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Application Builder 6.0 iPlanet Application Builder User's Guide


ACL. Access Control List, a list of users or groups and their specified permissions. See component ACL, general ACL.

administration server. A process in iPlanet Application Server that handles administrative tasks.

administrator. See system administrator.

aggregate expression. An expression in a query that summarizes values from one database column across several rows. You can use aggregate expressions to specify computed fields. The aggregate functions available depend on your database server, but those typically supported are Min(), Max(), Count(), Avg(), Sum(), First(), and Last().

alias. An alternate name. In a query, an alias is a name given to a database table, column, or computed field.

API. Application Programmer Interface, a set of instructions that a computer program can use to communicate with other software or hardware that is designed to interpret that API.

applet. A small application written in Java that runs in a web browser. Typically, applets are called by or embedded in web pages to provide special functionality. By contrast, a servlet is a small application that runs on a server.

application. A computer program that performs a task or service for a user. Also see web application.

application event. A named action that you register with the iAS registry. The event occurs either when a timer expires or when the event is called (triggered) from application code at run time. Typical uses for events include periodic backups, reconciling accounts at the end of the business day, or sending alert messages.

application flow. The perceived progress of activity from page to page in a browser-oriented application.

application model. The conceptual division of a software application into functional components.

application resource file. Stores session information specific to your iPlanet Application Builder project. iPlanet Application Builder automatically creates a default base session,, which you can customize as you develop your application. This file stores code generated by iPlanet Application Builder wizards and other property editors. Specifically, stores session information specific to the project.

application server. A program that runs an application in a client/server environment, executing the logic that makes up the application and acting as middleware between a web browser and a datasource.

application tier. A conceptual division of an application:

· client tier: The user interface (UI). End users interact with client software (web browser) to use the application.

· server tier: The business logic and presentation logic that make up your application, defined in the application's components.

· data tier: The data access logic that enables your application to interact with a datasource.

AppLogic. A iAS-specific cache responsible for completing a well-defined, modular task within a iPlanet Application Server application. In iAS 2.1, applications used AppLogics to perform actions such as handling form input, accessing data, or generating data used to populate HTML templates. This functionality is replaced with servlets and JSPs in iAS 4.0.

AppPath. A iAS registry entry that contains the name of the directory where application files reside. This entry defines the top of a logical directory tree for the application, similarly to the document path in a web page. By default, AppPath contains the value BasePath/APPS, where BasePath is the base iAS directory. (BasePath is also a iAS variable.)

attribute . Attributes are name-value pairs in a request object that can be set by servlets. Contrast with parameter. More generally, an attribute is a unit of metadata.

authentication. The process of verifying a user-provided username and password.

banded report. See grouped report.

base class. See also superclass. A class from which another class is derived.

BasePath. A iAS registry entry that contains the directory where iAS is installed, including the iAS subdirectory (other iPlanet products can also be installed in BasePath). BasePath is a building block for AppPath.

bean property file. A text file containing EJB deployment information. The type of information is defined in javax.ejb.DeploymentDescriptor.

bean-managed transaction. See declarative transaction.

binary large object (BLOB). A large block of bits that can be stored in a database. A BLOB is useful for storing any large piece of data, such as pictures or sounds, that does not need to be interpreted by the database.

browser. See web browser.

browser events. Actions that occur on the browser page, such as passing the cursor over a particular component, that can trigger actions specified by JavaScript objects on the page.

build project. Compile all source files in the project that have been edited since the last time they were compiled.

business logic. The implementation rules determined by an application's requirements.

business method. Method that performs a single business task, such as querying a database or authenticating a user, in the course of business logic.

