Complete Contents
About This Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction to Enterprise Server
Chapter 2 Administrating Enterprise Servers
Chapter 3 Setting Administration Preferences
Chapter 4 Managing Users and Groups
Chapter 5 Working with Server Security
Chapter 6 Managing Server Clusters
Chapter 7 Configuring Server Preferences
Chapter 8 Understanding Log Files
Chapter 9 Using SNMP to Monitor Servers
Chapter 10 Configuring the Server for Performance
Chapter 11 Extending Your Server with Programs
Chapter 12 Working with Configuration Styles
Chapter 13 Managing Server Content
Chapter 14 Controlling Access to Your Server
Chapter 15 Configuring Web Publishing
Chapter 16 Using Search
Appendix A HyperText Transfer Protocol
Appendix B ACL File Syntax
Appendix C Internationalized Enterprise Server
Appendix D Server Extensions for Microsoft FrontPage
Appendix E Enterprise Server User Interface
Netscape Enterprise Server Administrator's Guide: Controlling Access to Your Server
Previous Next Contents Index

Chapter 14 Controlling Access to Your Server

This chapter discusses the various methods you can use to control access to Enterprise Administration Server and to the files or directories on your web site. For example, for Enterprise Administration Server, you can specify who has full control of all the servers installed on a machine and who has partial control of one or more servers. Before you can use access control on Enterprise Administration Server, you must enable distributed administration from The Distributed Administration Page and set up an administration group in your LDAP database. This chapter assumes you have already configured distributed administration and have defined users and groups in your LDAP database.

You should also ensure the security of the web server as discussed in Working with Server Security.

This chapter contains the following sections:

What Is Access Control?
Access control allows you determine who can access Enterprise Administration Server and which servers and tabs (also called programs) they can access as well as who can access the files or directories on your web site. You can use two methods for controlling access:

To control the amount of time that ACL user cache is valid, use the ACLCacheLifetime directive in the magnus.conf file. Each time an entry in the cache is referenced, its age is calculated and checked against ACLCacheLifetime. The entry is not used if its age is greater than or equal to the ACLCacheLifetime. The default value is 120 seconds. If this value is set to 0, the cache is turned off. If you use a large number for this value, you may need to restart Enterprise Server when you make changes to the LDAP entries. For example, if this value is set to 120 seconds, Enterprise Server might be out of sync with the LDAP server for as long as two minutes. If your LDAP is not likely to change often, use a large number.

The ACL Cache holds information for 200 users, and each user entry can cache one group membership for that user (these values can not be tuned). Entries in the cache are maintained in a list, and new entries are added at the head of the list. When the cache is full entries are recycled from the end of the list. An entry's position in the list does not change when it is referenced. The number of entries in the cache depends entirely on how many people have authenticated against an ACL (until the cache is full, at which time the cache will have 200 entries until the server is restarted).

User-Group Authentication
User-Group authentication requires users to authenticate themselves before getting access to Enterprise Administration Server or the files or directories on your web site. Authentication means that users verify their identity either by entering a username and password or by using a client certificate installed in their network browser, such as Netscape Communicator. The first method of getting the username and password is the basic method, which can be done with or without encryption. The latter method of using client certificates is the SSL method, which must be done with encryption on. For information on using SSL, see About Enterprise Server Security

Username and Password Authentication
To require users to enter a username and password to get access to the web server or your web site, you must store the list of users and groups in an LDAP database such as the Netscape Directory Server. The directory server can be running on the same machine as the web server, or you can use a directory server installed on a remote machine.

When users attempt to access a resource that has User-Group authentication in Enterprise Administration Server or on your web site, the web browser displays a dialog box asking the user to enter a username and password. The server receives this information encrypted or unencrypted, depending on whether encryption is turned on for your server.

After entering the username and password, the user either sees the Server Administration page if logging in to Enterprise Administration Server, the file or directory listing requested if logging in to a web site, or a message denying access if the username or password was invalid. You can customize the access denied message that unauthorized users see through the Access Denied Response page. Figure 14.1 shows the authentication dialog box. This dialog box displays a customized login prompt message.

