A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T U V W _


ABANDON_REQUEST - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMessage
abandon(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Cancels the ldap request with the specified id and discards any results already received.
abandon(int) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPAsynchronousConnection
Cancels the ldap request with the specified id and discards any results already received.
abandon(LDAPSearchListener) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Cancels all outstanding search requests associated with this LDAPSearchListener object and discards any results already received.
abandon(LDAPSearchListener) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPAsynchronousConnection
Cancels all outstanding search requests associated with this LDAPSearchListener object and discards any results already received.
abandon(LDAPSearchResults) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Notifies the server to not send additional results associated with this LDAPSearchResults object, and discards any results already received.
abandon(LDAPSearchResults) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Abandons a current search operation, notifying the server not to send additional search results.
ABSTRACT - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPObjectClassSchema
ADD - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPModification
Specifies that a value should be added to an attribute.
ADD - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPersistSearchControl
Change type specifying that you want to track additions of new entries to the directory.
ADD_CONTENT - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.util.LDIFContent
The LDIF record specifies a new entry to be added.
ADD_REQUEST - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMessage
ADD_RESPONSE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMessage
add(int, LDAPAttribute) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPModificationSet
Specifies another modification to be added to the set of modifications.
add(LDAPAttribute) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSet
Adds the specified attribute to this attribute set.
add(LDAPConnection) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
Adds the current object class, attribute type, or matching rule definition to the schema at the root DSE.
add(LDAPConnection, String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
Adds the current object class, attribute type, or matching rule definition to the schema.
add(LDAPEntry) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Adds an entry to the directory.
add(LDAPEntry) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Adds an entry to the directory.
add(LDAPEntry, LDAPConstraints) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Adds an entry to the directory.
add(LDAPEntry, LDAPConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Adds an entry to the directory and allows you to specify preferences for this LDAP add operation by using an LDAPConstraints object.
add(LDAPEntry, LDAPResponseListener) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Adds an entry to the directory.
add(LDAPEntry, LDAPResponseListener) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPAsynchronousConnection
Adds an entry to the directory.
add(LDAPEntry, LDAPResponseListener, LDAPConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Adds an entry to the directory and allows you to specify constraints for this LDAP add operation by using an LDAPConstraints object.
add(LDAPEntry, LDAPResponseListener, LDAPConstraints) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPAsynchronousConnection
Adds an entry to the directory and allows you to specify constraints for this LDAP add operation by using an LDAPConstraints object.
add(LDAPEntry, LDAPSearchConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Deprecated. Please use the method signature where cons is LDAPConstraints instead of LDAPSearchConstraints
addAttribute(LDAPAttributeSchema) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Add an attribute type schema definition to the current schema.
addDITContentRule(LDAPDITContentRuleSchema) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Add a content rule definition to the current schema.
addDITStructureRule(LDAPDITStructureRuleSchema) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Add a structure rule definition to the current schema.
addElement(BERElement) - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERConstruct
Adds an element to the list.
addElement(LDAPAttribute) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFAttributeContent
Adds an attribute to the content of the LDIF record.
addElement(LDAPModification) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFModifyContent
Specifies an additional modification that should be made to the entry.
addMatchingRule(LDAPMatchingRuleSchema) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Add a matching rule schema definition to the current schema.
addNameForm(LDAPNameFormSchema) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Add a name form definition to the current schema.
addObjectClass(LDAPObjectClassSchema) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Adds an object class schema definition to the current schema.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Add a client to be notified when an authentication result is in
addRDN(RDN) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.DN
Adds the specified relative distinguished name (RDN) to the current DN.
addRDNToBack(RDN) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.DN
Adds the specified relative distinguished name (RDN) to the end of the current DN.
addRDNToFront(RDN) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.DN
Adds the specified relative distinguished name (RDN) to the beginning of the current DN.
addSyntax(LDAPSyntaxSchema) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Add a syntax schema definition to the current schema.
addValue(byte[]) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Adds a byte[]-formatted value to the attribute.
addValue(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Adds a string value to the attribute.
ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(11) [LDAP v3] The adminstrative limit on the maximum number of entries to return was exceeded.
AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(71) [LDAP v3] The client attempted to move an entry from one LDAP server to another by requesting a "modify DN" operation.
ALIAS_DEREFERENCING_PROBLEM - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(36) An error occurred when dereferencing an alias.
ALIAS_PROBLEM - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(33) An problem occurred with an alias.
aliases - Variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
ALL_USER_ATTRS - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv3
Attribute type that you can specify in the LDAPConnection search method if you want to retrieve all attribute types.
AMBIGUOUS_RESULTS - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
AMBIGUOUS_RESULTS - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMember
ANY - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
append(boolean) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Appends a boolean to the end of this byte buffer.
append(byte) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Appends a byte to the end of this byte buffer.
append(byte[]) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Appends an array of bytes to the end of this byte buffer.
append(byte[], int, int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Appends a part of an array of bytes to the end of this byte buffer.
append(ByteBuf) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Appends a byte buffer to the end of this byte buffer.
append(double) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Appends a double to the end of this byte buffer.
append(float) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Appends a float to the end of this byte buffer.
append(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Appends an integer to the end of this byte buffer.
append(long) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Appends a long value to the end of this byte buffer.
append(Object) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Appends an object to the end of this byte buffer.
append(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Appends a string to the end of this byte buffer.
APPLICATION - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
approve(X509Certificate, ValidityStatus) - Method in class netscape.ldap.factory.JSSSocketFactory
The default implementation of the SSLCertificateApprovalCallback interface.
ATTRIBUTE_CONTENT - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.util.LDIFContent
The LDIF record specifies an entry and its attributes.
ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(20) The value that you are adding to an attribute already exists in the attribute.
attrName - Variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(7) The specified authentication method is not supported by the LDAP server that you are connecting to.
authenticate() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPSimpleAuth
Connect to LDAP server using parameters specified in constructor and/or by setting properties and attempt to authenticate.
authenticate(ActionEvent) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPSimpleAuth
authenticate(int, String, String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Authenticates to the LDAP server (that you are currently connected to) using the specified name and password, and requesting that the server use at least the specified protocol version.
authenticate(int, String, String) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv3
Authenticates to the LDAP server (to which the object is currently connected) using the specified name, password, and version of the LDAP protocol.
authenticate(int, String, String, LDAPConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Authenticates to the LDAP server (to which you are currently connected) using the specified name and password, and requesting that the server use at least the specified protocol version.
authenticate(int, String, String, LDAPResponseListener) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Authenticates to the LDAP server (that the object is currently connected to) using the specified name and password and allows you to specify constraints for this LDAP add operation by using an LDAPConstraints object.
authenticate(int, String, String, LDAPResponseListener, LDAPConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Authenticates to the LDAP server (that the object is currently connected to) using the specified name and password and allows you to specify constraints for this LDAP add operation by using an LDAPConstraints object.
authenticate(int, String, String, LDAPSearchConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Deprecated. Please use the method signature where cons is LDAPConstraints instead of LDAPSearchConstraints
authenticate(String, Hashtable, Object) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Authenticates to the LDAP server (that the object is currently connected to) using the specified name and whatever SASL mechanisms are supported by the server.
authenticate(String, String) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Authenticates user with the LDAP server.
authenticate(String, String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Authenticates to the LDAP server (to which you are currently connected) using the specified name and password.
authenticate(String, String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPSimpleAuth
Connect to LDAP server using parameters specified in constructor and/or by setting properties and attempt to authenticate.
authenticate(String, String[], Hashtable, Object) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Authenticates to the LDAP server (to which the object is currently connected) using the specified name and a specified SASL mechanism or set of mechanisms.
authenticate(String, String[], String, Hashtable, Object) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Deprecated. Please use authenticate without packageName instead.
authenticate(String, String, LDAPConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Authenticates to the LDAP server (to which you are currently connected) using the specified name and password.
authenticate(String, String, LDAPSearchConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Deprecated. Please use the method signature where cons is LDAPConstraints instead of LDAPSearchConstraints
authenticate(String, String, String, Hashtable, Object) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Deprecated. Please use authenticate without packageName instead.
AUTHENTICATION_ERROR - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
AUTHENTICATION_ERROR - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMember
AUX - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPDITContentRuleSchema
AUXILIARY - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPObjectClassSchema


BATCHSIZE - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Option specifying the number of results to return at a time.
BERAny - class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERAny.
This class is for the "any" object that is unknown to the BER package but conforms to BER rules.
BERAny(BERElement) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERAny
Constructs an "any" element.
BERAny(BERTagDecoder, InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERAny
Constructs an "any" element from an input stream.
BERBitString - class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERBitString.
This class is for the BitString object.
BERBitString(BERTagDecoder, InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERBitString
Constructs a bitstring element from an input stream (for constructed encodings).
BERBitString(BitSet) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERBitString
Constructs a boolean element.
BERBitString(InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERBitString
Constructs a bitstring element from an input stream (for primitive encodings).
BERBoolean - class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERBoolean.
This class is for the Boolean object.
BERBoolean(boolean) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERBoolean
Constructs a boolean element.
BERBoolean(InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERBoolean
Constructs a boolean element from an input stream.
BERCharacterString - class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERCharacterString.
This is an abstract base class for character string types.
BERCharacterString() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERCharacterString
Constructs a character string element containing a buffer.
BERCharacterString(BERTagDecoder, InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERCharacterString
Constructs a character string element from an input stream (for constructed encoding)
BERCharacterString(byte[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERCharacterString
Constructs a character string element from a byte array.
BERCharacterString(InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERCharacterString
Constructs a character string element from an input stream (for primitive encoding)
BERCharacterString(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERCharacterString
Constructs a character string element containing buffer.
BERChoice - class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERChoice.
This class is for the Choice object.
BERChoice(BERElement) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERChoice
Constructs a choice element.
BERChoice(BERTagDecoder, InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERChoice
Constructs a choice element from an input stream.
BERConstruct - class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERConstruct.
This abstract class serves as a based class for constructed types such as sequence or set.
BERConstruct() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERConstruct
Constructs a construct element.
BERConstruct(BERTagDecoder, InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERConstruct
Constructs a construct element from an input stream.
BERElement - class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement.
This class is for the tagged object type.
BERElement() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
BEREnumerated - class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BEREnumerated.
This class is for the Enumerated object.
BEREnumerated(InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BEREnumerated
Constructs an enumerated element with the input stream.
BEREnumerated(int) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BEREnumerated
Constructs an enumerated element with a value.
BERInteger - class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERInteger.
This class is for the Integer object.
BERInteger(InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERInteger
Constructs an integer element with the input stream.
BERInteger(int) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERInteger
Constructs a integer element.
BERIntegral - class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERIntegral.
This is the base class for integral types such as Integer and Enumerated.
BERIntegral(InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERIntegral
Constructs an integral element from an input stream.
BERIntegral(int) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERIntegral
Constructs an integral type with a value.
BERNull - class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERNull.
This class is for the NULL type.
BERNull() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERNull
Constructs a NULL element.
BERNull(InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERNull
Constructs a null element from an input stream.
BERNumericString - class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERNumericString.
This class is for the NumericString type.
BERNumericString(BERTagDecoder, InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERNumericString
Constructs a numeric string element from an input stream (for constructed encoding)
BERNumericString(byte[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERNumericString
Constructs a numeric string element from a byte array
BERNumericString(InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERNumericString
Constructs a numericstring element from an input stream (for primitive encoding)
BERNumericString(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERNumericString
Constructs a numeric string element from a string
BERObjectId - class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERObjectId.
This class is for the Object ID object.
BERObjectId(InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERObjectId
Constructs an object id element from an input stream.
BERObjectId(int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERObjectId
Constructs an object ID element from an array of values.
BERObjectId(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERObjectId
Constructs an object id element from a string.
BEROctetString - class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BEROctetString.
This class is for the OctetString type.
BEROctetString(BERTagDecoder, InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BEROctetString
Constructs an octet string element from an input stream (for constructed encoding)
BEROctetString(byte[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BEROctetString
Constructs an octet string element containing a reference to buffer.
BEROctetString(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BEROctetString
Constructs an octet string element containing a subset of buffer.
BEROctetString(InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BEROctetString
Constructs an octet string element from an input stream (for primitive encoding)
BEROctetString(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BEROctetString
Constructs an octet string element containing a copy of the contents of buffer.
BERPrintableString - class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERPrintableString.
This class is for the PrintableString type.
BERPrintableString(BERTagDecoder, InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERPrintableString
Constructs a printable string element from an input stream (for constructed encoding)
BERPrintableString(byte[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERPrintableString
Constructs a printables tring element from buffer.
BERPrintableString(InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERPrintableString
Constructs a printablestring element from an input stream (for primitive encoding)
BERPrintableString(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERPrintableString
Constructs a printable string element containing buffer.
BERReal - class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERReal.
This class is for the Real object.
BERReal(float) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERReal
Constructs a real element with a value
BERReal(InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERReal
Constructs a real element from an input stream.
BERSequence - class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERSequence.
This class is for the Sequence object.
BERSequence() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERSequence
Constructs a sequence element.
BERSequence(BERTagDecoder, InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERSequence
Constructs a sequence element from an input stream.
BERSet - class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERSet.
This class is for the Set object.
BERSet() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERSet
Constructs a set element.
BERSet(BERTagDecoder, InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERSet
Constructs a set element from an input stream.
BERTag - class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERTag.
This class is for the tagged object type.
BERTag(BERTagDecoder, int, InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERTag
Constructs a tag element from an input stream.
BERTag(int, BERElement, boolean) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERTag
Constructs a tag element.
BERTagDecoder - class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERTagDecoder.
This is an abstract class which should be extended for use by the BERTag class in decoding application specific BER tags.
BERTagDecoder() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERTagDecoder
BERUTCTime - class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERUTCTime.
This class is for the UTCTime object.
BERUTCTime(BERTagDecoder, InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERUTCTime
Constructs a UTCTime element from an input stream (for constructed encoding)
BERUTCTime(InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERUTCTime
Constructs a UTC time element from an input stream (for primitive encoding)
BERUTCTime(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERUTCTime
Constructs a UTC time element containing the specified string.
BERVisibleString - class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERVisibleString.
This class is for the VisibleString object.
BERVisibleString(BERTagDecoder, InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERVisibleString
Constructs a visiblestring element with the input stream.
BERVisibleString(byte[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERVisibleString
Constructs a visiblestring element from buffer.
BERVisibleString(InputStream, int[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERVisibleString
Constructs a visiblestring element with the input stream.
BERVisibleString(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERVisibleString
Constructs a visiblestring element.
binary - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
binaryString - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
BIND - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Option specifying the object containing the method for authenticating to the server.
BIND_REQUEST - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMessage
BIND_RESPONSE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMessage
bind(int, String, String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Authenticates to the LDAP server (to which you are currently connected) using the specified name and password, and requests that the server use at least the specified protocol version.
bind(int, String, String) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv3
Authenticates to the LDAP server (to which the object is currently connected) using the specified name, password, and version of the LDAP protocol.
bind(int, String, String, LDAPConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Authenticates to the LDAP server (to which you are currently connected) using the specified name and password, and requesting that the server use at least the specified protocol version.
bind(int, String, String, LDAPResponseListener) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Authenticates to the LDAP server (to which the object is currently connected) using the specified name and password.
bind(int, String, String, LDAPResponseListener, LDAPConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Authenticates to the LDAP server (to which the object is currently connected) using the specified name and password and allows you to specify constraints for this LDAP add operation by using an LDAPConstraints object.
bind(LDAPConnection) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSaslBind
Authenticates to the LDAP server (that the object is currently connected to) using the parameter that were provided to the constructor.
bind(LDAPConnection) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPBind
This method is called by LDAPConnection when authenticating.
bind(String, Hashtable, Object) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Authenticates to the LDAP server (to which the object is currently connected) using the specified name and whatever SASL mechanisms are supported by the server.
bind(String, String) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Authenticates user with the LDAP server.
bind(String, String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Authenticates to the LDAP server (to which you are currently connected) using the specified name and password.
bind(String, String[], Hashtable, Object) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Authenticates to the LDAP server (to which the object is currently connected) using the specified name and a specified SASL mechanism or set of mechanisms.
bind(String, String, LDAPConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Authenticates to the LDAP server (to which you are currently connected) using the specified name and password.
bind(String, String, LDAPResponseListener) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Authenticates to the LDAP server (to which the object is currently connected) using the specified name and password.
bind(String, String, LDAPResponseListener) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPAsynchronousConnection
Authenticates to the LDAP server (that the object is currently connected to) using the specified name and password.
bind(String, String, LDAPResponseListener, LDAPConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Authenticates to the LDAP server (to which the object is currently connected) using the specified name and password and allows you to specify constraints for this LDAP add operation by using an LDAPConstraints object.
bind(String, String, LDAPResponseListener, LDAPConstraints) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPAsynchronousConnection
Authenticates to the LDAP server (that the object is currently connected to) using the specified name and password and allows you to specify constraints for this LDAP add operation by using an LDAPConstraints object.
BITSTRING - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
Possible element types.
breakString(PrintWriter, String, int) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIF
Outputs the String in LDIF line-continuation format.
BUSY - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(51) The LDAP server is busy.
byteAt(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Returns the byte at the specified index.
ByteBuf - class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf.
This class is similar to the java.lang.StringBuffer class.
ByteBuf() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Constructs an empty byte buffer with the default length of 16.
ByteBuf(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Constructs a byte buffer with the specified length.
ByteBuf(int) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Constructs an empty byte buffer with the specified initial length.
ByteBuf(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Constructs a byte buffer with the specified initial value.
byteToHexString(byte) - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
Converts byte to hex string.