C++ server. A process in iPlanet Application Server that runs and manages C++ objects.

cache. See result cache.

cached rowset. A CachedRowSet object permits you to retrieve data from a datasource, then detach from the datasource while you examine and modify the data. A cached rowset keeps track both of the original data retrieved, and any changes made to the data by your application. If the application attempts to update the original datasource, the rowset is reconnected to the datasource, and only those rows that have changed are merged back into the database.

callable statement. A cache that encapsulates a database procedure or function call for databases that support returning result sets from stored procedures.

cell tag. A type of GX markup tag that displays a dynamic data value.

class. A named set of methods and member variables that define the characteristics of a particular type of object. The class defines what types of data and behavior are possible for this type of object.

class file. A file that contains a compiled cache, usually with a .class extension. See also class name, classpath. Normally referred to in terms of its location in the filesystem, as in ...\com\myDomain\myPackage\myClass.

class loader. A Java component responsible for loading Java cachees, according to specific rules.

class name. The name of a cache in the Java Virtual Machine. See also class file, classpath.

classpath. The path that identifies a Java cache or package, in terms of its derivation from other classes or packages. See also class file, class name. For example, com.myDomain.myPackage.myClass.

client. A computer or application that contacts and obtains data from a server on another computer. A client program is designed to work with one specific type of server. Or an entity that invokes a resource.

client contract. A contract that determines the communication rules between a client and the EJB container, establishes a uniform development model for apps that use EJBs, and guarantees greater reuse of beans by standardizing the relationship with the client. See Enterprise JavaBean (EJB).

clean project. Remove all object files from the project, leaving only source.

cluster. A set of hosts running the same server software in tandem with each other.

co-locate. Positioning a component in the same memory space as a related component in order avoid remote procedure calls and improve performance.

column. A field in a database table.

commit. Complete a transaction by sending the required commands to the database. See transaction.

compile. To translate source code written by a programmer into object code that can run on a computer. A compiler is a program that performs this translation.

component. Reusable objects that you can place on a page or template to perform a certain task. For example, an ImageLink component uses a GIF or JPG image as an anchor for an HTML hypertext link. The behavior and appearance of components are determined by their properties. See Appendix A, "Component Reference" for definitions of each component.

component ACL. A property in a servlet or EJB configuration file that defines that defines the users or groups that may execute.

component contract. A contract that establishes the relationship between an Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) and its container. See Enterprise JavaBean (EJB).

Component Object Model (COM). A specification that provides a standard way for objects and their clients to interact. COM specifies only how objects interact, not how applications are structured internally or how they are implemented.

computed field. A field in a query that displays the result of an expression rather than stored data. The database engine recalculates the value each time it runs the query.

configuration. The process of providing metadata for a component. Normally, the configuration for a specific component is kept in a file that is uploaded into the registry when the component executes.

connection. A database connection is a communication link with a database or other data source.

constructor. A method that instantiates a class.

container. A process that executes and provides services for an EJB.

context, server. A programmatic view of the state of the server, represented by an object.

cookie. A variable that your application can send to a web browser to be stored there for a specified length of time. Each time a web browser views an HTML page in your application, the cookies from that browser are sent to the application. Cookies are domain-specific and can take advantage of the same web server security features as other data interchange between your application and the server. Thus, cookies are useful for privately exchanging data between your application and the web browser.

CORBA. Common Object Request Broker Architecture, a standard architecture definition for object-oriented distributed computing.

custom property editor. A dialog box that helps you determine the correct value for a complex property definition.

data access logic. Business logic that involves interacting with a datasource.

database. A generic term for Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). A software package that enables the creation and manipulation of large amounts of related, organized data.

database connection. A database connection is a communication link with a database or other datasource. Components can create and manipulate several database connections simultaneously to access data.

database forms wizard. A wizard that produces an HTML page with a data input form, a data model to establish database table relationships, a query based on the data model, a servlet to process the query, a JSP to display the results of the query, and an optional search form to enable user-initiated database queries.

data access logic. Determine what types of back-end data sources (if any) the application accesses, such as a relational database or a legacy system.

data connection. A logical connection between an application and a relational database.

data field. One column of data in a RowSet.

data model. An entity relationship (ER) diagram that specifies the data source tables and relationships used in your application.

data source. A collection of data electronically stored within a relational database, legacy system, or object database.

default. A value that is automatically assigned by the application when the user or programmer does not specify a value.

DELETE query. A statement that specifies which data to delete from a database.

deploy. To create a copy of all the files in a project on one or more servers, in such a way that one or more iPlanet Application Servers and optionally one or more web servers can run the application.

deployment descriptor. An attribute that determines how and where an Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) is deployed. See Enterprise JavaBean (EJB).

design-time. The behavior (in the test server) or appearance (in the iPlanet Application Builder windows) of an object when the application is being developed.

detail record. The result of a secondary query, based on a master record.

