance 


The last time any of the attributes of this entry were modified