Interface LDAPv2

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface LDAPv2

This interface summarizes the basic functionality available in the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) version 2. (See RFC 1777 for the definition of the protocol.)

In the general model for this protocol, objects exist under a directory in a particular server. Objects are identified by unique, hierarchical names called Distinguished Names, commonly abreviated "DN". An example of a DN:

  cn=Barbara Jensen,ou=Product Development,o=Ace Industry,c=us
Objects have attributes, of the form
  attributeName = attributeValue(s)
Attribute names must be Strings, and attribute values can be any 8-bit sequence (Strings or binary values).

Field Summary
static int BATCHSIZE
          Option specifying the number of results to return at a time.
static int BIND
          Option specifying the object containing the method for authenticating to the server.
static int DEFAULT_PORT
          The default port number for LDAP servers.
static int DEREF
          Option specifying how aliases are dereferenced.
static int DEREF_ALWAYS
          Specifies that aliases are always dereferenced.
static int DEREF_FINDING
          Specifies that aliases are dereferenced when finding the starting point for the search (but not when searching under that starting entry).
static int DEREF_NEVER
          Specifies that aliases are never dereferenced.
          Specifies that aliases are dereferenced when searching the entries beneath the starting point of the search (but not when finding the starting entry).
          Option specifying the version of the LDAP protocol used by your client when interacting with the LDAP server.
static int REFERRALS
          Option specifying whether or not referrals to other LDAP servers are followed automatically.
          Option specifying the maximum number of referrals to follow in a sequence when requesting an LDAP operation.
          Option specifying the object containing the method for getting authentication information (the distinguished name and password) used during a referral.
static int SCOPE_BASE
          Specifies that the scope of a search includes only the base DN (distinguished name).
static int SCOPE_ONE
          Specifies that the scope of a search includes only the entries one level below the base DN (distinguished name).
static int SCOPE_SUB
          Specifies that the scope of a search includes the base DN (distinguished name) and all entries at all levels beneath that base.
          Option specifying the maximum number of milliseconds the server should spend returning search results before aborting the search.
static int SIZELIMIT
          Option specifying the maximum number of search results to return.
static int TIMELIMIT
          Option specifying the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for an operation to complete.
Method Summary
 void abandon(LDAPSearchResults results)
          Notifies the server to not send additional results associated with this LDAPSearchResults object, and discards any results already received.
 void add(LDAPEntry entry)
          Adds an entry to the directory.
 void add(LDAPEntry entry, LDAPConstraints cons)
          Adds an entry to the directory.
 void authenticate(java.lang.String DN, java.lang.String passwd)
          Authenticates user with the LDAP server.
 void bind(java.lang.String DN, java.lang.String passwd)
          Authenticates user with the LDAP server.
 boolean compare(java.lang.String DN, LDAPAttribute attr)
          Compares the given entry's attribute value to the specified attribute value.
 boolean compare(java.lang.String DN, LDAPAttribute attr, LDAPConstraints cons)
          Compares the given entry's attribute value to the specified attribute value.
 void connect(java.lang.String host, int port)
          Connects to the LDAP server.
 void connect(java.lang.String host, int port, java.lang.String dn, java.lang.String passwd)
          Connects and authenticates to the LDAP server.
 void delete(java.lang.String DN)
          Removes an entry from the directory.
 void delete(java.lang.String DN, LDAPConstraints cons)
          Removes an entry from the directory.
 void disconnect()
          Disconnects from the LDAP server.
 java.lang.Object getOption(int option)
          Retrieves an option that applies to the connection.
 void modify(java.lang.String DN, LDAPModification mod)
          Modifies an attribute of a directory entry.
 void modify(java.lang.String DN, LDAPModification mod, LDAPConstraints cons)
          Modifies an attribute of a directory entry.
 void modify(java.lang.String DN, LDAPModificationSet mods)
          Modifies the attributes of a directory entry.
 void modify(java.lang.String DN, LDAPModificationSet mods, LDAPConstraints cons)
          Modifies the attributes of a directory entry.
 LDAPEntry read(java.lang.String DN)
          Read the entry corresponding to the specified distinguished name (DN).
 LDAPEntry read(java.lang.String DN, java.lang.String[] attrs)
          Read the entry corresponding to the specified distinguished name (DN), and retrieve only the specified attributes.
 LDAPEntry read(java.lang.String DN, java.lang.String[] attrs, LDAPSearchConstraints cons)
          Read the entry corresponding to the specified distinguished name (DN), and retrieve only the specified attributes.
 void rename(java.lang.String DN, java.lang.String newRDN, boolean deleteOldRDN)
          Changes the name of an entry in the directory.
 void rename(java.lang.String DN, java.lang.String newRDN, boolean deleteOldRDN, LDAPConstraints cons)
          Changes the name of an entry in the directory.
 LDAPSearchResults search(java.lang.String base, int scope, java.lang.String filter, java.lang.String[] attrs, boolean attrsOnly)
          Searches for entries in the directory.
 LDAPSearchResults search(java.lang.String base, int scope, java.lang.String filter, java.lang.String[] attrs, boolean attrsOnly, LDAPSearchConstraints cons)
          Searches for entries in the directory.
 void setOption(int option, java.lang.Object value)
          Sets an option that applies to the connection.

