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iPlanet Directory Server Resource Kit 5.1 Tools Reference

Chapter 9   ldclt

The ldclt (LDAP client) tool is a powerful and flexible client for creating and running stress tests of LDAP directory servers. It is a multithreaded application developed using the iPlanet LDAP SDK for C to perform operations on a directory. The tool generates LDIF files and performs searches, additions, modifications, deletions, or renaming using complex randomizing capabilities to simulate real usage conditions.

The ldclt tool is designed to be used in automated tests, and its command-line interface is extensive and suitable for scripting. This will allow you to run complex tests automatically and compare performance for reliability over time. To insure that scripts can be easily maintained, the ldclt tool continues to provide a high degree of backward compatibility.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Command Usage

The ldclt tool performs repeated operations on a designated directory server and measures the average completion time for requests. The tool is multithreaded and can be configured to perform high load testing of the directory. All threads loop continuously to perform the same LDAP operation repeatedly but with different input values every time. The possible operations are binds, searches, additions, modifications, deletions, and modRDNs.

The many options allow you to randomize the values of most LDAP operation parameters in order to simulate realistic client requests. Further options allow you control how often and for how long multiple threads will run performing these operations, allowing you to simulate a given load on your directory server.

By default, ldclt will display performance statistics cumulated over all threads every 10 seconds. Every 15 minutes and also upon exit, the tool will display a cumulative count of operations performed and errors it has encountered (see "Sample Output"). Several error management options allow the tool to handle most errors without interrupting the test. Fatal errors will be reflected in the tool's exit status.

The tool uses a minimum of 8 MB of memory and may use much more depending upon the chosen options and operations. If necessary, it sets its own resource limits according to the options and data it processes from the directory (see the man pages for ulimit and getrlimit).


The ldclt tool has the following command-line syntax:

ldclt [ options ] -b "baseDN " [ -f patternString | -e rdn=patternString,... ] \
   [ -e bindonly|esearch|add|attreplace|delete|rename|genldif]


  • options are the numerous command line options and their parameters described in the following section.

  • baseDN is the base of the search or suffix used for other operations, usually enclosed in double quotes ("") for the shell.

  • patternString is a filter or RDN (relative DN) that may include variants for performing randomization substitutions.

  • The second line of the command shows the minimal options for performing other LDAP operations, respectively: binding, searches, additions, modifications, deletions, modRDN or reparenting, and generating LDIF files.

The -H, -h, or -? options alone will display a usage text that briefly describes the command-line options.

The ldclt tool is highly configurable through its command-line options, and it is rarely used in the simple forms presented here. See "Command-Line Examples", for an explanation of the options for controlling each feature and their possible combinations.

This tool will trap the following signals:

  • SIGINT (^C or kill -2): display the global statistics report and exit the tool normally.

  • SIGQUIT (^\ or kill -3): display the current statistics but do not exit.


The ldclt tool has several types of command-line options:

  • General options that determine threading and output.

  • Bind options for all operations.

  • Options for specifying the target entry or its contents.

  • Options that determine and control the type of operations performed.

The ldclt tool uses a special -e option for specifying multiple execution parameters. The -e option appears multiple times in the following tables to describe these parameters separately. When using the -e option on the command line, you may specify its parameters in a comma separated list, for example:

ldclt -e noglobalstats,delayedstartup=10,counteach

The following table describes the general options for controlling multi-threading, execution time, error handling and output.

Table 9-1    General Options for the ldclt Tool 






Specify the hostname or IP address of the directory server. When this option is omitted, the default is localhost. The ldclt tool supports full IPv6 addressing.  



Specify the port number for accessing the directory server host. The default is 389 when this option is omitted.  



Specify the number of threads that will perform LDAP operations in parallel. The output displays the average performance of all threads combined. The default number of threads is 10. The maximum number is 4000, although most systems are limited to less by the maximum threads and file descriptors per process.  


Specify the delay time between the startup of each thread. By default, all threads start at the same time. With this parameter, each thread will sleep for threadNumber x seconds before starting.



Run the tool in asynchronous operation mode, with each thread having at most maxPending concurrent operations. A pending operation is one whose results have not yet been read from the server. Each thread will also maintain a minimum of maxPending  / 2 concurrent operations.  



Specify the total number of intervals, and therefore the total time, for which the tool should run. For example, specify -N 360 to run for one hour with the 10 second intervals. By default, there is no limit to the number of intervals, and the tool will run indefinitely.  



Specify the total number of operations, cumulated across all threads, to perform before exiting. The tool will exit after the interval where this number of operations is reached or exceeded, thus more than totalOps may be performed. By default, there is no limit to the number of operations, and the tool will run indefinitely.  



Specify the waiting time, in seconds, between each operation of each thread. By default there is no waiting time (0 seconds).  



Specify the server-side time-out period, in seconds, for all LDAP operations performed. When this option is omitted, the default is 30 seconds.  


By default, an ldclt thread will sleep 1 second if it receives an error indicating that the server is down (code 81 or 91). This parameter will prevent threads from sleeping, allowing them to loop and repeatedly attempt operations. Due to the built-in resource management, the ldclt tool may use 100% of all CPU time and block the client machine when using this parameter.



Specify the number of inactive intervals for a thread before a warning message is sent. A thread is inactive or starving if, for whatever reason, it performs no operation during an interval. By default, a warning message is sent on the interval after 3 inactive intervals (40 seconds total).  



Specify the maximum number of allowed occurrences of any one error, and exit after the interval when that number is reached or exceeded. When this option is omitted, the default is 1000. This option only applies to errors not ignored by the -I option.  



Specify a numerical error code to ignore when returned by an operation. Use this option multiple times for each error to ignore. See "Error Handling" for more information.  



Specify that the statistics include all operations attempted, for example, even a search that failed because a random value was not found. By default, only the ones that succeed are counted. With this option, the output will more accurately represent thread activity and server response. The following errors will be counted:
When performing searches:   LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT (code 32)
When performing additions: LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS (code 68)
When performing deletions:    LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT (code 32)
When renaming entries:   LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS (code 68)
   LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT (code 32)



Perform all operations using LDAP v2 protocol version. LDAP v3 is the default; specify LDAP v2 only when connecting to servers that do not support v3.  