Directory Server. An LDAP server that is bundled with iPlanet Application Server. Every instance of iPlanet Application Server uses Directory Server to store shared server information, including information about users and groups.

distributable session. A user session that is distributable among all servers in a cluster.

distributed computing. A collection of computers linked together. Such systems can exist on a local area network (LAN), a wide area network (WAN), or the Internet. Distributed systems make several types of advanced computing systems possible, including client/server, multi-tier, and partitioned applications.

distributed transaction. A single transaction that can apply to multiple heterogeneous databases that may reside on separate servers.

DLM. See dynamically loadable module (DLM).

dockable window. A window, such as the Project or Properties window, that has the ability to "snap into place" against the workspace border. When a window is attached in this way, it cannot be overlapped by other windows.

download project. Copying application files from a server back to a development machine. Note that this does not re-create the development environment if the files were filtered during development.

drag and drop. Clicking an object, holding the mouse button down while moving the cursor and the object to a destination (dragging), and then releasing the button to insert the object at the destination (dropping).

dynamically loadable module (DLM). A binary executable file that can be loaded while an application is running. In Windows NT or Win95 systems, DLM is another name for a Dynamic-Link Library (DLL). In UNIX systems, DLMs are implemented as ELF shared libraries.

Editor Beans. Java objects which generate and maintain components.

dynamic reloading. Updating and reloading a component without restarting the server. By default, servlet and JavaScript components can be dynamically reloaded.

e-commerce. A term meaning electronic commerce, indicating business done over the Internet.

Enterprise JavaBean (EJB). A business logic component for applications in a multitiered, distributed architecture. EJBs conform to the Java EJB standard specifications, which defines beans in terms of their expected roles. An EJB encapsulates one or more application tasks or application objects, including data structures and the methods that operate on them. Typically they also take parameters and send back return values. EJBs always work within the context of a container, which serves as a link between the EJBs and the server that hosts them. See also container, session EJB, and entity EJB.

entity EJB. An entity Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) relates to physical data, such as a row in a database. Entity beans are long-lived, because they are tied to persistent data. Entity beans are always transactional and multiuser aware. Also see session EJB.

ER diagram. Describes the attributes of database entities and the relationships among them.

event. Named actions that you register with the iPlanet Application Server. The event occurs either when a timer expires or when the event is called from application code at run time. Typical uses for events include periodic backups, reconciling accounts at the end of the business day, or sending alert messages.

event handler. JavaScript object on an HTML page or JavaServer Page that handles a browser event at run time.

executive server. Process in iPlanet Application Server that handles executive functions such as load balancing and process management.

failover recovery. A process whereby a bean can transparently survive a server crash.

field. The smallest identifiable part of a table in a database. A field is the intersection of a row and a column. A unit of data in a result set. Each field in a result set has a name, which corresponds to either a database column or an expression. Each field contains a single data value.

filtering. Removing development-oriented information from files while deploying.

finder method. Method which enables clients to look up a bean or a collection of beans in a globally available directory. See Enterprise JavaBean (EJB).

flat query. A query that produces a result set that is not divided into levels or groups. The result set of a flat query is like a table.

floating toolbar. The state of a toolbar when it appears unattached in the center of the workspace, as opposed to being docked along the workspace borders. Floating toolbars have title bars to identify them.

form action handler. A specially defined method in a servlet or AppLogic that performs an action based on a named button on a form.

format mask. A mask applied to data to specifically tailor its format for display. Options include numeric formats (integer, percentage), and custom date formats. Also known as display format.

general ACL. A named list in the Directory Server that relates a user or group with one or more permissions. This list can be defined and accessed arbitrarily to record any set of permissions.

generated code. JavaScript code generated by Editor Beans which should not be edited.

generic servlet. A servlet that extends javax.servlet.GenericServlet. Generic servlets are protocol independent, meaning that they contain no inherent support for HTTP or any other transport protocol. Contrast with HTTP servlet.

global database connection. A database connection available to multiple component. Requires a resource manager.

global transaction. A transaction that is managed and coordinated by a transaction manager and can span multiple databases and processes. The transaction manager typically uses the wizard to interact with the database backends. Also see local transaction.

globally unique identifier (GUID). A unique number that identifies a servlet object and is used to request that iPlanet Application Server runs that servlet.

group. A set of rows in a result set that have one or more field values in common or a group of users that are related in some way, maintained by a local system administrator. See also user, role.

grouped report. A report that shows records in logical groups, such as sales grouped by geographic region, and can show summary data for each group.

