Class LDAPSyntaxSchema


public class LDAPSyntaxSchema
extends LDAPSchemaElement

The definition of a syntax type in the schema. RFC 2252, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): LDAP Subschema Attribute covers the types of information to specify when defining a syntax. The description of a syntax can include the following:

When you construct an LDAPSyntaxSchema object, you can specify these types of information as arguments to the constructor or in the ldapSyntaxes format specified in RFC 2252. When an LDAP client searches an LDAP server for the schema, the server returns schema information as an object with attribute values in this format.

RFC 2252 defines SyntaxDescription as follows:

     SyntaxDescription = "(" whsp
        numericoid whsp
        [ "DESC" qdstring ]
        whsp ")"

Syntax definitions do not have a name, so the getName method inherited from LDAPSchemaElement returns "". To get the OID and description of this syntax type definition, use the getOID and getDescription methods inherited from the abstract class LDAPSchemaElement.

To add or remove this syntax type definition from the schema, use the add and remove methods, which this class inherits from the LDAPSchemaElement abstract class.

See Also:
LDAPSchemaElement, Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  netscape.ldap.LDAPSyntaxSchemaElement syntaxElement
Fields inherited from class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
aliases, attrName, binary, binaryString, ces, cesString, cis, cisString, description, dn, dnString, integer, intString, name, novalsTable, OBSOLETE, oid, properties, rawValue, SUPERIOR, SYNTAX, telephone, telephoneString, unknown
Constructor Summary
protected LDAPSyntaxSchema()
          Constructs a blank element.
  LDAPSyntaxSchema(java.lang.String raw)
          Constructs a syntax type definition based on a description in the ldapSyntaxes format.
  LDAPSyntaxSchema(java.lang.String oid, java.lang.String description)
          Constructs a syntax type definition, using the specified information.
Method Summary
 int getSyntax()
          Gets the syntax of the schema element
 java.lang.String getSyntaxString()
          Gets the syntax of the syntax type in dotted-decimal format, for example ""
 java.lang.String getValue()
          Prepares a value in RFC 2252 format for submission to a server
 java.lang.String toString()
          Gets the definition of the syntax type in a user friendly format.
Methods inherited from class netscape.ldap.LDAPSchemaElement
add, add, getAliases, getCustomValues, getDescription, getID, getName, getOID, getOptionalValues, getQualifier, getQualifierNames, isObsolete, modify, modify, parseValue, remove, remove, setQualifier, setQualifier, update, update, update
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected netscape.ldap.LDAPSyntaxSchemaElement syntaxElement
Constructor Detail


protected LDAPSyntaxSchema()
Constructs a blank element.


public LDAPSyntaxSchema(java.lang.String oid,
                        java.lang.String description)
Constructs a syntax type definition, using the specified information.
oid - object identifier (OID) of the syntax type in dotted-string format (for example, "")
description - description of syntax type


public LDAPSyntaxSchema(java.lang.String raw)
Constructs a syntax type definition based on a description in the ldapSyntaxes format. For information on this format, (see RFC 2252, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): LDAP Subschema Attribute. This is the format that LDAP servers and clients use to exchange schema information. (For example, when you search an LDAP server for its schema, the server returns an entry with the syntaxs "objectclasses" and "ldapSyntaxes". The values of "ldapSyntaxes" are syntax type descriptions in this format.)

raw - definition of the syntax type in the ldapSyntaxes format
Method Detail


public int getSyntax()
Gets the syntax of the schema element
one of the following values:
  • cis (case-insensitive string)
  • ces (case-exact string)
  • binary (binary data)
  • int (integer)
  • telephone (telephone number -- identical to cis, but blanks and dashes are ignored during comparisons)
  • dn (distinguished name)
  • unknown (not a known syntax)


public java.lang.String getSyntaxString()
Gets the syntax of the syntax type in dotted-decimal format, for example ""
The syntax syntax in dotted-decimal format.


public java.lang.String getValue()
Prepares a value in RFC 2252 format for submission to a server
getValue in class LDAPSchemaElement
a String ready for submission to an LDAP server.


public java.lang.String toString()
Gets the definition of the syntax type in a user friendly format. This is the format that the syntax type definition uses when printing the syntax type or the schema.
toString in class java.lang.Object
definition of the syntax type in a user friendly format.