capacity() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Returns the current capacity of the byte buffer.
ces - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
CES_SYNTAX - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.util.RDN
cesString - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
CHOICE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
cis - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
cisString - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
clear(ActionEvent) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.DisplayString
CLIENT_LOOP - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(96) Your LDAP client detected a loop in the referral.
CLIENTCONTROLS - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv3
Option specifying client controls for LDAP operations.
ClientFactory - class com.netscape.sasl.ClientFactory.
An interface for creating instances of SaslClient.
ClientFactory() - Constructor for class com.netscape.sasl.ClientFactory
CLIENTPKGS - Static variable in class com.netscape.sasl.Sasl
The property name containing a list of package names, separated by '|'.
clone() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPControl
Creates a copy of the control.
clone() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConstraints
Makes a copy of an existing set of constraints.
clone() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Creates and returns a new LDAPConnection object that contains the same information as the current connection, including: the default search constraints host name and port number of the LDAP server the DN and password used to authenticate to the LDAP server
clone() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchConstraints
Makes a copy of an existing set of search constraints.
clone() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSet
close(LDAPConnection) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ConnectionPool
This is our soft close - all we do is mark the connection as available for others to use.
COLLECTIVE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSchema
com.netscape.sasl - package com.netscape.sasl
com.netscape.sasl.mechanisms - package com.netscape.sasl.mechanisms
COMPARE_FALSE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(5) Value returned by an LDAP compare operation if the specified attribute and value is not found in the entry (no matching value found).
COMPARE_REQUEST - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMessage
COMPARE_RESPONSE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMessage
COMPARE_TRUE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(6) Value returned by an LDAP compare operation if the specified attribute and value is found in the entry (matching value found).
compare(String, LDAPAttribute) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Compares the given entry's attribute value to the specified attribute value.
compare(String, LDAPAttribute) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Checks to see if an entry contains an attribute with a specified value.
compare(String, LDAPAttribute, LDAPConstraints) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Compares the given entry's attribute value to the specified attribute value.
compare(String, LDAPAttribute, LDAPConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
compare(String, LDAPAttribute, LDAPResponseListener) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Compare an attribute value with one in the directory.
compare(String, LDAPAttribute, LDAPResponseListener) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPAsynchronousConnection
Compares an attribute value with one in the directory.
compare(String, LDAPAttribute, LDAPResponseListener, LDAPConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Compare an attribute value with one in the directory.
compare(String, LDAPAttribute, LDAPResponseListener, LDAPConstraints) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPAsynchronousConnection
Compares an attribute value with one in the directory.
compare(String, LDAPAttribute, LDAPSearchConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Deprecated. Please use the method signature where cons is LDAPConstraints instead of LDAPSearchConstraints
CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(13) [LDAP v3] A secure connection is required for this operation.
CONNECT_ERROR - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(91) Your LDAP client failed to connect to the LDAP server.
CONNECT_ERROR - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
CONNECT_ERROR - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMember
connect(int, String, int, String, String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Connects to the specified host and port and uses the specified DN and password to authenticate to the server, with the specified LDAP protocol version.
connect(int, String, int, String, String) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv3
Connects and authenticates to the LDAP server using the specified version of the LDAP protocol.
connect(int, String, int, String, String, LDAPConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Connects to the specified host and port and uses the specified DN and password to authenticate to the server, with the specified LDAP protocol version.
connect(int, String, int, String, String, LDAPSearchConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Deprecated. Please use the method signature where cons is LDAPConstraints instead of LDAPSearchConstraints
connect(LDAPConnection, String, int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Sets up basic connection privileges for Communicator if necessary, and connects
connect(String, int) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Connects to the LDAP server.
connect(String, int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Connects to the specified host and port.
connect(String, int, String, String) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Connects and authenticates to the LDAP server.
connect(String, int, String, String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Connects to the specified host and port and uses the specified DN and password to authenticate to the server.
connect(String, int, String, String, LDAPConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Connects to the specified host and port and uses the specified DN and password to authenticate to the server.
connect(String, int, String, String, LDAPSearchConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Deprecated. Please use the method signature where cons is LDAPConstraints instead of LDAPSearchConstraints
ConnectionPool - class netscape.ldap.util.ConnectionPool.
Connection pool, typically used by a server to avoid creating a new connection for each client
ConnectionPool(int, int, LDAPConnection) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.ConnectionPool
ConnectionPool(int, int, String, int) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.ConnectionPool
Constructor for specifying all parameters, anonymous identity
ConnectionPool(int, int, String, int, String, String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.ConnectionPool
Constructor for specifying all parameters
ConnectionPool(String, int) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.ConnectionPool
Constructor for using default parameters, anonymous identity
CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(19) An internal error occurred in the LDAP server.
CONSTRUCTED - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
contains(DN) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.DN
Deprecated. Please use isDescendantOf() instead.
CONTEXT - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
CONTROL_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(93) The requested control is not found.
convertToString(String[]) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Utility method to convert an array of Strings to a single String with line feeds between elements.
countRDNs() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.DN
Returns the number of components that make up the current DN.
createControl(String, boolean, byte[]) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPControl
Returns a LDAPControl object instantiated by the Class associated by LDAPControl.register to the oid.
createInitialResponse() - Method in interface com.netscape.sasl.SaslClient
Retrieves the initial response.
createInitialResponse() - Method in class com.netscape.sasl.mechanisms.SaslExternal
Retrieves the initial response.
createSaslClient(String[], String, String, String, Hashtable, CallbackHandler) - Method in interface com.netscape.sasl.SaslClientFactory
Creates a SaslClient using the parameters supplied.
createSaslClient(String[], String, String, String, Hashtable, CallbackHandler) - Method in class com.netscape.sasl.ClientFactory
Creates a SaslClient using the parameters supplied.
createSaslClient(String[], String, String, String, Hashtable, CallbackHandler) - Static method in class com.netscape.sasl.Sasl
Creates a SaslClient using the parameters supplied.


decode(String) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPUrl
Decodes a URL-encoded string.
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
The default port number for LDAP servers.
defaultCertDB - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.factory.JSSSocketFactory
Default certificate database path "cert7.db".
defaultFilter - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPUrl
defaultKeyDB - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.factory.JSSSocketFactory
Default key database path = "key3.db".
defaultModDB - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.factory.JSSSocketFactory
Default security module database path = "secmod.db".
DEL_REQUEST - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMessage
DEL_RESPONSE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMessage
DELETE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPModification
Specifies that a value should be removed from an attribute.
DELETE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPersistSearchControl
Change type specifying that you want to track removals of entries from the directory.
DELETE_CONTENT - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.util.LDIFContent
The LDIF record specifies an entry to be deleted.
delete(String) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Removes an entry from the directory.
delete(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Deletes the entry for the specified DN from the directory.
delete(String, LDAPConstraints) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Removes an entry from the directory.
delete(String, LDAPConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Deletes the entry for the specified DN from the directory and allows you to specify preferences for this LDAP delete operation by using an LDAPConstraints object.
delete(String, LDAPResponseListener) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Deletes the entry for the specified DN from the directory.
delete(String, LDAPResponseListener) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPAsynchronousConnection
Deletes the entry for the specified DN from the directory.
delete(String, LDAPResponseListener, LDAPConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Deletes the entry for the specified DN from the directory.
delete(String, LDAPResponseListener, LDAPConstraints) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPAsynchronousConnection
Deletes the entry for the specified DN from the directory.
delete(String, LDAPSearchConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Deprecated. Please use the method signature where cons is LDAPConstraints instead of LDAPSearchConstraints
DELIM - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPCache
Delimiter used internally when creating keys for the cache.
DEREF - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Option specifying how aliases are dereferenced.
DEREF_ALWAYS - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Specifies that aliases are always dereferenced.
DEREF_FINDING - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Specifies that aliases are dereferenced when finding the starting point for the search (but not when searching under that starting entry).
DEREF_NEVER - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Specifies that aliases are never dereferenced.
DEREF_SEARCHING - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Specifies that aliases are dereferenced when searching the entries beneath the starting point of the search (but not when finding the starting entry).
description - Variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
destroy() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ConnectionPool
Destroy the whole pool - called during a shutdown
disconnect() - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Disconnects from the LDAP server.
disconnect() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Disconnects from the LDAP server.
DisplayString - class netscape.ldap.beans.DisplayString.
DisplayString() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.beans.DisplayString
DisplayStringBeanInfo - class netscape.ldap.beans.DisplayStringBeanInfo.
BeanInfo for displaying string
DisplayStringBeanInfo() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.beans.DisplayStringBeanInfo
dn - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
DN - class netscape.ldap.util.DN.
Objects of this class represent distinguished names (DN).
DN() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.DN
Constructs an empty DN object.
DN(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.DN
Constructs a DN object from the specified distinguished name.
dnString - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
DSMLWriter - class netscape.ldap.util.DSMLWriter.
Class for outputting LDAP entries to a stream as DSML.
DSMLWriter(PrintWriter) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.DSMLWriter
Constructs a DSMLWriter object to output entries to a stream as DSML.


elementAt(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPModificationSet
Retrieves a particular LDAPModification object at the position specified by the index.
elementAt(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSet
Returns the attribute at the position specified by the index.
elementAt(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERConstruct
Gets ber element at specific position.
enableClientAuth() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSSLSocketFactory
Enables certificate-based client authentication for an application.
enableClientAuth() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSSLSocketWrapFactory
(Not implemented yet)
Enables client authentication for an application running in a java VM which provides transparent certificate database management.
enableClientAuth(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSSLSocketFactory
This method is currently not implemented. Enables client authentication for an application that uses an external (file-based) certificate database.
encode(String) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPUrl
Encodes an arbitrary string.
ensureCapacity(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Ensures that the capacity of the buffer is at least equal to the specified minimum capacity.
ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(68) The specified entry already exists.
ENTRYCHANGED - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPEntryChangeControl
ENUMERATED - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
EOC - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
Possible tags.
eof(ByteBuf) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.MimeEncoder
Tell the decoder that no more input data will be forthcoming.
eof(ByteBuf) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.MimeBase64Decoder
Tell the Base64 decoder that no more input data will be forthcoming.
eof(ByteBuf) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.MimeBase64Encoder
Tell the base64 encoder that no more input data will be forthcoming.
EQUALITY - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSchema
equals(DN) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.DN
Determines if the current DN is equal to the specified DN.
equals(LDAPUrl) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPUrl
Reports if the two objects represent the same URL
equals(RDN) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.RDN
Determines if the current DN component is equal to the specified DN component.
equals(String, String) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPDN
Compares two dn's for equality.
errorCodeToString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
Returns the error message describing the error code (for this exception).
errorCodeToString(int) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
Returns the error message describing the specified error code.
errorCodeToString(int, Locale) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
Returns the error message describing the specified error code.
errorCodeToString(Locale) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
Returns the error message describing the error code for this exception.
ESCAPED_CHAR - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.util.DN
Array of the characters that may be escaped in a DN.
escapeRDN(String) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPDN
Returns the RDN after escaping the characters specified by netscape.ldap.util.DN.ESCAPED_CHAR.
evaluateChallenge(byte[]) - Method in interface com.netscape.sasl.SaslClient
Evaluates the challenge data and generates a response.
evaluateChallenge(byte[]) - Method in class com.netscape.sasl.mechanisms.SaslExternal
Evaluates the challenge data and generates a response.
EXOP_REQ_OID - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
EXOP_REQ_VALUE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
EXOP_RES_OID - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
EXOP_RES_VALUE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
EXPIRED - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPasswordExpiredControl
EXPIRING - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPasswordExpiringControl
explodeDN(boolean) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.DN
Returns an array of the individual components that make up the current distinguished name.
explodeDN(String, boolean) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPDN
Returns the individual components of a distinguished name (DN).
explodeRDN(boolean) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.RDN
Deprecated. use toString or getValues instead.
explodeRDN(String, boolean) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPDN
Returns the individual components of a relative distinguished name (RDN).
EXTENDED_REQUEST - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMessage
EXTENDED_RESPONSE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMessage
extendedOperation(LDAPExtendedOperation) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Performs an extended operation on the directory.
extendedOperation(LDAPExtendedOperation) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv3
Performs an extended operation on the directory.
extendedOperation(LDAPExtendedOperation, LDAPConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Performs an extended operation on the directory.
extendedOperation(LDAPExtendedOperation, LDAPSearchConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Deprecated. Please use the method signature where cons is LDAPConstraints instead of LDAPSearchConstraints
extractParameters(String[]) - Static method in class LDAPDelete
This class-method is used to extract specified parameters from the arguments list.
extractParameters(String[]) - Static method in class LDAPModify
This class-method is used to extract specified parameters from the arguments list.
extractParameters(String[]) - Static method in class LDAPSearch
This function is to extract specified parameters from the arguments list.


