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Chapter 4

Installing Your Licenses

This chapter gives you step-by-step instructions for installing your licenses.

Before you can install your licenses, you must have:

This chapter describes how to install your licenses in the following ways:

Answers to Sun WorkShop licensing frequently asked questions (FAQ) are available through the World Wide Web at the following location:

Special Cases

The following cases require special handling:

Using lit License Installer

This section describes how to start lit from the command line. Invoking lit will start the GUI interface for license installation.

Note – License software must be installed before proceeding with lit instructions. See Software Installation Steps to install license software.

Email License File Installation

You must run lit on your license server.

If you will be using redundant server configuration, you must install FLEXlm 7.0b license manager software and run lit on all three redundant servers.

1. Enable client access by typing the following at a command line on your license server:

% /usr/openwin/bin/xhost + hostname
Replace hostname with the output of the /usr/bin/hostname command run on your license server.

2. Become a superuser (root) by typing:

% su
Password: root-password

3. Set your display.

If you use a C shell, type:
# setenv DISPLAY hostname:0
If you use a Bourne shell, type:
# DISPLAY=hostname:0
# export DISPLAY
If you use a Korn shell, type:
# export DISPLAY=hostname:0
Replace hostname with the output of the /usr/bin/hostname command.

4. Start the License Installation Tool by typing:

# /etc/opt/licenses/lit &
The License Installation Tool window opens (FIGURE 4-1).
For Fax license installation, go to Fax License Installation.

FIGURE 4-1   License Installation Tool window

5. Verify the radio button for Load from an Email Saved to a File is active.

6. In the File text box in the License Installation Tool window, type the pathname to the file where you saved the license information that Sun emailed to you, or click the browse button (...) to use a file chooser to find the saved file.

If you used the file chooser, continue to Step 8.

7. Click Load File.

Your licenses listed in the email you received from Sun appear in the Licenses to be Installed pane.

8. Click Install.

lit installs your licenses. When the installation is complete, the message License installation was successful appears in the lower left corner of the window. If you receive an error message, see Contacting Technical Support for technical support information.

9. When the installation is complete, click OK in the pop-up window.

10. Click Exit to dismiss the License Installation Tool.

11. If your application server is different from your license server, copy and run the
/etc/opt/licenses/LIC_CONFIG_SCRIPT script on each of the application servers that will access the software products.

Running the LIC_CONFIG_SCRIPT script creates a license router file for WorkShop 6 or elementary license file for previous WorkShop releases on your application server. For information on elementary license files or router files, see Chapter 2 in the Sun WorkShop 6 Installation and Licensing Reference.

12. Exit from superuser privileges by typing:

# exit

Fax License Installation

Note – Refer to the license information you received from the Sun License Center to complete this section.

1. Click Entered Manually in the License Installation Tool window.

The Add License window opens.

FIGURE 4-2   Add License Window

2. Use the pulldown menu in License Installation For to select WorkShop6.0 if it is not already selected.

3. In License Type, select the license type you are installing.

    1. If License Type is node-locked, enter the hostid.

4. Type the expiration date in dd-mmm-yyyy format (for example, 22-may-2000) that the Sun License Center provided.

5. Use the Product pulldown menu to select the software for which you want to install a license.

The license information you received from the Sun License Center provides the feature names you need.

6. For Version, verify the software version.

7. For RTU, enter the number of users.

8. For Password, type the password the Sun License Center provided.

9. For Vendor String (VS), type the number the Sun License Center provided.

10. For Password Checksum (PC), verify the number.

The PC includes the license expiration date, vendor string, RTU, and password. If there is a discrepancy, recheck the number to verify the components listed are correct. If you need further assistance, contact the Sun License Center.

11. For Data Checksum (DC), verify the number.

The DC includes the license feature name, feature version, license server node name, license server hostid, and node-locked hostid. If there is a discrepancy, recheck the number to verify the components listed are correct. If you need further assistance, contact the Sun License Center.

12. Click Add.

13. This license is added to the Licenses to be Installed pane in the License Installation Tool window.

14. Repeat Step 5 through Step 12 as needed to install more licenses.

15. Click Exit in the Add License window.

16. Click Install in the License Installation Tool window.

17. When the installation is complete, click OK in the pop-up window.

18. Click Exit to dismiss the License Installation Tool.

19. If your application server is different from your license server, copy and run the
/etc/opt/licenses/LIC_CONFIG_SCRIPT script on each of the application servers that will access the software products.

Running the LIC_CONFIG_SCRIPT script creates an elementary license file or router file on your application server. For information on elementary license files and router files, see Chapter 2 in the Sun WorkShop 6 Installation and Licensing Reference.

20. Exit from superuser privileges by typing:

# exit

Using the lit_tty Command-Line Executable

This section describes how to use the lit_tty command-line executable to install your licenses on your license server. See Chapter 2 for information on obtaining your license.

If you will be using redundant server configuration, you must install FLEXlm 7.0b license manager software and run lit_tty on all three redundant servers.
Running the LIC_CONFIG_SCRIPT script creates a license router file for WorkShop 6 or elementary license file for previous WorkShop releases on your application server. For information on elementary license files or router files, see Chapter 2 in the Sun WorkShop 6 Installation and Licensing Reference.

