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Application Builder 6.0 iPlanet Application Builder User's Guide



. (decimal separator), 1
# (digit placeholder, unfilled), 1
0 (digit placeholder, zero-filled), 1
$+- (literals), 1
( ) (parentheses), 1
; (semi-colon), 1
, (thousands separator), 1
${USER} macro, 1
%% macro, 1
%b macro, 1
%d macro, 1
%e macro, 1
%p macro, 1
%Q macro, 1
%r macro, 1
%v macro, 1
%x macro, 1
%y macro, 1
(+) = operator, 1
.gxq files, 1
.kdm files, 1
.pdm, 1
< conditional operator, 1
<= conditional operator, 1
<hr> tag, 1
= (+) operator, 1
= conditional operator, 1
= operator, 1
> conditional operator, 1
>= conditional operator, 1


addition operator, 1
alias, column
renaming the column title, 1
Alphabetic validation, 1
AND boolean operator, 1
application flow, testing, 1
application servers
registering, 1
application serves
test, 1
applications, 1
development flowchart, 1
environment, 1
parts of, 1
requirements, 1
setting breakpoints, 1
source code, viewing with breakpoints, 1
variables, viewing, 1
viewing breakpoints, 1
stack information, viewing, 1
AVG function, 1


Base Classes tab
setting development options, 1
Beans, Editor, 1
about, 1
boolean clause
about, 1
boolean operator
AND, 1
OR, 1
about, 1
breakpoints, 1, 2
continue, 1
step in, 1
step out, 1
step over, 1
stepping through source code, 1
viewing source code, 1
build project, 1
built-in functions
AVG, 1
MAX, 1
MIN, 1
SUM, 1
built-in operators
addition, 1
division, 1
multiplication, 1
subtraction, 1
business logic, 1, 2


C++ Server port, 1
calculated fields
data types, 1
adding a built-in function, 1
including additional table columns, 1
CheckBox, 1
CheckBox component, 1
clean project, 1
close tag, 1
code generation options, 1
colors, editing, 1
column alias
renaming a column title, 1
displaying data, 1
com.kivasoft.engine.Engine, 1
command lines
source control, default values, 1
command options, query, 1
server test, 1
source control, invoking, 1
compiling, 1
Java files, 1
with Visual Cafe, 1
Tile, using as table rows, 1
component palette, 1
component types
converting, 1
components, 1, 2, 3
CheckBox, 1
Custom Script, 1
Data-Bound Image Link, 1
Data-Bound Link, 1
Drop-Down List, 1
DropDownLink, 1
editing, 1
Editor Beans, about, 1
Field, 1
Form, 1
Horizontal Line, 1
Image, 1
Link Target, 1
List, 1
List Box, 1
PushButton, 1
Radio Button Group, 1
Table, 1
target window, 1
Text Area, 1
TextField, 1
Tile, 1
Tile, displaying rows of data, 1
working with, 1
components and tags
editing, 1
components, data-bound, 1
conditional operator
adding to a query, 1
conditional operators
simple vs. boolean, 1
adding to a query, 1
configuration settings
sharing among programmers, 1
control descriptors for EJBs, 1, 2
COUNT function, 1
CreditCard validation, 1
display format option, 1
custom property editor, 1
Custom Script component, 1
Custom validation, 1
commands, 1
environment, 1