fetchSchema(LDAPConnection) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Retrieve the entire schema from the root of a Directory Server.
fetchSchema(LDAPConnection, String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Retrieve the schema for a specific entry.
finalize() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Finalize method, which disconnects from the LDAP server.
firePropertyChange(String, Object, Object) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Support for bound property notification
flattenBER(BERSequence) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPControl
Create a "flattened" BER encoding from a BER, and return it as a byte array.
flushEntries(String, int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPCache
Flush the entries identified by DN and scope from the cache.
FORM - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPDITStructureRuleSchema


GENERALSTRING - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
getAdditionalBeanInfo() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPSimpleAuthBeanInfo
getAdditionalBeanInfo() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMemberBeanInfo
getAdditionalBeanInfo() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetPropertyBeanInfo
getAdditionalBeanInfo() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetEntriesBeanInfo
getAfterCount() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPVirtualListControl
Gets the number of results after the top/center to return per page.
getAliases() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
Gets the aliases of the attribute, if any
getApplicableAttributes() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMatchingRuleUseSchema
Gets the list of the OIDs of the attribute types which can be used with the matching rule.
getAttribute() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPModification
Returns the attribute (possibly with values) to be modified.
getAttribute() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetEntries
Returns the name of the attribute to retrieve
getAttribute() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetProperty
Returns the name of the attribute to retrieve
getAttribute(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPEntry
In an entry, returns the single attribute that exactly matches the specified attribute name.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Gets the definition of the attribute type with the specified name.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSet
Returns a single attribute that exactly matches the specified attribute name.
getAttribute(String, String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPEntry
Returns the subtype that matches "attrName" and that best matches a language specification "lang".
getAttribute(String, String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSet
Returns the subtype that matches the attribute name specified by attrName and the language specificaton identified by lang.
getAttributeArray() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPUrl
Return the collection of attributes specified in the URL, or null for "every attribute"
getAttributeNames() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Get an enumeration of the names of the attribute types in this schema.
getAttributes() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPUrl
Return the collection of attributes specified in the URL, or null for "every attribute"
getAttributes() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMatchingRuleSchema
Gets the list of the OIDs of the attribute types which can be used with the matching rule.
getAttributes() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Gets an enumeration ofthe attribute type definitions in this schema.
getAttributes() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSet
Returns an enumeration of the attributes in this attribute set.
getAttributes() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFAttributeContent
Retrieves the list of the attributes specified in the content of the LDIF record.
getAttributes() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFAddContent
Retrieves the list of the attributes specified in the content of the LDIF record.
getAttributeSet() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPEntry
Returns the attribute set of the entry.
getAttributeSet(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPEntry
Creates a new attribute set containing only the attributes that have the specified subtypes.
getAttributesForSyntax(String) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.util.RDN
Returns all attributes registered for the given syntax as a String Array.
getAttributeSyntax(String) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.util.RDN
Returns the syntax for the attribute if the given attribute is registered in the internal attribute table.
getAuthDN() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Returns the DN to authenticate as; null or empty for anonymous.
getAuthenticationDN() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Returns the distinguished name (DN) used for authentication over this connection.
getAuthenticationMethod() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Gets the authentication method used to bind:
"none", "simple", or "sasl"
getAuthenticationPassword() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Returns the password used for authentication over this connection.
getAuthPassword() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Returns the password for the DN to authenticate as
getAuxiliaryClasses() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPDITContentRuleSchema
Gets the names of the auxiliary object classes allowed in this content rule.
getAvailableSize() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPCache
Gets the amount of available space (in bytes) left in the cache.
getBase() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Returns the directory base to search at.
getBaseDNs() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPCache
Gets the array of base DNs of searches to be cached.
getBaseName() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Extracts the base name from the attribute name of the current LDAPAttribute object.
getBaseName(String) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Extracts the base name from the specified attribute name.
getBatchSize() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchConstraints
Returns the suggested number of results to return at a time during search.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPSimpleAuthBeanInfo
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMemberBeanInfo
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.DisplayStringBeanInfo
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetPropertyBeanInfo
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetEntriesBeanInfo
getBeforeCount() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPVirtualListControl
Gets the number of results before the top/center to return per page.
getBERElement() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPModification
Retrieves the BER (Basic Encoding Rules) representation of the current modification.
getBERElement() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Retrieves the BER (Basic Encoding Rules) representation of an attribute.
getBindProc() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConstraints
Returns the object that provides the mechanism for authenticating to the server on referrals.
getBytes(int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Copies the bytes (from the section of the byte buffer from the index srcBegin to the index srcEnd - 1 ) into the specified byte array.
getByteValueArray() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Returns the values of the attribute in an array of byte[] format.
getByteValues() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Returns an enumerator for the values of the attribute in byte[] format.
getCache() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Gets the LDAPCache object associated with the current LDAPConnection object.
getCaseSensitive() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPCompareAttrNames
Gets the state of the case-sensitivity flag.
getCertDB() - Method in class netscape.ldap.factory.JSSSocketFactory
Returns the full path of the certificate database.
getChangeNumber() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPEntryChangeControl
Gets the change number, which identifies the record of the change in the server's change log.
getChangesOnly() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPersistSearchControl
Indicates whether you want the server to send any existing entries that already match the search criteria or only the entries that have changed.
getChangeType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPEntryChangeControl
Gets the change type, which identifies the type of change that occurred.
getChangeTypes() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPersistSearchControl
Gets the change types monitored by this control.
getCipherSuites() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSSLSocketFactory
Returns the suite of ciphers used for SSL connections made through sockets created by this factory.
getCipherSuites() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSSLSocketWrapFactory
Returns the suite of ciphers used for SSL connections made through sockets created by this factory.
getCipherSuites() - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPSSLSocketFactoryExt
Returns the suite of ciphers used for SSL connections.
getClientControls() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConstraints
Returns any client controls to be applied by the client to LDAP operations.
getConnection() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ConnectionPool
Gets a connection from the pool If no connections are available, the pool will be extended if the number of connections is less than the maximum; if the pool cannot be extended, the method blocks until a free connection becomes available.
getConnectTimeout() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Returns the maximum time to wait for the connection to be established.
getConnFromPool() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ConnectionPool
Gets a connection from the pool If no connections are available, the pool will be extended if the number of connections is less than the maximum; if the pool cannot be extended, the method returns null.
getConnSetupDelay() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Returns the delay in seconds when making concurrent connection attempts to multiple servers.
getConstraints() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Returns the set of constraints that apply to all operations performed through this connection (unless you specify a different set of constraints when calling a method).
getContent() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFRecord
Retrieves the content of the LDIF record.
getContentCount() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPVirtualListResponse
Gets the size of the virtual result set.
getContext() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPVirtualListControl
Gets the optional context cookie.
getContext() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPVirtualListResponse
Gets the context cookie, if any.
getControls() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMessage
Retrieves list of controls.
getControls() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFBaseContent
Retrieves the list of controls specified in the content of the LDIF record, if any
getControls() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFRecord
Retrieves the list of controls specified in the content of the LDIF record, if any.
getControls() - Method in interface netscape.ldap.util.LDIFContent
Retrieves the list of controls specified in the content of the LDIF record, if any
getControlString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFBaseContent
Get the OIDs of all controls, if any, as a string
getCount() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchResults
Returns a count of queued search results immediately available for processing.
getCustomValues() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
Gets any qualifiers marked as custom (starting with "X-")
getDebug() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Returns true if debug output is on
getDebug() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ConnectionPool
Reports the debug printout mode.
getDefaultEventIndex() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPSimpleAuthBeanInfo
getDefaultEventIndex() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMemberBeanInfo
getDefaultEventIndex() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetPropertyBeanInfo
getDefaultEventIndex() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetEntriesBeanInfo
getDefaultPropertyIndex() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPSimpleAuthBeanInfo
getDefaultPropertyIndex() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMemberBeanInfo
getDefaultPropertyIndex() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetPropertyBeanInfo
getDefaultPropertyIndex() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetEntriesBeanInfo
getDeleteOldRDN() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFModDNContent
Determines if the content of the LDIF record specifies that the old RDN should be removed as an attribute in the entry.
getDereference() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchConstraints
Specifies how aliases should be dereferenced.
getDescription() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
Gets the description of the object class, attribute type, or matching rule.
getDITContentRule(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Gets the definition of a content rule with the specified name.
getDITContentRuleNames() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Get an enumeration of the names of the content rules in this schema.
getDITContentRules() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Get an enumeration of the content rules in this schema.
getDITStructureRule(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Gets the definition of a structure rule with the specified name.
getDITStructureRule(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Gets the definition of a structure rule with the specified name.
getDITStructureRuleNames() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Get an enumeration of the names of the structure rules in this schema.
getDITStructureRules() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Get an enumeration of the structure rules in this schema.
getDN() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPRebindAuth
Returns the distinguished name to be used for reauthentication, if the client is set up to follow referrals automatically.
getDN() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPUrl
Return the distinguished name encapsulated in the URL
getDN() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPEntry
Returns the distinguished name of the current entry.
getDN() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFRecord
Retrieves the distinguished name of the LDIF record.
getDNType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.DN
Gets the type of format used for the DN (RFC format or OSF format).
getElement(BERTagDecoder, InputStream, int[]) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
Gets a ber element from the input stream.
getElement(BERTagDecoder, int, InputStream, int[], boolean[]) - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERTagDecoder
Gets an application specific ber element from an input stream.
getEntries() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetEntries
Searches and returns values of a previously registered property, using previously set parameters
getEntries(ActionEvent) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetEntries
getEntries(String, int, String, int, String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetEntries
Searches and returns values for a specified attribute
getEntries(String, int, String, int, String, String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetEntries
Searches and returns values for a specified attribute
getEntry() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchResult
Returns the entry of a server search response.
getErrorCode() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Returns the latest error code
getErrorMessage() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPResponse
Returns any error message in the response.
getEventSetDescriptors() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPSimpleAuthBeanInfo
getEventSetDescriptors() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMemberBeanInfo
getEventSetDescriptors() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetPropertyBeanInfo
getEventSetDescriptors() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetEntriesBeanInfo
getException() - Method in class com.netscape.sasl.SaslException
Returns the root exception that caused this exception.
getFailedAttribute() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPSortControl
getFilter() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPUrl
Returns the search filter (RFC 1558), or the default if none was specified.
getFilter() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Returns the search filter
getFirstPosition() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPVirtualListResponse
Gets the index of the first entry returned.
getGroup() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMember
Returns the distinguished name of the group
getHopLimit() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConstraints
Returns the maximum number of hops to follow during a referral.
getHost() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPUrl
Return the host name of the LDAP server
getHost() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Returns the host name of the LDAP server to which you are connected.
getHost() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Returns the host to search at.
getID() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPControl
Gets the object ID (OID) of the control.
getID() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
Gets the object ID (OID) of the object class, attribute type, or matching rule in dotted-string format (for example, "").
getID() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPExtendedOperation
Get the identifier for this operation.
getID() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPExtendedResponse
Returns the OID of the response.
getIndex() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPVirtualListControl
Gets the size of the virtual result set.
getInputStream() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Gets the stream for reading from the listener socket
getInputStream(InputStream) - Method in interface com.netscape.sasl.SaslClient
Retrieves an input stream for the session.
getInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class com.netscape.sasl.mechanisms.SaslExternal
Retrieves an input stream for the session.
getKey() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSortKey
Returns the attribute by which to sort.
getKeyDB() - Static method in class netscape.ldap.factory.JSSSocketFactory
Returns the full path of the key database.
getLangSubtype() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Extracts the language subtype from the attribute name of the LDAPAttribute object, if any.
getLDAPErrorMessage() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
Returns the error message from the last error, if this message is available (that is, if this message was set).
getLDAPResultCode() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
Returns the result code from the last error that occurred.
getListSize() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPVirtualListControl
Gets the size of the virtual result set.
getLocale() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPCompareAttrNames
Gets the locale, if any, used for collation.
getMatchedDN() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
Returns the maximal subset of a DN which could be matched by the server, if the server returned one of the following errors: NO_SUCH_OBJECT ALIAS_PROBLEM INVALID_DN_SYNTAX ALIAS_DEREFERENCING_PROBLEM
getMatchedDN() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPResponse
Returns the partially matched DN field, if any, in a server response.
getMatchingRule(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Gets the definition of a matching rule with the specified name.
getMatchingRuleNames() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Get an enumeration of the names of the matching rules in this schema.
getMatchingRules() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Gets an enumeration ofthe matching rule definitions in this schema.
getMatchRule() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSortKey
Returns the object ID (OID) of the matching rule used for sorting.
getMaxBacklog() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchConstraints
Deprecated. Use LDAPConnection.setOption()
getMaxResults() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchConstraints
Returns the maximum number of search results that are to be returned; 0 means there is no limit.
getMechanismName() - Method in interface com.netscape.sasl.SaslClient
Returns the IANA-registered mechanism name of this SASL client.
getMechanismName() - Method in class com.netscape.sasl.mechanisms.SaslExternal
Returns the name of mechanism driver.
getMechanismNames() - Method in interface com.netscape.sasl.SaslClientFactory
Returns an array of names of mechanisms supported by this factory.
getMechanismNames() - Method in class com.netscape.sasl.ClientFactory
Returns an array of names of mechanisms supported by this factory.
getMember() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMember
Returns the distinguished name of the member
getMessage() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPasswordExpiredControl
Gets the message returned by the server with this control.
getMessage() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPasswordExpiringControl
Gets the value associated with this control parsed as a string.
getMessageID() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMessage
Returns the message identifer.
getMessageIDs() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchListener
Returns message IDs for all outstanding requests
getMessageIDs() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPResponseListener
Returns message IDs for all outstanding requests
getMethodDescriptors() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetPropertyBeanInfo
getModDB() - Static method in class netscape.ldap.factory.JSSSocketFactory
Returns the full path of the security module database.
getModifications() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFModifyContent
Retrieves the list of the modifications specified in the content of the LDIF record.
getName() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
Gets the name of the object class, attribute type, or matching rule.
getName() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Returns the name of the attribute.
getNameForm() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPDITStructureRuleSchema
Returns the NameForm that this structure rule controls.
getNameForm(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Gets the definition of a name form with the specified name.
getNameFormNames() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Get an enumeration of the names of the name forms in this schema.
getNameForms() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Get an enumeration of the name forms in this schema.
getNewParent() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFModDNContent
Returns the entry's new parent DN, if specified in the content of the LDIF record.
getNumEntries() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPCache
Gets the number of entries being cached.
getNumFlushes() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPCache
Gets the total number of entries that are flushed when timer expires and flushEntries is called.
getNumHits() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPCache
Gets the total number of requests which successfully found and retrieved an item from the cache.
getNumMisses() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPCache
Gets the total number of requests which failed to find and retrieve an item from the cache.
getObjectClass() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPNameFormSchema
Returns the name of the object class that this name form applies to.
getObjectClass(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Gets the definition of the object class with the specified name.
getObjectClasses() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Gets an enumeration ofthe object class definitions in this schema.
getObjectClassNames() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Get an enumeration of the names of the object classes in this schema.
getOID() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
Deprecated. Use LDAPSchemaElement.getID()
getOID() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPExtendedResponse
Deprecated. Use LDAPExtendedResponse.getID()
getOp() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPModification
Returns the type of modification specified by this object.
GetOpt - class netscape.ldap.util.GetOpt.
This class is similar to the getopt() function in UNIX System V.
GetOpt(String, String[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.GetOpt
Constructs a GetOpt object.
getOption(int) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Retrieves an option that applies to the connection.
getOption(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Returns the value of the specified option for this LDAPConnection object.
getOptionalAttributes() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPObjectClassSchema
Gets an enumeration of names of optional attributes allowed in this object class.
getOptionalAttributes() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPDITContentRuleSchema
Gets the names of optional attributes allowed in this content rule.
getOptionalNamingAttributes() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPNameFormSchema
Gets the names of optional attributes allowed in this name form.
getOptionalValues(String[]) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
Gets qualifiers which may or may not be present
getOptionParam(char) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.GetOpt
Gets the argument specified with an option.
getOutputStream() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Gets the stream for writing to the socket
getOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in interface com.netscape.sasl.SaslClient
Retrieves an output stream for the session.
getOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in class com.netscape.sasl.mechanisms.SaslExternal
Retrieves an output stream for the session.
getParameters() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.GetOpt
Gets a list of any additional parameters specified (not including the arguments for any options).
getParent() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.DN
Gets the parent DN for this DN.
getPassword() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPRebindAuth
Returns the password to be used for reauthentication, if the client is set up to follow referrals automatically.
getPort() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPUrl
Return the port number for the LDAP server
getPort() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Returns the port number of the LDAP server to which you are connected.
getPort() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Returns the port to search at.
getPrecludedAttributes() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPDITContentRuleSchema
Gets the names of the precluded attributes for this content rule.
getPreviousDN() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPEntryChangeControl
Gets the previous DN of the entry (if the entry was renamed).
getPrintableValue(byte[]) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDAPWriter
getProperty() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetProperty
Searches and returns values of a previously registered property, using previously set parameters
getProperty(ActionEvent) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetProperty
getProperty(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Gets a property of a connection.
getProperty(String, int, String, String, String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetProperty
Searches and returns values for a specified attribute
getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPSimpleAuthBeanInfo
getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMemberBeanInfo
getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetPropertyBeanInfo
getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetEntriesBeanInfo
getQualifier(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
Gets the value of a qualifier which is not predefined.
getQualifierNames() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
Gets an enumeration of all qualifiers which are not predefined.
getRDN() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFModDNContent
Returns the new RDN specified in the content of the LDIF record.
getRDNs() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.DN
Returns a list of the components (RDN objects) that make up the current DN.
getRebindAuthentication(String, int) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPRebind
Returns an LDAPRebindAuth object, which the calling function can use to get the DN and password to use for authentication (if the client is set up to follow referrals automatically).
getRebindProc() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConstraints
Returns the object that provides the method for getting authentication information.
getReferrals() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConstraints
Specifies whether nor not referrals are followed automatically.
getReferrals() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPResponse
Returns all referrals, if any, in a server response.
getRequiredAttributes() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPObjectClassSchema
Gets an enumeration of the names of the required attributes for this object class.
getRequiredAttributes() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPDITContentRuleSchema
Gets the names of the required attributes for this content rule.
getRequiredNamingAttributes() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPNameFormSchema
Gets the names of the required attributes for this name form.
getResponse() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchListener
Blocks until a search result, reference or response is available, or until all operations associated with the object have completed or been canceled.
getResponse() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPResponseListener
Blocks until a response is available, or until all operations associated with the object have completed or been canceled, and returns the response.
getResponseControls() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchResults
Returns the controls returned with this search result.
getResponseControls() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Returns an array of the latest controls (if any) from server.
getResponseControls() - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv3
Returns an array of the latest controls (if any) from the server.
getResultCode() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPResponse
Returns the result code in a server response.
getResultCode() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPSortControl
getResultCode() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPVirtualListResponse
Gets the result code.
getResultString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetEntries
getReturnControls() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPersistSearchControl
Indicates whether or not the server includes an "entry change notification" control with each entry it sends back to the client during the persistent search.
getReverse() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSortKey
Returns true if sorting is to be done in descending order.
getRuleID() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPDITStructureRuleSchema
Returns the rule ID for this structure rule.
getScope() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPUrl
Returns the scope of the search, according to the values SCOPE_BASE, SCOPE_ONE, SCOPE_SUB as defined in LDAPv2.
getScope() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Get the current search scope
getSearchConstraints() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Returns the set of search constraints that apply to all searches performed through this connection (unless you specify a different set of search constraints when calling the search method).
getSecondsToExpiration() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPasswordExpiringControl
Gets the number of seconds until the password expires returned by the server.
getServerControls() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConstraints
Returns any server controls to be applied by the server to LDAP operations.
getServerTimeLimit() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchConstraints
Returns the maximum number of seconds to wait for the server to spend on a search operation.If 0, there is no time limit.
getSize() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPCache
Gets the maximum size of the cache (in bytes).
getSize() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERBitString
Gets the number of bits.
getSocketFactory() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Gets the object representing the socket factory used to establish a connection to the LDAP server.
getSSLSocketImpl() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSSLSocketFactory
Returns the name of the class that implements SSL sockets for this factory.
getSSLSocketImpl() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSSLSocketWrapFactory
Returns the name of the class that implements SSL sockets for this factory.
getStringValueArray() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Returns the values of the attribute as an array of String objects.
getStringValues() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Returns an enumerator for the string values of an attribute.
getSubset(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSet
Creates a new attribute set containing only the attributes that have the specified subtypes.
getSubtypes() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Extracts the subtypes from the attribute name of the current LDAPAttribute object.
getSubtypes(String) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Extracts the subtypes from the specified attribute name.
getSuperior() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSchema
Gets the name of the attribute that this attribute inherits from, if any.
getSuperior() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPObjectClassSchema
Gets the name of the object class from which this class inherits.
getSuperiors() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPObjectClassSchema
Gets the names of all object classes that this class inherits from.
getSuperiors() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPDITStructureRuleSchema
Returns a list of all structure rules that are superior to this structure rule.
getSyntax() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSyntaxSchema
Gets the syntax of the schema element
getSyntax() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSchema
Gets the syntax of the schema element
getSyntax(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Gets the definition of a syntax with the specified name.
getSyntaxes() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Get an enumeration of the syntaxes in this schema.
getSyntaxNames() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Get an enumeration of the names of the syntaxes in this schema.
getSyntaxString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSyntaxSchema
Gets the syntax of the syntax type in dotted-decimal format, for example ""
getSyntaxString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSchema
Gets the syntax of the attribute type in dotted-decimal format, for example ""
getTag() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERTag
Gets the element tag.
getTempFile(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFWriter
Create a unique file name in the temp folder and open an output stream to the file
getTimeLimit() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConstraints
Returns the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for any operation under these constraints.
getTimeToLive() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPCache
Gets the maximum age allowed for cached items (in seconds).
getTotalOperations() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPCache
Gets the total number of requests for retrieving items from the cache.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMessage
Returns the LDAP operation type of the message
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPObjectClassSchema
Gets the type of the object class.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.RDN
Deprecated. use getTypes() instead.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFModDNContent
Returns the content type.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFAttributeContent
Returns the content type.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFDeleteContent
Returns the content type.
getType() - Method in interface netscape.ldap.util.LDIFContent
Determines the content type.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFModifyContent
Returns the content type.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFAddContent
Returns the content type.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
Gets the element type.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERObjectId
Gets the element type.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERAny
Gets the element type.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERChoice
Gets the element type.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERBoolean
Gets the element type.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERNull
Gets the element type.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERUTCTime
Gets the element type.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERConstruct
Gets the element type.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERSet
Gets the element type.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERBitString
Gets the element type.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERCharacterString
Gets the element type.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BEROctetString
Gets the element type.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERIntegral
Gets the element type.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BEREnumerated
Gets the element type.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERInteger
Gets the element type.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERNumericString
Gets the element type.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERVisibleString
Gets the element type.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERSequence
Gets the element type.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERTag
Gets the element type.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERReal
Gets the element type.
getType() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERPrintableString
Gets the element type.
getTypes() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.RDN
Returns the attribute types of the DN component.
getUrl() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPUrl
Returns a valid string representation of this LDAP URL.
getUrls() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchResultReference
Returns a list of LDAP URLs that are referred to.
getURLs() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPReferralException
Gets the list of referrals (LDAP URLs to other servers) returned by the LDAP server.
getUserID() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Return the user ID.
getUserName() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Returns the user name
getUseValue() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMatchingRuleSchema
Gets the matching rule use definition in the string representation of the MatchingRuleUseDescription data type defined in X.501 (see RFC 2252, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Attribute Syntax Definitions for a description of these formats).
getValue() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPControl
Gets the data in the control.
getValue() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
Formats a String in the format defined in X.501 (see RFC 2252, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Attribute Syntax Definitions for a description of this format).
getValue() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSyntaxSchema
Prepares a value in RFC 2252 format for submission to a server
getValue() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPExtendedOperation
Get the data for this operation.
getValue() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMatchingRuleUseSchema
Gets the matching rule use definition in the string representation of the MatchingRuleUseDescription data type defined in X.501 (see RFC 2252, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Attribute Syntax Definitions for a description of these formats).
getValue() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPExtendedResponse
Returns the raw bytes of the value part of the response.
getValue() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMatchingRuleSchema
Gets the matching rule definition in the string representation of the MatchingRuleDescription data type defined in X.501 (see RFC 2252, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Attribute Syntax Definitions for a description of these formats).
getValue() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPDITContentRuleSchema
Prepares a value in RFC 2252 format for submission to a server
getValue() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPDITStructureRuleSchema
Prepares a value in RFC 2252 format for submission to a server
getValue() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.RDN
Deprecated. use getValues() instead.
getValue() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERObjectId
Gets the element value.
getValue() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERChoice
Gets the value of the chosen type.
getValue() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERBoolean
Gets the boolean value.
getValue() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERUTCTime
Gets the element value.
getValue() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERBitString
Gets the bitstring value.
getValue() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERCharacterString
Gets the element value.
getValue() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BEROctetString
Gets the element value.
getValue() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERIntegral
Gets the integral value.
getValue() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERTag
Gets the element from the tagged object.
getValues() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.RDN
Returns the values of the DN component.
getVersion() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIF
Gets the version of LDIF used in the data.
GRAPHICSTRING - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement


hasMoreElements() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchResults
Returns true if there are more search results to be returned.
hasOption(char) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.GetOpt
Determines if an option was specified.
hasSubtype(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Reports whether the attribute name contains the specified subtype.
hasSubtypes(String[]) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Reports if the attribute name contains all specified subtypes For example, if you check for the subtypes lang-en and phonetic and the attribute name is cn;lang-en;phonetic, this method returns true.


IA5STRING - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
INAPPROPRIATE_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(48) The authentication presented to the server is inappropriate.
INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(18) An inappropriate type of matching was used.
INDEX_RANGE_ERROR - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(61) An index range error occurred.
initialize(LDAPEntry) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Extract all schema elements from subschema entry
initialize(String, String, String) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.factory.JSSSocketFactory
Initialize the JSS security subsystem.
INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(50) The client is authenticated as a user who does not have the access privileges to perform this operation.
integer - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
INTEGER - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
intString - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(21) The request contains invalid syntax.
INVALID_CREDENTIALS - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(49) The credentials presented to the server for authentication are not valid.
INVALID_DN_SYNTAX - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(34) The specified distinguished name (DN) uses invalid syntax.
INVALID_PARAMETER - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
INVALID_PARAMETER - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMember
IS_LEAF - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(35) The specified entry is a "leaf" entry (it has no entries beneath it in the directory tree).
isAuthenticated() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Indicates whether this client has authenticated to the LDAP server
isClientAuth() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSSLSocketFactory
Returns true if client authentication is enabled.
isClientAuth() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSSLSocketWrapFactory
Returns true if client authentication is to be used.
isClientAuth() - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPSSLSocketFactoryExt
Returns true if client authentication is enabled.
isComplete() - Method in interface com.netscape.sasl.SaslClient
Determines whether the authentication exchange has completed.
isComplete() - Method in class com.netscape.sasl.mechanisms.SaslExternal
The method may be called at any time to determine if the authentication process is finished.
isConnected() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Indicates whether the connection represented by this object is open at this time.
isCritical() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPControl
Specifies whether or not the control is critical to the LDAP operation.
isDescendantOf(DN) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.DN
Determines if this DN is a descendant of the given DN.
isDN(String) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.util.DN
Determines if the given string is an distinguished name or not.
isGreater(LDAPEntry, LDAPEntry) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPEntryComparator
Specifies the algorithm used to compare entries when sorting search results.
isGreater(LDAPEntry, LDAPEntry) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPCompareAttrNames
Returns true if the value of the attribute in the first entry is greater than the value of the attribute in the second entry.
isMember() - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMember
Checks if an entity (specified by distinguished name) is a member of a particular group (specified by distinguished name)
isMember(ActionEvent) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMember
Checks if an entity (specified by distinguished name) is a member of a particular group (specified by distinguished name)
isMember(String, int, String, String, String, String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMember
Checks if an entity (specified by distinguished name) is a member of a particular group (specified by distinguished name)
isMultivalued() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.RDN
Returns true if the RDN is multi-valued.
isNetscape() - Static method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Reports if the class is running in a Netscape browser.
isObsolete() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
Reports if the element is marked as obsolete.
isPrintable(byte[]) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIF
Returns true if all the bytes in the given array are valid for output as a String according to the LDIF specification.
isRDN(String) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.util.RDN
Determines if the specified string is a distinguished name component.
isResponseReceived() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchListener
Reports true if a response has been received from the server.
isResponseReceived() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPResponseListener
Reports true if a response has been received from the server.
isRFC() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.DN
Determines if the DN is in RFC 1485 format.
isSchemaEntry(LDAPEntry) - Static method in class LDAPSearch
isSingleValued() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSchema
Determines if the attribute type is single-valued.


JSSESocketFactory - class netscape.ldap.factory.JSSESocketFactory.
Creates an SSL socket connection to a server, using the JSSE package from Sun.
JSSESocketFactory(String[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.factory.JSSESocketFactory
Factory constructor
JSSSocketFactory - class netscape.ldap.factory.JSSSocketFactory.
Creates an SSL socket connection to a server, using the iPlanet JSS package.
JSSSocketFactory() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.factory.JSSSocketFactory
Constructs a new JSSSocketFactory.


