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#assert, 1, 2
#define, 1
__'uname -s'_'uname -r', 1, 2, 3
__DATE__, 1
__i386, 1, 2, 3
__lint predefined token, 1
__RESTRICT, 1, 2, 3
__sparc, 1, 2, 3
__sparcv9, 1, 2, 3
__sun, 1, 2, 3
__SUNPRO_C, 1, 2, 3
__SVR4, 1, 2, 3
__TIME__, 1
__unix, 1, 2, 3
_asm keyword, 1


acomp (C compiler), 1
alignment of structures, 1
ANSI/ISO 9899-1990 standard, 1
ANSI/ISO C vs. K&R C, 1, 2, 3, 4
arithmetic conversions, 1, 2, 3
asm keyword, 1
assembler, 1
#assert, 1, 2
Auto-Read, 1


behavior, implementation-defined, 1, 2
static vs. dynamic, 1
bit-fields, 1, 2, 3, 4
bit-fields, promotion of, 1
bits, in execution character set, 1
operations on signed integers, 1
buffering, 1


C programming tools, 1
case statements, 1
default dirs searched for libraries, 1
cc compiler options, 1, 2
-#, 1
-###, 1
-Aname [(tokens )], 1
-B[static|dynamic], 1
-C, 1
-c, 1
-d[y|n], 1
-dalign, 1
-Dname [(=tokens )], 1
-E, 1
-erroff=t, 1
-errtags=a, 1, 2, 3
-fast, 1
-fd, 1
-flags, 1
-fnonstd, 1
-fns, 1
-fprecision=r, 1
-fround=r, 1
-fsimple[=n], 1
-fsingle, 1
-fstore, 1
-ftrap=t, 1
-G, 1
-g, 1
-H, 1
-h, 1
-Idir, 1
-J, 1
-keeptmp, 1
-KPIC, 1
-Kpic, 1
-Ldir, 1
-Lname, 1
-mc, 1
-misalign, 1
-misalign2, 1
-mr, 1
-mr,string, 1
-mt, 1
-native, 1
-nofstore, 1
-noqueue, 1
-O, 1
-o filename, 1
-P, 1
-p, 1
-Q[y|n], 1
-qp, 1
-Rdir[:dir], 1
-S, 1
-s, 1
-Uname, 1
-V, 1
-v, 1
-w, 1
-Wc, arg, 1
-X[a|c|s|t], 1
-x386, 1
-x486, 1
-xa, 1
-xarch, 1
-xautopar, 1
-xcache=c, 1
-xCC, 1
-xcg[89|92], 1
-xchip=c, 1
-xcode, 1
-xcrossfile=n, 1
-xdepend, 1
-xe, 1
-xexplicitpar, 1
-xF, 1
-xhelp=f, 1
-xildoff, 1
-xildon, 1
-xlibmieee, 1
-xlibmil, 1
-xlic_lib, 1
-xlicinfo, 1
-xloopinfo, 1
-xM, 1
-xM1, 1
-xMerge, 1
-xnolib, 1
-xnolibmil, 1
-xO[1|2|3|4|5], 1
-xP, 1
-xparallel, 1
-xpentium, 1
-xpg, 1
-xprefetch, 1
-xprofile=p, 1
-xreduction, 1
-xregs=r, 1
-xrestrict=f, 1
-Xs, 1, 2
-xs, 1
-xsafe=mem, 1
-xsb, 1
-xsbfast, 1
-xsfpconst, 1
-xspace, 1
-xstrconst, 1
-xtarget=t, 1
-xtemp=dir, 1
-xtime, 1
-xtransition, 1, 2
-xunroll=n, 1
-xvpara, 1
-YA, dir, 1
-Yc, dir, 1
-YI, dir, 1
-YP, dir, 1
-YS, dir, 1
-Zll, 1
-Zlp, 1
cc compiler options summary table, 1
cg (code generator), 1
cg386 (intermediate language translator), 1
bits in set, 1
decimal point, 1
mapping set, 1
multibyte, shift status, 1
set, collation sequence, 1
single-character character constant, 1
source and execution of set, 1
space, 1
testing of sets, 1
clock function, 1
code generator, 1
code optimization, 1, 2
code optimizer, 1
codegen (code generator), 1
preventing removal by preprocessor, 1
compatibility options, 1, 2
compilation modes and dependencies, 1
components, 1
drivers, 1
compiling a program, 1, 2
const, 1, 2, 3
constants, 1, 2
constants, promotion of integral, 1
integers, 1
conversions, 1, 2, 3
cpp (C preprocessor), 1
cscope, 1, 2
command-line use, 1, 2, 3, 4
editing source files, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
environment setup, 1, 2, 3
environment variables, 1
searching source files, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
See also Source Browser1
usage examples, 1, 2, 3, 4