GUID. 128-bit hexadecimal number, guaranteed to be globally unique, used to identify components in a iAS application.

GX markup tag. A special type of syntax used in templates to indicate where dynamic data is to be merged with the template. A GX tag is made up of two tags, <GX ...> and </GX>, and the text between them. Some GX tags are represented with % rather than < or >, as in %GX TYPE="cell" ...% %/GX%. This is equivalent to <GX TYPE="cell" ...> </GX> at run time.

.gxm file. A file that keeps track of all files belonging to a project. Also called a project file.

GXML template. A definition for a dynamically generated set of output data. Data retrieved from a database or other data source at run time is sent back to the client in a self-describing stream of output.

.gxr file. A file containing information that allows .java files and other files in a project to be registered with the iPlanet Application Server. Also called a registration.

handle. The vertical strip on the left side of a toolbar by which you can drag the toolbar.

HTML. Hypertext Markup Language. A coding markup language used to create documents that can be displayed by web browsers. Each block of text is surrounded by codes that indicate the nature of the text.

HTML page. A page coded in HTML and intended for display in a web browser.

HTTP. A protocol for communicating hypertext documents across the Internet.

HTTP servlet. A servlet that extends javax.servlet.HttpServlet. These servlets have built-in support for the HTTP protocol. Contrast with generic servlet.

hyperlink. A word or phrase that the user can click to display another page in an online document.

identity. An instance of, a security object that contains information about a specific entity, such as a user or a group.

IIOP. Internet Inter-Orb Protocol. Transport protocol for RMI clients and servers, based on CORBA.

image URL. Source code for an image. The URL can be relative (local server) or absolute (local or remote server). The URL can be determined dynamically if the component that requires it is in a template.

include tag. A type of GX markup tag that displays HTML output created by evaluating another template.

inheritance. A mechanism in which a subclass automatically includes the method and variable definitions of its superclass. A programmer can change or add to the inherited characteristics of a subclass without affecting the superclass.

input validation. The set of rules which defines a variable.

input wizard. A wizard that produces a static HTML page containing an input form, a servlet to process the form, a JSP to display the results, and optionally a query to retrieve data from a data source.

INSERT query. A statement that specifies which data to add to a database.

instance. An object that is based on a particular cache. Each instance of the class is a distinct object, with its own variable values and state. However, all instances of a class share the variable and method definitions specified in that class.

instantiation. The process of allocating memory for an object at run time. See instance.

interface. Description of the services provided by an object. An interface defines a set of functions, called methods, and includes no implementation code. An interface, like a cache, defines the characteristics of a particular type of object. However, unlike a class, an interface is always abstract. A class is instantiated to form an object, but an interface is implemented by an object to provide it with a set of services. Contrast with cache.

isolation level. (JDBC) Sets the level at which the datasource connection makes transactional changes visible to calling objects such as ResultSets.

jar file contract. A contract that specifies what information must be in the Enterprise JavaBean (EJB)'s package (jar file). See Enterprise JavaBean (EJB).

JavaBean. A discrete, reusable Java object.

Java server. Process in iPlanet Application Server that runs and manages Java objects.

JavaScript. A language that can run as a script in an HTML page, allowing screen actions outside the scope of HTML, including responses to browser events.

JavaServer Page (JSP). A text page written using a combination of HTML or XML tags, JSP tags, and Java code. JSPs combine the layout capabilities of a standard browser page with the power of a programming language.

JDBC. Java Database Connectivity administrators. A standards-based set of cachees and interfaces that enable developers to create data-aware components. JDBC implements methods for connecting to and interacting with datasources in a platform- and vendor-independent way.