Figure 14.1    Users see this dialog box when authenticating themselves to the server.

Note. If your server does not use SSL encryption, the username and password that the end user types are sent in unencrypted text across the network. Someone could intercept the network packets and read the username and password being sent to Enterprise Administration Server. For this reason, User-Group authentication is most effective when combined with SSL encryption or Host-IP authentication, or both.

The server maintains two connections to the directory server. One of these is used to authenticate users, by doing an LDAP bind as the specified user. The other is permanently bound as the binddn specified in The Configure Directory Service Page, and is used for locating user entries and checking group memberships. Only one HTTP request thread can access the directory server at a time, which means that a global lock controls access to both LDAP connections. This can be a potential performance bottleneck, especially when combined with the fixed size of the ACL user/group cache.

Client Certificate Authentication
You can confirm users' identities with security certificates before giving the users access to your web site. You can do this in two ways:

When a server with client authentication enabled receives a request, the server performs the following actions:

  1. When the browser sends the certificate, the server checks if the certificate is from a trusted CA. If not, the server ends the transaction, and the authorization fails.
  2. If the certificate is from a trusted CA, the server maps the certificate to a user's entry using the certmap.conf file. See Using the certmap.conf File for more information on setting up the certificate mapping file.
  3. If the certificate maps correctly, then the web server checks the ACL rule specified for that user. Therefore, even though the certificate maps correctly, if the ACL denies the user access, the rule can deny the request.
The web server looks up the entry in an LDAP directory, so the access appears seamless to the end user.

Requiring client authentication for controlling access to specific resources is different than requiring client authentication for all connections to the server. To require client authentication with access control, choose the SSL authentication methods you want to use from The Encryption Preferences Page (in the Preferences tab, click Encryption Preferences). To require client authentication for the entire server, select "Require Client Certificates (regardless of access control)" in The Encryption Preferences Page.

Note. Only the SSL authentication method requires modification to the certmap.conf file. Allowing client authentication for all connections to the server does not.

In order for a client to successfully gain access to a SSL authenticated resource requiring client certificates, the client must install a certificate on their browser which is from a certificate authority trusted by the web server. It may be necessary to have the same client certificate published in a directory server if the web server's certmap.conf file is configured to compare the entire certificate between the client's certificate in the browser and the client certificate in the directory server entry. However, the certmap.conf file can be configured so that it only compares selected information from the certificate to the entry in the directory server. For example, you can configure the certmap.conf file so that the server only compares a user ID and an email address in the browser certificate with the directory server entry. In such a case, it would not be necessary to publish the entire client certificate to the directory server since only the user ID and email address must match to gain access.

Host-IP Authentication
You can limit access to Enterprise Administration Server or the files or directories on your web site by making them available only to clients using specific computers. You specify hostnames or IP addresses for the computers that you want to allow or deny. You can use wildcard patterns to specify multiple computers or entire networks. End user access to a file or directory using Host-IP authentication appears seamless. Users can access the files and directories immediately without entering a username or password. If the machine does not have access, the user will see a message denying access. For information on customizing this message, see Responding When Access is Denied.

Note. It is possible for more than one person to have access to a particular system. For this reason, Host-IP authentication is more effective when combined with User-Group authentication. If both methods of authentication are used, the end user will have to enter a username and password on a particular computer before getting access.

IP authentication does not require DNS to be configured on your server. If you want to use hostname authentication, however, you must have DNS running in your network and your server must be configured to use it. You can enable DNS on your server through The Performance Tuning Page in the Preferences tab.

Enabling DNS degrades the performance of Enterprise Server since the server is forced to do DNS look-ups. To reduce the effects of DNS look-ups on your server's performance, resolve IP addresses only for access control and CGI instead of resolving the IP address for every request. To do this, add the line "iponly=1" to the line that begins: AddLog fn="flex-log" name="access" in your obj.conf file. The resulting line is the following:

Access Control Files
When you use access control on Enterprise Administration Server or the files or directories on your web site, the settings are stored in a file with the extension .acl. Access control files are stored in the directory server_install/httpacl where server_install is the location where the server is installed. For example, if you installed the server in /usr/netscape/server4, the ACL files for both Enterprise Administration Server and each server instance configured on your server would be located in /usr/netscape/server4/httpacl/.

