Class LDAPConstraints

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class LDAPConstraints
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.lang.Cloneable, java.io.Serializable

Represents a set of operation preferences. You can set these preferences for a particular operation by creating an LDAPConstraints object, specifying your preferences, and passing the object to the proper LDAPConnection method.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          Constructs an LDAPConstraints object that specifies the default set of constraints.
LDAPConstraints(int msLimit, boolean doReferrals, LDAPBind bind_proc, int hop_limit)
          Constructs a new LDAPConstraints object and allows you to specify the constraints in that object.
LDAPConstraints(int msLimit, boolean doReferrals, LDAPRebind rebind_proc, int hop_limit)
          Constructs a new LDAPConstraints object and allows you to specify the constraints in that object.
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object clone()
          Makes a copy of an existing set of constraints.
 LDAPBind getBindProc()
          Returns the object that provides the mechanism for authenticating to the server on referrals.
 LDAPControl[] getClientControls()
          Returns any client controls to be applied by the client to LDAP operations.
 int getHopLimit()
          Returns the maximum number of hops to follow during a referral.
 LDAPRebind getRebindProc()
          Returns the object that provides the method for getting authentication information.
 boolean getReferrals()
          Specifies whether nor not referrals are followed automatically.
 LDAPControl[] getServerControls()
          Returns any server controls to be applied by the server to LDAP operations.
 int getTimeLimit()
          Returns the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for any operation under these constraints.
 void setBindProc(LDAPBind bind_proc)
          Sets the object that provides the mechanism for authenticating to the server on referrals.
 void setClientControls(LDAPControl control)
          Sets a client control for LDAP operations.
 void setClientControls(LDAPControl[] controls)
          Sets an array of client controls for LDAP operations.
 void setHopLimit(int hop_limit)
          Sets maximum number of hops to follow in sequence during a referral.
 void setRebindProc(LDAPRebind rebind_proc)
          Specifies the object that provides the method for getting authentication information.
 void setReferrals(boolean doReferrals)
          Specifies whether or not referrals are followed automatically.
 void setServerControls(LDAPControl control)
          Sets a server control for LDAP operations.
 void setServerControls(LDAPControl[] controls)
          Sets an array of server controls for LDAP operations.
 void setTimeLimit(int msLimit)
          Sets the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for any operation under these constraints.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Return a string representation of the object for debugging
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LDAPConstraints()
Constructs an LDAPConstraints object that specifies the default set of constraints.


public LDAPConstraints(int msLimit,
                       boolean doReferrals,
                       LDAPRebind rebind_proc,
                       int hop_limit)
Constructs a new LDAPConstraints object and allows you to specify the constraints in that object.

msLimit - maximum time in milliseconds to wait for results (0 by default, which means that there is no maximum time limit)
doReferrals - specify true to follow referrals automatically, or False to throw an LDAPReferralException error if the server sends back a referral (False by default)
rebind_proc - specifies the object that implements the LDAPRebind interface (you need to define this class). The object will be used when the client follows referrals automatically. The object provides the client with a method for getting the distinguished name and password used to authenticate to another LDAP server during a referral. (This field is null by default.)
hop_limit - maximum number of referrals to follow in a sequence when attempting to resolve a request
See Also:
LDAPConnection.setOption(int, java.lang.Object)


public LDAPConstraints(int msLimit,
                       boolean doReferrals,
                       LDAPBind bind_proc,
                       int hop_limit)
Constructs a new LDAPConstraints object and allows you to specify the constraints in that object.

msLimit - Mmaximum time in milliseconds to wait for results (0 by default, which means that there is no maximum time limit)
doReferrals - specify true to follow referrals automatically, or False to throw an LDAPReferralException error if the server sends back a referral (False by default)
bind_proc - specifies the object that implements the LDAPBind interface (you need to define this class). The object will be used to authenticate to the server on referrals. (This field is null by default.)
hop_limit - maximum number of referrals to follow in a sequence when attempting to resolve a request
See Also:
LDAPConnection.setOption(int, java.lang.Object)
Method Detail


public int getTimeLimit()
Returns the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for any operation under these constraints. If 0, there is no maximum time limit on waiting for the operation results.
maximum number of milliseconds to wait for operation results.