Suppress the periodical global statistics output. By default, the global statistics will be printed every 90 intervals. See "Sample Output".



Specify verbose output, which provides some information about the operations that ldclt is performing. This option may be used in conjunction with -q to display a useful report of tool activity without too many error messages.  



Specify very verbose output, which shows debugging information about the operations that ldclt is performing. Specify this option with -v, but not -q or -Q, to display all possible output.  



Specify quiet output. None of the bind errors will be reported, and intermediate node creation messages are not displayed. Use with the -I option to suppress output of ignored errors.  



Specify very quiet output. Bind errors are not reported, intermediate node creation messages are not displayed, and all messages regarding thread activity and asynchronous, pending requests are suppressed.  



Display the usage help text that briefly describes all options.  

The options in the following table determine how the ldclt tool will bind to the directory server and possibly establish a secure connection.

Table 9-2    Bind Options for the ldclt Tool 






Specify a bind DN for accessing your directory, usually in double quotes ("") for the shell. The bind DN should have sufficient access permissions for the test operations you wish to perform. If the bind DN and password are omitted, the tool will use anonymous authentication: it will not bind before performing operations. Usually, only search operations may be performed anonymously. To use a different bind DN with every operation, use X placeholders in the bindDN and specify the -e randombinddn options (see "Random Bind DN").  



Specify the password for the bind DN. The password may also include X placeholders to include the same randomly generated value that is substituted into the corresponding bind DN.  


Use this option to replace X placeholders in the bindDN and password with the same random value. You must specify a range of random numbers with the following two options.


Specify the low end of the possible range for random integers to be substituted into the bindDN and password .


Specify the high end of the possible range for random integers to be substituted into the bindDN and password .


Specify the full path and filename of a file that contains bind DN and password pairs. The bind credentials will be randomly selected from this file each time the tool binds to the server (see "Bind Operations" for more information). Do not use -D-w, and -e randombinddn with this option.


Specify the binding policy when following referrals:
on     - Follow referrals using anonymous binding;
        this is the default when this option is omitted.
off    - Do not follow referrals.
rebind - Follow referrals by rebinding with the same credentials.


Force each thread to finish the operation in progress and unbind before terminating for whatever reason. With this option, the tool will wait up to 20 seconds for operations to finish. Without this option, pending operations and connections will be dropped upon any forced exit.



Specify that the tool will rebind for each operation it performs. When using this option, the performance measurements in the output include the time required to establish the connection, bind to the directory and perform the given operation. This behavior simulates many clients performing quick operations.  



Specify how the tool will disconnect from the server. With this option, the tool will simply close the connection without unbinding. By default, the tool will perform the LDAP unbind operation. This option is often used with -e bindeach to simulate connections being dropped by clients.  



Establish secure communications using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) client authentication for all operations. This allows you to test the performance of your server over SSL. The certPath parameter specifies the directory containing the cert7.db certificate database file. See "SSL Authentication".
You must also specify the bind DN and password options, as well as the following three parameters (see the caution note below).


Specify the name of the certificate to be found in the directory given by the -Z option. This certificate will be used to identify the client when establishing an SSL connection with the server.


Specify the full path and filename of the key database on the client machine. This file should only be used for testing because the corresponding password is exposed on the command line.


Specify the password needed to access the key database file given in the previous option.

CAUTION:     This option exposes the password to the SSL key database on the command line. You should use a special certificate and key database that is used only for testing purposes, to avoid revealing your actual password.

The options in the following table determine the target object, either its base DN, its RDN (relative DN), its attribute values, or any combination thereof. Use these options to specify either specific or random entries and create random attribute values, depending upon the type of operation being performed.

For example, you may want to add 100 sequentially named entries with random contents or delete random entries (RDNs) under a given base DN. See "Command-Line Examples", for more information.

Table 9-3    Target Object Options for the ldclt Tool 






Specify the base DN or suffix for all operations that require one, usually in double quotes ("") for the shell. To use a different base DN with every operation, use X placeholders in the baseDN and specify the following -e randombase options (see "Random Base DNs").  


Use this option to replace X placeholders in the baseDN with random values. You must specify a range of random numbers with the following two options.


Specify the low end of the possible range for random integers to be substituted into the baseDN .


Specify the high end of the possible range for random integers to be substituted into the baseDN .



Specify a filter string for search operations or the RDN pattern for other operations. The patternString has the format attribute =value , and the value may contain X placeholders for any of the substitution features described by the following options. See "Random Filters and RDNs" for further details.
This option is mutually exclusive with -e rdn=patternString .


Activate the incremental counter feature to replace X placeholders with sequential integers. Use with the -r and -R options to specify the starting and ending values of the counter, respectively. Specify the noloop option to count the range only once. In this case, the corresponding thread will die upon reaching the upper bound.


Specify that all threads use and increment the same thread-safe counters. This option applies to all counters in use, such as those for patternString substitutions and those for template substitutions.



Activate the random value substitution feature to replace X placeholders. Specify the -r and -R options to define the range of random integers for substitution. Alternatively, use with the -e string[,ascii] options to substitute random strings.  



Specify the lower bound of the incremental counter or random value range.  



Specify the upper bound of the incremental counter or random value range.  


Activate the random string substitution feature to replace X placeholders. This option requires the -e random option. By default, UTF-8 characters will replace each of the X placeholders. Use the ascii option to generate only 7-bit characters (hexadecimal values less than or equal to 0x7f).


rdn='patternString '
The patternString may specify either a filter pattern for search operations or an RDN pattern for other operations. The patternString has the format attribute :value , and instead of using X placeholders, the value uses a special syntax described in "Random Filters and RDNs". Use single quotes ('') to use this special syntax with the shell. This option is mutually exclusive with the -f, -e incr[,noloop], -e random, -r-R, and -e string[,ascii] options. However, it requires the -e object=filename option with a valid template file, even if this file is not used to generate entries.


Specify the path and name of a file containing an entry template for generating random entries (see "Random Entry Generation"). Requires the -e rdn=patternString option.