JNDI. Java Naming and Directory Interface. JNDI provides a uniform, platform-independent way for applications to find and access remote services over a network. iAS supports JNDI lookups for datasources and Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) components.

kas. See administration server.

kcs. See C++ server.

kjs. See Java server.

kxs. See executive server.

layout view. An HTML editor window display that shows the HTML page similarly to how it appears in a browser at runtime.

LDAP. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. LDAP is an open directory access protocol that runs over TCP/IP. It is scalable to a global size and millions of entries. Using Directory Server, a provided LDAP server, you can store all of your enterprise's information in a single, centralized repository of directory information that any application resource file can access via the network.

link URL. A target for a hypertext link. These include static pages, JSPs, servlets, and other web sites. The URL can be relative (local server) or absolute (local or remote server). The URL can be determined dynamically if the component that requires it is in a template.

listing. See tabular report.

load balancing. A technique for distributing the user load evenly among multiple servers in a cluster. Also see sticky load balancing.

local database connection. The transaction context in a local connection is not distributed across processes or across datasources; it is local to the current process and to the current datasource.

local session. A user session that is only visible to one server.

local transaction. A transaction that is native to one database and is restricted within a single process. Local transactions can work against only a single backend. Local transactions are typically demarcated using JDBC APIs. Also see global transaction.

login wizard. A wizard that produces a static HTML page containing a login form, a servlet to verify a user name and password, and a JSP to display the results of a successful login.

master record. The primary target of a query.

member. A variable or method declared in a class.

member variable. A variable with the following characteristics:

· The variable is declared inside a class declaration.

· A member variable specifies a piece of data that can be stored by an object instantiated from that class.

memory cache. A iAS feature that enables a servlet to cache its results for a specific duration in order to improve performance. Subsequent calls to that servlet within the duration are given the cached results so that the servlet does not have to execute again.

metadata. Information about a component, such as its name, and specifications for its behavior.

method. A function with the following characteristics:

· The method is declared inside a class or interface.

· A method specifies an action that can be performed by an object instantiated from that class.

metadata. Represents information that is passed into the runtime's AppResource constructor.

iAS registry. A collection of application metadata, organized in a tree, that is continually available in active memory or on a readily-accessible Directory Server.


A RowSet object that incorporates iAS extensions. The iASRowSet class is a subclass of ResultSet.

iPlanet Application Server Foundation Class Library. A set of interfaces and classes provided by Netscape Communications Corporation that can be used to develop object-oriented iPlanet Application Server applications. The classes in the iPlanet Application Server Foundation Class Library define many types of objects you can include in iPlanet Application Server applications, such as servlet objects, data connections, queries, and result sets.

NTV. A Name-Type-Value format, used in iAS for servlet and application configuration files.

object. A programmed entity with the following characteristics:

· An object embodies both data and behavior.

· Objects come into existence at run time through the process of instantiation.

· Each object is based on a definition, which is called a class.

Many parts of a iPlanet Application Server application, such as servlets, queries, and result sets, are objects.

object-oriented programming. A method for writing programs using classes, not algorithms, as the fundamental building blocks. At run time, the classes give rise to objects, which perform the tasks of the application.

OCL. See Open Client Library (OCL).

ODBC. Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)

online application server. A server that stores, manages, and executes dynamic Internet and intranet applications. An online application server is specifically designed to run such applications quickly and efficiently. iPlanet Application Server is an online application server.

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC). A standard protocol used by many database vendors to provide an interface to outside applications. iPlanet Application Server applications can interact with databases that comply with ODBC 1.0 and 2.0.

outline view. An HTML editor window display that shows the structural relationships between HTML tags on the page.

override. To write new code that replaces the default code of an inherited method.

palette. A window containing components that you can drag and drop into HTML files to create pages and templates.

palette pages. Individual sections of the palette that contain similar elements, accessed by tabs at the bottom of the palette window. If a page is locked, it can not be deleted and its resident components can not be removed.

parameter. The data passed between methods, servlet objects, and other program code. A placeholder for dynamic data that is passed into a prepared database command at run time. Name-value pairs sent from the client, including form field data, HTTP header information, etc., and encapsulated in a request object. Contrast with attribute.

package. A collection of related cachees that are literally packaged together in a Java archive (.jar) file.