data access logic, 1
data expression, 1
creating a, 1
editing complex, 1
data expressions
complex, 1
data model, 1, 2
about, 1
adding tables, 1
benefits for query design, 1
building, 1
calculations, adding operand or delimiter, 1
importing, 1
possible inputs, 1
Powersoft Physical, 1
data model wizard, using, 1
data source
about, 1, 2
properties, viewing or editing, 1
relationships, specifying, 1
selecting, 1
table relationships, changing type, 1
table relationships, creating, 1
table relationships, modifying or deleting, 1
Data Sources tab
configuring, 1
data types
calculated fields, 1
data, validating
on a form, 1
logging message type, 1
database forms
wizard, 1
Database Forms wizard, using, 1
connections, 1
triggers, 1
data-bound components, 1
CheckBox, 1
Data-Bound Image Link, 1
Data-Bound Link, 1
Drop-Down List, 1
Field, 1
List, 1
List Box, 1
Radio Button Group, 1
Text Area, 1
TextField, 1
Tile, 1
Data-Bound Image Link, 1
Data-Bound Image Link component, 1
Data-Bound Link, 1
Data-Bound Link component, 1
data-bound properties
about, 1
standard types, 1
DataField property, 1
display format option, 1
Date validation, 1
date/time format characters, 1
Day validation, 1
DB Drivers tab
configuring options, 1
debugging, 1
breakpoints, about, 1
setting breakpoints, 1
viewing breakpoints, 1
with Visual Cafe, 1
decimal separator (.), 1
DELETE query
about, 1
creating, 1
adding to a calculation, 1
deploying a project, 1
deploying applications, 1
deploying prior version applications, 1
file locations, 1
required information, 1
development options
base classes, setting, 1
HTML, setting, 1
Java, setting, 1
setting, 1
source control, setting, 1
start page, setting, 1
start-up, setting, 1
text color, setting, 1
digit placeholder
unfilled (#), 1
zero-filled (0), 1
Display Format
property, 1
display format, 1, 2
display format options
types, 1
displaying data
columns, 1
multiple columns, 1
multiple rows, 1
query, about, 1
division operator, 1
DreamWeaver, 1
drilldown fields, 1
drivers, configuring, 1
Drop-Down List, 1, 2, 3
Drop-Down List component, 1
DropDownLink component, 1
dynamic fields, 1


Editor Beans, 1
about, 1
generated code, 1
Visual Cafe Java, 1
Email validation, 1
Enterprise JavaBeans
about, 1
building stub and skeleton code, 1
control descriptors, 1, 2
entity, 1
files, 1, 2
importing, 1
properties, 1
session, 1
types of, 1
entity Enterprise JavaBeans
, 1
creating, 1
ER diagram, 1
evaluation key
about, 1
events, 1
execute tag, 1
Executive Server port, 1
configuration settings, 1


Feild component, 1
field tag, 1
field values, operator defaults, 1
fields, calculated
data types, 1
fields, dynamic, 1
file types, 1
adding external, 1
changing paths, 1
compiling Java, 1
for EJBs, 1, 2
JAR, 1
registering, 1
relationships between, 1
removing from project, 1
font and size
formatting tools, 1
Form component, 1
form fields
checkbox, 1
drop-down list, 1
form tag, 1
list box, 1
multiline text entry, 1
radio buttons, 1
reset button, 1
single-line text entry, 1
submit button, 1
Form palette tab, 1, 2
format, 1
data expression, 1
format mask, 1
format options
types, 1
format toolbar
editing text, 1
formatting tools
font and size tag, 1
indentation tag, 1
link tag, 1
list style tag, 1
paragraph alignment tag, 1
paragraph tag, 1
remove all styles tag, 1
text color tag, 1
text style tag, 1


logging message type, 1
generated code, 1
goRecord tag, 1
GX tags
tile, 1
Tile component, 1
GX tile tag, 1


Horizontal Line component, 1
HSB, 1
pages, 1
HTML page wizard, using, 1
HTML pages, 1, 2
adding, 1
deploying, 1
dropping onto a page, 1
HTML palette tab, 1, 2
HTML tab
setting development options, 1
HTML templates, 1
adding, 1
HTTP document directory
deploying static pages, 1
creating, 1
Data-Bound Image Link component, 1
Data-Bound Link component, 1


Image component, 1
image URL, 1
image URL, editing, 1
Data-Bound Image Link component, 1
Image component, 1
inserting onto a page, 1
data model, 1
importing Enterprise JavaBeans, 1
In, conditional operator, 1
indentation tag
formatting tools, 1
index.html, 1
input wizard, 1
INSERT query
creating, 1
INSERT query, about, 1
Integer validation, 1
InternationalPhone validation, 1
IP/Ports tab
setting server ID options, 1
iPlanet Application Builder
configuration settings, exporting, 1
deploying a project, 1
files, adding external, 1
palette, about, 1
product key, changing, 1
removing files, 1
server ID options, setting, 1
setting options, 1
testing and debugging a project, 1
Is between, conditional operator, 1
Is like, conditional operator, 1
Is not null, conditional operator, 1
Is null, conditional operator, 1
Item Expression
property, 1


