Sun Cluster 2.2 Software Installation Guide

10.6 Configuring Sun Cluster HA for SAP

This section describes how to register and configure Sun Cluster HA for SAP.

10.6.1 How to Configure Sun Cluster HA for SAP

  1. If Sun Cluster HA for SAP has not yet been installed, install it now by running scinstall(1M) on all nodes and adding the Sun Cluster HA for SAP data service.

    See "3.2 Installation Procedures", for details. If the cluster is already running, you must stop it before installing the data service.

  2. Register the Sun Cluster HA for SAP data service by running the hareg(1M) command.

    Run this command on only one node:

    # hareg -s -r sap -h CIloghost
  3. Verify that all nodes are running in the cluster.

  4. Create a new Sun Cluster HA for SAP instance using the hadsconfig(1M) command.

    The hadsconfig(1M) command is used to create, edit, and delete instances of the Sun Cluster HA for SAP data service. The configuration parameters are described in "10.6.2 Configuration Parameters for Sun Cluster HA for SAP".

    Run this command on only one node, while all nodes are running in the cluster:

    # hadsconfig
  5. If Sun Cluster HA for SAP is dependent upon other data services within the same logical host, set dependencies on those data services.

    See "10.7.1 How to Set a Data Service Dependency for SAP". If you do set dependencies, start all services on which SAP depends before proceeding.

  6. Stop the central instance before starting SAP under the control of Sun Cluster HA for SAP.

    # su - <sapsid>adm
    $ stopsap r3

    Caution - Caution -

    The SAP central instance must be stopped before Sun Cluster HA for SAP is turned on.

  7. Turn on the Sun Cluster HA for SAP instance.

    # hareg -y sap
  8. Test switchover of Sun Cluster HA for SAP.

    For example:

    # scadmin switch clustername phys-hahost2 CIloghost
  9. (Optional) If you have application servers or a test/development system, customize and test the hasap_start_all_instances and hasap_stop_all_instances scripts.

    See "10.2.4 Configuration Options for Application Servers and Test/Development Systems", for details. Test switchover of Sun Cluster HA for SAP and verify start and stop of application servers. Verify that the test/development system stops when the central instance logical host is switched to the test/development system physical host.

    # scadmin switch clustername phys-hahost1 CIloghost

10.6.2 Configuration Parameters for Sun Cluster HA for SAP

This section describes the information you supply to hadsconfig(1M) to create configuration files for the Sun Cluster HA for SAP data service. The hadsconfig(1M) command uses templates to create these configuration files. The templates contain some default, some hard coded, and some unspecified parameters. You must provide values for all parameters that are unspecified.

The fault probe parameters, in particular, can affect the performance of Sun Cluster HA for SAP. Tuning the probe interval value too low (increasing the frequency of fault probes) might encumber system performance, and also might result in false takeovers or attempted restarts when the system is simply slow.

Configure Sun Cluster HA for SAP by supplying the hadsconfig(1M) command with parameters listed in Table 10-9.

Table 10-9 Sun Cluster HA for SAP Configuration Parameters

Name of the Instance 

Nametag used internally as an identifier for the instance. The log messages generated by Sun Cluster refer to this nametag. The hadsconfig(1M) command prefixes the package name to the value you supply here. You can use the SAPSID for this nametag. For example, if you specify HA1, hadsconfig(1M) produces SUNWscsap_HA1.

Logical Host 

Name of the logical host that provides service for this instance of Sun Cluster HA for SAP. This name should be the logical host name for the central instance. 

Time Between Probes 

The interval, in seconds, of the fault probing cycle. The default value is 60 seconds. 

SAP R/3 System ID 

This is the SAP system name or <SAPSID>.

Central Instance ID 

This is the SAP system number or Instance ID. For example, the CI is normally "00." 

SAP Admin Login Name 

The name used by Sun Cluster HA for SAP to log in to the SAP central instance administrative account. This name must exist on all central instance and application server hosts. This is the <sapsid>adm. For example, "ha1adm."

Database Admin Login Name 

This is the SAP database administrator's account. For SAP with Oracle, this is the ora<sapsid>. For example, oraha1.