passivation. A method of releasing an EJB's resources without destroying the bean. In this way, a bean is made to be persistent, and can be recalled without the overhead of instantiation. See Enterprise JavaBean (EJB).

permission. A set of privileges granted or denied to a user or group. See also ACL.

persistent. Refers to the creation and maintenance of a bean throughout the lifetime of the application. In iAS 4.0, beans are responsible for their own persistence, called bean-managed persistence. Opposite of transient.

pooling. Providing a number of preconfigured resources to improve performance. If a resource is pooled, a component can use an existing instance from the pool rather than instantiating a new one. In iAS, database connections, servlet instances, and Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) instances can all be pooled.

prepared command. A database command (in SQL) that is precompiled to make repeated execution more efficient. Prepared commands can contain parameters. A prepared statement contains one or more prepared commands.

prepared statement. A cache that encapsulates a query, update, or insert statement that is used repeatedly to fetch data. A prepared statement contains one or more prepared command.

presentation layout. Creating and formatting page content.

presentation layer. The set of classes (servlets) and related files that controls the interface an application presents to its users.

presentation layout. Creating and formatting page content.

presentation logic. Activities that create a page in an application, including processing a request, generating content in response, and formatting the page for the client.

primary key class name. A variable that specifies the fully qualified class name of a bean's primary key. Used for JNDI lookups.

process. A sequence of execution in an active program. A process is made up of one or more threads.

programmatic security. Controlling security explicitly in code rather than allowing the component's container (i.e., a bean's container or a servlet engine) to handle it. Opposite of declarative security.

programmatic transaction. Controlling a transaction explicitly in code rather than allowing an Enterprise JavaBean (EJB)'s container to handle it. Opposite of declarative transaction.

project. A collection of related files that, when deployed, constitute a web application.

project file. See .gxm file.

project map. A window that displays file dependencies. A project map is useful for visually representing the page flow of an application.

project window. A directory listing of files in a project. Files can be grouped by folder or listed alphabetically.

properties window. A window showing the properties for a selected object.

property. Name-value pairs that indicate how an object behaves or appears. For example, a Name property might contain a name that identifies the object to other objects, while a Background Color property defines a background color for the object. Or a single attribute that defines the behavior of an application component.

property definition. Value associated with a given property that, together with the other properties for a given object, determines the object's appearance and/or behavior.

query. A statement that specifies which data to retrieve from a database. Typically, the results of a query are displayed in a report.

query file. A query file is a file that contains the specification for a flat or hierarchical query. Query files are useful for running legacy SQL SELECT statements. You can also use query files to write new queries.

rebuild project. Remove all object files (clean project) and compile all source files in the project.

register . Register the Java methods with the Java Virtual Machine running on the application server.

registered servers. Servers registered to iPlanet Application Builder for the purpose of deployment. You can not deploy to a server until it is registered.

registration. The process of informing iPlanet Application Server of the existence of a servlet object, code module, or security information. Or, the process by which iAS gains access to a servlet, Enterprise JavaBean (EJB), and other application resource, so named because it involves placing entries in the iAS registry for each item.

registry file. See .gxr file.

relationship. A named connection between data source tables.

remote interface. Describes how clients can call a Enterprise JavaBean (EJB)'s methods. See Enterprise JavaBean (EJB).

remote procedure call (RPC). A mechanism for accessing a remote object or service.

replace tag. A type of GX markup tag that substitutes a dynamic data value for a specified string.

report. A formatted presentation of data. In a iPlanet Application Server application, a report is an HTML page presented to the user in response to a request for information. Servlet objects create reports by combining hierarchical result sets and JavaServer Pages.

request. A message from a client to a server, asking for data or another service.

· In a iPlanet Application Server application, a request is a message that causes an servlet object to run on the iPlanet Application Server. A request uses a unique name or globally unique identifier (GUID) to identify the proper servlet object to handle the request. The request can include parameters to be passed to the servlet object. Requests can come from clients, servlet objects, or other code.

response. A generated HTML page that contains a logical answer to the request, and sets up the next interaction.

response object. An object that references the calling client and provides methods for generating output for the client.

result cache. Storage in iPlanet Application Server that holds the output from an servlet object so that the output can be accessed repeatedly without the necessity of running the servlet object again.

results wizard. A wizard that produces a servlet to retrieve data, optionally accessing a query to retrieve data from a data source, and an HTML template to display the results.

reusable component. A component created so that it can be used in more than one capacity, i.e., by more than one resource or application.