The operation-specific options are described in the following table. All of the options for specifying operations, namely -e bindonly, -e esearch, -e add, -e attreplace, -e delete, -e rename, and -e genldif are mutually exclusive. See the corresponding section under "Command-Line Examples", for more information about each operation.

Table 9-4    Operation-Specific Options for the ldclt Tool 






Specify that only bind and unbind operations be performed repeatedly, with no other intervening LDAP operations. The -e close option will simulate client disconnects without unbinding. See "Bind Operations".  



Perform searches with -f patternString or -e rdn=patternString as the filter. In this release of the tool, searches with large results are very inefficient and should be avoided. Use wildcards or operators other than equality only if they return few entries. This restriction will be fixed in future versions. See "Searches" for more information.  



Specify the scope of search operations. The scope parameter may have one of the following values:
base    - Search only the base entry itself.
one     - Search only the children of the base entry.
subtree - Search the base entry and all its descendants.
         This is the default if the -s option is omitted.


attrlist=attribute [:attribute ]...
Specify the type names of the attributes to retrieve for entries in the search results. When this option is omitted, all attributes will be retrieved by default.


randomattrlist=attribute [:attribute ]...
Specify the type names of possible attributes to retrieve for entries in the search results. For every search, the tool will randomly select one of these attributes to be retrieved for all entries in the results.


Specify whether attribute values are returned (0) or not (1), along with the attribute names of the entries in the search results. The ldclt tool will use less memory when attribute values are not returned. By default, attribute values are returned (0).



Perform LDAP add operations, using DNs determined by the base DN and by the RDN patternString of either the -f or -e rdn options. You must also specify the one of the following object class template options or create a custom template in a file given by the -e object parameter. See "Adding Entries".  


Specify one of the predefined object class templates for adding or generating entries. See "Random Entry Generation" for more information. Both emailperson and inetorperson require the following imagesdir option.


Specify the full path of the directory containing JPEG image files. Only files with the .jpg extension in this directory will be used. The ldclt tool will take the files sequentially from this directory when generating emailperson and inetorperson entries. The files are interpreted as binary image files but their actual contents is unimportant. Files may be as large as needed to test your directory.


genldif=filename [,append]
Specify the full path and name of a file to create with the generated entries in LDIF format. This operation is similar to an addition and uses the same options, except the new entries are written to the file (see "Random Entry Generation"). Unless you specify the append option, the tool will exit with an error if the file exists.


attreplace=attribute :value
Perform LDAP modify operations on entries determined by the base DN and the RDN of the -f patternString option. Specify the attribute to modify and a value string containing X placeholders: the tool will replace each placeholder with a random character with every operation (no other options are needed). See "Modify Operations".



Perform LDAP delete operations on entries determined by the base DN and the RDN patternString of either the -f or -e rdn options. See "Delete Operations" for more details.  


Perform LDAP modRDN operations on entries determined by the base DN and the RDN patternString of either the -f or -e rdn options. The new RDN will be determined from the same patternString which therefore cannot rely on incremental value substitutions. Specify the withnewparent option to simulate a reparent operation if you are also using the random base DN options. See "modRDN Operations" for more details.

Error Handling

The ldclt tool handles errors that occur as a result of LDAP operations. Each thread handles errors individually: a connection error will cause only that thread to die. Some errors are expected when performing hundreds and thousands of operations with randomly generated parameters. Operational errors are not fatal, and each thread will continue performing operations with new parameters.

The tool will count the occurrences of each error code, and by default, it will terminate only if any one error code occurs more than 1000 times. This behavior allows occasional errors but detects server conditions or test configurations that will probably not give valid results. You may use the -E option to set a different occurrence limit, for example, to detect all errors when developing tests.

If you always expect a given error to occur, use the -I option to ignore it in all threads. This error will be exempt from the error occurrence limit and it will not be displayed if the -q option is specified. For example, specify -I 32 (LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) when performing random delete operations or -I 68 (LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS) when performing random add operations.

Normally, connection errors are fatal to the thread in which they occur. The -I option may be used to ignore connection errors 81 (LDAP_SERVER_DOWN) and 91 (LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) when they occur during a bind. In this case the thread will attempt to rebind instead of exiting. However, a connection error that occurs during an operation is always fatal.

See "Troubleshooting" for more information about specific errors and how to avoid them.

Exit Status

By default, the ldclt tool will run indefinitely, performing operations repeatedly. It will only exit in one of the following conditions:

  • There is a usage error, a fatal initialization error, or a fatal runtime error.

  • Any one of the LDAP errors not being ignored reaches the occurrence limit.

  • All threads terminate or die.

  • The interval limit specified by the -N option or the operation limit specified by the -T option is reached.

  • The tool is interrupted by SIGINT (^C or kill -2).

Upon termination, the ldclt tool will return one of the following values to the shell. When possible, the display will provide further information about any errors.

Table 9-5    Exit Status of the ldclt Tool 

Exit Status



No problem during execution.  


Serious error that should not occur (please report to idsrk@Sun.COM).  


Error in the parameter usage.  


Maximum limit of LDAP errors reached (see "Exit Status 3").  


Unable to bind to the directory server.  


Cannot load libssl for secure binding.  


Multithreading error (mutex problem).  


Initialization problem, for example, if the tool cannot open or create a file.  


Resource limitation such as a malloc error for memory.  


Unknown error (please report to idsrk@Sun.COM).  

Sample Output

The ldclt tool continuously displays its performance measurements on the standard output. Average operation rates are displayed every 10 seconds and global statistics are displayed every 15 minutes (or 90 intervals) by default. See the -e noglobalstats option to suppress the global statistics output.

The following output sample shows both of these displays when using 20 threads:

Average rate: 3.75/thr ( 7.50/sec), total: 75
Average rate: 3.75/thr ( 7.50/sec), total: 75
Average rate: 3.60/thr ( 7.20/sec), total: 72
Average rate: 3.50/thr ( 7.00/sec), total: 70
Global average rate: 9221.70/thr ( 10.25/sec), total: 92217
Global number times "no activity" reports: never
Global error 19 (Constraint violation) occurs 377 times
Global error 34 (Invalid DN syntax) occurs 3 times
Global error 68 (Already exists) occurs 2772 times
Average rate: 3.90/thr ( 7.80/sec), total: 78
Average rate: 3.80/thr ( 7.60/sec), total: 76
Average rate: 3.65/thr ( 7.30/sec), total: 73
Average rate: 3.75/thr ( 7.50/sec), total: 75

The average operation rates provide the following information (from right to left):

  • The total number of successful operations during the elapsed interval, all threads considered.