Field Detail


public static final int DEFAULT_PORT
The default port number for LDAP servers. You can specify this identifier when calling the LDAPConnection.connect method to connect to an LDAP server.
See Also:
LDAPConnection.connect(java.lang.String, int)


public static final int DEREF
Option specifying how aliases are dereferenced.

This option can have one of the following values:

See Also:
LDAPConnection.getOption(int), LDAPConnection.setOption(int, java.lang.Object)


public static final int SIZELIMIT
Option specifying the maximum number of search results to return.

See Also:
LDAPConnection.getOption(int), LDAPConnection.setOption(int, java.lang.Object)


public static final int TIMELIMIT
Option specifying the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for an operation to complete.
See Also:
LDAPConnection.getOption(int), LDAPConnection.setOption(int, java.lang.Object)


public static final int SERVER_TIMELIMIT
Option specifying the maximum number of milliseconds the server should spend returning search results before aborting the search.
See Also:
LDAPConnection.getOption(int), LDAPConnection.setOption(int, java.lang.Object)


public static final int REFERRALS
Option specifying whether or not referrals to other LDAP servers are followed automatically.
See Also:
LDAPConnection.getOption(int), LDAPConnection.setOption(int, java.lang.Object), LDAPRebind, LDAPRebindAuth


public static final int REFERRALS_REBIND_PROC
Option specifying the object containing the method for getting authentication information (the distinguished name and password) used during a referral. For example, when referred to another LDAP server, your client uses this object to obtain the DN and password. Your client authenticates to the LDAP server using this DN and password.
See Also:
LDAPConnection.getOption(int), LDAPConnection.setOption(int, java.lang.Object), LDAPRebind, LDAPRebindAuth


public static final int REFERRALS_HOP_LIMIT
Option specifying the maximum number of referrals to follow in a sequence when requesting an LDAP operation.
See Also:
LDAPConnection.getOption(int), LDAPConnection.setOption(int, java.lang.Object)


public static final int BIND
Option specifying the object containing the method for authenticating to the server.
See Also:
LDAPConnection.getOption(int), LDAPConnection.setOption(int, java.lang.Object), LDAPBind


public static final int PROTOCOL_VERSION
Option specifying the version of the LDAP protocol used by your client when interacting with the LDAP server. If no version is set, the default version is 2. If you are planning to use LDAP v3 features (such as controls or extended operations), you should set this version to 3 or specify version 3 as an argument to the authenticate method of the LDAPConnection object.
See Also:
LDAPConnection.getOption(int), LDAPConnection.setOption(int, java.lang.Object), LDAPConnection.authenticate(int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public static final int BATCHSIZE
Option specifying the number of results to return at a time.
See Also:
LDAPConnection.getOption(int), LDAPConnection.setOption(int, java.lang.Object)


public static final int SCOPE_BASE
Specifies that the scope of a search includes only the base DN (distinguished name).
See Also:
LDAPConnection.search(java.lang.String, int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], boolean, netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchConstraints)


public static final int SCOPE_ONE
Specifies that the scope of a search includes only the entries one level below the base DN (distinguished name).
See Also:
LDAPConnection.search(java.lang.String, int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], boolean, netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchConstraints)


public static final int SCOPE_SUB
Specifies that the scope of a search includes the base DN (distinguished name) and all entries at all levels beneath that base.
See Also:
LDAPConnection.search(java.lang.String, int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], boolean, netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchConstraints)


public static final int DEREF_NEVER
Specifies that aliases are never dereferenced.
See Also:
LDAPConnection.getOption(int), LDAPConnection.setOption(int, java.lang.Object)


