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adding experiments to the Analyzer, 1
Address Space display (Analyzer), 1
address spaces
pages and segments, detailed information about, 1
text and data regions, 1
address-space data
analyzing, 1
collecting, 1
defined, 1
aliased functions, 1
alternate entry points in Fortran functions, 1, 2
adding experiments to, 1
Address Space display, 1
Callers-Callees window, 1
choosing metrics displayed and sort order, 1
changing the display, 1
Data option list, 1
default Function List display, 1
defined, 1, 2
dialog boxes
Add Experiment, 1
Create Mapfile, 1
Drop Experiment, 1
Find, 1
Load Experiment, 1
Print, 1
Select Callers-Callees Metrics, 1
Select Filters, 1
Select Load Objects Included, 1
Select Metrics, 1
dropping experiments from, 1
Execution Statistics display, 1
copying and pasting from, 1
exiting, 1
Function List display, 1, 2
choosing metrics displayed and sort order, 1
default, 1
searching for function and load-object metrics in, 1
loading an experiment-record file, 1
mapfiles, generating, 1
Overview display, 1
Page Properties window, 1
printing the display, 1
Sample Details window, 1
Segment Properties window, 1
Select Metrics dialog box, grouping metrics in, 1
starting, 1
Summary Metrics window, 1
copying and pasting from, 1
using, 1
Analyzer window, 1
default display, 1
analyzing performance data, 1
annotated code list
with tcov, 1
with tcov Enhanced, 1
tcov, interpreting, 1
annotated disassembly code, 1
displaying, 1
annotated source code, 1
displaying, 1
arc, call graph, defined, 1
attaching the Collector to a multithreaded application, 1
attributed metrics, defined, 1
automatic parallelization, compiling for, 1


body functions, compiler-generated, 1, 2, 3
names, generated, 1


call graph profiling report
generating for gprof, 1
interpreting, 1
call stacks
defined, 1
effect of tail-call optimization on, 1
program execution and, understanding, 1
unwinding, 1
caller-callee metrics, 1
Callers-Callees window (Analyzer), 1
choosing metrics displayed and sort order, 1
changing the Analyzer displays, 1
clock-based profiling metrics
advanced issues, 1
analyzing, 1
collecting, 1
defined, 1, 2
collecting performance data, 1, 2
Collector, 1
attaching to a multithreaded application, 1
defined, 1, 2
enabling and disabling, 1
programs written with MPI, 1
running in dbx, 1
collector command arguments in dbx, 1
commands, er_print utility, 1
address_space, 1
callers-callees, 1
cmetric_list, 1
cmetrics, 1
csort, 1
disasm, 1
fsummary, 1
functions, 1
header, 1
help, 1
limit, 1
lwp_list, 1
lwp_select, 1
mapfile, 1
metric_list, 1
metrics, 1
name, 1
object_list, 1
object_select, 1
objects, 1
osummary, 1
outfile, 1
overview, 1
quit, 1
sample_list, 1
sample_select, 1
script, 1
sort, 1
source, 1
src, 1
statistics, 1
thread_select, 1
Version, 1
version, 1
commentary, compiler, in annotated source code, 1
common subexpression elimination, 1
compiler hints, 1
printing to stderr, 1
compiler options
-x03l, 1
-x04, 1
-xdepend, 1
-xexplicitpar, used with pragma DOALL, 1
-xloopinfor, 1
-xparallel, 1
-Zlp, 1
compiler-generated body functions, 1, 2, 3
names, generated, 1
for automatic parallelization, 1
for gprof, 1
for loop analysis, 1, 2
for parallelized code, 1
for prof, 1
for tcov, 1
Create Mapfile dialog box (Analyzer), 1


analyzing, 1
collecting, 1
attributed, defined, 1
caller-callee, 1
clock-based profiling
advanced issues, 1
analyzing, 1
collecting, 1
defined, 1, 2
collected during sampling interval, 1
event-specific, 1
exclusive, defined, 1
execution statistics, defined, 1
filtering, 1
searching for in the Function List display, 1
summary, viewing, 1
understanding, 1
hardware-counter overflow profiling
analyzing, 1
collecting, 1
defined, 1, 2
limitations, 1
inclusive, defined, 1
searching for in the Function List display, 1
summary, viewing, 1
understanding, 1
analyzing, 1
specifying data types for collection, 1
sampling, displaying, 1
synchronization wait tracing
defined, 1
thread-synchronization wait tracing
advanced issues, 1
analyzing, 1
collecting, 1
defined, 1, 2
types, specifying for collection, 1
Data option list (Analyzer), 1
collector command arguments, 1
running the Collector in, 1
deleting experiment-record files, 1
dialog boxes
Add Experiment (Analyzer), 1
Create Mapfile (Analyzer), 1
Drop Experiment (Analyzer), 1
Find (Analyzer), 1
Load Experiment (Analyzer), 1
Print (Analyzer), 1
Select Callers-Callees Metrics (Analyzer), 1
grouping metrics in, 1
Select Filters (Analyzer), 1
Select Load Objects Included (Analyzer), 1
Select Metrics (Analyzer), 1
grouping metrics in, 1
directives, parallelization, 1
disabling the Collector, 1
disassembly code, annotated, 1
displaying, 1
DOALL pragma, 1
dropping experiments from the Analyzer, 1


editors available from LoopTool, 1
enabling the Collector, 1
entry points, alternate, in Fortran functions, 1, 2
environment variables
LVPATH, 1, 2
TCOVDIR, 1, 2, 3, 4
er_print utility
command-line options, 1
commands, 1
address_space, 1
callers-callees, 1
cmetric_list, 1
cmetrics, 1
csort, 1
disasm, 1
fsummary, 1
functions, 1
header, 1
help, 1
limit, 1
lwp_list, 1
lwp_select, 1
mapfile, 1
metric_list, 1
metrics, 1
name, 1
object_list, 1
object_select, 1
objects, 1
osummary, 1
outfile, 1
overview, 1
quit, 1
sample_list, 1
sample_select, 1
script, 1
sort, 1
source, 1
src, 1
statistics, 1
thread_list, 1
thread_select, 1
Version, 1
version, 1
defined, 1
metric keywords, 1
syntax, 1
using, 1
er_rm utility, used to delete experiment-record files, 1
errors reported by tcov, 1
event-specific data, 1
exclusive metrics, defined, 1
Execution Statistics display (Analyzer), 1
copying and pasting from, 1
execution statistics, defined, 1
exiting the Analyzer, 1
experiment, defined, 1
experiment-record files
default name, 1, 2
deleting, 1
dropping versus deleting, 1
er_rm used to delete, 1
loading into the Analyzer, 1
explicit multithreading, 1


fast traps, 1
filtering information, 1
Find dialog Box (Analyzer), 1
fixed-width and proportional sample graphs, switching between, 1
flat profile report, prof, interpreting, 1, 2
function calls
between shared objects, 1
in single-threaded programs, 1
Function List display (Analyzer), 1, 2
choosing metrics displayed and sort order, 1
default metrics, 1
searching for function and load-object metrics in, 1
function metrics
associated with sampling interval, 1
load-object metrics, switching to, 1
searching for in the Function List display, 1
summary, viewing, 1
understanding, 1
aliased, 1
alternate entry points (Fortran), 1, 2
body, compiler-generated, 1, 2, 3
names, generated, 1
defined, 1
inlined, 1, 2
load-object, addresses of, 1, 2
mapping to source code, 1
non-unique names of, 1
outline, 1, 2
performance, 1
recursive calls, 1
static, 1
in stripped shared libraries, 1, 2
<Total>, 1, 2
<Unknown>, 1, 2
in annotated source code, 1
wrapper, 1


call graph profiling report, 1
call graph profiling report, generating, 1
compiling a program for, 1
defined, 1
limitations, 1
output from, 1
interpreting, 1
using, 1


hardware-counter overflow profiling metrics
analyzing, 1
collecting, 1
defined, 1, 2
limitations, 1
high-resolution profiling, 1
hints, compiler, 1
printing to stderr, 1


inclusive metrics, defined, 1
inlined functions, 1, 2
during optimization, 1
phantom loops as a symptom of, 1


jamming loops, 1


kernel traps, 1
keywords, metric, er_print utility, 1

L, preloading, 1
load objects
contents of, 1
defined, 1
functions, addresses of, 1, 2
selecting, 1
symbol tables, 1
loading an experiment-record file into the Analyzer, 1
load-object metrics
function metrics, switching to, 1
searching for in the Function List display, 1
summary, viewing, 1
understanding, 1
locales and text-editor availability, 1
lock file management
tcov, 1
tcov Enhanced, 1
loop timing file
creating, 1, 2
location, 1, 2
environment variable LVPATH, 1
compiler hints, 1
compiling for, 1, 2
creating a detailed report on loops, 1
defined, 1
loading loop timing file, 1
loopreport command, 1
LVPATH environment variable, 1
starting, 1
loopreport command, 1
nested, 1
optimizations, 1
phantom, 1
transformations, 1
bar chart of loop runtimes, 1
choosing an editor, 1
compiler hints, 1, 2
compiling for, 1, 2
creating a detailed report on loops, 1, 2
defined, 1
editing source code, 1
loading loop timing file, 1
looptool command, 1
LVPATH environment variable, 1
online help about hints, 1
opening files, 1
printing the LoopTool graph, 1
specified via command line, 1
starting, 1
Version menu in editor, 1
looptool command, 1
LVPATH environment variable, 1, 2
LWPs, selecting, 1


generating, 1
reordering a program with, 1
Message Passing Interface (MPI), programs written with, 1
attributed, defined, 1
caller-callee, 1
choosing display and sort order, 1
clock-based profiling
advanced issues, 1
analyzing, 1
collecting, 1
defined, 1, 2
collected during sampling interval, 1
default Function List display, 1
event-specific, 1
exclusive, defined, 1
execution statistics, defined, 1
filtering, 1
associated with sampling level, 1
choosing display and sort order, 1
searching for in the Function List display, 1
summary, viewing, 1
understanding, 1
function and load-object, switching between, 1
hardware-counter overflow profiling
analyzing, 1
collecting, 1
defined, 1, 2
limitations, 1
inclusive, defined, 1
searching for in the Function List display, 1
summary, viewing, 1
understanding, 1
analyzing, 1
sampling, displaying, 1
summary for a function or load object, 1
thread-synchronization wait tracing
advanced issues, 1
analyzing, 1
defined, 1
MPI (Message Passing Interface), programs written with, 1
multitasking library routines, 1
multithreaded applications, attaching the Collector to, 1
multithreading, 1
explicit, 1
parallelization directives, 1


names, default, of experiment-record files, 1, 2
navigating through program structure, 1
non-unique function names, 1


common subexpression elimination, 1
inlining, 1
tail-call, 1, 2
option list, Data (Analyzer), 1
options, command-line, er_print utility, 1
outline functions, 1, 2
output, interpreting
gprof, 1
prof, 1, 2
tcov, 1
Overview display (Analyzer), 1


page and segment address-space diagrams, switching between, 1
Page Properties window (Analyzer), 1
pages, address-space, detailed information about, 1
PARALLEL environment variable, 1
parallel execution, 1
parallelization directives, 1
parallelization, automatic, compiling for, 1
parallelized code, compiling for, 1
performance data
analyzing, 1
setup, 1
specifying data types, 1
disassembly instruction level, 1
function level, 1
source-line level, 1
understanding, 1
phantom loops as symptom of inlining, 1
PLT (Program Linkage Table), 1
pragma DOALL, 1
preloading, 1
printing the Analyzer display, 1
address-space test and data regions, 1
detailed analysis of in samples, 1
sample, displaying, 1
compiling a program for, 1
defined, 1
flat profile report, 1, 2
limitations, 1
output from, 1, 2
interpreting, 1, 2
profiling file, generating, 1
report, generating, 1
using, 1
profile bucket, tcov, 1, 2, 3
defaults, overriding, 1
profiled shared libraries, creating
for tcov, 1
for tcov Enhanced, 1
profiling file, generating for prof, 1
Program Linkage Table (PLT), 1
program structure, navigating through, 1
call stacks, understanding, 1
explicit multithreading, 1
fast traps, 1
kernel traps, 1
shared objects and function calls, 1
signal handling, 1, 2
single-threaded, 1
tail-call optimization, 1, 2
reordering with a mapfile, 1
proportional and fixed-width sample graphs, switching between, 1


recursive function calls, 1
regular expressions, used by the Analyzer search facility, 1
reordering a program with a mapfile, 1
report, generating with prof, 1
running the Collector in dbx, 1