The main ACL file name is generated-https-server-id.acl; the temporary working file is called genwork-https-server-id.acl. If you use Enterprise Server to restrict access, you'll have these two files. However, if you want more complex restrictions, you can create multiple files and reference them from the magnus.conf file. There are also a few features available only by editing the files such as restricting access to the server based on the time of day or day of the week.

Note. When server users change ACLs through Web Publisher, the ACL configuration files are modified, and you receive a JavaScript notification alerting you of the change.

Also, you can manually create and edit .acl files to customize access control. For example, if you want to use an Oracle or Informix database of users instead of an LDAP database, you need to use the access control API to program a hook into the server's access control structure. This API is written in the C programming language. For more information on the API, see the Netscape DevEdge Online site at

For more information on access control files and their syntax, see ACL File Syntax.

How Does Access Control Work?
You can control access to the entire server or to parts of the server such as specific tabs or pages in Enterprise Administration Server or the files or directories on your web site. When the server evaluates an incoming request, it determines access based on a hierarchy of rules called access control entries (ACEs), and then it uses the matching entries to determine if the request is allowed or denied. Each ACE specifies whether or not the server should continue to the next ACE in the hierarchy. The collection of ACEs is called an access control list (ACL).When a request comes in to the server, the server looks in obj.conf for a reference to an ACL, which is then used to determine access. By default, the server has one ACL file that contains multiple ACLs.

When the server gets a request for a page, the server uses the rules in the ACL file to determine if it should grant access or not. The rules can reference the hostname or IP address of the computer sending the request. The rules can also reference users and groups stored in the LDAP directory.

For example, the following ACL file contains the two default entries for Enterprise Administration Server (admin-serv) plus an additional entry that allows users in the "admin-reduced" group to access The Preferences Tab in Enterprise Administration Server.

version 3.0;

# The following "es-internal" rules protect files such
# as icons and images related to Enterprise Server.
# These "es-internal" rules should not be modified.

acl "es-internal";
allow (read, list, execute,info) user = "anyone";
deny (write, delete) user = "anyone";

# The following "default" rules apply to the entire document
# directory of Enterprise Server. In this example, the rules
# are set up so that "all" users in the directory server are
# allowed to read, execute, list, and get information.
# The "all" users are not allowed to write to or delete any files.
# All clients that accesses the document directory of the web
# server will be required to submit a username and password
# since this example is using the "basic" method of
# authentication. A client must be in the directory server
# to gain access to this default directory since "anyone"
# not in the directory server is denied, and "all" in the
# directory server are allowed.

acl "default";
authenticate (user,group) {
database = "default";
method = "basic";
deny (all)
(user = "anyone");
allow (read,execute,list,info)
(user = "all");

# The following rules deny access to the directory "web"
# to everyone not in the directory server and deny everyone
# in the directory server who is not in GroupB.
# Only the users in GroupB are allowed read, execute, list,
# and info permissions. GroupA can not gain access to the
# directory "web" even though (in the ACL rule below) they
# can access the directory "my_stuff". Furthermore, members
# of GroupB can not write or delete files.

acl "path=/export/user/990628.1/docs/my_stuff/web/";
authenticate (user,group) {
database = "default";
method = "basic";
deny (all)
(user = "anyone");

allow (read,execute,list,info)
(group = "GroupB");

# The following rule denies everyone not in the directory
# server and denies everyone in the directory server except
# user with the ID of "SpecificMemberOfGroupB". The ACL rule
# in this setting also has a requirement that the user
# connect from a specific IP address. The IP address setting
# in the rule is optional; it has been added to for extra
# security. Also, this ACl rule has a Customized prompt
# of "Presentation Owner". This Customized prompt appears
# in the username and password dialog box in the client's
# browser.