public static final int DEREF_SEARCHING
Specifies that aliases are dereferenced when searching the entries beneath the starting point of the search (but not when finding the starting entry).
See Also:
LDAPConnection.getOption(int), LDAPConnection.setOption(int, java.lang.Object)


public static final int DEREF_FINDING
Specifies that aliases are dereferenced when finding the starting point for the search (but not when searching under that starting entry).
See Also:
LDAPConnection.getOption(int), LDAPConnection.setOption(int, java.lang.Object)


public static final int DEREF_ALWAYS
Specifies that aliases are always dereferenced.
See Also:
LDAPConnection.getOption(int), LDAPConnection.setOption(int, java.lang.Object)
Method Detail


public void connect(java.lang.String host,
                    int port)
             throws LDAPException
Connects to the LDAP server.
host - hostname of the LDAP server
port - port number of the LDAP server. To specify the default port, use DEFAULT_PORT.
LDAPException - Failed to connect to the server.


public void connect(java.lang.String host,
                    int port,
                    java.lang.String dn,
                    java.lang.String passwd)
             throws LDAPException
Connects and authenticates to the LDAP server.
host - hostname of the LDAP server
port - port number of the LDAP server. To specify the default port, use DEFAULT_PORT.
dn - distinguished name to use for authentication
passwd - password for authentication
LDAPException - Failed to connect and authenticate to the server.


public void disconnect()
                throws LDAPException
Disconnects from the LDAP server. Subsequent operational calls will first try to re-establish the connection to the same LDAP server.
LDAPException - Failed to disconnect from the server.


public void abandon(LDAPSearchResults results)
             throws LDAPException
Notifies the server to not send additional results associated with this LDAPSearchResults object, and discards any results already received.
results - LDAPSearchResults object returned from a search
LDAPException - Failed to notify the server.


public void authenticate(java.lang.String DN,
                         java.lang.String passwd)
                  throws LDAPException
Authenticates user with the LDAP server.
DN - distinguished name to use for authentication
passwd - password for authentication
LDAPException - Failed to authenticate to the server.


public void bind(java.lang.String DN,
                 java.lang.String passwd)
          throws LDAPException
Authenticates user with the LDAP server.
DN - distinguished name to use for authentication
passwd - password for authentication
LDAPException - Failed to authenticate to the server.


public LDAPEntry read(java.lang.String DN)
               throws LDAPException
Read the entry corresponding to the specified distinguished name (DN).
DN - distinguished name of the entry to retrieve
LDAPException - Failed to retrieve the specified entry.


public LDAPEntry read(java.lang.String DN,
                      java.lang.String[] attrs)
               throws LDAPException
Read the entry corresponding to the specified distinguished name (DN), and retrieve only the specified attributes.
DN - distinguished name of the entry to retrieve
attrs - names of attributes to retrieve
LDAPException - Failed to retrieve the specified entry.


public LDAPEntry read(java.lang.String DN,
                      java.lang.String[] attrs,
                      LDAPSearchConstraints cons)
               throws LDAPException
Read the entry corresponding to the specified distinguished name (DN), and retrieve only the specified attributes.
DN - distinguished name of the entry to retrieve
attrs - names of attributes to retrieve
cons - the constraints set for the read operation
LDAPException - Failed to retrieve the specified entry.


public LDAPSearchResults search(java.lang.String base,
                                int scope,
                                java.lang.String filter,
                                java.lang.String[] attrs,
                                boolean attrsOnly)
                         throws LDAPException
Searches for entries in the directory.
base - starting point for the search in the directory (distinguished name)
scope - indicates whether the scope of the search includes only the base DN (equivalent to a read operation), only the entries one level below the base DN, or all entries at all levels beneath the base DN (including the base DN itself)
filter - String which describes the search criteria. The format of the string is described fully in RFC 1558.
attrs - names of the attributes to return for each matching directory entry. If null, all attributes are returned.
attrsOnly - if true, the search will return only the names of the attributes (and not their values)
LDAPException - Failed to complete the requested search.


public LDAPSearchResults search(java.lang.String base,
                                int scope,
                                java.lang.String filter,
                                java.lang.String[] attrs,
                                boolean attrsOnly,
                                LDAPSearchConstraints cons)
                         throws LDAPException
Searches for entries in the directory.
base - starting point for the search in the directory (distinguished name)
scope - indicates whether the scope of the search includes only the base DN (equivalent to a read operation), only the entries one level below the base DN, or all entries at all levels beneath the base DN (including the base DN itself)
filter - String which describes the search criteria. The format of the string is described fully in RFC 1558.
attrs - names of the attributes to return for each matching directory entry. If null, all attributes are returned.
attrsOnly - if true, the search will return only the names of the attributes (and not their values)
cons - constraints specific to the search (for example, the maximum number of entries to return or the maximum time to wait for the search operation to complete)
LDAPException - Failed to complete the requested search.