RMI. Remote Method Invocation (RMI), a Java standard set of administrators that enable developers to write remote interfaces that can pass objects to remote processes.

role. A functional grouping of subjects in an application, represented by one or more groups in a deployed environment. See also user, group.

rollback. Cancel a transaction. See transaction.

row. One single data record that contains values for each column in a table.

RowSet. An object that encapsulates a set of rows retrieved from a database or other source of tabular data. RowSet extends the java.sql.ResultSet interface, enabling a ResultSet to act as a JavaBeans component.

runtime. The behavior (in the server) or appearance (in a browser) of an object when the application runs.

select distinct (query). A query type that retrieves only the unique instances of the requested target search items.

SELECT query. A statement that specifies which data to retrieve from a database, as specified by your data model.

serializable. An object is serializable if it can be deconstructed and reconstructed, which enables it to be stored or distributed among multiple servers.

sequence. A sequential number generator which exists in a database. Some database vendors refer to a sequence as a serial, identity, or autoincrement. A sequence is useful for generating transaction-safe numbers for database transaction applications.

server. A computer or software package that provides a specific kind of service to client software running on other computers. A server is designed to communicate with a specific type of client software.

servlet. An instance of the Servlet cache. A servlet is a reusable application that runs on a server. In iAS, a servlet acts as the central dispatcher for each interaction in your application by performing presentation logic, invoking business logic, and invoking or performing presentation layout.

servlet engine. An internal object that handles all servlet metafunctions. Collectively, a set of processes that provide services for a servlet, including instantiation and execution.

servlet runner. Part of the servlet engine that invokes a servlet with a request object and a response object. See servlet engine.

session. A continuous series of interactions between a user and a iPlanet Application Server application.

session accessors. Any method that gets or sets a session variable.

session cookie. A cookie that is returned to the client containing a user session identifier.

session EJB. A session Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) relates to a unit of work, such as a request for data. Session beans are short lived—the lifespan of the client request is the same as the lifespan of the session bean. Session beans can be stateless or stateful, and they can be transaction aware. See stateful session EJB and stateless session EJB. Also see entity EJB.

session timeout. A specified duration after which iAS can invalidate a user session. See user session.

session validation. The set of rules that guarantees that the application is in a valid state to perform the functionality of a specific servlet.

session variables. Used by many servlets in an application to store and access data that is shared throughout the application.

source view. An HTML editor window display that shows the source code for the page.

SQL. Structured Query Language (SQL) is a language commonly used in relational database applications. SQL2 and SQL3 designate versions of the language.

standard query. A query that produces a result set that is not divided into levels or groups. The result set of a standard query is like a table.

state. 1. The circumstances or condition of an entity at any given time. 2. A distributed data storage mechanism which you can use to store the state of an application using the iAS feature interface IState2.

stateful session EJB. An Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) that represents a session with a particular client and which automatically maintains state across multiple client-invoked methods.

stateless session EJB. An Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) that represents a stateless service. A stateless session bean is completely transient and encapsulates a temporary piece of business logic needed by a specific client for a limited time span.

sticky cookie. A cookie that is returned to the client to force it to always connect to the same executive server process.

sticky load balancing. A method of load balancing where an initial client request is load balanced, but subsequent requests are directed to the same process as the initial request. Also see load balancing.

stored procedure. A block of statements written in SQL and stored in a database. You can use stored procedures to perform any type of database operation, such as modifying, inserting, or deleting records. The use of stored procedures improves database performance by reducing the amount of information that is sent over a network.

streaming. A technique for managing how data is communicated via HTTP. When results are streamed, the first portion of the data is available for use immediately. When results are not streamed, the whole result must be received before any part of it can be used. Streaming provides a way to allow large amounts of data to be returned in a more efficient way, increasing the perceived performance of the application.

subclass. A class that is derived from and is a special case of another class, called a base class or superclass.

