Class LDAPResponseListener


public class LDAPResponseListener
extends netscape.ldap.LDAPMessageQueue

Represents the message queue associated with a particular LDAP operation or operations.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Method Summary
 int[] getMessageIDs()
          Returns message IDs for all outstanding requests
 LDAPResponse getResponse()
          Blocks until a response is available, or until all operations associated with the object have completed or been canceled, and returns the response.
 boolean isResponseReceived()
          Reports true if a response has been received from the server.
 void merge(LDAPResponseListener listener2)
          Merge two response listeners.
Methods inherited from class netscape.ldap.LDAPMessageQueue
getMessageCount, getRequestCount, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public LDAPResponse getResponse()
                         throws LDAPException
Blocks until a response is available, or until all operations associated with the object have completed or been canceled, and returns the response.
a response for an LDAP operation or null if there are no more outstanding requests.
LDAPException - Network error exception
LDAPInterruptedException - The invoking thread was interrupted


public void merge(LDAPResponseListener listener2)
Merge two response listeners. Move/append the content from another response listener to this one.

To be used for synchronization of asynchronous LDAP operations where requests are sent by one thread but processed by another one.

A client may be implemented in such a way that one thread makes LDAP requests and calls l.getMessageIDs(), while another thread is responsible for processing of responses (call l.getResponse()). Both threads are using the same listener objects. In such a case, a race condition may occur, where a LDAP response message is retrieved and the request terminated (request ID removed) before the first thread has a chance to execute l.getMessageIDs(). The proper way to handle this scenario is to create a separate listener for each new request, and after l.getMessageIDs() has been invoked, merge the new request with the existing one.

listener2 - the listener with which to merge


public boolean isResponseReceived()
Reports true if a response has been received from the server.
a flag indicating whether the response message queue is empty.


public int[] getMessageIDs()
Returns message IDs for all outstanding requests
message ID array.