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iPlanet Directory Server Resource Kit 5.1 Tools Reference

Chapter 8   idsktune

The default operating system and network settings on many platforms are not suitable for high performance directory services. Tuning is the process of modifying these settings for optimal performance of both directory clients and directory servers.

The idsktune tool helps automate this task by checking for necessary patches and suggesting the optimal kernel and TCP/IP settings for running iPlanet Directory Server. This tool does not modify the system; it only provides suggested settings for the system administrator to make these changes manually.

You should run idsktune and apply its guidelines even before installing iPlanet Directory Server. Also, in order to get accurate measurements from performance tests, you should use idsktune to configure all machines involved in the tests.

This chapter contains the following sections:

System Tuning

The idsktune tool gathers information about the operating system, kernel, and TCP stack in order to make tuning recommendations. Because of system differences, most of the tuning parameters in the following sections are for Solaris and UNIX systems only. On Windows platforms, the idsktune tool verifies operating system compatibility and service patch level.

OS and Kernel Settings

The tool displays current OS version numbers and patch information, along with any further recommended patches. It also verifies disk and memory availability and warns you of any deficiencies.

Specifically, idsktune verifies and reports on the following settings:

  • Up-to-date OS and Kernel versions:

    • Solaris, OSF/1, and Red Hat Linux version numbers

    • Solaris kernel build date

    • Solaris, HP-UX, and AIX patches

  • Sufficient memory and disk space:

    • Physical memory size

    • Swap space size or swap partition size

    • Memory resource limits

    • File descriptor resource limits

  • Scheduler settings:

    • Maximum threads per user (OSF/1)

    • Maximum threads per process (HP-UX)

    • Maximum files (HP-UX)

TCP Settings

The idsktune tool reads the current settings of your system's TCP module and makes recommendations for changes. The tool does not perform any of these modifications. Instead, it displays the command line for the ndd tool, which the system administrator should use to set the parameter. The ndd tool is available on the Solaris platform: use an equivalent tool if you are tuning a different platform.

The system administrator should consider the local network conditions and other application needs when modifying TCP settings. In general, however, the recommendations will optimize performance whether the machine is dedicated to the directory server or shared with other applications.

The idsktune tool verifies and makes recommendations on the following settings:

  • Listen backlog queue size

  • tcbhashsize,tcbhashnum and tcp_msl (OSF/1)

  • sominconn and somaxconn

  • ipport_userreserved_min

  • tcp_close_wait_interval and tcp_time_wait_interval

  • tcp_keepalive_interval

  • tcp_max_listen

  • tcp_conn_request_max

  • tcp_conn_req_max_q and tcp_conn_req_max_q0

  • tcp_rexmit_interval_initial

  • net.inet.ip.portrange.hifirst (Linux) and tcp_smallest_anon_port

  • tcp_slow_start_initial

  • net.inet.tcp.delayed_ack (Linux) and tcp_deferred_ack_interval

  • link_speed on /dev/hme (Solaris platform)

The idsktune tool verifies all of the settings for the Solaris 2.6 and Solaris 8 operating systems that are described in the "TCP Tuning" section in Chapter 2 of the iPlanet Directory Server Installation Guide.

Further Information

Basic and advanced information about tuning your system is available through the following books and websites:

Command Usage

Although this command should be run as root to get a full report on all settings, most settings are verified when it is run as any user. However, you must be root if you wish to modify any of the OS, kernel, or TCP settings based on the idsktune recommendations.


The idsktune command has the following syntax:

idsktune [-v | -D | -q | -c | -\?]


The following table describes the command-line options:

Table 8-1    Command-Line Options for the idsktune Tool 






Version: gives the build date identifying the version of the tool.  



Debug mode: the output includes the commands it runs internally, preceded by the "DEBUG" heading.  



Quiet mode: the output includes tuning recommendations, but OS version statements are omitted.  



Client-specific tuning: the output includes tuning recommendations for running a directory client application, but server-specific recommendations are omitted.  



Display the usage help text that briefly describes all options.  

Sample Output

The following output is an example of running idsktune on an untuned Solaris 8 system. This is the default output displayed when no options are used.

# /opt/iPlanet/bin/idsrk51/idsktune
iPlanet Directory Server system tuning analysis
version 11-JAN-2002.
Copyright 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc.

NOTICE : System is usparc-sun-solaris5.8 (SUNW,Ultra-5_10)
(1 processor).

NOTICE : Patch 109137-01 is not installed.

NOTICE : Patch 109320-01 is not installed.

NOTICE : Patch 108974-02 is not installed.

NOTICE : Patch 108977-01 is not installed.

NOTICE : Patch 108968-02 is not installed.

NOTICE : Patch 108975-02 is not installed.

NOTICE : Patch 108528-01 is not installed.

NOTICE : Patch 108875-07 is not installed.

NOTICE : Patch 108652-13 is not installed.

NOTICE : Solaris patches can be obtained from or your Solaris support representative.

ERROR : Only 128MB of physical memory is available on the system.
1024MB is the recommended minimum.

ERROR : There is 128MB of physical memory but only 114MB of swap

WARNING: The tcp_close_wait_interval is set to 240000 milli-
seconds (240 seconds). This value should be reduced to allow for
more simultaneous connections to the server. A line similar to
the following should be added to the /etc/init.d/inetinit file:
ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_time_wait_interval 30000

NOTICE : The tcp_conn_req_max_q value is currently 128, which
will limit the value of listen backlog which can be configured.
It can be raised by adding to /etc/init.d/inetinit, after any adb
command, a line similar to:
ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_conn_req_max_q 1024

NOTICE : The tcp_keepalive_interval is set to 7200000 milli-
seconds (120 minutes). This may cause temporary server congestion
from lost client connections.

NOTICE : The tcp_keepalive_interval can be reduced by adding the
following line to /etc/init.d/inetinit:
ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_keepalive_interval 600000

NOTICE : The NDD tcp_rexmit_interval_initial is currently set to
3000 milliseconds (3 seconds). This may cause packet loss for
clients on Solaris 2.5.1 due to a bug in that version of Solaris.
If clients are not using Solaris 2.5.1, no problems should occur.

NOTICE : If the directory is service is intended only for LAN or
private high-speed WAN environment, this interval can be reduced
by adding to /etc/init.d/inetinit:
ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_rexmit_interval_initial 500

NOTICE : The NDD tcp_smallest_anon_port is currently 32768. This
allows a maximum of 32768 simultaneous connections. More ports
can be made available by adding a line to /etc/init.d/inetinit:
ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_smallest_anon_port 8192

WARNING: tcp_deferred_ack_interval is currently 100 milliseconds.
This will cause Solaris to insert artificial delays in the LDAP
protocol. It should be reduced during load testing.
This line can be added to the /etc/init.d/inetinit file:
ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_deferred_ack_interval 5

WARNING: There are only 1024 file descriptors available, which
limits the number of simultaneous connections. Additional file
descriptors, up to 65536, are available by adding to /etc/system
a line such as:
set rlim_fd_max=4096

NOTICE : / partition has less space available, 213MB, than the
largest allowable core file size of 242MB. A daemon process which
dumps core could cause the root partition to be filled.

ERROR : The above errors MUST be corrected before proceeding.

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Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc.. All rights reserved.

Last Updated April 15, 2002