public boolean getReferrals()
Specifies whether nor not referrals are followed automatically. Returns true if referrals are to be followed automatically, or false if referrals throw an LDAPReferralException.
true if referrals are followed automatically, false if referrals throw an LDAPReferralException.


public LDAPBind getBindProc()
Returns the object that provides the mechanism for authenticating to the server on referrals. This object must implement the LDAPBind interface.
object to use to authenticate to the server on referrals.
See Also:


public LDAPRebind getRebindProc()
Returns the object that provides the method for getting authentication information. This object must implement the LDAPRebind interface.
object to use to obtain information for authenticating to other LDAP servers during referrals.
See Also:
LDAPRebind, LDAPRebindAuth


public int getHopLimit()
Returns the maximum number of hops to follow during a referral.
maximum number of hops to follow during a referral.


public LDAPControl[] getClientControls()
Returns any client controls to be applied by the client to LDAP operations.
client controls for the client to apply to LDAP operations.
See Also:
LDAPControl, LDAPConnection.getOption(int), LDAPConnection.setOption(int, java.lang.Object)


public LDAPControl[] getServerControls()
Returns any server controls to be applied by the server to LDAP operations.
server controls for the server to apply to LDAP operations.
See Also:
LDAPControl, LDAPConnection.getOption(int), LDAPConnection.setOption(int, java.lang.Object)


public void setTimeLimit(int msLimit)
Sets the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for any operation under these constraints. If 0, there is no maximum time limit on waiting for the operation results. If the time limit is exceeded, an LDAPException with the result code LDAPException.TIME_LIMIT is thrown.
msLimit - Maximum number of milliseconds to wait for operation results (0 by default, which means that there is no maximum time limit.)
See Also:


public void setReferrals(boolean doReferrals)
Specifies whether or not referrals are followed automatically. Specify true if referrals are to be followed automatically, or false if referrals are to throw an LDAPReferralException. (By default, this is set to false.)

If you set this to true, you need to create an object of this class that implements either the LDAPRebind or LDAPBind interface. The LDAPRebind object identifies the method for retrieving authentication information which will be used when connecting to other LDAP servers during referrals. This object should be passed to the setRebindProc method. Alternatively, the LDAPBind object identifies an authentication mechanism to be used instead of the default authentication mechanism when following referrals. This object should be passed to the setBindProc method.

doReferrals - set to true if referrals should be followed automatically, or False if referrals should throw an LDAPReferralException
See Also:
LDAPBind, LDAPRebind, LDAPRebindAuth


public void setBindProc(LDAPBind bind_proc)
Sets the object that provides the mechanism for authenticating to the server on referrals. This object must implement the LDAPBind interface.(By default, this is null.) This method sets the LDAPRebind object to null for this constraint.
bind_proc - object to use to authenticate to the server on referrals
See Also:


public void setRebindProc(LDAPRebind rebind_proc)
Specifies the object that provides the method for getting authentication information. This object must belong to a class that implements the LDAPRebind interface. (By default, this is null.) This method sets the LDAPBind object to null for this constraint.
rebind_proc - object to use to obtain information for authenticating to other LDAP servers during referrals


public void setHopLimit(int hop_limit)
Sets maximum number of hops to follow in sequence during a referral. (By default, this is 5.)
hop_limit - maximum number of hops to follow during a referral


public void setClientControls(LDAPControl control)
Sets a client control for LDAP operations.
control - client control for LDAP operations
See Also:


public void setClientControls(LDAPControl[] controls)
Sets an array of client controls for LDAP operations.
controls - array of client controls for LDAP operations
See Also:


public void setServerControls(LDAPControl control)
Sets a server control for LDAP operations.
control - server control for LDAP operations
See Also:


public void setServerControls(LDAPControl[] controls)
Sets an array of server controls for LDAP operations.
controls - an array of server controls for LDAP operations
See Also:


public java.lang.String toString()
Return a string representation of the object for debugging
toString in class java.lang.Object
A string representation of the object


public java.lang.Object clone()
Makes a copy of an existing set of constraints.
clone in class java.lang.Object