JAR files, 1
Java file wizard, using, 1
Java files, 1
Java Server port, 1
Java tab
setting development options, 1
Java Visual Cafe editor, 1
form field validation, 1
JavaScript palette tab, 1
JavaServer page
custom formatting, 1
deploying, 1
adding to a query, 1
operator types, 1
JSP wizard, using, 1


Label Expression
property, 1
layout view, 1
LDAP Server
enabling a connection, 1
left join
operator, 1
creating, 1
creating by dropping a page, 1
Data-Bound Image Link component, 1
Data-Bound Link component, 1
DropDownLink component, 1
Link Target component, 1
link tag
formatting tools, 1
Link Target component, 1
link URL, 1
link URL, editing, 1
List, 1
List Box, 1, 2, 3
List Box component, 1
List component, 1
list items, editing, 1
list style tag
formatting tools, 1
literals ($+-), 1
Logging Tab
setting options, 1
logic, business, 1
login wizard, 1
loop RDBM tag, 1
loop tag, 1


Macromedia Dreamweaver, 1
${USER}, 1
%%, 1
%b, 1
%d, 1
%e, 1
%p, 1
%Q, 1
%r, 1
%v, 1
%x, 1
%y, 1
source control definitions, 1
MAX function, 1
message logging
setting options, 1
migration to iAB 6.0, 1
MIN function, 1
model, data
about, 1
building, 1
Month validation, 1
multiplication operator, 1


Not in, conditional operator, 1
Number validation, 1
display format option, 1
numeric format characters, 1


driver selection, 1
operator, built-in
adding to a calculation, 1
default field values, 1
join types, 1
simple conditional, types, 1
simple vs. conditional, 1
options, 1
application, setting, 1
configuration settings, sharing among programmers, 1
data sources, configuring, 1
development, base classes, 1
development, code generation, 1
development, HTML, 1
development, Java, 1
development, setting, 1
development, source control, 1
development, start page, 1
development, start-up, 1
development, text color, 1
drivers, configuring, 1
file paths, changing, 1
message logging, setting, 1
source control, configuring, 1
OR boolean operator, 1
Outline view
query, about, 1
outline view, 1


page views, 1
pages, 1
adding, 1
adding objects, 1
deploying, 1
dropping onto a page, 1
testing, 1
palette, 1
about, 1
adding objects to pages, 1
Form tab, 1, 2
HTML tab, 1, 2
JavaScript tab, 1
tabs, contents, 1
palette pages
creating types, 1
palette tabs, 1
paragraph alignment tag
formatting tools, 1
paragraph tag
formatting tools, 1
param tag, 1
parentheses ( ), 1
Paths tab
changing file paths, 1
PositiveInteger validation, 1
Powersoft Physical data model, 1
presentation layout, 1
presentation logic, 1
primary keys, 1
product key
changing, 1
adding or removing files, 1
build, 1
clean, 1
creating, 1
creating files, 1
deploying, 1
files, adding external, 1
opening, 1
rebuild, 1
removing files, 1
testing and debugging, 1
project wizard
files created, 1
project.gxm, 1
properties, 1, 2
about, 1
alphabetical view, 1
category view, 1
data source tables, viewing or editing, 1
data-bound, 1
DataField, 1
Display Format, 1
editing, 1
Item Expression, 1
Label Expression, 1
viewing, 1
Properties window, 1
viewing properties, 1
properties window
editing tags and components, 1
properties, data-bound
about, 1
types, 1
property editor, custom, 1
PushButton component, 1
PVCS commands, 1


about, 1
accepting input from a calling servlet, 1
adding conditionals, 1
boolean clause, about, 1
command options, 1
conditional operator, adding, 1
creating a new, 1
DELETE, creating, 1
editing via the Properties window, 1
INSERT, creating, 1
joins, adding to, 1
operator types, simple, 1
Outline view, 1
SELECT, creating, 1
simple vs. boolean operators, 1
sort key, 1
sorting results, 1
Source view, 1
SQL, previewing and editing, 1
testing, 1
toolbar, 1
types, 1
UPDATE, creating, 1
query file, 1
query tag, 1
query wizard, using, 1
Quick Watch
adding variables to, 1