LDAP_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(92) The request is not supported by this version of the LDAP protocol.
LDAP_PARTIAL_RESULTS - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(9) The LDAP server is referring your client to another LDAP server.
LDAP_PROPERTY_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Name of the property specifying the highest supported version of the LDAP protocol.
LDAP_PROPERTY_SDK - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Name of the property specifying the version of the SDK.
LDAP_PROPERTY_SECURITY - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Name of the property specifying the types of authentication allowed by this API (for example, anonymous authentication and simple authentication).
LDAP_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(85) The operation could not be completed within the maximum time limit.
LDAP_VERSION - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Version of the LDAP protocol used by default.
LDAPAsynchronousConnection - interface netscape.ldap.LDAPAsynchronousConnection.
Encapsulates a connection to an LDAP server, providing access to the input queue for messages received.
LDAPAttribute - class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute.
Represents the name and values of an attribute in an entry.
LDAPAttribute(BERElement) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Constructs an attribute from a BER (Basic Encoding Rules) element.
LDAPAttribute(LDAPAttribute) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Constructs an attribute from another existing attribute.
LDAPAttribute(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Constructs an attribute with no values.
LDAPAttribute(String, byte[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Constructs an attribute with a byte-formatted value.
LDAPAttribute(String, String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Constructs an attribute that has a single string value.
LDAPAttribute(String, String[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Constructs an attribute that has an array of string values.
LDAPAttributeSchema - class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSchema.
The definition of an attribute type in the schema.
LDAPAttributeSchema() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSchema
Constructs a blank element.
LDAPAttributeSchema(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSchema
Constructs an attribute type definition based on a description in the AttributeTypeDescription format.
LDAPAttributeSchema(String, String, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSchema
Constructs an attribute type definition, using the specified information.
LDAPAttributeSchema(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSchema
Constructs an attribute type definition, using the specified information.
LDAPAttributeSchema(String, String, String, String, boolean, String, String[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSchema
Constructs an attribute type definition, using the specified information.
LDAPAttributeSet - class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSet.
Represents a set of attributes (for example, the set of attributes in an entry).
LDAPAttributeSet() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSet
Constructs a new set of attributes.
LDAPAttributeSet(LDAPAttribute[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSet
Constructs an attribute set.
LDAPBasePropertySupport - class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport.
This is a base class that is extended by various specialized LDAP Beans.
LDAPBasePropertySupport() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Constructor with no parameters
LDAPBind - interface netscape.ldap.LDAPBind.
Performs explicit bind processing on a referral.
LDAPCache - class netscape.ldap.LDAPCache.
LDAPCache represents an in-memory cache that you can use to reduce the number of search requests sent to the LDAP server.
LDAPCache(long, long) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPCache
Constructs a new LDAPCache object, using the specified maximum size of the cache (in bytes) and the maximum age of cached items (in seconds).
LDAPCache(long, long, String[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPCache
Constructs a new LDAPCache object, using the specified maximum size of the cache (in bytes), and the maximum age of cached items (in seconds), and an array of the base DNs of searches that you want to cache.
LDAPCompareAttrNames - class netscape.ldap.LDAPCompareAttrNames.
Compares LDAP entries based on one or more attribute values.
LDAPCompareAttrNames(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPCompareAttrNames
Constructs a comparator that compares the string values of a named attribute in LDAP entries and sorts the entries in ascending order.
LDAPCompareAttrNames(String[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPCompareAttrNames
Constructs a comparator that compares the string values of a set of named attributes in LDAP entries and that sort the entries in ascending order.
LDAPCompareAttrNames(String[], boolean[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPCompareAttrNames
Constructs a comparator that compares the string values of a set of named attributes in LDAP entries and allows you to sort the entries in ascending or descending order.
LDAPCompareAttrNames(String, boolean) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPCompareAttrNames
Constructs a comparator that compares the string values of a named attribute in LDAP entries and that allows you to sort entries either in ascending or descending order.
LDAPConnection - class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection.
Represents a connection to an LDAP server.
LDAPConnection() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Constructs a new LDAPConnection object, which represents a connection to an LDAP server.
LDAPConnection(LDAPSocketFactory) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Constructs a new LDAPConnection object that will use the specified socket factory class to create socket connections.
LDAPConstraints - class netscape.ldap.LDAPConstraints.
Represents a set of operation preferences.
LDAPConstraints() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPConstraints
Constructs an LDAPConstraints object that specifies the default set of constraints.
LDAPConstraints(int, boolean, LDAPBind, int) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPConstraints
Constructs a new LDAPConstraints object and allows you to specify the constraints in that object.
LDAPConstraints(int, boolean, LDAPRebind, int) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPConstraints
Constructs a new LDAPConstraints object and allows you to specify the constraints in that object.
LDAPControl - class netscape.ldap.LDAPControl.
Represents arbitrary control data that can be used with a a particular LDAP operation.
LDAPControl() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPControl
Default constructor for the LDAPControl class.
LDAPControl(String, boolean, byte[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPControl
Constructs a new LDAPControl object using the specified object ID (OID), "criticality" field, and data to be used by the control.
LDAPDelete - class LDAPDelete.
Executes the delete command to delete an LDAP entry.
LDAPDelete() - Constructor for class LDAPDelete
LDAPDITContentRuleSchema - class netscape.ldap.LDAPDITContentRuleSchema.
The definition of a DIT content rule in the schema.
LDAPDITContentRuleSchema() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPDITContentRuleSchema
Constructs a blank element.
LDAPDITContentRuleSchema(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPDITContentRuleSchema
Constructs a DIT content rule definition based on a description in the DITContentRuleDescription format.
LDAPDITContentRuleSchema(String, String, String, boolean, String[], String[], String[], String[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPDITContentRuleSchema
Constructs a DIT content rule definition, using the specified information.
LDAPDITStructureRuleSchema - class netscape.ldap.LDAPDITStructureRuleSchema.
The definition of a DIT structure rule in the schema.
LDAPDITStructureRuleSchema() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPDITStructureRuleSchema
Constructs a blank element.
LDAPDITStructureRuleSchema(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPDITStructureRuleSchema
Constructs a DIT structure rule definition based on a description in the DITStructureRuleDescription format.
LDAPDITStructureRuleSchema(String, int, String, boolean, String, String[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPDITStructureRuleSchema
Constructs a DIT structure rule definition, using the specified information.
LDAPDN - class netscape.ldap.LDAPDN.
Represents a distinguished name in LDAP.
LDAPDN() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPDN
LDAPEntry - class netscape.ldap.LDAPEntry.
Represents an entry in the directory.
LDAPEntry() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPEntry
Constructs an empty entry.
LDAPEntry(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPEntry
Constructs a new entry with the specified distinguished name and with an empty attribute set.
LDAPEntry(String, LDAPAttributeSet) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPEntry
Constructs a new entry with the specified distinguished name and set of attributes.
LDAPEntryChangeControl - class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPEntryChangeControl.
Represents an LDAP v3 server control that specifies information about a change to an entry in the directory.
LDAPEntryChangeControl() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPEntryChangeControl
Constructs a new LDAPEntryChangeControl object.
LDAPEntryChangeControl(String, boolean, byte[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPEntryChangeControl
Contructs an LDAPEntryChangedControl object.
LDAPEntryComparator - interface netscape.ldap.LDAPEntryComparator.
The LDAPEntryComparator interface represents the algorithm used to sort the search results.
LDAPException - exception netscape.ldap.LDAPException.
Indicates that an error has occurred.
LDAPException() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
Constructs a default exception with no specific error information.
LDAPException(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
Constructs a default exception with a specified string of additional information.
LDAPException(String, int) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
Constructs a default exception with a result code and a specified string of additional information.
LDAPException(String, int, String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
Constructs a default exception with a result code, a specified string of additional information, and a string containing information passed back from the server.
LDAPException(String, int, String, String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
Constructs a default exception with a result code, a specified string of additional information, a string containing information passed back from the server, and the DN of the closest matching entry, if the exception was thrown because an entry could not be found (for example, if cn=Babs Jensen, ou=People, c=Airius.com could not be found but ou=People, c=Airius.com is a valid directory entry, the "matched DN" is ou=People, c=Airius.com.
LDAPExtendedOperation - class netscape.ldap.LDAPExtendedOperation.
Version 3 of the LDAP protocol include the means to define additional operations ("extended operations") beyond the standard LDAP operations.
LDAPExtendedOperation(String, byte[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPExtendedOperation
Construct an object
LDAPExtendedResponse - class netscape.ldap.LDAPExtendedResponse.
Represents a server response to an extended operation request.
LDAPGetEntries - class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetEntries.
Invisible Bean that just takes a host, port, directory base, search string, and optional authentication name and password, and returns a list of all matching DNs.
LDAPGetEntries() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetEntries
Constructor with no parameters
LDAPGetEntries(String, int, String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetEntries
Constructor with host, port, and base initializers
LDAPGetEntries(String, int, String, int) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetEntries
Constructor with host, port, base, and scope initializers
LDAPGetEntriesBeanInfo - class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetEntriesBeanInfo.
BeanInfo for LDAPGetEntries
LDAPGetEntriesBeanInfo() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetEntriesBeanInfo
LDAPGetProperty - class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetProperty.
Invisible Bean that just takes a name and password, host and port, and directory base and attribute name, and returns an attribute's values from a Directory Server.
LDAPGetProperty() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetProperty
Constructor with no parameters
LDAPGetProperty(String, int, String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetProperty
Constructor with host, port, and base initializers
LDAPGetPropertyBeanInfo - class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetPropertyBeanInfo.
BeanInfo for LDAPGetProperty
LDAPGetPropertyBeanInfo() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetPropertyBeanInfo
LDAPInterruptedException - exception netscape.ldap.LDAPInterruptedException.
An exception thrown when the LDAP operation being invoked has been interrupted.
LDAPIsMember - class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMember.
Invisible Bean that just takes a host and port, optional authentication name and password, and DN of a group and another DN which might be a member of the group, and returns true or false, depending on whether the second DN is a member of the first.
LDAPIsMember() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMember
Constructor with no parameters
LDAPIsMember(String, int, String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMember
Constructor with host, port, and group DN initializers
LDAPIsMember(String, int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMember
Constructor with host, port, authentication DN and password and group DN initializers
LDAPIsMemberBeanInfo - class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMemberBeanInfo.
BeanInfo for LDAPIsMember
LDAPIsMemberBeanInfo() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMemberBeanInfo
LDAPMatchingRuleSchema - class netscape.ldap.LDAPMatchingRuleSchema.
The definition of a matching rule in the schema.
LDAPMatchingRuleSchema(String, String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPMatchingRuleSchema
Constructs a matching rule definition based on descriptions in the MatchingRuleDescription format and MatchingRuleUseDescription format.
LDAPMatchingRuleSchema(String, String, String, String[], int) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPMatchingRuleSchema
Constructs a matching rule definition, using the specified information.
LDAPMatchingRuleSchema(String, String, String, String[], String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPMatchingRuleSchema
Constructs a matching rule definition, using the specified information.
LDAPMatchingRuleSchema(String, String, String, String[], String, String[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPMatchingRuleSchema
Constructs a matching rule definition, using the specified information.
LDAPMatchingRuleUseSchema - class netscape.ldap.LDAPMatchingRuleUseSchema.
The definition of a matching rule use in the schema.
LDAPMatchingRuleUseSchema(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPMatchingRuleUseSchema
Constructs a matching rule use definition based on descriptions in the MatchingRuleUseDescription format.
LDAPMatchingRuleUseSchema(String, String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPMatchingRuleUseSchema
Constructs a matching rule use definition, using the specified information.
LDAPMessage - class netscape.ldap.LDAPMessage.
Base class for LDAP request and response messages.
LDAPModification - class netscape.ldap.LDAPModification.
Specifies changes to be made to the values of an attribute.
LDAPModification(int, LDAPAttribute) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPModification
Specifies a modification to be made to an attribute.
LDAPModificationSet - class netscape.ldap.LDAPModificationSet.
Represents a set of modifications to be made to attributes in an entry.
LDAPModificationSet() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPModificationSet
Constructs a new, empty set of modifications.
LDAPModify - class LDAPModify.
Executes modify, delete, add, and modRDN.
LDAPModify() - Constructor for class LDAPModify
LDAPNameFormSchema - class netscape.ldap.LDAPNameFormSchema.
The definition of a name form in the schema.
LDAPNameFormSchema(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPNameFormSchema
Constructs a name form definition based on a description in the NameFormDescription format.
LDAPNameFormSchema(String, String, String, boolean, String, String[], String[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPNameFormSchema
Constructs a name form definition, using the specified information.
LDAPObjectClassSchema - class netscape.ldap.LDAPObjectClassSchema.
The definition of an object class in the schema.
LDAPObjectClassSchema(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPObjectClassSchema
Constructs an object class definition based on a description in the ObjectClassDescription format.
LDAPObjectClassSchema(String, String, String[], String, String[], String[], int, String[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPObjectClassSchema
Constructs an object class definition, using the specified information.
LDAPObjectClassSchema(String, String, String, String, String[], String[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPObjectClassSchema
Constructs an object class definition, using the specified information.
LDAPObjectClassSchema(String, String, String, String, String[], String[], String[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPObjectClassSchema
Constructs an object class definition, using the specified information.
LDAPPasswordExpiredControl - class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPasswordExpiredControl.
Represents an LDAP v3 server control that may be returned if a password has expired, and password policy is enabled on the server.
LDAPPasswordExpiredControl(String, boolean, byte[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPasswordExpiredControl
Contructs an LDAPPasswordExpiredControl object.
LDAPPasswordExpiringControl - class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPasswordExpiringControl.
Represents an LDAP v3 server control that may be returned if a password is about to expire, and password policy is enabled on the server.
LDAPPasswordExpiringControl(String, boolean, byte[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPasswordExpiringControl
Contructs an LDAPPasswordExpiringControl object.
LDAPPersistSearchControl - class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPersistSearchControl.
Represents an LDAP v3 server control that specifies a persistent search (an ongoing search operation), which allows your LDAP client to get notification of changes to the directory.
LDAPPersistSearchControl() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPersistSearchControl
Default constructor
LDAPPersistSearchControl(int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPersistSearchControl
Constructs an LDAPPersistSearchControl object that specifies a persistent search.
LDAPProxiedAuthControl - class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPProxiedAuthControl.
Represents an LDAP v3 server control that specifies that you want the server to use the specified DN's identity for this operation.
LDAPProxiedAuthControl(String, boolean) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPProxiedAuthControl
Constructs an LDAPProxiedAuthControl object with a DN to use as identity.
LDAPRebind - interface netscape.ldap.LDAPRebind.
Specifies how to retrieve authentication information automatically for referrals.
LDAPRebindAuth - class netscape.ldap.LDAPRebindAuth.
Represents information used to authenticate the client in cases where the client follows referrals automatically.
LDAPRebindAuth(String, String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPRebindAuth
Constructs information that is used by the client for authentication when following referrals automatically.
LDAPReferralException - exception netscape.ldap.LDAPReferralException.
Represents the situation in which the LDAP server refers the client to another LDAP server.
LDAPReferralException() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPReferralException
Constructs a default exception with no specific error information.
LDAPReferralException(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPReferralException
Constructs a default exception with a specified string as additional information.
LDAPReferralException(String, int, String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPReferralException
Constructs a default exception with a specified string as additional information.
LDAPReferralException(String, int, String[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPReferralException
Constructs an exception with a list of LDAP URLs to other LDAP servers.
LDAPResponse - class netscape.ldap.LDAPResponse.
Represents the response to a particular LDAP operation.
LDAPResponseListener - class netscape.ldap.LDAPResponseListener.
Represents the message queue associated with a particular LDAP operation or operations.
LDAPSaslBind - class netscape.ldap.LDAPSaslBind.
Authenticates to a server using SASL
LDAPSaslBind(String, String[], String, Hashtable, Object) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPSaslBind
Construct an object which can authenticate to an LDAP server using the specified name and a specified SASL mechanism.
LDAPSchema - class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema.
This object represents the schema of an LDAP v3 server.
LDAPSchema() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Constructs a new LDAPSchema object.
LDAPSchema(LDAPEntry) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
LDAPSchemaElement - class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement.
Abstract class representing an element (such as an object class definition, an attribute type definition, or a matching rule definition) in the schema.
LDAPSchemaElement() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
Constructs a blank element.
LDAPSchemaElement(String, String, String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
Constructs a definition explicitly.
LDAPSchemaElement(String, String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
Constructs a definition explicitly.
LDAPSearch - class LDAPSearch.
Execute Search operations through the LDAP client interface.
LDAPSearch() - Constructor for class LDAPSearch
LDAPSearchConstraints - class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchConstraints.
Represents a set of search preferences.
LDAPSearchConstraints() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchConstraints
Constructs an LDAPSearchConstraints object that specifies the default set of search constraints.
LDAPSearchConstraints(int, int, int, boolean, int, LDAPRebind, int) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchConstraints
Constructs a new LDAPSearchConstraints object and allows you to specify the search constraints in that object.
LDAPSearchConstraints(int, int, int, int, boolean, int, LDAPBind, int) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchConstraints
Constructs a new LDAPSearchConstraints object and allows you to specify the search constraints in that object.
LDAPSearchConstraints(int, int, int, int, boolean, int, LDAPRebind, int) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchConstraints
Constructs a new LDAPSearchConstraints object and allows you to specify the search constraints in that object.
LDAPSearchListener - class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchListener.
Manages search results, references and responses returned on one or more search requests
LDAPSearchResult - class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchResult.
A LDAPSearchResult object encapsulates a single search result.
LDAPSearchResultReference - class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchResultReference.
An LDAPSearchResultReference object encapsulates a continuation reference from a search operation.
LDAPSearchResults - class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchResults.
The results of an LDAP search operation, represented as an enumeration.
LDAPSearchResults() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchResults
Constructs an enumeration of search results.
LDAPSimpleAuth - class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPSimpleAuth.
Invisible Bean that just authenticates a user with a Directory Server and returns Y or N.
LDAPSimpleAuth() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPSimpleAuth
Constructor with no parameters
LDAPSimpleAuth(String, int) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPSimpleAuth
Constructor with host and port initializers
LDAPSimpleAuth(String, int, String, String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPSimpleAuth
Constructor with all required authentication parameters
LDAPSimpleAuthBeanInfo - class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPSimpleAuthBeanInfo.
BeanInfo for LDAPSimpleAuth
LDAPSimpleAuthBeanInfo() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPSimpleAuthBeanInfo
LDAPSocketFactory - interface netscape.ldap.LDAPSocketFactory.
Represents a socket connection that you can use to connect to an LDAP server.
LDAPSortControl - class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPSortControl.
Represents an LDAP v3 server control that specifies that you want the server to return sorted search results.
LDAPSortControl(LDAPSortKey[], boolean) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPSortControl
Constructs an LDAPSortControl object with an array of sorting keys.
LDAPSortControl(LDAPSortKey, boolean) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPSortControl
Constructs an LDAPSortControl object with a single sorting key.
LDAPSortControl(String, boolean, byte[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPSortControl
Constructs a sort response LDAPSortControl object.
LDAPSortKey - class netscape.ldap.LDAPSortKey.
Represents sorting instructions for a particular attribute.
LDAPSortKey(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPSortKey
Constructs a new LDAPSortKey object that will sort based on the specified instructions.
LDAPSortKey(String, boolean) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPSortKey
Constructs a new LDAPSortKey object that will sort based on the specified attribute and sort order.
LDAPSortKey(String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPSortKey
Constructs a new LDAPSortKey object that will sort based on the specified attribute, sort order, and matching rule.
LDAPSSLSocketFactory - class netscape.ldap.LDAPSSLSocketFactory.
Creates an SSL socket connection to an LDAP Server.
LDAPSSLSocketFactory() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPSSLSocketFactory
Constructs an LDAPSSLSocketFactory object using the default SSL socket implementation, netscape.net.SSLSocket.
LDAPSSLSocketFactory(boolean) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPSSLSocketFactory
Constructs an LDAPSSLSocketFactory object using the default SSL socket implementation, netscape.net.SSLSocket.
LDAPSSLSocketFactory(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPSSLSocketFactory
Constructs an LDAPSSLSocketFactory object using the specified class.
LDAPSSLSocketFactory(String, boolean) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPSSLSocketFactory
Constructs an LDAPSSLSocketFactory object using the specified class.
LDAPSSLSocketFactory(String, Object) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPSSLSocketFactory
The constructor with the specified package for security and the specified cipher suites.
LDAPSSLSocketFactory(String, Object, boolean) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPSSLSocketFactory
The constructor with the specified package for security and the specified cipher suites.
LDAPSSLSocketFactoryExt - interface netscape.ldap.LDAPSSLSocketFactoryExt.
Represents an SSL socket connection that you can use to connect to an LDAP server.
LDAPSSLSocketWrapFactory - class netscape.ldap.LDAPSSLSocketWrapFactory.
Creates an SSL socket connection to an LDAP Server.
LDAPSSLSocketWrapFactory(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPSSLSocketWrapFactory
The constructor with the specified package for security
LDAPSSLSocketWrapFactory(String, Object) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPSSLSocketWrapFactory
The constructor with the specified package for security and the specified cipher suites.
LDAPSyntaxSchema - class netscape.ldap.LDAPSyntaxSchema.
The definition of a syntax type in the schema.
LDAPSyntaxSchema() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPSyntaxSchema
Constructs a blank element.
LDAPSyntaxSchema(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPSyntaxSchema
Constructs a syntax type definition based on a description in the ldapSyntaxes format.
LDAPSyntaxSchema(String, String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPSyntaxSchema
Constructs a syntax type definition, using the specified information.
LDAPTraceWriter - interface netscape.ldap.LDAPTraceWriter.
The LDAPTraceWriter interface enables logging of LDAP trace messages in environments where an OutputStream can not be used.
LDAPUrl - class netscape.ldap.LDAPUrl.
Represents an LDAP URL.
LDAPUrl(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPUrl
Constructs a URL object with the specified string as URL.
LDAPUrl(String, int, String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPUrl
Constructs with the specified host, port, and DN.
LDAPUrl(String, int, String, Enumeration, int, String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPUrl
Constructs a full-blown LDAP URL to specify an LDAP search operation.
LDAPUrl(String, int, String, String[], int, String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.LDAPUrl
Constructs a full-blown LDAP URL to specify an LDAP search operation.
LDAPv2 - interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2.
This interface summarizes the basic functionality available in the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) version 2.
LDAPv3 - interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv3.
Specifies additional features available in version 3 of the LDAP protocol.
LDAPVirtualListControl - class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPVirtualListControl.
Represents control data for returning paged results from a search.
LDAPVirtualListControl(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPVirtualListControl
Constructs a new LDAPVirtualListControl object.
LDAPVirtualListControl(int, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPVirtualListControl
LDAPVirtualListControl(String, int, int) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPVirtualListControl
Constructs a new LDAPVirtualListControl object.
LDAPVirtualListControl(String, int, int, String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPVirtualListControl
LDAPVirtualListResponse - class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPVirtualListResponse.
Represents control data for returning paged results from a search.
LDAPVirtualListResponse(byte[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPVirtualListResponse
Constructs a new LDAPVirtualListResponse object.
LDAPVirtualListResponse(String, boolean, byte[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPVirtualListResponse
Contructs an LDAPVirtualListResponse object.
LDAPWriter - class netscape.ldap.util.LDAPWriter.
Abstract class for outputting LDAP entries to a stream.
LDAPWriter(PrintWriter) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.LDAPWriter
Constructs an LDAPWriter object to output entries to a stream.
LDIF - class netscape.ldap.util.LDIF.
LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) is a file format used to import and export directory data from an LDAP server and to describe a set of changes to be applied to data in a directory.
LDIF() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.LDIF
Constructs an LDIF object to parse the LDAP data read from stdin.
LDIF(DataInputStream) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.LDIF
Constructs an LDIF object to parse the LDIF data read from an input stream.
LDIF(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.LDIF
Constructs an LDIF object to parse the LDIF data read from a specified file.
LDIFAddContent - class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFAddContent.
An object of this class represents the content of an LDIF record that specifies a new entry to be added.
LDIFAddContent(LDAPAttribute[]) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFAddContent
Constructs a new LDIFAddContent object with the specified attributes.
LDIFAttributeContent - class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFAttributeContent.
An object of this class represents the content of an LDIF record that specifies an entry and its attributes.
LDIFAttributeContent() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFAttributeContent
Constructs an empty LDIFAttributeContent object with no attributes specified.
LDIFBaseContent - class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFBaseContent.
An object of this class represents the content of an LDIF record.
LDIFBaseContent() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFBaseContent
Blank constructor for deserialization
LDIFContent - interface netscape.ldap.util.LDIFContent.
This interface represents the content of an LDIF record.
LDIFDeleteContent - class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFDeleteContent.
An object of this class represents the content of an LDIF record that specifies the deletion of an entry.
LDIFDeleteContent() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFDeleteContent
Constructs an LDIFDeleteContent object to specify that an entry should be deleted.
LDIFModDNContent - class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFModDNContent.
An object of this class represents the content of an LDIF record that specifies changes to an RDN or the DN of an entry.
LDIFModDNContent() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFModDNContent
Constructs an empty LDIFModDNContent object.
LDIFModifyContent - class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFModifyContent.
An object of this class represents the content of an LDIF record that specifies modifications to an entry.
LDIFModifyContent() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFModifyContent
Constructs an empty LDIFModifyContent object.
LDIFRecord - class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFRecord.
An object of this class represents an LDIF record in an LDIF file (or in LDIF data).
LDIFRecord(String, LDIFContent) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFRecord
Constructs a new LDIFRecord object with the specified content.
LDIFWriter - class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFWriter.
Class for outputting LDAP entries to a stream as LDIF.
LDIFWriter(PrintWriter) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFWriter
Constructs an LDIFWriter object to output entries to a stream as LDIF.
LDIFWriter(PrintWriter, boolean, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFWriter
Constructs an LDIFWriter object to output entries to a stream as LDIF.
length() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Returns the length (character count) of the byte buffer.
lookupControlClass(String) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPControl
Returns the Class that has been registered to oid.
LOOP_DETECT - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(54) A loop has been detected.