  • The average number of operations per second during the elapsed interval, all threads considered.

  • The average rate or number of operations per thread during the entire interval.

By default, the statistics only take into account successful operations. This may misrepresent client and server activity when performing operations that may fail naturally, for example, when performing delete operations with random RDNs. Use the -e counteach option to count all operations in the statistics. In the asynchronous mode using the -a option, all operations are counted by default.

The global statistics give the cumulated operation rates and the error counts for the entire elapsed runtime of the tool. In addition, when running the tool in asynchronous mode, the global statistics will include the status of pending operations for all threads.

Analysis of the global statistics can give the following information:

  • Comparison of the global average number of operations per second with that of previous intervals shows whether directory performance is improving or degrading over the time of the test.

  • The number of "no activity" reports tells you if threads have faced starvation problems. By default, the tool expects each thread to perform at least one operation every 40 seconds (see the -i option). Threads may be unable to perform operations when other operations are running too long, thus indicating a possible performance problem.

    The output may also include the number of threads that have died, indicating either the end of a non-looping counter or a connection problem.

  • The global error reports show how many times LDAP errors have been reported. It is natural for some LDAP errors occur during normal operation, mostly due to the randomization features. However, you may also detect abnormal errors here. See "Troubleshooting" for an explanation of the most common errors.

You may request the global statistics at any time using the SIGQUIT signal, available on UNIX systems through the ^\ (Ctrl-Backslash) key sequence. However, this may interrupt the LDAP operation in one or more threads and impact the current interval statistics.

The ldclt statistics are not absolute measurements due to the counting mechanism and the overhead of interval timing. Measurements are more accurate for faster machines. However, unless the ldclt tool is running on an overloaded machine, it can submit more operations than a server can process. Therefore, it provides accurate overall results about the number of operations per second.

Command-Line Examples

The large number of options for the ldclt tool allows you to configure the behavior of many advanced features. This section explains each of these features and how the options interact to implement the desired behavior. Further examples of ldclt usage are given in installDir /examples/ldclt.

Many of these examples show how to randomize values such as the bind DN or the target DN with each operation. Randomization simulates realistic usage of a directory server in performance tests. You should adjust the command-line parameters so that the range of randomization values most closely resembles your expected directory usage.

Due to requirements for backwards compatibility, the ldclt tool has several mechanisms for generating randomized values.

Bind Operations

By default, each thread of the ldclt tool performs a single bind, and then performs the multiple operations of a test. When exiting, the tool will drop all pending operations and each thread will exit without unbinding. To force each thread to finish the operation in progress and then unbind before terminating for whatever reason, use the -e smoothshutdown option.

To test and measure the bind sequence in conjunction with other operations, specify the -e bindeach option in addition to the other parameters for the given operation. Threads will then bind before each operation and unbind afterwards, so measurements will include the total time to repeatedly bind, perform each operation and unbind.

To test the bind operation alone, specify the -e bindeach,bindonly options. Each thread will then perform only bind and unbind operations. To test the effect of dropped connections on your directory server, specify also the -e close option. This will cause each client thread to close each connection's file descriptor instead of unbinding properly.

The following sections describe how to randomize the bind credentials or how to use secure binding. All of the binding options are described in Table 9-2 on page 107.

Random Bind DN

Random binding will use different bind DN and password credentials to perform simple authentication with every LDAP bind operation. For this reason, random bind credentials are usually given only with the -e bindeach option.

To use a different, numeric bind DN with every operation, specify the -e randombinddn options and use X character placeholders in the -D bindDN and -w password parameters. The same random value will be substituted into each. However, only the first, left-most sequence of X characters is replaced in each, and the capital letter X cannot be escaped for normal usage.

In the following example, each thread of the following command will bind and unbind repeatedly (-e bindeach,bindonly) using any one of the 100 000 possible bind credentials:

$ ldclt -h host -p port -e bindeach,bindonly \
   -D "uid=XXXXX,dc=siroe,dc=com" -w testXXXXX \
   -e randombinddn,randombinddnlow=0,randombinddnhigh=99999

The values substituted into the bind DN are generated independently of other random substitutions into base DNs, filters, or RDNs (see "Random Filters and RDNs").

When using random bind credentials, your test directory should be initialized with entries corresponding to the possible bind DNs and passwords. See "Adding Entries" for ldclt examples that will add all entries in a sequence of RDNs. Otherwise, using random strings in the bind credentials may result in bind errors if a DN does not exist. Specify the -I49 option to make the tool ignore error 49, LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS. A test that uses this option will measure a mix of bind successes and failures.

Alternatively, use the -e randombindfromfile option to use bind credentials given in a text file. The file must contain one bind DN and password pair per line, separated by any number of tabs. Leading and trailing space characters are significant in both the DN and password. As shown in the following example, the -D and -w options are no longer needed in this case:

$ ldclt -h host -p port -e bindeach,bindonly \
   -e randombinddnfromfile=/home/user/testbind.txt

Using random bind credentials from a file allows you to write or generate DNs and passwords that test special conditions in your directory. For example, you might want to test search operations involving special ACIs (access control instructions) that apply to the DNs you specify in the file.

SSL Authentication

The ldclt tool supports client authentication over SSL to perform tests using secure binding. The following example shows the four options that are required for client authentication:

$ ldclt -h host -p port -e bindeach,bindonly -Z certPath \
   -e cltcertname=certName ,keydbfile=filename ,keydbpin=password

The certPath and certName determine the certificate that will identify the client, and the filename and password provide access to the client's keys. Because the password to the key database is exposed on the command line, we recommend using a special key database that is only used for testing purposes.

No randomization is possible with client authentication over SSL, therefore all threads will bind with the same certificate every time. However, you may still use the -e bindeach option to measure SSL binding and unbinding with every operation.