Radio Button Group, 1, 2, 3
Radio Button Group component, 1
RDBM field tags
field, 1
loop, 1
RDBM tag library, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
rebuild project, 1
registering application servers, 1
registering files, 1
specifying, 1
relationships between data source tables, 1
remove all styles tag
formatting tools, 1
removing project files, 1
results wizard, 1
Results wizard, using, 1
reusable objects, 1
Revision Control System (RCS), 1
RGB, 1
right join
operator, 1
row sets
about, 1
Runtime Options
product key, changing, 1


search page, 1
about, 1
SELECT query
creating, 1
SELECT query, about, 1
semi-colon separator (;), 1
deploying multiple, 1
test commands, 1
server IDs
options, setting, 1
server IDs, setting, 1
server or server port
required deployment information, 1
server type
required deployment information, 1
Server, LDAP
enabling a connection, 1
server, test, 1
about, 1
registering, 1
instructing a query to accept input, 1
servlet files, 1
servlet wizard, using, 1
inserting calls to, 1
testing, 1
about, 1
session bean wizard, using, 1, 2
session Enterprise JavaBeans, 1
creating, 1
session variables
modifying, 1
working with, 1
setting, 1
simple conditional operators
types, 1
simple join
operator, 1
sort key
about, 1
sorting query results, 1
source code
breakpoints, viewing with, 1
stack information, viewing, 1
using breakpoints to stepping through, 1
variables, viewing, 1
source control
about, 1
command lines, default values, 1
commands, invoking, 1
configuring, 1
macros, definitions, 1
text fields submenu items, 1
utility, specifying, 1
Source Control tab
setting development options, 1
source view, 1
query, 1
source, data
about, 1
editing code via Properties window, 1
previewing and editing, 1
SSN validation, 1
stack information
viewing, 1
start page
setting development options, 1
Startup tab
setting development options, 1
StateCode validation, 1
subtraction operator, 1
SUM function, 1
Symantec Visual Cafe, 1


Table component, 1
including columns within calculations, 1
tabs, palette, 1, 2
tags and components
editing, 1
target window
components, 1
templates, 1
adding, 1
deploying, 1
testing, 1
test server, 1
about, 1
pages and templates, 1
queries, 1
testing a project, 1
testing application flow, 1
testing servlets, 1
Text Area, 1
Text Area component, 1
text color tag
formatting tools, 1
Text Coloring tab
setting development options, 1
text style tag
formatting tools, 1
TextField, 1
TextField component, 1
third-party tools, 1
thousands separator (,), 1
Tile component, 1, 2
using as table row, 1
about, 1
displaying rows of data, 1
format, editing text, 1
Query, 1
file, 1
query, 1
validation, 1


unfilled digit placeholder (#), 1
UPDATE query
creating, 1
UPDATE query, about, 1
URL, editing, 1
useQuery tag, 1
user interface, designing, 1
user validation, about, 1
USPhone validation, 1


validate.js file, 1, 2
form field, 1
types, 1
user, about, 1
viewing, 1
variables, session
modifying, 1
layout, 1
outline, 1
source, 1
view, Outline, query
about, 1
view, Source, query
about, 1
viewing, 1
displaying pages, 1
Visual Cafe, 1
compiling with, 1
configuring, 1
creating project for NAB, 1
DLLs, 1
invoking iAS from, 1
Java editor, 1
StartEngine class, 1
using, 1
Visual Source Safe
commands, 1
setting up, 1


Watch List
adding variables to, 1
web plug-in
logging message type, 1
database forms, 1
data model, 1
Database Forms, 1
HTML page, 1
input wizard
using, 162

Java file, 1
JSP, 1
login wizard
using, 168

login, 1
project, 1
query, 1
Results, 1
results, 1
servlet, 1
session bean, 1, 2
types, 1


Year validation, 1


zero-filled digit placeholder (0), 1
ZIPCode validation, 1

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Copyright © 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2000 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated April 28, 2000