acl "path=/export/user/990628.1/docs/my_stuff/web/presentation.html";
authenticate (user,group) {
database = "default";
method = "basic";
prompt = "Presentation Owner";
deny (all)
(user = "anyone" or group = "my_group");
allow (all)
(user = "SpecificMemberOfGroupB") and
(ip = "");

# The following ACL rule denies everyone not in the directory
# server and everyone in the directory server except for
# GroupA and GroupB access to the directory "my_stuff"

acl "path=/export/user/990628.1/docs/my_stuff/";
authenticate (user,group) {
database = "default";
method = "basic";
deny (all)
(user = "anyone");
allow (read,execute,list,info)
(group = "GroupA,GroupB");

If someone requests the following URL:

The server would first check access control for the entire server. If the ACL for the entire server was set to continue, the server checks to see if there is an ACL for the file type (*.html). Then, it checks for an ACL for the directory, my_stuff. If one exists, it checks the ACE and then moves on to the next directory. The server continues traversing the path either until it reaches an ACL that says not to continue or until it reaches the final ACL for the requested URL (in this case, the file presentation.html).

To set up access control for this example using the Server Manager, you could create an ACL for the file only or for each resource leading to the file. That is, one for the entire server, one for the my_stuff directory, one for the my_stuff/web directory, and one for the file.

Restricting Access to Your Web Site
This section takes you through the process of restricting access to the files or directories on your web site. The sections following this one describe in detail each option available when using access control. Keep in mind that most access control rules use only a subset of the available options.

You can set access control through two Enterprise Server mechanisms, both offer flexibility in the scope of your desired settings:

Note. You can set access control globally for all servers through the Enterprise Administration Server or for a resource within a specific server instance through the Server Manager. This section describes how to use the Server Manager to set up access control within a specific server instance. For more information regarding how to use the Enterprise Administration Server to set access control globally, see Restricting Server Access.

There is also a section of examples you can review in the section Access Control Examples.

To create an access control rule:

  1. From Enterprise Server, choose the Preferences tab.
  2. Click the Restrict Access link.
  3. In the "Pick a resource" section, specify the part of the server (the resource) that you want to control.
  4. Click Edit Access Control.
  5. Click New Line.
  6. Select the action you want to apply to the rule by clicking Deny.
  7. Specify User-Group authentication by clicking "anyone" listed under the Users/Groups column.
  8. Specify the computers you want to include in the rule by clicking "anyplace."
  9. Specify the access rights you want to include in the rule by clicking "all." Select the access rights in the bottom frame, and then click Update.
  10. Specify the programs you want to restrict. Programs are the forms in the Server Manager for the server you selected. For example, you can restrict access to all forms for configuring the administration server by checking the "All Programs" radio button. If you want to restrict access to one or two sets of forms, choose the categories in the drop-down list. If you want to restrict access to one form in a category, type the name of the form in the "Program Items" field. For example, to restrict access to the access control form, type distacl in the Program Items field. For more information, see Access to Programs.
  11. If you are familiar with ACL files, you can enter a customized ACL entry by clicking X under the Extra column.
  12. Select Continue if you want the access control rule to continue in a chain.
  13. Repeat steps 5 through 11 for each rule you need.
  14. Click Submit to store the new access control rules in the ACL file.
Table 14.1 LDAP Attributes
Resource wildcard
What it means
A named ACL created during installation that restricts write access so only users in the LDAP directory can publish documents (for example, by using the web publisher).
Entire Server
One set of rules determines the access to your entire web site, including any virtual servers you have running. To restrict access to a virtual server, specify the path of its document root.
Controls access to all files with the .html extension
Controls access to all files with the .cgi extension

Controls access to all files and directories in the cgi-bin directory. You must specify an absolute path. On NT, the path must include the drive letter.
Controls access to the sales directory in the document root. To specify URIs, create a named ACL.

The following sections describe the options that appear in the bottom frame of the access control page.

Setting Access Control Actions
You can specify the action the server takes when a request matches the access control rule.