The numerous options for performing searches allow you to randomize what DN is being sought, where to look for it, and what to retrieve upon finding it. With many threads performing many different searches, the ldclt tool simulates a realistic load on your directory server and measures performance under deployment-like conditions. However, ldclt does not verify or display any search results, which discarded immediately.

As with other operations, you may still perform randomized binding with every search operation. If you do not specify any bind credentials as shown in the following example, searches may also be performed anonymously:

$ ldclt -h host -p port -b "ou=people,dc=siroe,dc=com" \
   -f uid=XXXXX -e esearch,random -r0 -R99999 \
   -I 32 -e randomattrlist=cn:sn:uid:ou:l:fax:mobile

This example performs searches for random UID in entries below the "ou=people,dc=siroe,dc=com" base DN given by the -b option. Base DNs may be randomized in searches as well, using the options described in "Random Base DNs".

This example does use a randomized filter string to perform a different search and retrieve a different entry for every search. The syntax for this feature is described in "Random Filters and RDNs". The -I 32 option will ignore code 32 (LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) errors that occur often with random searches. If the search is successful, it will return only the value of a randomly chosen attribute (-e randomattrlist=cn:sn:uid:ou:l:fax:mobile).

Wildcard Searches

Because the ldclt threads perform synchronous LDAP operations by default, you should avoid searches using wildcards that return large numbers of entries. Depending on the size of your test directory, a search such as -f cn=* will block each thread for long periods of time, and each thread will receive search results containing the entire directory. This search will require large amounts of memory for each thread, possibly more than a total of 1 GB in certain cases.

The current version of the ldclt tool is optimized for doing exact searches that match a single entry. Future versions may provide additional functionality to remove this limitation.

Random Filters and RDNs

This section demonstrates only exact searches, where the filter strings match only one entry. These filters are similar to RDNs (relative DNs) that determine a single entry under a given base DN. The ldclt tool has two interchangeable mechanisms, each of which can specify both filter strings and RDNs:

  • The -f patternString option uses other command-line options such as -e incr,noloop -r0 -R99 to substitute values of X placeholders.

  • The -rdn=patternString option uses inline definitions such as INCRNNOLOOP(0;99;2) to represent substitutions.

    Note The -f patternString and -rdn=patternString have different syntax but you may use either one for any operations of the ldclt tool. You may use the -rdn option to define a filter string for searching or the -f option to define an RDN for another operation such as addition, as long as the result of each randomized substitution is valid for the respective operation. However, the two options are mutually exclusive on the command line.

    The -f patternString syntax is more limited and kept for backwards compatibility. The -e rdn=patternString format is more flexible and will be further expanded in the future.

The -f patternString parameter has the form attribute =value and the value may contain X characters as placeholders for random substitutions. Only the first, left-most sequence of X characters is replaced, and the capital letter X cannot be escaped for normal usage. The placeholders are replaced according to the following options:

  • -e random -rlow -Rhigh

    Each X placeholder will be replaced with a digit of a randomly chosen number between low and high , inclusive. Numbers are padded to the left with zeros to fill all placeholders, and you should specify as many placeholders as digits in the largest number. If there are fewer placeholders than digits, the substitution will truncate the high digits.

  • -e incr[,noloop][,commoncounter] -rlow -Rhigh

    Each X placeholder will be replaced with a digit of the current counter value. Numbers are padded to the left with zeros to fill all placeholders, and you should specify as many placeholders as digits in the largest number. High digits will be truncated if there are not enough placeholders.

    The counter is incremented after every operation, and it increases from low to high . By default each thread has a separate counter and will loop through all values indefinitely. Specify the noloop option to enumerate the counter values once and stop the thread afterwards. With the commoncounter option, all threads will increment the same counter and never substitute the same value.

  • -e random,string[,ascii]

    Each X placeholder will be replaced with an arbitrary UTF-8 character to generate a random string. Use the ascii option to generate only 7-bit characters (hexadecimal values less than or equal to 0x7f). Both UTF-8 and ASCII strings will be valid LDAP strings, including any escape characters that may be needed for special characters.

The following example uses the random filter string syntax to search for entries based on the mail attribute.

$ ldclt -h host -p port -b "ou=people,dc=siroe,dc=com" \
   -f -e esearch,random -r0 -R99999 \
   -e attrlist=cn:telephonenumber

The -rdn=patternString parameter has the form attribute :value and the value may contain keyword placeholders for random substitutions. The keywords determine the type of substitution and are replaced according to the following rules:

  • [RNDN(low ;high ;length )]

    This keyword will be replaced with a randomly chosen number between low and high , inclusive. Numbers are padded to the left with zeros or truncated on the left to have the exact length of digits.

  • [RNDFROMFILE(filename )]

    This keyword will be replaced with a line chosen randomly from the file with the given filename . Each line of the file is substituted in whole, including any leading or trailing whitespace.

  • [INCRN(low ;high ;length )] or [INCRNNOLOOP(low ;high ;length )]

    This keyword will be replaced with the current value of a counter increasing from low to high , inclusive. Numbers are padded to the left with zeros or truncated on the left to have the exact length of digits. Each use of the keywords will represent a separate counter.

    In the first form, the counter will loop indefinitely, and in the second form, it will stop upon reaching the high value. Each thread will use a separate counter, or you may use the -e commoncounter option to use a single counter per keyword for all threads.

  • [INCRNFROMFILE(filename )] or [INCRNFROMFILENOLOOP(filename )]

    This keyword will be replaced with a line chosen sequentially from the file with the given filename . Each line of the file is substituted in whole, including any leading or trailing whitespace.

    In the first form, the substitution will read through the file repeatedly, and in the second form, it will stop upon reaching the end of the file. Each thread will read the same file separately, or you may use the -e commoncounter option to read each line only once from the file.

  • [RNDS(length )]

    This keyword will be replaced with a string of the given length of randomly chosen ASCII characters. Random strings will be valid LDAP strings, including any escape characters that may be needed for special characters.

The following example uses the RDN keyword syntax to perform exactly the same type of searches as the previous filter string example. Use single quotes ('') to use the special syntax of the keywords in the shell.