Note – License software must be installed before you can proceed with lit_tty instructions. See Software Installation Steps to install license software.

Email License File Installation

1. Become a superuser (root) on your license server by typing the following at the command line:

% su
Password: root-password

2. Start lit_tty by typing:

# /etc/opt/licenses/lit_tty -f license-file
Replace license-file with the path to the file where you saved the license information that Sun emailed to you (see Saving an Email License to File). Refer to the lit_tty man page for more information.

3. Decide if you want the displayed licenses installed.

4. Exit from superuser privileges by typing:

# exit

Fax License Installation

If you received your license information from the Sun License Center through a fax, follow these instructions to install your licenses.

Note – If you have not filled out a License Request Form, see Chapter 2 for instructions.

1. Become a superuser (root) by typing the following at the command line:

% su
Password: root-password

2. Start lit_tty by typing:

# /etc/opt/licenses/lit_tty

3. In the Select Product to License screen, type an x next to WorkShop6.0.

If instead of the Select Product to License screen you see the Select Product screen, skip to Step 4.
Press Return to navigate down the product list to WorkShop6.0.

4. In the Select Product screen, type an x next to the product for which you want to install a license.

Your Proof of License Certificate provides information about the product(s) you purchased. If you do not want to install a license for the product where the cursor is, press Return to navigate to the next product on the list.

Note – Only one product can be selected at a time. The process is iterative and will prompt you at the end of each cycle to install a license for the remaining products on the list.

5. Select the license type by pressing Enter until the cursor is in the appropriate box for Floating, Node-locked, Demo, or Domain license.

6. Type an x, then press Enter until the cursor is at Servers.

7. Type an x to select the number of servers you will use.

Press Tab to select a different number of servers.

8. Verify the license server name and hostid.

The license server name and hostid default to the machine where you are installing the license. Your hostid is the output of the /usr/bin/hostid command; your server name is the output of the /usr/bin/hostname command.

9. Press Return to navigate past Phone Number List.

For Sun License Center telephone and fax numbers, see your Proof of License Certificate.

10. For Nodelocked to Host ID, type one of the following:

11. For the expiration date, type none.

12. For Rights to Use, type the number of rights to use that you received from the Sun License Center.

13. For Password, type the password that you received from the Sun License Center.

14. For Vendor String (VS), type the number from the VS column in the license information that the Sun License Center provided.

15. Verify the Data Checksum (DC).

The DC includes the license feature name, feature version, license server node name, license server hostid, and node-locked hostid. If there is a discrepancy, recheck the number to verify the components listed are correct. If you need further assistance, contact the Sun License Center.

16. Verify the Password Checksum (PC).

The PC includes the license expiration date, vendor string, RTU, and password. If there is a discrepancy, recheck the number to verify the components listed are correct. If you need further assistance, contact the Sun License Center.

17. Type an x next to Done Setting Up This License.

18. Press any key to return to selecting products for which you want to install a license, and repeat Step 4 through Step 17.

If you are done selecting products for which you want to install a license, press Return to navigate to the bottom of the screen.

Note – A server name and hostid are identified for each license. Make sure you use the license that is unique to the license server's server name and hostid.

19. Decide whether you want to install the licenses.

20. If your application server and your license server are different machines, copy the /etc/opt/licenses/LIC_CONFIG_SCRIPT script and run it on each of the application servers that will access the software.

Demo License Installation

You install the demo license the same as you would install other Sun licenses. See Using lit License Installer or Using the lit_tty Command-Line Executable for license installation. In order for you to use Sun WorkShop, the demo license file must be installed on your application server, because the demo license does not use the license manager and will not communicate with the license server. If you choose to install your demo license on your license server, you will need to copy the license file sunpro.lic,node to your application server.

Note – The demo license file must be named sunpro.lic,node (be sure to include the comma and the period in the name of the demo license file).

1. On the license server, type:

% cd /etc/opt/licenses

2. From the license server install directory, copy the sunpro.lic,node file to the product directory /install-directory/SUNWspro/license_dir on your application server.

For more information about demo licenses, see Sun WorkShop 6 Try and Buy Quick Install or Sun WorkShop 6 Try and Buy Quick Install After Download.

(Optional) Changing the Owner of the License Server Daemon

The license server daemon is automatically configured to be owned by nobody, which is a predefined account on SolarisTM. The adjust_flexlm_owner script is provided to allow you to change the user name to a functional name, such as gsi_admin.

Note – This is only required if you want to use the license admin utilities as something other than root.

The user name you select starts the license server daemon and has access to the license manager software utilities. Permissions are updated to allow group read and execute privileges for the user name you selected.

Note – If you decide to use a user name that does not exist, create the user account before running the adjust_flexlm_owner script.

Run the adjust_flexlm_owner script by typing the following at a command line:
# /etc/opt/licenses/adjust_flexlm_owner

Caution – To avoid security risks, do not change ownership to root.

For your changes to take effect, you must stop the license daemon (if it is running) and restart it. To do so, follow the instructions at the end of the script. You can run the adjust_flexlm_owner script at any time to change the ownership and execute privileges of the daemon and utilities.

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Copyright information. All rights reserved.
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