The server goes through the list of ACEs to determine the access permissions. For example, the first ACE is usually to deny everyone. If the first ACE is set to "continue," the server checks the second ACE in the list. (If continue is not checked, everyone would be denied access to the resource.) If the second entry matches, then the next ACE is used. The server continues down the list until it reaches either an ACE that doesn't match or that matches but is set to not continue. The last ACE that matches is used to determine if access is allowed or denied. For example, in Figure 14.4 any user in the database can view a file (read access), but they must be in the "pubs" group if they want to publish a file to the server.

Figure 14.4    You can combine Deny and Allow statements in an ACL.

Specifying Users and Groups
You can restrict access to Enterprise Administration Server or your web site based on the user who requests a resource. With user and group authentication, users are prompted to enter a username and password before they can access the resource specified in the access control rule.

The Enterprise Server uses a list of users, who might be sorted into groups, to determine access rights for the user requesting a resource. You must define an administrators group (the group you set up for distributed administration) for access control in Enterprise Administration Server. The list of users (and the groups they are included in) are stored in an LDAP server, such as Netscape Directory Server. You should make sure the database contains users and groups (including the administrators group) before you set access control.

You can allow or deny access to everyone in the database, or you can allow or deny specific people by using wildcard patterns or lists of users or groups.

To configure access control with users and groups, follow the general directions for restricting access. When you click the Users/Groups field, a additional options appear in the bottom frame. The following list describes the options in the bottom frame.

Specifying Host Names and IP Addresses
You can restrict access to Enterprise Administration Server or your web site based on which computer the request comes from. You specify this restriction by using wildcard patterns that match the computers' host names or IP addresses. For example, to allow or deny all computers in a specific domain, you would enter a wildcard pattern that matches all hosts from that domain, such as * You can set different hostnames and IP addresses that the superuser must use when accessing Enterprise Administration Server.

To specify users from hostnames or IP addresses, follow the directions for restricting access in Restricting Access to Your Web Site. When you click the From Host field (the link called "anyplace"), additional options appear in the bottom frame. Check the "Only from" option and then type either a wildcard pattern or a comma-separated list of hostnames and IP addresses. Restricting by hostname is more flexible than by IP address—if a user's IP address changes, you won't have to update this list. Restricting by IP address, however, is more reliable—if a DNS lookup fails for a connected client, hostname restriction cannot be used.

The hostname and IP addresses should be specified with a wildcard pattern or a comma-separated list. The wildcard notations you can use are specialized; you can only use the *. Also, for the IP address, the * must replace an entire byte in the address. That is, 198.95.251.* is acceptable, but* is not. When the * appears in an IP address, it must be the right-most character. For example, 198.* is acceptable, but 198.*.251.30 is not.

For hostnames, the * must also replace an entire component of the name. That is, * is acceptable, but * is not. When the * appears in a hostname, it must be the left-most character. For example, * is acceptable, but users.*.com is not.

Setting Access Rights
You can set access rights to files and directories on your web site. That is, in addition to allowing or denying all access rights, you can specify a rule that allows or denies partial access rights. For example, you can give people read-only access rights to your files, so they can view the information but not change the files. This is particularly useful when you use the web publishing feature to publish documents.

When you create an access control rule, the default access rights are set to all access rights. To change access rights, click the Rights link in the top frame, and then choose the access rights you want to set for a particular rule. The following list describes each access right you can check.

Access to Programs
You can select areas of the administration server that administrators can access. You can choose groups of tabs that appear in the Server Manager (such as Cluster Management), or you can choose specific pages that appear as links in the left frame of the Server Manager (such as "New User" in the User & Groups tab).

