Sun WorkShop 6 Installation Guide HomeContentsPreviousNextIndex

Chapter 7


This chapter describes problems that may occur during the Sun WorkShop licensing and installation process.

Registry Data File Problems

If you installed Sun WorkShopTM 6 without first invoking Web Start, the install registry data file productregistry is not consistent with the product packages installed on the system. The install productregistry file contains information about the products and packages installed on your system by Web Start. It is used and updated by Web Start when you install or uninstall software.

The current productregistry file is located in the following directory:


Information Mismatch If You Use pkgadd Without Web Start

If you ran the pkgadd command to install any part of the Sun WorkShop 6 without invoking Web Start, your registry data file may contain incorrect or outdated information about the products and packages installed on your system. To ensure that your productregistry file is up-to-date and accurate:

Information Mismatch If You Use pkgrm Without Web Start

If you ran the pkgrm command to uninstall any part of the Sun WorkShop without invoking Web Start, your productregistry file may contain incorrect or outdated information about the products and packages installed on your system. To ensure that your productregistry file is up-to-date and accurate:

License Problems

The following problems may occur during license installation or license attainment.

License Was Not Installed Properly or Does Not Work

If your license was not installed properly or it does not work, do the following:

1. Verify that you followed the license installation instructions in Using lit License Installer or Using the lit_tty Command-Line Executable.

2. View the License FAQ (frequently asked questions) at

No License Received

If you did not receive your license, do the following:

1. Verify that you requested your license from the Sun License Center.

2. Send your license request to the Sun License Center.

If you encounter other technical problems, contact Sun Service Centers. See Contacting Technical Support for more information.

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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