data types, 1
__DATE__, 1
date and time formats, 1
dbx tool
disable Auto-Read for, 1
initializes faster, 1
symbol table information for, 1
debugging capability, 1
debugging information, removing, 1
decimal-point character, 1
declarators, 1
compiler behavior, 1
handling and SIGILL, 1
locale, 1
default dirs searched for libraries, 1
deferred-link messages, 1
#define, 1
diagnostics, format, 1
directives, 1
domain errors, math functions, 1
dynamic linking, 1


edit, source files, See cscope1
ellipsis notation, 1, 2, 3
environment, 1
environment variables, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
errno, 1
error messages, 1, 2
example messages
full relink, 1
ild version, 1
new working directory, 1
out of room, 1
running strip, 1
too many files changed, 1
executable, modifying, 1
expressions, grouping and evaluation in, 1, 2


faster linking and initializing, 1
fbe (assembler), 1
file sequence in executables, 1
figure, 1
files used by ild, 1
files, temporary, 1
final production code, 1
FIPS 160, 1
Fix and Continue
and ild, 1
linking, 1
float expressions as single precision, 1
floating point, 1
gradual underflows, 1
nonstandard, 1
nonstop, 1
representations, 1
truncation, 1, 2
values, 1
fprintf function, 1
fscanf function, 1
full relink
reasons for, 1
clock, 1
fmod, 1
fprintf, 1
fscanf, 1
prototypes, 1
prototypes, lint checks for, 1
remove, 1
rename, 1
function prototypes, 1, 2
functions with varying argument lists, 1, 2


example 1, 1
example 2, 1
option description, 1
gradual underflows, 1


hardware architecture, 1
header files
format, 1
how to include, 1, 2
standard place, 1, 2
with lint, 1, 2
how ild works, 1
how to use ild, 1


i386 predefined token, 1, 2, 3
ild, 1, 2
ild, 1
introduction, 1
ild andld, 1
implementation-defined behavior, 1, 2
#include files, 1, 2
incomplete types, 1, 2
incremental link, 1
ild, 1
incremental linker, 1, 2
incremental linking
overview, 1
initial link, 1
time, 1
inline expansion templates, 1, 2
inlining, 1
integers, 1, 2
integral constants, promotion of, 1
interactive device, 1
internationalization, 1, 2, 3, 4
invalidating object files, 1
invoking ild, 1
iropt (code optimizer), 1
isalnum, 1
isalpha, 1
iscntrl, 1
islower, 1
ISO/IEC 9899:1990, 1
isprint, 1
isupper, 1


K&R C vs. ANSI/ISO C, 1, 2, 3, 4
keywords, 1, 2


commands, 1
options not supported by ild, 1
as component of compiler, 1
options received from compiler, 1
suppressing linking with, 1
libfast.a, 1
default dirs searched by cc, 1
intrinsic name, 1
libfast.a, 1
lint, 1, 2
renaming shared, 1
shared or non shared, 1
specifying dynamir or static links, 1
library bindings, 1
incremental, 1
initial, 1
static vs. dynamic, 1
linker, 1, 2, 3, 4
lint, 1, 2
consistency checks, 1, 2
filters, 1
libraries, 1, 2
messages, 1
options, 1, 2
portability checks, 1, 2
predefinitions, 1
questionable constructs, 1, 2
predefined token, 1
local time zone, 1
locale, 1, 2, 3
behavior, 1
default, 1
long double, 1
long int, 1
long long, 1, 2
arithmetic promotions, 1
passing, 1
representation of, 1
returning, 1
storage allocation, 1
suffix, 1
value preserving, 1
loops, 1


macro expansion, 1
__DATE__, 1
__RESTRICT, 1, 2, 3
__TIME__, 1
semantics of args, 1
math functions,domain errors, 1
mcs and strip, 1
message ID (tag), 1, 2, 3, 4
deferred link, 1
ild relink, 1
messages, error, 1, 2
messages, lint, 1
mode, compiler, 1
MP C, 1, 2
multibyte characters and wide characters, 1, 2
multiprocessing, 1, 2
mwinline, 1