To control access to a program in a server,

  1. Go to the Universal Enterprise Settings for the administration server. Choose Restrict Access from Global Settings tab.
  2. From the drop-down list, choose the server whose administration access you want to restrict. The administration server is labeled "https-admserv." Other servers are labeled with their type and their server id (for example, https-mozilla).
  3. Each ACL begins with two deny lines (the default setting), one that restricts access to only those users in the "administrators" group set for distributed administration, and another that restricts access to all users. If you want to change either of these lines, you need to manually edit the ACL file. Click New Line to add a rule to the ACL. Each rule you create allows access to the server. By specifically allowing access for users, you reduce the risk that you'll allow access to users you don't want.
  4. Choose the users, groups, hosts, and IP addresses you want to apply to this access control rule.
  5. By default, administrators have access to all programs for a server. Click the All link under Programs in the top frame. The bottom frame displays a page that lists the programs for the server type you selected.
  6. Select "Only the following," and then select the Program Groups you want to apply to the rule. You can choose multiple groups by pressing the Control key and then clicking the groups you want.
  7. You can control access to a specific page within a tab. Type the name of the page in the Program Items field.
  8. Click Update and then Submit to save the access control rule.
Writing Customized Expressions
You can enter custom expressions for an ACL. You can use this feature if you are familiar with the syntax and structure of ACL files. There are a few features available only by editing the ACL file or creating custom expressions. For example, you can restrict access to your server depending on the time of day, day of the week, or both.

The following customized expression shows how you could restrict access by time of day and day of the week. This example assumes you have two groups in your LDAP directory: the "regular" group gets access Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm. The "critical" group gets access all the time.

allow (read)
(group=regular and dayofweek="mon,tue,wed,thu,fri");
(group=regular and (timeofday>=0800 and timeofday<=1700));

For more information on valid syntax and ACL files, see ACL File Syntax and Referencing ACL Files in obj.conf.

Selecting "Access control on"
When you uncheck the option labeled "Access control on," you'll get a prompt asking if you want to erase records in the ACL. When you click OK, the server deletes the ACL entry for that resource from the ACL file.

If you want to deactivate an ACL, you can comment out the ACL lines in the file generated-https-server-id.acl by putting # signs at the beginning of each line.

From Enterprise Administration Server, you could create and turn on access control for a specific server instance and leave it off (which is the default) for other servers. For example, you could deny all access to the Server Manager pages from Enterprise Administration Server. With distributed administration on and access control off by default for any other servers, administrators could still access and configure the other servers, but they cannot configure Enterprise Administration Server.

Note. This access control is in addition to the user being in the administrators group set for distributed administration. The Enterprise Administration Server first checks that a user (other than superuser) is in the administrators group, and then it evaluates the access control rules.

Responding When Access is Denied
You can choose the response a user sees when denied access. You can vary the message for each access control object. By default, the user is sent a message that says the file was not found (the HTTP error code 404 Not Found is also sent).

To change what message is sent for a particular ACL, perform the following steps:

  1. In the ACL page, click the link called "Response when denied."
  2. In the lower frame, check the radio button called "Respond with the following file."
  3. In the text field, type a URL or URI to a text or HTML file in your server's document root that you want to send to users when they are denied access. The server must have read access to this file, so you should consider putting the file in the document root.
  4. Click Update.
  5. Note: Make sure any users who get the response file have access to that file. If you have access control on the response file and the user is denied access to both the original resource and the response file, the server will send the default denied response.

  6. Make sure you submit the access control rule by clicking Submit in the top frame.

Access Control Examples
This section describes some common examples for restricting access to a web server and its contents. Some of these examples assume you set up the "default" ACL to deny anyone access to the server. You can also add a "deny all" line as the first rule to each of these examples, as done in the example for the entire server (see Restricting Access to the Entire Server).

Restricting Access to the Entire Server
This example allows access to users in a group called "employees" who access the server from computers in a subdomain. There are no access control rules for other resources on the server. You might use this example if you have a server for a department and you only want users to access the server from computers in a specific subdomain of your network.

To restrict access to the entire server, perform the following steps:

  1. In Enterprise Server, choose Server Preferences.
  2. Click the Restrict Access link.
  3. In the section called Pick a Resource, select "The entire server" from the Editing drop-down list and then click Edit Access Control.
  4. Click New Line.
  5. Click the Deny link in the second rule. In the bottom frame that appears, check Allow, and then click Update.
  6. Click the "anyone" link in the second rule. In the bottom frame, type the group you want to have access to the server.
  7. Click the "anyplace" link in the second rule. In the bottom frame, type a wildcard pattern for the host names of the computers you want to allow.
  8. Unselect Continue in the top frame, and then click Submit.
  9. Submit your changes.
  10. Figure 14.5    Restricting access to the entire server

Be sure to restart the server for the changes to take affect. The following text is the ACL file for this example.