$ ldclt -h host -p port -b "ou=people,dc=siroe,dc=com" \
   -e rdn='mail:[RNDN(0;99999;5)]' \
   -o object=foo.txt -e attrlist=cn:telephonenumber

One limitation of the -e rdn=patternString option is that it must be used with a valid template file given by the -o object=filename option. This template file is needed by the randomization mechanism (see "Random Entry Generation") but has no effect if not required by the operation. The file foo.txt in this example contains a minimal, valid template:

objectclass: person
cn: myCn
sn: mySn

Regardless of the format, search filters in performance tests usually include random numbers so that search operations are "scattered" over the directory. As we shall see in the following sections, additions, deletions and modify operations rely more often on counters and random strings to target specific entries.

Adding Entries

The entry creation functionality of the ldclt tool can be used to test the performance of the add operation and to populate a database for other tests. The command-line options provide many opportunities to randomize and customize the entries that are added to your directory. The following command is a simple example for entry addition:

$ ldclt -h host -p port -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password \
   -f cn=MrXXXXX -b "ou=people,dc=siroe,dc=com" \
   -e add,person,incr,noloop,commoncounter -r0 -R99999

Performing additions requires write privileges in your directory, so you should specify the bind credentials that can create the entries under the given base DN. This example will create 100,000 sequentially numbered entries. All threads use a common counter, so no two will try to create the same entry. This command will create simple person entries of the following form:

dn: cn=Mr00005,ou=people,dc=siroe,dc=com
objectclass: person
cn: Mr00005
sn: toto sn

The following sections demonstrate how to randomize the base DN and customize the generated entry.

Random Base DNs

When adding entries to a directory, you may want to place them under different suffixes to simulate real usage. To do this, the ldclt tool supports randomized base DNs in add operations, and the same functionality is available in modify and delete operations.

To use a different, numeric base DN with every operation, specify the -e randombase options and use X character placeholders in the -b baseDN parameter. Only the first, left-most sequence of X characters is replaced, and the capital letter X cannot be escaped for normal usage. For example, each thread of the following command will create person entries in any one of the 1,000 possible department base DNs:

$ ldclt -h host -p port -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password \
   -b "ou=DeptXXX,dc=siroe,dc=com" \
   -e randombase,randombaselow=0,randombasehigh=999 \
   -f cn=MrXXXXX -e add,person,incr,noloop -r0 -R99999

The values substituted into the base DN are generated independently of other random substitutions into bind DNs, filters, or RDNs (see "Random Filters and RDNs").

Missing Nodes

When creating entries with random base DNs, the tool has the ability to automatically create the corresponding nodes if they do not already exist. This allows you to populate large directories of any depth with the add operation. The randomly named nodes are also created during rename operations (see "modRDN Operations").

In order to create node entries automatically, the naming attributes of the base DN must be cn, o or ou. Depending on the naming attribute, the ldclt tool will create intermediate nodes of the following object classes:

cn   -> OrganizationalRole
o   -> organization
ou   -> organizationalUnit

For example, the add operation may try to create the entry with the randomized DN cn=Mr00007 ,ou=Dept123 ,dc=siroe,dc=com. Assuming the base DN does not exist in the directory yet, the operation will first create the following node:

dn: ou=Dept123 ,dc=siroe,dc=com
objectclass: organizationalUnit
ou: Dept123

However, due to the implementation of the missing node mechanism, the entry that triggered the creation of a missing node is not created. In this example, that implies that the DN cn=Mr00007 ,ou=Dept123 ,dc=siroe,dc=com will not be added. Only subsequent entries in this node will be added, now that the node exists.

Random Entry Generation

Just as there are two ways to specify filters and RDN strings, there are two different mechanisms to define the entries that the tool will add to the directory. The simpler method seen in the previous examples creates simple entries from fixed templates. The more powerful method allows you to specify the object class template and perform many random substitutions.

To generate simple person entries, use the following command:

$ ldclt -h host -p port -D "bindDN " -w password \
   -f cn=patternString -b "baseDN " \
   -e add,person [randomizingOptions ]

The created entries will have the following contents, with any randomizations substituted into the patternString and baseDN :

dn: cn=patternString ,baseDN
objectclass: person
cn: patternString
sn: toto sn

To generate simple inetorgperson entries, use the following command:

$ ldclt -h host -p port -D "bindDN " -w password \
   -f cn=patternString -b "baseDN " \
   -e add,inetorgperson,imagesdir=Path [randomizingOptions ]

The created entries will have the following contents, with any randomizations substituted into the patternString and baseDN :

dn: cn=patternString ,baseDN
objectclass: inetorgperson
cn: patternString
sn: toto sn
jpegPhoto: randomBinaryFileFromPath

Specifying the emailperson option will generate entries that are identical to the inetorgperson entries, except for the value of the objectclass attribute. In all cases, the patternString must use either the sn (surname) or cn (common name) as the naming attribute. If the sn is used, the cn will contain the value toto cn.

More complex entries can be created from custom templates with the -e rdn=patternString ,object=filename options. The template file provides all of the attributes for the entry with the following syntax:

# comments begin with a '#'
Attribute    -> AttrName : Value +
AttrName    -> string
   -> string | Variant
   -> [Variable =Keyword ] | [Variable ] | [Keyword ]
Variable    -> A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H
Keyword    -> RNDN(low ;high ;length ) |
      RNDFROMFILE(filename ) |
      INCRN(low ;high ;length ) |
      INCRNNOLOOP(low ;high ;length ) |
      INCRFROMFILE(filename ) |
      INCRFROMFILENOLOOP(filename ) |
      RNDS(length )

The keywords are the same as defined in "Random Filters and RDNs". Variables definitions should be used in the RDN patternString so that the same values can be used as the naming attributes inside the template file. For example, the following command and template file will generate 100 000 sequentially numbered entries:

$ ldclt -h host -p port -D "bindDN " -w password \
   -b "ou=people,dc=siroe,dc=com" -I 68 \
   -e object=inet.txt,rdn='uid:[A=INCRNNOLOOP(0;99999;5)]' \
   -e add,commoncounter

The associated template file, inet.txt, uses the variable A and other keywords to create a realistic entry:

# inet.txt - template for a more complete inetOrgPerson
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
sn: [B=RNDFROMFILE(installDir /data/dbgen-FamilyNames)]
cn: [C=RNDFROMFILE(installDir /data/dbgen-GivenNames)] [B]
password: test[A]
description: user id [A]
mail: [C].[B]
telephonenumber: (555) [RNDN(0;999;3)]-[RNDN(0;9999;4)]

The entry creation mechanism automatically adds the naming attribute in the RDN to the new entry. In this example, the attribute and substituted value uid: [A] will be added to every new entry. Do not specify naming attributes in the template file, otherwise they will be duplicated in the new entry and cause an LDAP error.