superclass. A class from which another class, called a subclass, is derived. See also base class.

system administrator. The person who is responsible for installing and maintaining iPlanet Application Server software and for deploying production iPlanet Application Server applications.

table. A named group of related data in rows and columns in a database.

tabular report. A report, sometimes called a listing, that prints all the records retrieved from the database.

tag. See GX markup tag or HTML.

target window. Name of the window or frame that displays the results of a hypertext link.

template engine. The part of the server responsible for taking JavaServer Pages and merging them with the data from a servlet.

template map. An object that maps fields in a JSP to the data used to replace those fields. With a template map, you can assign values to special placeholders that will be evaluated at run time. You can also use a template map to link column names in a table to field names that you have used in a JSP. A template map allows your application to use the same JSP file with data from different data sources.

test server. A version of the iPlanet Application Server that runs for local testing purposes.

thread. A sequence of execution inside a process. A process may allow many simultaneous threads, in which case it is multithreaded. If a process executes each thread sequentially, it is single-threaded.

tile tag. A type of GX markup tag which repeats the tags and text nested within it. Tile can be used in two ways: repeating a fixed number of times, or repeating for each row in a result set.

tooltip. A word or phrase that appears whenever you briefly place the mouse over a toolbar button. Tool tips are useful reminders of a button's purpose.

transaction. A set of database commands that succeed or fail as a group. All the commands involved must succeed for the entire transaction to succeed.

transaction context. A transaction's scope, either local or global. See local transaction, global transaction.

transaction manager. Object that controls a global transaction, normally using the XA protocol. See global transactions.

transient. A resource that is released when it is not being used. Opposite of persistent.

trigger. A trigger is a stored block of SQL or PL/SQL statements that is associated with a table, runs in response to an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operation, and runs only under certain specified conditions.

update query. A statement that specifies which data to modify within a database.

URI. Universal Resource Identifier, describes specific resource at a domain. Locally described as a subset of a base directory, so that /ham/burger is the base directory and a URI specifies toppings/cheese.html. A corresponding URL would be http://domain:port/toppings/cheese.html.

URL. Uniform Resource Locator. An address that uniquely identifies an HTML page or other resource. A web browser uses URLs to specify which pages to display. A URL describes a transport protocol (e.g. HTTP, FTP), a domain (e.g., and optionally a update query.

user. A person who uses your application. Programmatically, a user name, password, and set of attributes that enables an application to recognize a client. See also group, role.

user interface (UI). The pages that define what a user sees and with which a user interacts in a web application.

user session. A series of user-application interactions that are tracked by the server. Sessions maintain user state, persistent objects, and identity authentication.

user validation. Validation written by the programmer.

validation. A method for ensuring that the contents of a form field are within certain parameters. If a user enters data outside the parameters, a dialog box appears notifying them of the error and what to do to correct it. A iAS feature that enables validity checking of some types of form input.

variable. A named storage location for data that can be modified while a program is running. Each variable has a unique name that identifies it within its scope. Each variable can contain a certain type of data.

versioning. See dynamic reloading.

web application. A computer program that uses the World Wide Web for connectivity and user interface (UI). A user connects to and runs a web application by using a web browser on any platform. The user interface of the application is the HTML pages displayed by the browser. The application itself runs on a web page and/or application resource file.

web browser. Software that is used to view resources on the World Wide Web, such as web pages coded in HTML or XML.

web connector plug-in. An extension to a web page that enables it to communicate with a iPlanet Application Server.

web page. See HTML page.

web server. A host that stores and manages HTML pages and web applications. The web server responds to user requests from web browsers.

wizard. A code generator that provides a framework for creating the most commonly-used types of application development components.

World Wide Web. A network of many computers linked together by their ability to understand the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Two types of computers make up the Web: clients and servers. Clients are computers with web browsers installed on them. Servers are computers that store and manage the information requested by the clients.

workspace. The main window of iPlanet Application Builder. The workspace contains the windows, toolbars, and dialog boxes that constitute the user interface.

XA protocol. A database industry standard protocol for distributed transactions.

XML. XML, the Extensible Markup Language, uses HTML-style tags to identify the kinds of information used in documents as well as to format documents.

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Last Updated April 28, 2000