Restricting Access to a Directory (Path)
This example lets users in a group called "executives" have read access to a directory and its subdirectories and files on the server. The user called "ceo" has full permissions to the directory.

You might use this example if you have a directory on your server that one person owns (that is, they publish to this directory) and you want one group of users to read the files. For example, you might have a project owner who publishes status information for the project team to review.

To restrict access to a directory on the server, perform the following steps:

  1. In Enterprise Server, choose Server Preferences.
  2. Click the Restrict Access link.
  3. In the section called Pick a Resource, click the Browse button.
  4. Note.

  5. Click Edit Access Control.
  6. Click New Line twice to create two rules.
  7. Click Deny in the second rule. In the bottom frame that appears, check Allow, and then click Update.
  8. Click "anyone" in the second rule. In the bottom frame, type the group you want to have access to the server. For this example, type executives in the Group field. Click Update.
  9. Click "all" in the top frame. Uncheck the Write and Delete access rights.
  10. Click New Line to create a rule for the "ceo" user. Check Allow for the third rule.
  11. Click "anyone". In the bottom frame, type ceo in the User field. Click Update.
  12. Uncheck Continue for both the second and the third rules.
  13. Click Submit and save and apply your changes.
The entry in the generated.https-serverid.acl file for this example looks like this:

Restricting Access to a URI (Path)
This example uses a URI to control access to a single user's content on the web server. URIs are paths and files relative to the server's document root directory. Using URIs is an easy way to manage your server's content if you frequently rename or move all or part of it (for example, for disk space). It's also a good way to handle access control if you have additional document roots.

This example gives anyone read access to files and directories in the path specified by the URI /my_directory. Only one user ("me" in this example) has full access to the directories and files.

You might use this example if you have several users who publish their content on your server. The users want to have write access to their content, and they want anyone to have read/execute access.

To restrict access to a URI, perform the following steps:

  1. In Enterprise Server, choose Server Preferences.
  2. Click the Restrict Access link.
  3. In the section called "Type in the ACL name," type the URI you want to control. For example, type uri=/my_directory. Click Edit Access Control.
  4. Click New Line to create the first rule that allows all users read access.
  5. Click the Deny link. In the bottom frame that appears, check Allow, and then click Update.
  6. Click the "all" link in the top frame. Uncheck the Write and Delete access rights.
  7. Click New Line to create a rule for the owner of the directory. Check Allow for the second rule.
  8. Click the "anyone" link. In the bottom frame, type me in the User field. Click Update.
  9. Uncheck Continue for both the first and second rules.
  10. Click Submit and save and apply your changes.
The entry in the generated.https-serverid.acl file for this example looks like this:

Restricting Access to a File Type
This example controls write and delete access to all files with the extension .cgi. You might use this example if you only want specific users to create programs that run on your server. In this example, anyone can run the programs, but only users in the "programmers" group can create or delete them.

To restrict access to a file type, perform the following steps:

  1. In Enterprise Server, choose Server Preferences.
  2. Click Restrict Access.
  3. In the section called "Pick a resource," click Wildcard. In the prompt that appears, type *.cgi and click OK.
  4. Click Edit Access Control.
  5. Click New Line to create the first rule that will allow all users read access.
  6. Click Deny. In the bottom frame that appears, check Allow, and then click Update.
  7. Click "all" in the top frame. Uncheck the Write and Delete access rights.
  8. Click New Line to create a rule that allows write and delete access to the "programmers" group. Check Allow for the second rule.
  9. Click "anyone". In the bottom frame, type programmers in the Group field. Click Update.
  10. Click Submit and save and apply your changes.
In this example, both continue boxes are checked. This means that if a request for a file comes in, the server will first look at the ACL for the file type, and then it will continue to look for another ACL that matches (for example, am ACL on the URI or the path). The server checks ACLs in this order:

  1. Pathcheck functions in obj.conf. For example, these could be wildcard patterns for files or directories. The entry in the ACL file would appear as follows: acl "*.cgi";
  2. URIs. For example, a path relative to the document root. The entry in the ACL file would appear as follows: acl "uri=/my_directory";
  3. Pathnames. For example, an absolute path to a file or directory. The entry in the ACL file would appear as follows: acl "path=d:\netscape\suitespot\docroot1\sales/";
The entry in the generated.https-serverid.acl file for this example looks like this:

Restricting Access Based on Time of Day
This example restricts write and delete access to the server during working hours. You might use this example if you don't want people publishing documents at times when people might be accessing the files. This example allows users to publish during the evening during the week (between 6:00pm and 6:00am, Monday through Friday) and all time during the weekend.

To restrict access based on time of the day and day of the week, perform the following steps:

  1. In Enterprise Server, choose Server Preferences.
  2. Click the Restrict Access link.
  3. In the section called Pick a Resource, select "The entire server" from the Editing drop-down list. (You can select any resource.) Click Edit Access Control.
  4. Click New Line.
  5. Click the Deny link. In the bottom frame that appears, check Allow, and then click Update.
  6. Click the "all" link in the top frame. Uncheck the Write and Delete access rights.
  7. Click New Line to create a rule that restricts the write and delete methods. Check Allow for the second rule.
  8. Click the X link to create a customized expression. In the bottom frame, type the following lines:
  9. Click Submit. If you made any errors in the custom expression, you'll get a JavaScript alert. Correct any changes and click Submit again.
Restart your server for the changes to take effect.

Access Control For Web Publishing
Web Publisher users can control who accesses their Web Publisher documents and directories and what operations different users or different groups of users can perform upon the files. They can also completely prohibit access to a file or folder or you can restrict access to certain authenticated users.

The access control system supports a special user called owner. When an ACL rule designates the user to be the owner, the permissions defined by this rule apply to the owner assigned by Web Publisher for each document.

Only the owner can modify the access control (ACL) rules for a file. These rules define the actions users can perform on the file, such as moving, copying, renaming, or deleting it. An owner can reassign ownership of a file to another user, and if a file has no owner, anyone with a valid username can identify themselves as its owner. Because the username identified as the owner of a file can change, any access control that you place on a file should target the owner of a file rather than a specific username.

If the default access control (ACL) that governs your server is not restrictive or flexible enough for your web publishing needs, you can use the Restrict Access function (choose Server Preferences and click the Restrict Access link) to create an ACL that is more appropriate for web publishing.

For example, you could create an ACL like this:

This ACL sets a restriction such that only the owner of a file within the additional document directory of /publisher can modify or delete the file.

Note. For Unix, if you expect web publishing users to publish documents to a directory, you need to set the Unix file permissions to give them write access to that directory. You should also disable write permissions for directories you do not want them to publish to.

Web Publisher has many operations that are restricted to the broad category of valid server user. Many ACL rules, such as that for agents services, simply require a user to be valid for the server. That is, users who are defined in the server's users database.

When you start Web Publisher, you are immediately prompted with the user name authorization dialog box. You can leave this blank and operate as an anonymous user, but as soon as you attempt to perform an operation restricted to a valid user, you are again prompted for your user name. At this point, you are also asked to enter your password, and only authenticated users can continue with the operation.

Ownership of Files and Folders
Web Publisher files and folders can be owned by individual users. Only the owner of a file or folder can define its access control definitions or reassign its ownership. If a file or folder has no owner, no one can modify its access control. You can define an access control definition that restricts certain operations to the user who is the current owner of a file or folder, even when ownership is reassigned.

Your can do a bulk ownership assignment for your Web Publisher users, and the users can assign ownership for an individual file or folder through the Web Publisher properties page, or they can become the owner of a file or folder as a result of an automatic assignment by Web Publisher when you perform certain actions.


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