Sample Details window (Analyzer), 1
data collected during interval, 1
defined, 1
detailed analysis of process times in, 1
interval, setting, 1
metrics collected during interval, 1
process times, displaying, 1
selecting, 1
Sampling Collector window, 1
sampling data, displaying, 1
sampling interval, setting, 1
searching for function and load-object metrics in the Function List display, 1
segment and page address-space diagrams, switching between, 1
Segment Properties window (Analyzer), 1
segments, address-space, detailed information about, 1
Select Callers-Callees Metrics dialog box (Analyzer), 1
grouping metrics in, 1
Select Filters dialog box (Analyzer), 1
Select Load Objects Included dialog box (Analyzer), 1
Select Metrics dialog box (Analyzer), 1
grouping metrics in, 1
load objects, 1
samples, threads, and LWPs, 1
setting sampling intervals, 1
setup for collecting performance data, 1
shared objects, function calls between, 1
signals, 1, 2
single-threaded program execution, and function calls, 1
Solaris versions supported, 1
source code
annotated, 1
displaying, 1
editors, 1
mapping functions to, 1
splitting loops, 1
starting the Analyzer, 1
static functions, 1
in stripped shared libraries, 1, 2
summary metrics for a function or load object, viewing, 1
Summary Metrics window (Analyzer), 1
copying and pasting from, 1
SUN_PROFDATA environment variable, 1, 2
SUN_PROFDATA_DIR environment variable, 1, 2, 3
symbol tables, load-object, 1
synchronization wait tracing metrics
advanced issues, 1
analyzing, 1
collecting, 1
defined, 1
threshold, specifying, 1
syntax, er_print utility, 1


tail-call optimization, 1, 2
annotated code list, 1
generating, 1
compiling a program for, 1
defined, 1
errors reported by, 1
limitations, 1
lock file managment, 1
output from, 1
interpreting, 1
profile bucket, 1, 2, 3
profile bucket defaults, overriding, 1
profiled shared libraries, creating, 1
using, 1
tcov Enhanced
annotated code list, generating, 1
compiling a program for, 1
differences from tcov, 1
lock file managment, 1
profiled shared libraries, creating, 1
using, 1
TCOVDIR environment variable, 1, 2, 3, 4
text editors
availability of by locale, 1
choosing, 1
main, execution of, 1
scheduling, 1
selecting, 1
call sequence of, 1
control sequence for, 1
creation of, 1
wait time, 1
thread-synchronization wait tracing metrics
advanced issues, 1
analyzing, 1
collecting, 1
defined, 1, 2
threshold, specifying, 1
timing file
creating, 1, 2
location, 1, 2
environment variable LVPATH, 1
<Total> function, 1, 2
transformations, loop, 1
transposing loops, 1


<Unknown> function, 1, 2
in annotated source code, 1
unrolling loops, 1
unwinding the call stack, 1


Version menu (LoopTool), 1


Analyzer, 1
Callers-Callees (Analyzer), 1
choosing display and sort order, 1
Page Properties (Analyzer), 1
Sample Details (Analyzer), 1
Sampling Collector, 1
Segment Properties (Analyzer), 1
Summary Metrics (Analyzer), 1
copying and pasting from, 1
wrapper functions, 1


-x03l compiler option, 1
-x04 compiler option, 1
-xdepend compiler option, 1
-xexplicitpar compiler option, used with pragma DOALL, 1
-xloopinfo compiler option, 1
-xparallel compiler option, 1


-Zlp compiler option, 1

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Copyright information. All rights reserved.
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