public boolean compare(java.lang.String DN,
                       LDAPAttribute attr)
                throws LDAPException
Compares the given entry's attribute value to the specified attribute value.
DN - distinguished name of the entry that you want compared against the specified attribute value
attr - attribute name and value to use in the comparison
LDAPException - Failed to perform the comparison.


public boolean compare(java.lang.String DN,
                       LDAPAttribute attr,
                       LDAPConstraints cons)
                throws LDAPException
Compares the given entry's attribute value to the specified attribute value.
DN - distinguished name of the entry that you want compared against the specified attribute value
attr - attribute name and value to use in the comparison
cons - the constraints set for the compare operation
LDAPException - Failed to perform the comparison.


public void add(LDAPEntry entry)
         throws LDAPException
Adds an entry to the directory.
entry - new entry to add to the directory
LDAPException - Failed to add the entry to the directory.


public void add(LDAPEntry entry,
                LDAPConstraints cons)
         throws LDAPException
Adds an entry to the directory.
entry - new entry to add to the directory
cons - the constraints set for the add operation
LDAPException - Failed to add the entry to the directory.


public void modify(java.lang.String DN,
                   LDAPModification mod)
            throws LDAPException
Modifies an attribute of a directory entry.
DN - distinguished name identifying the entry to modify
mod - the modification to make
LDAPException - Failed to modify the specified entry.


public void modify(java.lang.String DN,
                   LDAPModification mod,
                   LDAPConstraints cons)
            throws LDAPException
Modifies an attribute of a directory entry.
DN - distinguished name identifying the entry to modify
mod - the modification to make
cons - the constraints set for the modify operation
LDAPException - Failed to modify the specified entry.


public void modify(java.lang.String DN,
                   LDAPModificationSet mods)
            throws LDAPException
Modifies the attributes of a directory entry.
DN - distinguished name identifying the entry to modify
mod - list of the modifications to make
LDAPException - Failed to modify the specified entry.


public void modify(java.lang.String DN,
                   LDAPModificationSet mods,
                   LDAPConstraints cons)
            throws LDAPException
Modifies the attributes of a directory entry.
DN - distinguished name identifying the entry to modify
mod - list of the modifications to make
cons - the constraints set for the modify operation
LDAPException - Failed to modify the specified entry.


public void delete(java.lang.String DN)
            throws LDAPException
Removes an entry from the directory.
DN - distinguished name identifying the entry to remove
LDAPException - Failed to remove the entry from the directory.


public void delete(java.lang.String DN,
                   LDAPConstraints cons)
            throws LDAPException
Removes an entry from the directory.
DN - distinguished name identifying the entry to remove
cons - the constraints set for the delete operation
LDAPException - Failed to remove the entry from the directory.


public void rename(java.lang.String DN,
                   java.lang.String newRDN,
                   boolean deleteOldRDN)
            throws LDAPException
Changes the name of an entry in the directory.
DN - distinguished name (DN) of entry
newRDN - the new relative distinguished name (RDN) of the entry
deleteOldRDN - true if the original RDN should no longer be an attribute of the entry; false if it should
LDAPException - Failed to rename the entry in the directory.


public void rename(java.lang.String DN,
                   java.lang.String newRDN,
                   boolean deleteOldRDN,
                   LDAPConstraints cons)
            throws LDAPException
Changes the name of an entry in the directory.
DN - distinguished name (DN) of entry
newRDN - new relative distinguished name (RDN) of the entry
deleteOldRDN - specifies whether or not the original RDN remains as an attribute of the entry. If true, the original RDN is no longer an attribute of the entry.
cons - the constraints set for the rename operation
LDAPException - Failed to rename the entry in the directory.


public java.lang.Object getOption(int option)
                           throws LDAPException
Retrieves an option that applies to the connection. The particular meaning may be implementation-dependent. The standard options are the options described by the LDAPSearchConstraints and LDAPConstraints classes.
LDAPException - Failed to retrieve the value of the specified option.


public void setOption(int option,
                      java.lang.Object value)
               throws LDAPException
Sets an option that applies to the connection. The particular meaning may be implementation-dependent. The standard options are the options described by the LDAPSearchConstraints and LDAPConstraints classes.
LDAPException - Failed to set the specified option.