newline, terminating, 1
floating-point arithmetic, 1, 2
notes, 1
null characters not appended to data, 1
NULL, value of, 1


object file
changes, 1
linking with ld, 1
producing object file for each source file, 1
supressing removal of, 1
optimization, 1, 2, 3
specify hardware architecture, 1
optimizer, 1
optimizing performance, 1, 2, 3
options, 1
options, compiler, 1, 2
options, lint, 1, 2
overview of incremental linking, 1


padding in files, 1, 2
padding of structures, 1
PARALLEL environment variable, 1, 2
parallelization, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
pass, name and version of each, 1
Pentium, 1
performance,optimizing, 1, 2, 3
pointers, restricted, 1, 2
portability, of code, 1, 2, 3
#pragma _int_to_unsigned, 1
#pragma _unknown_control_flow, 1
#pragma align, 1
#pragma does_not_read_global_data, 1
#pragma does_not_write_global_data, 1
#pragma fini, 1
#pragma ident, 1
#pragma init, 1
#pragma MP serial_loop, 1, 2
#pragma MP serial_loop-nested, 1, 2
#pragma MP taskloop, 1, 2
#pragma no_side_effect, 1
#pragma nomemorydepend, 1
#pragma pack, 1
#pragma pipeloop, 1
#pragma rarely_called, 1
#pragma redefine_extname, 1
#pragma unroll, 1
#pragma weak, 1
pragmas, 1
preassertions for -Aname, 1
predefined tokens
__'uname -s'_'uname -r', 1, 2, 3
__i386, 1, 2, 3
__lint, 1
__RESTRICT, 1, 2, 3
__sparc, 1, 2, 3
__sparcv9, 1, 2, 3
__sun, 1, 2, 3
__SUNPRO_C, 1, 2, 3
__SVR4, 1, 2, 3
__unix, 1, 2, 3
i386, 1, 2, 3
lint, 1
sparc, 1, 2, 3
sun, 1, 2, 3
unix, 1, 2, 3
preprocessing, 1, 2
directives, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
how to preserve comments, 1
predefined names, 1
stringizing, 1
token pasting, 1
unsigned, 1
value, 1
printing, 1, 2
with tcov, 1
programming tools for C, 1
promotion, 1, 2
bit-fields, 1
default arguments, 1
integral constants, 1
value preserving, 1
promotions, 1


qualifiers, 1


reasons for full relinks, 1
relink messages, 1
remove function, 1
rename function, 1
renaming shared libraries, 1
floating point, 1
integers, 1
reserved names, 1, 2
for expansion, 1
for implementation use, 1
guidelines for choosing, 1
__RESTRICT macro, 1, 2, 3
_Restrict keyword, 1
restricted pointers, 1, 2
right shift, 1
rounding behavior, 1


saved files
global symbols, 1
relocation records, 1
search, source files, See cscope1
setlocale(3C), 1, 2
shared libraries, 1
shared libraries, naming, 1
shared object, 1
shared objects, 1
signal, 1, 2
signed, 1, 2
small programs, 1
Solaris versions supported, 1
source files
checking with lint, 1, 2
editing, See cscope1
locating, 1
searching, See cscope1
space characters, 1
sparc predefined token, 1, 2, 3
standards conformance, 1, 2
static linking, 1
streams, 1
string literals in text segment, 1
strip and mcs, 1
alignment, 1
padding, 1
sun predefined token, 1, 2, 3
SUNPRO_SB_INIT_FILE_NAME environment variable, 1
symbol references, 1
symbol table for dbx, 1
symbolic debugging information, removing, 1


new style with -xprofile, 1
tcov tool, 1
Temporary files, 1
segment and string literals, 1
stream, 1
__TIME__, 1
time and date formats, 1
time to link, 1
timestamps, 1
/tmp, 1
TMPDIR environment variable, 1
tokens, 1, 2
tools for programming with C, 1
trigraph sequences, 1
type conversions, 1
type qualifiers, 1, 2
types, compatible and composite, 1, 2
types, incomplete, 1, 2


underflow, gradual, 1
unix predefined token, 1, 2, 3
unsigned, 1, 2


floating point, 1
integers, 1
preserving, 1
varargs(5), 1
volatile, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
volatile, 1


warning messages, 1, 2
what ild cannot do, 1
wide character constants, 1, 2
wide characters, 1, 2
wide string literals, 1, 2
write on text stream, 1


-z i_quiet option, 1
-z i_verbose option, 1
zero-length file, 1

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Copyright information. All rights reserved.
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