Generating LDIF Files

The add operation can be used to populate large databases for testing. The same random entry generation mechanisms can be used to create large database files in LDIF (LDAP Data Interchange Format). Instead of the -e add option, use the -e genldif=filename [,append] options to specify the output file and whether it should be appended to. No host, port, or bind credentials are needed because no LDAP operations are performed on a directory.

The following example creates a file of 100 000 sequentially numbered users with the template file given above:

$ ldclt -b "ou=people,dc=siroe,dc=com" \
   -e object=inet.txt,rdn='uid:[A=INCRNNOLOOP(0;99999;5)]' \
   -e genldif=100Kinet.ldif,commoncounter

For creating entries with random DNs, such as names, it is common practice to have a non-looping counter in the template file to limit the contents of the LDIF file. By placing this counter in the description attribute, for example, its high and low range will determine the number of entries created by each thread.

Only the target entries are generated in LDIF, missing nodes are not created. Use the command twice with the append option and different templates and to generate LDIF files with numerous intermediate nodes. To create an entire tree in LDIF, edit an empty file manually to add a root entry at the beginning, and then append as many levels of nodes or leaves to the file as you wish.

Modify Operations

The ldclt tool performs simple LDAP modify operations that are limited to changing the value of a single attribute. The -e attreplace option specifies the attribute name which will be modified and a new value that may be randomized with every operation.

Performing modifications requires write privileges in your directory, so you should specify bind credentials, whether randomized or not, that can modify the entries under the given base DN. The following example uses the Directory Manager credentials to modify the description attribute of randomly selected entries. The X placeholders in the new value string will be replaced with random characters, independently of any other patternString , bind DN or base DN substitutions:

$ ldclt -h host -p port -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password \
   -b "ou=people,dc=siroe,dc=com" \
   -e rdn='uid:[RNDN(0;99999;5)]' -I 32 \
   -e attreplace='description: random modify XXXXX'

Use the -I 32 option to ignore error 32, LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT, that will occur if the randomization defines a DN for an entry that does not exist.

The following example performs modification under several nodes of the directory tree, using options explained in "Random Base DNs". In this case multiple threads may access the same entry if they randomly happen to be in the same node, but concurrent modifications should not cause an error. Again, the new attribute value will contain a random string generated for each operation:

$ ldclt -h host -p port -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password \
   -b "ou=DeptXXX,dc=siroe,dc=com" \
   -e randombase,randombaselow=0,randombasehigh=999 \
   -e rdn='cn:Mr[INCRNNOLOOP(0;99999;5)]' -I 32 \
   -e attreplace='sn: XXXXXX'

Delete Operations

The command for performing delete operations is similar to that for performing modifications. The bind credentials must have write privileges to remove entries, and you may use the randomization features to determine the base DN and RDN of the target entry of each operation.

The following example deletes random entries from a directory. Use the -I 32 option to ignore error 32, LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT, that is likely to occur because entries may be randomly selected to be deleted a second time.

$ ldclt -h host -p port -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password \
   -b "ou=DeptXXX,dc=siroe,dc=com" \
   -e randombase,randombaselow=0,randombasehigh=999 \
   -e delete,rdn='cn:Mr[RNDN(0;99999;5)]' -I 32

The delete operation supports the more flexible -e rdn=patternString for specifying the RDN of the target entry. The following example will delete all entries in branch of your directory, providing you specify the entire range of sequential numbers:

$ ldclt -h host -p port -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password \
   -b "ou=people,dc=siroe,dc=com" -e delete -I 32 \
   -e rdn='uid:[INCRNNOLOOP(0;99999;5)]',commoncounter

modRDN Operations

The rename functionality is also similar to that for modifications: the bind credentials require write privileges whether randomized or not, and you can randomize both the base DN and the RDN.

The ldclt tool performs LDAP modRDN operations on target entries by generating a second randomized RDN as the new name. Because the same mechanism is used to generate the new RDN, sequential numbering of target entries is not recommended. The following example uses the -e rdn=patternString options to specify a random RDN for the target entry.

$ ldclt -h host -p port -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password \
   -b "ou=people,dc=siroe,dc=com" -I 32 -I 68 \
   -e rename,rdn='uid:[RNDN(0;99999;5)]'

If the base DN is also randomized, you may specify the -e withnewparent option to also generate a new random parent. The following command shows an example using this option:

$ ldclt -h host -p port -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password \
   -b "ou=DeptXXX,dc=siroe,dc=com" -I 32 -I 68 \
   -e randombase,randombaselow=0,randombasehigh=999 \
   -e rename,withnewparent,rdn='cn:Mr[RNDN(0;99999;5)]'

Since the new parent DN is randomly generated, it may not exist in your directory. However, the ldclt tool will create the parent node automatically when needed. (see "Missing Nodes"). Due to the implementation of the missing node mechanism, the entry that triggered the creation of a missing node is not renamed, but subsequent reparenting operations will use the new node.

Also, both examples use the -I option to ignore errors that may occur when renaming random RDNs.


This section explains the most common messages and errors encountered when using the ldclt tool and gives potential solutions.

No Thread Activity

When a thread has not performed any successful operations during a certain time, the ldclt tool displays the following message:

T002: No activity for 40 seconds -- 3 in row, total 17

This sample message contains the following information:

  • Thread 2 has not performed a successful operation in the past 40 seconds.

  • This is the third such consecutive message for this thread, for a total of 120 seconds of inactivity.

  • Since the beginning of the current process, this thread has had 17 x 40 seconds of inactivity.