Database Logical Host Name 

Name of the logical host for the database used by SAP. This might be the same as the logical host name used for the central instance, depending on your configuration. 

Log Database Warnings 

Possible values are "y" or "n." If set to "y" and the Sun Cluster HA for SAP probe detects that it cannot connect to the database during a probe cycle, a warning message appears saying the database is unavailable. For example, this occurs if the database logical host is in maintenance mode or if the database is being relocated to another node in the cluster. If the parameter is set to "n," then no messages appear if the probe cannot connect to the database.  

Central Instance Start Retry Count 

This must be an integer greater than or equal to 1. This is the number of times Sun Cluster HA for SAP should attempt to start the central instance before giving up. This value is also the number of times the Sun Cluster HA for SAP fault monitor will probe in grace mode before entering normal probe mode. While in grace mode, the probe will not perform a restart or initiate a failover of the central instance if the probe detects that the central instance is not yet up. Instead, the fault monitor will report the status of all probes and will continue in grace mode until all probes pass, or until the retry count has been exhausted. 

Central Instance Start Retry Interval 

This is the number of seconds Sun Cluster HA for SAP should wait between each attempt to start the central instance. This value is also the number of seconds that the Sun Cluster HA for SAP fault monitor will sleep (between probe attempts) while in grace mode.  

Time Allowed to Stop All Instances Before Central Instance Starts 

This must be an integer greater than or equal to 0. This parameter dictates for how much time (in seconds) the hasap_stop_all_instances script should be run before starting the central instance. If set to 0, then hasap_stop_all_instances is run in the background while the central instance is being started. If set to a positive integer, then hasap_stop_all_instances is run for that amount of time in the foreground before the central instance is started.

Allow the Central Instance to Start if Foregrounded Stop All Instances Returns  


This flag should be set to either "y" or "n". This value determines whether the central instance should be started in the case where the hasap_stop_all_instances script returns a non-zero exit code or does not complete in the time specified by the "Time Allowed to Stop All Instances Before Central Instance Starts" parameter. If set to "n" and the value for "Time Allowed to Stop All Instances Before Central Instance Starts" is greater than 0, and if the hasap_stop_all_instances script does not complete in the time configured above or the hasap_stop_all_instances script returns a non-zero exit status, the central instance will not be started and the fault monitors will take action based on the other configuration parameters. If set to "y," then the central instance will be started regardless of whether hasap_stop_all_instances returns an error code or finishes within the timeout specified above.

Number of Central Instance Restarts on Local Node: 

This must be an integer greater than or equal to 0. This dictates how many times the SAP central instance will be restarted on the local node before giving up, after a failure has been detected. When this number of restarts has been exhausted, Sun Cluster HA for SAP either issues a failover request, if permitted by the "Allow Central Instance Failover" parameter, or does nothing to correct the failure detected by the fault monitor. 

Number of Probe Successes to Reset the Restart Count 

This parameter should be an integer that is greater than or equal to 0. If set to a positive integer, then after that many consecutive successful probes, the count of restarts done so far on the local node will be reset to 0. For example, if the value for "Number of Central Instance Restarts on Local Node" parameter is 1 and the value for "Number of Probe Successes to Reset the Restart Count" is 60, then after the first failure occurs, the probe will try to restart the central instance on the local node. If this restart succeeds, then after 60 successful probes, the restart count will be reset to 0, allowing the probe to do another restart if it detects another failure. If the parameter "Number of Probe Successes to Reset the Restart Count" is set to 0, then the restart count is never reset. This means that the number of restarts set in the parameter "Number of Central Instance Restarts on Local Node" is the absolute number of restarts that will be done on the local node before failing over. 

Allow Central Instance Failover 

Possible values are "y" or "n." If set to "y" and Sun Cluster HA for SAP detects an error in the SAP instance it is monitoring and the "Number of central instance Restarts on Local Node" has been exhausted, then Sun Cluster HA for SAP issues a request to relocate the instance's logical host to another cluster node. If this flag is set to "n," then even if an error is detected and all of the local restarts have been exhausted, Sun Cluster HA for SAP will not cause a relocation of this instance's logical host. When this occurs, the central instance is left in the its failed state, and the probe exits.