m_critical - Variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPControl
m_pw - Variable in class netscape.ldap.util.LDAPWriter
m_value - Variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPControl
m_value - Variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERCharacterString
Internal variables
main(String[]) - Static method in class LDAPDelete
main(String[]) - Static method in class LDAPModify
main(String[]) - Static method in class LDAPSearch
This is the main function.
main(String[]) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Prints out the LDAP Java SDK version and the highest LDAP protocol version supported by the SDK.
main(String[]) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Fetch the schema from the LDAP server at the specified host and port, and print out the schema (including descriptions of its object classes, attribute types, and matching rules).
main(String[]) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetEntries
The main body if we run it as application instead of applet.
main(String[]) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPSimpleAuth
The main body if we run it as stand-alone application.
main(String[]) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMember
The main body if we run it as application instead of applet.
main(String[]) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetProperty
The main body if we run it as application instead of applet.
main(String[]) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIF
Test driver - just reads and parses an LDIF file, printing each record as interpreted
makeSocket(String, int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSSLSocketFactory
Returns a socket to the LDAP server with the specified host name and port number.
makeSocket(String, int) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPSocketFactory
Returns a socket to the specified host name and port number.
makeSocket(String, int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSSLSocketWrapFactory
Returns socket to the specified host name and port number.
makeSocket(String, int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.factory.JSSESocketFactory
Creates an SSL socket
makeSocket(String, int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.factory.JSSSocketFactory
Creates an SSL socket
MANAGEDSAIT - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPControl
MAXBACKLOG - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Option specifying the maximum number of unread entries to be cached in any LDAPSearchResults without suspending reading from the server.
MAY - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPDITContentRuleSchema
merge(LDAPResponseListener) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPResponseListener
Merge two response listeners.
merge(LDAPSearchListener) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchListener
Merge two response listeners.
MimeBase64Decoder - class netscape.ldap.util.MimeBase64Decoder.
Implements a plaintext -> Base64 encoder.
MimeBase64Decoder() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.MimeBase64Decoder
MimeBase64Encoder - class netscape.ldap.util.MimeBase64Encoder.
Implements a plaintext -> Base64 encoder.
MimeBase64Encoder() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.MimeBase64Encoder
MimeEncoder - class netscape.ldap.util.MimeEncoder.
This abstract class is the parent of those classes which implement MIME encoding and decoding: base64.
MimeEncoder() - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.MimeEncoder
MINUS_INFINITY - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERReal
MODDN - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPersistSearchControl
Change type specifying that you want to track modifications of the DNs of entries in the directory.
MODDN_CONTENT - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.util.LDIFContent
The LDIF record specifies changes to the DN or RDN of an entry.
MODIFICATION_CONTENT - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.util.LDIFContent
The LDIF record specifies modifications to an entry.
MODIFY - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPersistSearchControl
Change type specifying that you want to track modifications of entries in the directory.
MODIFY_RDN_REQUEST - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMessage
MODIFY_RDN_RESPONSE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMessage
MODIFY_REQUEST - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMessage
MODIFY_RESPONSE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMessage
modify(LDAPConnection, LDAPSchemaElement) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
Replaces a single value of the object class, attribute type, or matching rule definition in the schema at the root DSE.
modify(LDAPConnection, LDAPSchemaElement, String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
Replaces a single value of the object class, attribute type, or matching rule definition in the schema.
modify(String, LDAPModification) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Modifies an attribute of a directory entry.
modify(String, LDAPModification) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Makes a single change to an existing entry in the directory (for example, changes the value of an attribute, adds a new attribute value, or removes an existing attribute value).
modify(String, LDAPModification[]) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Makes a set of changes to an existing entry in the directory (for example, changes attribute values, adds new attribute values, or removes existing attribute values).
modify(String, LDAPModification[], LDAPConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Makes a set of changes to an existing entry in the directory and allows you to specify preferences for this LDAP modify operation by using an LDAPConstraints object.
modify(String, LDAPModification[], LDAPSearchConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Deprecated. Please use the method signature where cons is LDAPConstraints instead of LDAPSearchConstraints
modify(String, LDAPModification, LDAPConstraints) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Modifies an attribute of a directory entry.
modify(String, LDAPModification, LDAPConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Makes a single change to an existing entry in the directory and allows you to specify preferences for this LDAP modify operation by using an LDAPConstraints object.
modify(String, LDAPModification, LDAPResponseListener) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Makes a single change to an existing entry in the directory (for example, changes the value of an attribute, adds a new attribute value, or removes an existing attribute value).
The LDAPModification object specifies both the change to make and the LDAPAttribute value to be changed.
modify(String, LDAPModification, LDAPResponseListener) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPAsynchronousConnection
Makes a single change to an existing entry in the directory (for example, changes the value of an attribute, adds a new attribute value, or removes an existing attribute value).
The LDAPModification object specifies both the change to be made and the LDAPAttribute value to be changed.
modify(String, LDAPModification, LDAPResponseListener, LDAPConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Makes a single change to an existing entry in the directory (for example, changes the value of an attribute, adds a new attribute value, or removes an existing attribute value).
The LDAPModification object specifies both the change to make and the LDAPAttribute value to be changed.
modify(String, LDAPModification, LDAPResponseListener, LDAPConstraints) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPAsynchronousConnection
Makes a single change to an existing entry in the directory (for example, changes the value of an attribute, adds a new attribute value, or removes an existing attribute value).
The LDAPModification object specifies both the change to be made and the LDAPAttribute value to be changed.
modify(String, LDAPModification, LDAPSearchConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Deprecated. Please use the method signature where cons is LDAPConstraints instead of LDAPSearchConstraints
modify(String, LDAPModificationSet) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Modifies the attributes of a directory entry.
modify(String, LDAPModificationSet) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Makes a set of changes to an existing entry in the directory (for example, changes attribute values, adds new attribute values, or removes existing attribute values).
modify(String, LDAPModificationSet, LDAPConstraints) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Modifies the attributes of a directory entry.
modify(String, LDAPModificationSet, LDAPConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Makes a set of changes to an existing entry in the directory and allows you to specify preferences for this LDAP modify operation by using an LDAPConstraints object.
modify(String, LDAPModificationSet, LDAPResponseListener) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Makes a set of changes to an existing entry in the directory (for example, changes attribute values, adds new attribute values, or removes existing attribute values).
modify(String, LDAPModificationSet, LDAPResponseListener) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPAsynchronousConnection
Makes a set of changes to an existing entry in the directory (for example, changes attribute values, adds new attribute values, or removes existing attribute values).
modify(String, LDAPModificationSet, LDAPResponseListener, LDAPConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Makes a set of changes to an existing entry in the directory (for example, changes attribute values, adds new attribute values, or removes existing attribute values).
modify(String, LDAPModificationSet, LDAPResponseListener, LDAPConstraints) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPAsynchronousConnection
Makes a set of changes to an existing entry in the directory (for example, changes attribute values, adds new attribute values, or removes existing attribute values).
modify(String, LDAPModificationSet, LDAPSearchConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Deprecated. Please use the method signature where cons is LDAPConstraints instead of LDAPSearchConstraints
MORE_RESULTS_TO_RETURN - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(95) More results are being returned from the server.
MRA_DNATTRS - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
MRA_OID - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
MRA_TYPE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
MRA_VALUE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
MUST - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPDITContentRuleSchema


name - Variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
NAMING_VIOLATION - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(64) A naming violation has occurred.
netscape.ldap - package netscape.ldap
netscape.ldap.beans - package netscape.ldap.beans
netscape.ldap.ber.stream - package netscape.ldap.ber.stream
netscape.ldap.controls - package netscape.ldap.controls
netscape.ldap.factory - package netscape.ldap.factory
netscape.ldap.util - package netscape.ldap.util
newInstance(byte[]) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPControl
Instantiates all of the controls contained within the LDAP message fragment specified by data and returns them in an LDAPControl array.
next() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchResults
Returns the next LDAP entry from the search results and throws an exception if the next result is a referral, or if a sizelimit or timelimit error occurred.
nextElement() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchResults
Returns the next result from a search.
nextRecord() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIF
Returns the next record in the LDIF data.
NO_ATTRS - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv3
Attribute type that you can specify in the LDAPConnection search method if you don't want to retrieve any of the attribute types for entries found by the search.
NO_RESULTS_RETURNED - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(94) No results have been returned from the server.
NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(16) The specified attribute could not be found.
NO_SUCH_OBJECT - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(32) The entry specified in the request does not exist.
NO_SUCH_OBJECT - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
NO_SUCH_OBJECT - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMember
NO_USER_MODIFICATION - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSchema
NODELAY_PARALLEL - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Specifies the parallel connection setup policy with no delay when a list of hosts is passed to the connect method.
NODELAY_SERIAL - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Specifies the serial connection setup policy when a list of hosts is passed to the connect method.
normalize(String) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPDN
Normalizes the dn.
NOT - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPDITContentRuleSchema
NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NONLEAF - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(66) The requested operation can only be performed on an entry that has no entries beneath it in the directory tree (in other words, a "leaf" entry).
NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(67) The specified operation cannot be performed on a relative distinguished name (RDN).
novalsTable - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
NULL - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
NUMERICSTRING - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement


OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBITED - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(69) You cannot modify the specified object class.
OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(65) The requested operation will add or change data so that the data no longer complies with the schema.
OBJECTID - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
OBSOLETE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
OCTETSTRING - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
oid - Variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
OK - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
OK - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMember
OPERATION_ERROR - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(1) An internal error occurred in the LDAP server.
ORDERING - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSchema
OSF - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.util.DN
Type specifying a DN in the OSF format.
OTHER - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(80) General result code for other types of errors that may occur.


PARAM_ERROR - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(89) When calling a constructor or method from your client, one or more parameters were incorrectly specified.
parse_control_spec(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIF
Parses the specification of a control
A control looks line one of the following:
control: true
control: true: someASCIIvalue
control: someASCIIvalue
control: true:: 44GK44GM44GV44KP44KJ
control: 44GK44GM44GV44KP44KJ
control: true:< file:///usr/local/directory/cont.dta
control:< file:///usr/local/directory/cont.dta
parseResponse(byte[]) - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPersistSearchControl
Deprecated. LDAPEntryChangeControl controls are now automatically instantiated.
parseResponse(LDAPControl[]) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPersistSearchControl
Deprecated. LDAPEntryChangeControl controls are now automatically instantiated.
parseResponse(LDAPControl[]) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPasswordExpiredControl
Deprecated. LDAPPasswordExpiredControl controls are now automatically instantiated.
parseResponse(LDAPControl[]) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPVirtualListResponse
Deprecated. LDAPVirtualListResponse controls are now automatically instantiated.
parseResponse(LDAPControl[]) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPasswordExpiringControl
Deprecated. LDAPPasswordExpiringControl controls are now automatically instantiated.
parseResponse(LDAPControl[], int[]) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPSortControl
Deprecated. LDAPSortControl response controls are now automatically instantiated.
parseValue(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
Parses a raw schema value into OID, name, description, and a Hashtable of other qualifiers and values.
PERSISTENTSEARCH - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPersistSearchControl
PLUS_INFINITY - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERReal
Constants: special ASN.1 real values
PRIMITIVE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
PRINTABLESTRING - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
printAttribute(LDAPAttribute) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDAPWriter
Print an attribute of an entry
printAttribute(LDAPAttribute) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.DSMLWriter
Print an attribute of an entry
printAttribute(LDAPAttribute) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFWriter
Print an attribute of an entry
printAttributeSchema(LDAPSchema) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.DSMLWriter
Prints the attribute schema from a schema object schema schema elements
printDebug(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
printEntry(LDAPEntry) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDAPWriter
The main method of LDAPWriter.
printEntryEnd(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDAPWriter
Print epilogue to entry
printEntryEnd(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.DSMLWriter
Print epilogue to entry
printEntryEnd(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFWriter
Print epilogue to entry
printEntryStart(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDAPWriter
Print prologue to entry
printEntryStart(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.DSMLWriter
Print prologue to entry
printEntryStart(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFWriter
Print prologue to entry
printEscapedValue(String, String, String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.DSMLWriter
Print the element start, the value with escaping of special characters, and the element end
printObjectClassSchema(LDAPSchema) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.DSMLWriter
Prints the object class schema from a schema object schema schema elements
printPool() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ConnectionPool
Debug method to print the contents of the pool
printSchema(LDAPEntry) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDAPWriter
Default schema writer - assumes an ordinary entry
printSchema(LDAPEntry) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.DSMLWriter
Prints the schema from an entry containing subschema entry entry containing schema definitions
printStackTrace() - Method in class com.netscape.sasl.SaslException
Prints this exception's stack trace to System.err.
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in class com.netscape.sasl.SaslException
Prints this exception's stack trace to a print stream.
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in class com.netscape.sasl.SaslException
Prints this exception's stack trace to a print writer.
printString(String) - Static method in class LDAPSearch
printString(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.DSMLWriter
printString(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFWriter
PRIVATE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
properties - Variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMember
PROTOCOL_ERROR - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(2) A LDAP server could not correctly interpret the request sent by your client because the request does not strictly comply with the LDAP protocol.
PROTOCOL_VERSION - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Option specifying the version of the LDAP protocol used by your client when interacting with the LDAP server.
PROXIEDAUTHREQUEST - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPProxiedAuthControl
PWEXPIRED - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPControl
PWEXPIRING - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPControl


rawValue - Variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
RDN - class netscape.ldap.util.RDN.
Objects of this class represent the components of a distinguished name (DN).
RDN(String) - Constructor for class netscape.ldap.util.RDN
Constructs a new RDN object from the specified DN component.
read(InputStream, int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Invokes the InputStream.read method and appends the the bytes read to this byte buffer.
read(LDAPUrl) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Reads the entry specified by the LDAP URL.
read(RandomAccessFile, int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Invokes the RandomAccessFile.read method, appending the bytes read to this byte buffer.
read(String) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Read the entry corresponding to the specified distinguished name (DN).
read(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Reads the entry for the specified distiguished name (DN) and retrieves all attributes for the entry.
read(String, LDAPSearchConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Reads the entry for the specified distiguished name (DN) and retrieves all attributes for the entry.
read(String, String[]) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Read the entry corresponding to the specified distinguished name (DN), and retrieve only the specified attributes.
read(String, String[]) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Reads the entry for the specified distinguished name (DN) and retrieves only the specified attributes from the entry.
read(String, String[], LDAPSearchConstraints) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Read the entry corresponding to the specified distinguished name (DN), and retrieve only the specified attributes.
read(String, String[], LDAPSearchConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
readLengthOctets(InputStream, int[]) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
Reads and decodes a length byte and then that many octets from the input stream.
readTwosComplement(InputStream, int[], int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
Reads the two's complement representation of an integer from an input stream.
readUnsignedBinary(InputStream, int[], int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
Reads a number of bytes from an input stream and form an integer..
REAL - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
reconnect() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Disconnect from the server and then reconnect using the current credentials and authentication method
REFERRAL - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(10) [LDAP v3] The server does not hold the requested entry.
REFERRAL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(97) The number of sequential referrals (for example, the client may be referred first from LDAP server A to LDAP server B, then from LDAP server B to LDAP server C, and so on) has exceeded the maximum number of referrals (the LDAPv2.REFERRALS_HOP_LIMIT option).
REFERRALS - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Option specifying whether or not referrals to other LDAP servers are followed automatically.
REFERRALS_HOP_LIMIT - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Option specifying the maximum number of referrals to follow in a sequence when requesting an LDAP operation.
REFERRALS_REBIND_PROC - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Option specifying the object containing the method for getting authentication information (the distinguished name and password) used during a referral.
register(String, Class) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPControl
Associates a class with an oid.
registerAttributeSyntax(String, String) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.util.RDN
Registers the the given attribute for the given syntax in an internal table.
remove(LDAPConnection) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
Removes the current object class, attribute type, or matching rule definition from the schema at the root DSE.
remove(LDAPConnection, String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
Removes the current object class, attribute type, or matching rule definition from the schema.
remove(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPModificationSet
Removes the first attribute with the specified name in the set of modifications.
remove(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSet
Removes the specified attribute from the set.
removeElementAt(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPModificationSet
Removes a particular LDAPModification object at the position specified by the index.
removeElementAt(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSet
Removes the attribute at the position specified by the index.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Remove a client which had requested notification on authentication
removeValue(byte[]) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Removes a byte[]-formatted value from the attribute.
removeValue(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Removes a string value from the attribute.
rename(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Changes the name of an entry in the directory.
rename(String, String, boolean) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Renames an existing entry in the directory.
rename(String, String, boolean, LDAPConstraints) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Changes the name of an entry in the directory.
rename(String, String, boolean, LDAPConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Renames an existing entry in the directory.
rename(String, String, boolean, LDAPResponseListener) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Renames an existing entry in the directory.
rename(String, String, boolean, LDAPResponseListener) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPAsynchronousConnection
Renames an existing entry in the directory.
rename(String, String, boolean, LDAPResponseListener, LDAPConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Renames an existing entry in the directory.
rename(String, String, boolean, LDAPResponseListener, LDAPConstraints) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPAsynchronousConnection
Renames an existing entry in the directory.
rename(String, String, boolean, LDAPSearchConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Deprecated. Please use the method signature where cons is LDAPConstraints instead of LDAPSearchConstraints
rename(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Renames an existing entry in the directory and (optionally) changes the location of the entry in the directory tree.
rename(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv3
Renames and moves an entry in the directory.
rename(String, String, String, boolean, LDAPConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Renames an existing entry in the directory and (optionally) changes the location of the entry in the directory tree.
rename(String, String, String, boolean, LDAPConstraints) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv3
Renames and moves an entry in the directory.
rename(String, String, String, boolean, LDAPSearchConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Deprecated. Please use the method signature where cons is LDAPConstraints instead of LDAPSearchConstraints
REPLACE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPModification
Specifies that a value should replace the existing value in an attribute.
reportChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.DisplayString
REVERSE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSortKey
RFC - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.util.DN
Type specifying a DN in the RFC format.