The most common reason for this message is that the server is overloaded and the thread is waiting for an operation to finish. When the server is overloaded, all threads will have short moments of inactivity, perhaps many in total, but never very many in a row. To account for server load, you may use the -i intervals option to allow longer periods of inactivity.

Another common cause for this message is that very few operations are succeeding. For example, when deleting randomly generated RDNs, successful delete operations will become rarer unless another process is creating entries with the same RDN pattern. Use the -e counteach option to account for unsuccessful operations and avoid the message about false inactivity.

A more unlikely scenario occurs if only one thread constantly reports inactivity messages, as shown in the following output sample:

T002: No activity for 40 seconds -- 1 in row, total 1
T002: No activity for 40 seconds -- 2 in row, total 2
T002: No activity for 40 seconds -- 3 in row, total 3
T002: No activity for 40 seconds -- 8 in row, total 8

In this case, it is likely to be waiting for a response which may be blocked for an abnormal condition such as a library or server bug. Since the condition may override any time-out mechanism on the server side, the thread will remain inactive until the ldclt process is stopped.

Exit Status 3

The ldclt tool maintains counters for most common errors and will terminate with exit status 3 at the end of the interval where the error limit is exceeded for any one error. The following output shows this situation:

Max error limit reached - exiting.
Global average rate: 0.00/thr ( NaN/sec), total: 0
Global number times "no activity" reports: never
Global error 32 (No such object) occurs 1020 times
Ending at Mon Apr 9 17:32:51 2001
Exit status 3 - Max errors reached.

By default the error limit is 1000 for each type of error. To avoid exiting in this condition, specify one of the following options:

  • -I errorCode will ignore any error with the given code, so that it will never be counted. Use this option with operations on random entries that may return errors, such as deleting a non-existant RDN.

  • -E occurences will set the error limit to the given number of occurences. This option can be used to raise or lower the error limit. For example, -E 0 will make the tool exit for any error that is not ignored.

See "Error Handling" for more information.

Error 32

Error code 32 (LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) occurs commonly for searches, modifications, deletions, and rename operations. In these cases, the error is expected when using randomized base DN or RDN values that may not be present.

This error may also occur during add operations due to a DN syntax error. The missing node functionality will recursively attempt to create the parent node and fail with error 32. The following output shows this situation:

T007: Cannot add (cn=,00007,ou=people,dc=siroe,dc=com),
error=32 (No such object)

T007: Don't know how to create entry when rdn is "00007,ou=people"

T007: Cannot create the intermediate nodes for cn=,00007,ou=people,dc=siroe,dc=com

To this error, check the RDN for illegal characters in the patternString or possibly in the file containing lists of DNs to add with the RNDFROMFILE keyword.

Error 65

Error code 65 (LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION) occurs when trying to perform an addition with an invalid template in the -e object option. For example:

T004: Cannot add (uid=00007,dc=siroe,dc=com), error=65 (Object
class violation)

The server returns this error because the entry created from the template is not allowed by the directory's schema. The exact schema violation will be given in the server's error logs, for example:

[14/Feb/2002:19:38:52 -0700] - Entry "uid=00007,dc=siroe,dc=com"
-- attribute "mailAlternateAddress" not allowed

To solve this problem, you may do one of the following:

  • Modify the template file so that ldclt will generate valid entries.

  • Modify the directory schema to accept new objects or new attributes.

  • Turn off schema checking in your directory.

With Directory Server versions 4.x , extra space characters in the template file are not ignored. This will cause error 65 that can be solved by removing extra spaces from the template file. The following example shows an extra space before the closing parenthesis in the error log:

[04/Apr/2001:15:40:28 +0200] - Entry (cn=Mr00007,ou=people,
dc=siroe,dc=com) unknown object class (person )

Error 81

Error code 81 (LDAP_SERVER_DOWN) can be misleading because it may occur when a thread cannot establish a connection. The error message is the following:

T030: Cannot ldap_search(), error=81 (Can't contact LDAP server)

This actually means that the client cannot connect to the server for some communication reason, such as no more operating system-level connections are available on either the client or the server. It does not necessarily mean the directory server is not running.

Possible causes include:

  • If the error occurs from time to time on an arbitrary thread, the most likely reason is that either your client or server machine has a memory limitation, such as no more swap space.

  • If the error occurs in LDAP bind operations when performing many bind operations, you should tune the TCP/IP layers of both your client and server machines (see Chapter 8 "idsktune").

  • This error is more likely to occur on slow machines, especially when using the -e bindeach option to establish a connection for every operation.

You may use the -I 81 option to ignore this error if it occurs during a bind. Instead of exiting, the corresponding thread will attempt to rebind, after a 1 second idle period to avoid overloading the server (see the -e dontsleeponserverdown option in Table 9-1). Error 81 is fatal to the calling thread if it occurs on any other operation, or if it is not ignored during the bind.

Error 89

Error code 89 (LDAP_PARAM_ERROR) can occur when calling the functions of the iPlanet LDAP SDK for C with bad parameters. For example:

T030: Cannot ldap_parse_result(), error=89 (Bad parameter to an
ldap routine)

This error usually occurs in the ldclt tool when trying to parse the result of an operation that failed due to a connection error. Because the operation failed, there is no result to parse and the error is compounded. This error often occurs after error 81 described previously and can also be ignored by using the -I 89 option.

Error 91

Error code 91 (LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) is returned when there is no process accepting connections on the given port and the given machine. It usually means there is no directory server responding at the given -h host and -p port options. For example:

T003: Cannot ldap_simple_bind_s (cn=directory manager,password),
error=91 (Can't connect to the LDAP server)

You may use the -I 91 option to ignore this error if it occurs during a bind. Instead of exiting, the corresponding thread will attempt to rebind, after a 1 second idle period to avoid overloading the server (see the -e dontsleeponserverdown option in Table 9-1). Error 91 is fatal to the calling thread if it occurs on any other operation, or if it is not ignored during the bind.

Undocumented Options

The ldclt tool has several -e scalab01 options that are used internally for specialized test scenarios. These options implement behavior for a custom simulation that remains undocumented. These options are unsupported and will cause unexpected behavior.

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Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc.. All rights reserved.

Last Updated April 15, 2002