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Application Builder 6.0 iPlanet Application Builder User's Guide

Appendix C   Developing Existing Netscape Application Server Applications with iPlanet Application Builder 6.0

This appendix describes how you can use applications that run under Netscape Application Server 2.1 or 4.0 with iPlanet Application Builder 6.0

Migrating to Application Builder 6.0 Programming Model

iPlanet Application Builder 6.0 projects work with the programming model defined by J2EE and the iPlanet Application Server 6.0. Therefore, individual source code and descriptor files need to be converted to reflect this programming model. See the Application Server Migration Guide for specific information on converting source files and descriptors to the iPlanet Application Server programming model.

Creating an Application Builder 6.0 Project

Once the migration procedures described in the Application Server Migration Guide have been followed, you can create a new project using Application Builder 6.0. Choosing the same project will save time in converting Java source file package names. Copy the converted files into the project directory and use the Application Builder's Add Files menu option to bring them into the new project. Similarly copy the static files (typically .html and image files) into a directory having the project directory's name under your web server's "document root" and these files to the project.

Finally, exit the Application Builder and copy the converted descriptor over the ones generated by the iPlanet Application Builder. This preserves any descriptor information applicable to the new programming model. Relaunch the Application Builder and compile and test the project. Keep in mind that due to changes in the Servlet, EJB, JSP and iAS APIs, manual changes to the source files will be necessary.

For more information about migration, see the iPlanet Application Server Migration Guide.

Deploying to Application Server 6.0

To deploy your application to the iPlanet Application Server 6.0 you can use the deployment facility provided in Application Builder 6.0.

If you still have an installed copy of the Application Builder 4.0, 3.0, or 2.x deployment of applications by these tools to the Application Server 6.0 is supported and will automatically deploy all necessary class files.

Application Builder 6.0 does not support deployment to versions of the Application Server earler than 6.0, nor can it download any applications deployed by Application Builder 3.0 or earlier.

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Copyright © 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2000 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated April 28, 2000