Sasl - class com.netscape.sasl.Sasl.
A static class for creating SASL clients and servers.
SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(14) [LDAP v3] While authenticating your client by using a SASL (Simple Authentication Security Layer) mechanism, the server requires the client to send a new SASL bind request (specifying the same SASL mechanism) to continue the authentication process.
SaslClient - interface com.netscape.sasl.SaslClient.
Performs SASL authentication as a client.
SaslClientFactory - interface com.netscape.sasl.SaslClientFactory.
An interface for creating instances of SaslClient.
SASLCONTEXT - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
SaslException - exception com.netscape.sasl.SaslException.
This class represents an error that has occurred when using SASL.
SaslException() - Constructor for class com.netscape.sasl.SaslException
Constructs a new instance of SaslException.
SaslException(String) - Constructor for class com.netscape.sasl.SaslException
Constructs a new instance of SaslException with a detailed message.
SaslException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.netscape.sasl.SaslException
Constructs a new instance of SaslException with a detailed message and a root exception.
SaslExternal - class com.netscape.sasl.mechanisms.SaslExternal.
This class provides the implementation of the EXTERNAL mechanism driver.
SaslExternal() - Constructor for class com.netscape.sasl.mechanisms.SaslExternal
Default constructor
SCOPE_BASE - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Specifies that the scope of a search includes only the base DN (distinguished name).
SCOPE_ONE - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Specifies that the scope of a search includes only the entries one level below the base DN (distinguished name).
SCOPE_SUB - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Specifies that the scope of a search includes the base DN (distinguished name) and all entries at all levels beneath that base.
SEARCH_REQUEST - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMessage
SEARCH_RESPONSE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMessage
SEARCH_RESULT - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMessage
SEARCH_RESULT_REFERENCE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMessage
search(LDAPUrl) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Performs the search specified by the LDAP URL.
search(LDAPUrl, LDAPSearchConstraints) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Performs the search specified by the LDAP URL.
search(String, int, String, String[], boolean) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Searches for entries in the directory.
search(String, int, String, String[], boolean) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Performs the search specified by the criteria that you enter.
search(String, int, String, String[], boolean, LDAPSearchConstraints) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Searches for entries in the directory.
search(String, int, String, String[], boolean, LDAPSearchConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Performs the search specified by the criteria that you enter.
search(String, int, String, String[], boolean, LDAPSearchListener) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Performs the search specified by the criteria that you enter.
search(String, int, String, String[], boolean, LDAPSearchListener) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPAsynchronousConnection
Performs the search specified by the criteria that you enter.
search(String, int, String, String[], boolean, LDAPSearchListener, LDAPSearchConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Performs the search specified by the criteria that you enter.
search(String, int, String, String[], boolean, LDAPSearchListener, LDAPSearchConstraints) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPAsynchronousConnection
Performs the search specified by the criteria that you enter.
sendDefiniteLength(OutputStream, int) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
Writes length octets (definite length only) to stream.
SEQUENCE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
SERVER_DOWN - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(81) The LDAP server cannot be contacted.
SERVER_TIMELIMIT - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Option specifying the maximum number of milliseconds the server should spend returning search results before aborting the search.
SERVERCONTROLS - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv3
Option specifying server controls for LDAP operations.
SET - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
setAttribute(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetEntries
Sets the attribute to retrieve
setAttribute(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetProperty
Sets the attribute to retrieve
setAuthDN(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Sets the DN to authenticate as; null or empty for anonymous.
setAuthPassword(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Sets the password for the DN to authenticate as
setBase(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Sets the starting base
setBatchSize(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchConstraints
Sets the suggested number of results to return at a time during search.
setBindProc(LDAPBind) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConstraints
Sets the object that provides the mechanism for authenticating to the server on referrals.
setByteAt(int, byte) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Sets the value of the byte at the specified index.
setCache(LDAPCache) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Sets the specified LDAPCache object as the cache for the LDAPConnection object.
setCaseSensitive(boolean) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPCompareAttrNames
Sets the state of the case-sensitivity flag.
setChangeNumber(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPEntryChangeControl
Sets the change number (which identifies the record of the change in the server's change log) in this "entry change notification" control.
setChangesOnly(boolean) - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPersistSearchControl
Specifies whether you want the server to send any existing entries that already match the search criteria or only the entries that have changed.
setChangeType(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPEntryChangeControl
Sets the change type (which identifies the type of change that occurred) in this "entry change notification" control.
setChangeTypes(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPersistSearchControl
Sets the change types that you want monitored by this control.
setClientControls(LDAPControl) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConstraints
Sets a client control for LDAP operations.
setClientControls(LDAPControl[]) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConstraints
Sets an array of client controls for LDAP operations.
setConnectTimeout(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Specifies the maximum time to wait for the connection to be established.
setConnSetupDelay(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Specifies the delay in seconds when making concurrent connection attempts to multiple servers.
setConstraints(LDAPConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Set the default constraint set for all operations.
setContext(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPVirtualListControl
Sets the optional context cookie.
setControls(LDAPControl[]) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFBaseContent
Sets the list of controls
setControls(LDAPControl[]) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.util.LDIFContent
Sets the list of controls
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Turns debug output on or off
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ConnectionPool
Sets the debug printout mode.
setDefaultReferralCredentials(LDAPConnection) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
setDeleteOldRDN(boolean) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFModDNContent
Sets whether or not the old RDN should be removed as an attribute in the entry.
setDereference(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchConstraints
Sets a preference indicating how aliases should be dereferenced.
setDNs(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetProperty
setDNType(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.DN
Sets the type of format used for the DN (RFC format or OSF format).
setErrorCode(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Sets an error code for retrieval by a client
setFilter(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Sets the search filter
setGroup(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMember
Sets the distinguished name of the group
setHopLimit(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConstraints
Sets maximum number of hops to follow in sequence during a referral.
setHost(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Sets host string.
setImplicit(boolean) - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERTag
Sets the implicit tag.
setInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Sets the stream for reading from the listener socket if there is one
setLength(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Sets the length of the byte buffer.
setListSize(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPVirtualListControl
Sets the size of the virtual result set.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPCompareAttrNames
Set the locale, if any, used for collation.
setLocale(Locale, int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPCompareAttrNames
Sets the locale, if any, used for collation.
setMaxBacklog(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchConstraints
Deprecated. Use LDAPConnection.getOption()
setMaxResults(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchConstraints
Sets the maximum number of search results to return; 0 means there is no limit.
setMember(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPIsMember
Sets the distinguished name of the member
setNewParent(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFModDNContent
Sets the new parent DN that should be assigned to the entry.
setOption(int, Object) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Sets an option that applies to the connection.
setOption(int, Object) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Sets the value of the specified option for this LDAPConnection object.
setOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Sets the stream for writing to the socket
setPort(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Sets port number.
setPreviousDN(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPEntryChangeControl
Sets the previous DN of the entry (if the entry was renamed) in the "entry change notification control".
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
The following properties are defined:
com.netscape.ldap.schema.quoting - "standard" or "NetscapeBug"
Note: if this property is not set, the SDK will query the server to determine if attribute syntax values and objectclass superior values must be quoted when adding schema.
com.netscape.ldap.saslpackage - the default is "com.netscape.sasl"
setQualifier(String, String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
Keeps track of qualifiers which are not predefined.
setQualifier(String, String[]) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
Keeps track of qualifiers which are not predefined.
setRange(int, int, int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPVirtualListControl
Sets the starting index, and the number of entries before and after to return.
setRange(String, int, int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPVirtualListControl
Sets the search expression, and the number of entries before and after to return.
setRDN(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFModDNContent
Sets the new RDN that should be assigned to the entry.
setRebindProc(LDAPRebind) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConstraints
Specifies the object that provides the method for getting authentication information.
setReferrals(boolean) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConstraints
Specifies whether or not referrals are followed automatically.
setResultString(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPGetEntries
setReturnControls(boolean) - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPersistSearchControl
Specifies whether you want the server to include an "entry change notification" control with each entry it sends back to the client during the persistent search.
setSaslClientFactory(SaslClientFactory) - Static method in class com.netscape.sasl.Sasl
Sets the default SaslClientFactory to use.
setScope(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Set the search scope using an integer
setSearchConstraints(LDAPSearchConstraints) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Set the default constraint set for all search operations.
setServerControls(LDAPControl) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConstraints
Sets a server control for LDAP operations.
setServerControls(LDAPControl[]) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConstraints
Sets an array of server controls for LDAP operations.
setServerTimeLimit(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchConstraints
Sets the maximum number of seconds for the server to spend returning search results.
setSocketFactory(LDAPSocketFactory) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Specifies the object representing the socket factory that you want to use to establish a connection to a server.
setTimeLimit(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConstraints
Sets the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for any operation under these constraints.
setUserID(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Set the user ID.
setUserName(String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.beans.LDAPBasePropertySupport
Set the user name.
setValues(Object[]) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Sets the byte[] values as the attribute's values.
setValues(String[]) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Sets the string values as the attribute's values.
SINGLE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSchema
SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(4) The search found more than the maximum number of results.
size() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Returns the number of values of the attribute.
size() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPModificationSet
Retrieves the number of LDAPModification objects in this set.
size() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSet
Returns the number of attributes in this set.
size() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERConstruct
Retrieves number of elements.
SIZELIMIT - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Option specifying the maximum number of search results to return.
SK_MATCHRULE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
SK_REVERSE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
SORT_CONTROL_MISSING - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(60) The "server-side sorting" control was not included with the "virtual list view" control in the search request.
sort(LDAPEntryComparator) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchResults
Sorts the search results.
SORTREQUEST - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPSortControl
SORTRESPONSE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPSortControl
SR_ATTRTYPE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(8) A stronger authentication method (more than LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE) is required by the LDAP server that you are connecting to.
STRUCTURAL - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPObjectClassSchema
SUBSTR - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSchema
SUCCESS - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(0) The operation completed successfully.
SUPERIOR - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
SYNTAX - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
syntaxElement - Variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSyntaxSchema
syntaxElement - Variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSchema


TAG - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
Internal (non-transmitted) tags.
telephone - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
telephoneString - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
TELETEXSTRING - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(3) The search operation could not be completed within the maximum time limit.
TIMELIMIT - Static variable in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPv2
Option specifying the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for an operation to complete.
toBytes() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Returns the data in the byte buffer as a byte array.
toOSFString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.DN
Returns the DN in OSF format.
toPrintableString(byte[]) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIF
Converts a byte array to a printable string following the LDIF rules (encode in base64 if necessary)
toRFCString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.DN
Returns the DN in RFC 1485 format.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPModification
Retrieves the string representation of the current modification.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPControl
Return a string representation of the control for debugging
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConstraints
Return a string representation of the object for debugging
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
Gets the string representation of the exception, which includes the result code, the message sent back from the LDAP server, the portion of the DN that the server could find in the directory (if applicable), and the error message corresponding to this result code.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSortKey
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPUrl
Returns the URL in String format
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPEntry
Retrieves the string representation of the entry's distinguished name (DN) and its attributes.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMessage
Returns string representation of an LDAP message.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSyntaxSchema
Gets the definition of the syntax type in a user friendly format.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute
Retrieves the string representation of an attribute in an LDAP entry.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSchema
Gets the definition of the attribute type in a user friendly format.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMatchingRuleUseSchema
Gets the definition of the matching rule use in a user friendly format.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPNameFormSchema
Gets the definition of the name form in a user friendly format.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchConstraints
Return a string representation of the object for debugging
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPInterruptedException
Gets the string representation of the exception.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPObjectClassSchema
Gets the definition of the object class in a user friendly format.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMatchingRuleSchema
Gets the definition of the matching rule in a user friendly format.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPDITContentRuleSchema
Gets the definition of the rule in a user friendly format.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPModificationSet
Retrieves the string representation of the modification set.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchema
Displays the schema (including the descriptions of its object classes, attribute types, and matching rules) in an easily readable format (not the same as the format expected by an LDAP server).
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSet
Retrieves the string representation of all attributes in the attribute set.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPDITStructureRuleSchema
Gets the definition of the rule in a user friendly format.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPSortControl
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPersistSearchControl
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPasswordExpiredControl
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPVirtualListControl
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPEntryChangeControl
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPProxiedAuthControl
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPVirtualListResponse
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPPasswordExpiringControl
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Returns the data in the byte buffer to a string.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.RDN
Returns the string representation of the DN component.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.DN
Returns the string representation of the DN in its original format.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFModDNContent
Returns string representation of the content of the LDIF record.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFAttributeContent
Returns the string representation of the content of the LDIF record.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFRecord
Gets the string representation of the LDIFRecord object.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFDeleteContent
Returns the string representation of the content of the LDIF record.
toString() - Method in interface netscape.ldap.util.LDIFContent
Returns the string representation of the content of the LDIF record.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIF
Gets the string representation of the entire LDIF file.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFModifyContent
Returns the string representation of the content of the LDIF record.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.LDIFAddContent
Returns the string representation of the content of the LDIF record.
toString() - Method in class com.netscape.sasl.SaslException
Returns the string representation of this exception.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
Gets the string representation.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERObjectId
Gets the string representation.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERAny
Gets the string representation.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERChoice
Gets the string representation.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERBoolean
Gets the string representation.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERNull
Gets the string representation.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERUTCTime
Gets the string representation.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERConstruct
Gets the string representation.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERSet
Gets the string representation.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERBitString
Gets the string representation.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERCharacterString
Gets the string representation.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BEROctetString
Gets the string representation.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERIntegral
Gets the string representation.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BEREnumerated
Gets the string representation.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERInteger
Gets the string representation.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERNumericString
Gets the string representation.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERVisibleString
Gets the string representation.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERSequence
Gets the string representation.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERTag
Gets the string representation.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERReal
Gets the string representation.
toString() - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERPrintableString
Gets the string representation.
TRACE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection
Name of the property to enable/disable LDAP message trace.
translate(ByteBuf, ByteBuf) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.MimeEncoder
Given a sequence of input bytes, produces a sequence of output bytes.
translate(ByteBuf, ByteBuf) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.MimeBase64Decoder
Given a sequence of input bytes using the Base64 encoding, produces a sequence of unencoded output bytes.
translate(ByteBuf, ByteBuf) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.MimeBase64Encoder
Given a sequence of input bytes, produces a sequence of output bytes using the base64 encoding.
typeToString(int) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPObjectClassSchema
Returns the object class type as a String


UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(52) The LDAP server is unavailable.
UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(12) [LDAP v3] The server received an LDAP v3 control that is marked critical and either (1) is not recognized or supported by the server, or (2) is inappropriate for the operation requested.
UNBIND_REQUEST - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMessage
UNDEFINED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(17) The specified attribute is not defined.
unEscapeRDN(String) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPDN
Returns the RDN after unescaping any escaped characters.
UNIVERSAL - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
unknown - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
unregisterAttributeSyntax(String) - Static method in class netscape.ldap.util.RDN
Removes the the given attribute from the attribute syntax table.
UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPException
(53) The LDAP server is unable to perform the specified operation.
update(LDAPConnection, int, LDAPAttribute[], String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
Adds, removes or modifies the definition from a Directory.
update(LDAPConnection, int, LDAPAttribute, String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
Adds, removes or modifies the definition from a Directory.
update(LDAPConnection, int, String, String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
Adds, removes or modifies the definition from a Directory.
update(LDAPConnection, int, String, String) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPMatchingRuleSchema
Adds, removes or modifies the definition from a Directory.
USAGE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSchema
UTCTIME - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement


vectorToList(Vector) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPNameFormSchema
Creates a list within parentheses, with $ as delimiter
vectorToList(Vector) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPObjectClassSchema
Creates a list within parentheses, with $ as delimiter
vectorToList(Vector) - Method in class netscape.ldap.LDAPDITContentRuleSchema
Creates a list within parentheses, with $ as delimiter
VIDEOTEXSTRING - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
VIRTUALLIST - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPVirtualListControl
VIRTUALLISTRESPONSE - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.controls.LDAPVirtualListResponse
VISIBLESTRING - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement


write(OutputStream) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Writes the contents of the byte buffer to the specified output stream.
write(OutputStream) - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERElement
Sends the BER encoding directly to a stream.
write(OutputStream) - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERObjectId
Sends the BER encoding directly to a stream.
write(OutputStream) - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERAny
Sends the BER encoding directly to an output stream.
write(OutputStream) - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERChoice
Sends the BER encoding of the chosen type directly to a stream.
write(OutputStream) - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERBoolean
Sends the BER encoding directly to a stream.
write(OutputStream) - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERNull
Sends the BER encoding directly to stream.
write(OutputStream) - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERUTCTime
write(OutputStream) - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERConstruct
Sends the BER encoding directly to a stream.
write(OutputStream) - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERSet
Sends the BER encoding directly to a stream.
write(OutputStream) - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERBitString
Sends the BER encoding directly to a stream.
write(OutputStream) - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERCharacterString
Writes BER to stream.
write(OutputStream) - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BEROctetString
Writes BER to stream
write(OutputStream) - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERIntegral
Writes BER to stream.
write(OutputStream) - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERTag
Sends the BER encoding directly to a stream.
write(OutputStream) - Method in class netscape.ldap.ber.stream.BERReal
Sends the BER encoding directly to a stream.
write(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class netscape.ldap.util.ByteBuf
Writes the contents of the byte buffer to the specified RandomAccessFile object.
write(String) - Method in interface netscape.ldap.LDAPTraceWriter
Writes an LDAP trace message.


_cesAttributes - Static variable in class netscape.ldap.util.RDN

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