Interface LDAPRebind

public interface LDAPRebind

Specifies how to retrieve authentication information automatically for referrals. If you have set up the search constraints (or the options in the LDAPConnection object) to use automatic referral, you must define a class that implements this interface.

If no class implements this interface, clients that follow automatic referrals are authenticated anonymously to subsequent LDAP servers. The following example is a simple class that implements this interface. Objects of the myLDAPRebind class check the host and port of the referred LDAP server. If the host and port are "alway.mcom.com:389", the directory manager's name and password are used to authenticate. For all other LDAP servers, anonymous authentication is used.

 public class myLDAPRebind implements netscape.ldap.LDAPRebind
  private String myDN;
  private String myPW;
  private LDAPRebindAuth myRebindInfo;
  public myLDAPRebind () {
    myDN = "c=Directory Manager,o=Universal Exports,c=UK";
    myPW = "alway4444";
  public LDAPRebindAuth getRebindAuthentication( String host, int port ) {
    if ( host.equalsIgnoreCase( "alway.mcom.com" ) && ( port == 389 ) ) {
      myRebindInfo = new LDAPRebindAuth( myDN, myPW );
    } else {
      myRebindInfo = new LDAPRebindAuth( "", "" );
    return myRebindInfo;

Method Summary
 LDAPRebindAuth getRebindAuthentication(java.lang.String host, int port)
          Returns an LDAPRebindAuth object, which the calling function can use to get the DN and password to use for authentication (if the client is set up to follow referrals automatically).

Method Detail


public LDAPRebindAuth getRebindAuthentication(java.lang.String host,
                                              int port)
Returns an LDAPRebindAuth object, which the calling function can use to get the DN and password to use for authentication (if the client is set up to follow referrals automatically).
LDAPRebindAuth object containing authentication information.
See Also: