Complete Contents
About This Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction to Enterprise Server
Chapter 2 Administrating Enterprise Servers
Chapter 3 Setting Administration Preferences
Chapter 4 Managing Users and Groups
Chapter 5 Working with Server Security
Chapter 6 Managing Server Clusters
Chapter 7 Configuring Server Preferences
Chapter 8 Understanding Log Files
Chapter 9 Using SNMP to Monitor Servers
Chapter 10 Configuring the Server for Performance
Chapter 11 Extending Your Server with Programs
Chapter 12 Working with Configuration Styles
Chapter 13 Managing Server Content
Chapter 14 Controlling Access to Your Server
Chapter 15 Configuring Web Publishing
Chapter 16 Using Search
Appendix A HyperText Transfer Protocol
Appendix B ACL File Syntax
Appendix C Internationalized Enterprise Server
Appendix D Server Extensions for Microsoft FrontPage
Appendix E Enterprise Server User Interface
Netscape Enterprise Server Administrator's Guide: Configuring Web Publishing
Previous Next Contents Index

Chapter 15 Configuring Web Publishing

Netscape Enterprise Server 4.0 clients can use Web Publisher to collaborate on projects by directly accessing, editing, and managing file on remote servers. Web Publisher provides sophisticated features for server clients, such as file management, editing and publishing, and access control.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Using Netshare
Netshare provides an Enterprise Server user with a personal home page from which they can store, share, and manage their server documents. Netshare is a convenient starting point for using the Netscape Enterprise Server user services: Web Publisher and search. From their home page, users can also obtain information about how they are defined in the server's user directory, such as their name, password, and telephone extension.

To access a user's default Netshare home page, the user types in this URL:

After authentication, the user's default Netshare home page is displayed with a set of links to many server functions:

Table 15.1 Netshare Home Page Links
Link Name
Web Publisher
Users have direct access to the files and folders in their home directory.
Access control
Users can restrict access to their home directory.
Users can search on any collection set up for their server.
User info
Users can review and modify their user information.
User's Guide
Users can look at Netshare online help.

When you create a Netshare home directory for a user, the user is assigned as the owner of the directory and all its files. By default, only the owner can write to the directory although other users can read the files. Others cannot make any changes to the files unless the owner explicitly provides such access permissions.

This section includes the following topics:

Setting Up the Server and Creating Netshare Home Directories
As the server administrator, you need to configure Netshare for your server and for your server's users before they can use Netshare. Once you have set up Netshare, you need to create a Netshare home directory for any user or group who wants to use Netshare. Netshare provides two types of interface for server administrators: Enterprise Server user interface (Set Up Netshare and Create Netshare) and a Netshare command-line utility.

Before You Start
Before you set up Netshare for your users, you need to be sure that the Web Publishing functions are turned on for your server, that you understand how Netshare's default naming conventions operate, what the configuration file contains, and what it means to mark a user as licensed.

Server Features That Must Be Enabled
In order to use the functions of Netshare fully, including Web Publisher and search, each of these functions must be turned on for your server. By default, they are all enabled, but you may wish to verify their state.

To turn on the Web Publisher, use The Web Publishing State Page in the Enterprise Server user interface.

To check the state of Web Publisher, use The Search State Page in the Enterprise Server user interface.

Note. If Search is turned on before Web Publishing then the default collection is not created until after a force index is performed. This happens only if Web Publishing is enabled after Search. The reason that the Web Publishing collection does not show up in search is that at the time the search init is run, the web_htm collection has not been created. If you restart the server, then it will show up correctly.

Netshare Directory Naming Conventions
To facilitate handling large quantities of individual home directories for every Netshare user, a naming convention has been defined. Its page is at
doc_root/netshare_directory/home_directory. The default is to use the primary document directory for your server (server/docs), to use /netshare as the Netshare directory, and to use the user's User ID as the home directory's name. Thus, on a default Windows NT installation for the user JDoe, the Netshare user's home directory would created be at C:\Netscape\server4\docs\netshare\JDoe.

As server administrator, you can select one of the additional document directories defined for your server as the document root, and you can define different directories for the Netshare and home directories. If you change these values on the Enterprise Server Set Up Netshare page, the configuration file is changed to reflect your changes, and all home directories added subsequently use the new directory values. If, however, you use the Netshare utility to indicate different directories, the configuration file is not changed, so only the user directories currently being added are affected.

One situation in which you might want to change the default directory path is when you want to create a home directory for a user that does not map to their user ID. For example, the user JDoe wants an additional Netshare directory called Project1. In this case, the user ID would be JDoe and JDoe would be assigned as owner of the Project1 directory.

The Netshare Configuration File
Netshare uses a configuration file, netshare.conf, that contains the following data:

You can only modify this file from the Set Up Netshare page or manually through a text editor. When you use the Netshare utility, the configuration file is not affected.

When you use the Set Up Netshare page to change a default directory or template file, you are updating the values in the configuration file. From then on, any home directory that you create uses the new values.

Marking Users As Licensed
In order to create a Netshare home directory for a user, the user must be marked as having been granted a Client Access License for a Netscape Enterprise Server.

Note. After your server is installed and before being able to mark a user as licensed, you need to go to the Set Up Netshare page (choose Web Publishing and clicking the Set Up Netshare link). Displaying this page causes an essential modification to an internal configuration file. You need only do this one time after the server is installed.

There are several ways to mark users as licensed:

For a new user, mark the licensing as part of creating a user by following these steps:

    1. From the Administration Server, choose the Users & Groups.
    2. Click the New User link. The New User page appears.
    3. Enter the user's information.
    4. Click Create and Edit User.
    5. Click the Licenses link.
    6. Check "Netscape Enterprise Server" and click Save Changes.
For an existing user, mark the licensing in one of these ways:

For a set of existing users, mark all users as licensed by using the Netshare utility.

Access Control For Netshare
When you create a Netshare home directory for a user ID, the server assigns the user as its owner and the user is the only one who can write to the directory. Other users can read the user's files, but cannot make any changes to them unless the user explicitly provides such access permissions.

The default access permission is to allow anyone defined as a valid server user to read any Netshare directory, but only the designated owner of the Netshare home directory can modify the files.

This is the default ACL that is applied to the Netshare parent directory:

When you create a Netshare home directory for a group, the server assigns ownership of the files and folders in that directory to the owner's user ID. This also gives all users in the group read-write access permission for all files and folders in the home directory. Because this requires creating a new ACL rule for this particular group, this forces the server to restart to pick up the new ACL information.

Using the Server Manager
The Enterprise Server provides pages that allow you to modify Netshare configuration settings (Set Up Netshare) and create Netshare home directories (Create Netshare).

The Set Up Netshare Page
The Set Up Netshare page allows you to modify the Netshare configuration settings. You can change some of the Netshare configuration information for your server and the configuration file is updated with your changes. When you have set up Netshare for your server, you can create Netshare home directories for your users.

To change the values in the configuration file, use The Set Up Netshare Page in the Enterprise Server user interface.

The Create Netshare Page
You can use the Create Netshare page to create Netshare home directories for an individual user, for a specified group, or for all users who have been marked as licensed. The last choice is particularly useful for server administrators who wish to add Netshare home directories for all existing users.

Note. You must have already set up Netshare for your server before you can create Netshare home directories and Web Publishing must be enabled before your users can use Netshare.

To create a Netshare home directory for a single user, follow these steps:

  1. From the Enterprise Server, choose Web Publishing.
  2. Click the Create Netshare link.
  3. Click "A single user."
  4. Enter the user's user ID.
  5. Ignore the Owner field.
  6. (Optional) Enter another Netshare home directory if you do not want to accept the default of using the user ID.
  7. Click the Create button.
To create a Netshare home directory for a group, follow these steps:

  1. From the Enterprise Server, choose Web Publishing.
  2. Click the Create Netshare link.
  3. Click "A group."
  4. Enter the name of the group.
  5. Enter the name of the group's owner.
  6. (Optional) Enter another Netshare home directory if you do not want to accept the default of using the group name.
  7. Click the Create button.
To create Netshare home directories for all users at once, follow these steps:

  1. From the Enterprise Server, choose Web Publishing.
  2. Click the Create Netshare link.
  3. Click "All users marked as licensed."
  4. Click Create.
This searches through the local or LDAP user directory for your server and creates a Netshare home directory for each user who has been marked as licensed but who does not yet have a Netshare directory. If you attempt to create a home directory that already exists, you receive an error message.

Note. You can use the Netshare utility (the -l option) to perform a batch update, marking all users as licensed, before using this page.

Using the Netshare Command-line Utility
Server administrators can use the Netshare command-line utility to define the Netshare configuration settings, create Netshare home directories for an individual user or for a batch of users, and display the online help.

Several values are defined in the configuration file; see "Syntax of the Netshare Utility" on page 370 for details. To accept the default values from the configuration file, skip these command-line options. (Some examples of how you can use Netshare are provided for your convenience.) When you enter a different value for an option, it only applies to the home directory or directories being created at that time. If you want to modify the configuration file, you must use Server Manager pages or use your local text editor to edit the configuration file manually.

Note. In order to run the Netshare command-line utility, you need to manually set the Path variable to include <server_root>/bin/https/bin.

You can use the Netshare command-line utility to:

When you use the Netshare utility to create a Netshare home directory for an individual user, the server marks the user as licensed if not yet marked as such, creates the user's Netshare home directory, and assigns ownership of the files and folders in that directory to the user ID that was entered.

When you use the Netshare utility to create a Netshare home directory for a group, the server marks the group's owner as a licensed user if not yet marked as such, creates the group's Netshare home directory, and assigns ownership of the files and folders in that directory to the owner's user ID. This also gives all users in the group read-write access permission for all files and folders in the home directory.

When you use the Netshare utility to create Netshare home directories for all users at once, the server searches through the local or LDAP user directory for your server and creates a Netshare home directory for each user who has been marked as licensed but who does not yet have a Netshare directory.

Syntax of the Netshare Utility
netshare -u user_ID -r server_root -s server_name [-alXxv -d dir_name -o owner -g group]

Required fields: You must provide the name of your server instance and the path for your server root so that the utility can locate the appropriate configuration file for your server. You must use either the -a (all users) or the
-u (single user) option to indicate which user directories you want to create.

Table 15.2 The Netshare utility options.
-u user_ID
Identifies the user ID to assign as the owner of the Netshare home directory, marks this user ID as licensed if it hasn't already been marked, and creates a home directory with this user ID unless the -d option has also been used.
-r server_root
Specifies the Netshare root.
-s server_name
Indicates the name of the Enterprise Server you are currently configuring for Netshare.
Creates Netshare home directories for all users that are marked as licensed.
Marks all users as licensed Netshare users.
Marks users (or a specific user if the -u option is included) as no longer licensed Netshare users and deletes user directories.
Marks users (or a specific user if the -u option is included) as no longer licensed Netshare users and deletes user directories.
Displays progress information as the operation proceeds.
[-d dir_name]
Specifies a name for the Netshare home directory that overrides the default name, which is the user ID or group ID. If the directory does not exist, Netshare creates it for you.
[-o owner]]
Identifies the user ID to assign as the owner of the Netshare home directory that is being created for a group, and marks this user ID as licensed if it hasn't already been marked. This field is required if you use the -g option.
[-g group]
Creates a Netshare home directory for this group ID unless the -d option is also used. Defines an ACL for the Netshare home directory being created that provides read-write permission for each user in the group. You must also use the -o option because a user ID needs to be assigned as the owner of the group's Netshare home directory.

Netshare Utility Examples
(For the server instance moray, creates a Netshare home directory called
/JDoe, assigns JDoe as its owner, and marks the user as licensed if not yet marked.)

(For the server instance churchill, marks all users as licensed and then creates a home directory for each user, assigning them ownership of their own Netshare directory.)

(For the server instance iguana, creates a home directory called /mktg1 for the Marketing group, with JDoe assigned as owner.)

(For the server instance sylvester, creates a home directory called /Project1 for JDoe.)

(Unlicenses all Netshare users known to server instance bonzini.)

(Unlicenses FredB and removes FredB's directory.)

Accessing the Web Publisher Home Page
When you have configured web publishing for your server, you and your users can access the Web Publisher home page at the following URL:

This displays the home page, which provides a link for downloading the web publishing plug-in appropriate for your browser and the Start Web Publisher button, which launches the Web Publisher applet. The page also includes a set of links to a QuickStart tutorial and to the entire Web Publisher online help system, Netshare & Web Publisher User's Guide.

The online help system is also available through user components such as search and Web Publisher. To access the help system, use the Help menu command in Web Publisher, or click Help on the search interface pages or on the Web Publisher Services page.

Setting Access Control For Web Publisher Owners
The access control system supports a special user called owner. When an ACL rule designates the user to be the owner, the permissions defined by this rule apply to the owner assigned by Web Publisher for each document. For example:

Note. Do not create a user with the username of owner.

Ownership of web publishing documents can be assigned either through the Index and Update Properties page (choose Web Publishing and click the Index and Update Properties link) or through Web Publisher. The Index and Update Properties page allows you to do a bulk assignment of ownership to a set of documents and Web Publisher performs individual assignments of file ownership to a user when the user publishes or uploads the file.

Only the owner can modify the access control (ACL) rules for a file. These rules define the actions users can perform on the file, such as moving, copying, renaming, or deleting it. An owner can reassign ownership of a file to another user, and if a file has no owner, anyone with a valid username can identify themselves as its owner. Because the username identified as the owner of a file can change, any access control that you place on a file should target the owner of a file rather than a specific username.

Note. If you change the owner of the Netshare directory and all subsequent subdirectories, then only owner can write to these directories. If you change the Netshare root owner, but not the owner of the subdirectories, then the owners of the subdirectories can still write within the directories. It is important to note that if you change the name of a file (with this specific ACL settings), then the user needs to be the owner of both the enclosing directory, and the file itself.

If the default access control (ACL) that governs your server is not restrictive or flexible enough for your web publishing needs, you can use the Restrict Access function (choose Server Preferences and click the Restrict Access link) to create an ACL that is more appropriate for web publishing.

For example, you could create an ACL like this:

This ACL sets a restriction such that only the owner of a file within the additional document directory of /publisher can modify or delete the file.

For more information about setting access control, see Restricting Access to Your Web Site.

Note. For Unix, if you expect web publishing users to publish documents to a directory, you need to set the Unix file permissions to give them write access to that directory. You should also disable write permissions for directories you do not want them to publish to.

Indexing and Updating Properties
Before users can perform a search across a set of documents and directories, information about the documents and directories needs to be indexed into the web publishing database. The web publishing database is stored as a search collection and is created as part of the server installation process. Initially it contains no data and must be populated by indexing the documents in the document directories.

The Web Publisher page lists the files and folders that are in the document directory selected when a user starts up Web Publisher, but the data initially is not indexed (and therefore is not available for searching) and the files have no owners (so anyone can define their username as the owner of a file, and thereby be able to set the access control for a file).

You can use the Index and Update Properties page (choose Web Publishing and click the Index and Update Properties link) to perform bulk indexing of documents to create searchable web publishing data and you can also use it to do a bulk assignment of owner for the files included in the collection. You can restrict or expand the scope of documents and directories to be indexed, and you can index just the file properties, called metadata, or you can also index the documents' contents. If you choose to index the contents of the files, you can search on any word in the documents although publishing and uploading files with Web Publisher may be slightly slower.

Using this function clears the link status database of all current link checking information. You must recheck your links after indexing files.

To index and update properties, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Enterprise Server, choose Web Publishing.
  2. Click Index and Update Properties.
  3. Choose the path of the directory to be indexed.
  4. Note:

  5. If you also want to index the subdirectories within the specified directory, click Include Subdirectories.
  6. You can index all files in the chosen directory by leaving the default *.* pattern in the "Include files matching pattern" field or you can define your own wildcard expression to restrict indexing to documents that match that pattern. For example, you could enter *.html to only index the content in documents with the .html extension, or you could use the following pattern (complete with parentheses) to index all HTML documents:
  7. If this is the first time you index web publishing documents, check "Index unindexed documents".
  8. If you want to make a change to files that have already been indexed, you can use the "Update previously indexed documents" option to do a bulk ownership assignment or to index the content of files that did not have this option set when they were first indexed.
  9. To do a bulk assignment of ownership to all files that match your criteria, you can select "Set document owner to" and type in a username.
  10. To index the document content, check "Index document contents".
  11. Click OK to begin indexing and updating web publishing.
A summary of the indexing operation is displayed in the web browser page. The information is also logged to the yourServer/plugins/content_mgr/logs/wpsimport.log log file. New data is appended to the log, so you may want to monitor its size as you proceed through many indexing operations.

You can enable logging in the indexing engine in two ways:

Note. Once you have indexed documents into the web publishing collection, you should not change any document directory's URL mapping or the collection's entries will target the URL mapping to the wrong physical file location. If you have to change a document directory, you need to reindex the documents in the new location. You can use the Repair function to remove the indexed data from the old directory mapping.

Changing the Web Publishing State
You can activate or deactivate web publishing using The Web Publishing State Page in the Enterprise Server user interface.

Warning. If your server is outside the firewall, you should turn off directory indexing (from the Server Manager, choose Content Management, click the Document Preferences link, and click None in the Directory Indexing section) as well as web publishing. This ensures that your directory structure, file names, and web publishing features are not accessible.

Maintaining Web Publishing Data
Web Publisher maintains multiple sets of data about the documents that are in the web publishing collection. When all web publishing data is synchronized, each file in the chosen document directory has a record in the web publishing collection and every property record in the collection has a corresponding file in the document directory.

Although you can limit the scope of the Repair and Report functions to checking only the files in a particular document directory for collection records, every property record in the collection is checked for a corresponding source document regardless of which directory the file might be in.

Occasionally, these can become out of sync. You can obtain a report on the state of your web publishing files, and then repair one or more directories as needed. For example, if a document that was indexed into a collection is deleted, there is a record in the collection that no longer has any corresponding source document. Repairing removes the collection records for any such document.

You can perform these functions to maintain your web publishing data:

Periodically, you may want to maintain your web publishing collections. You can perform the following collection management tasks:

  1. From the Enterprise Server, choose Web Publishing.
  2. Click the Maintain Web Publishing Data link.
  3. Choose the directory that contains the web publishing data to be maintained.
  4. To also report on or repair the subdirectories within the specified directory, click Include Subdirectories.
  5. To report on the collection, click the Report button. This reports on the selected document directory.
  6. To repair the collection, click the Repair button.
  7. To optimize the collection, click the Optimize button.

Unlocking Files
If a file that has been locked in Web Publisher is required for another user, you can unlock it. This is true for files that were locked manually by the client or automatically by Product Name goes here as part of an edit or download operation.

For further information about locking and unlocking files in Web Publisher, access the online Netshare & Publisher User's Guide through the Help menu command in Web Publisher or the Help button on the search interface or the Web Publisher Services page.

Be cautious in using this function because by unlocking a file that was locked, you are making the file available for editing by other users. This is contrary to the intent of the lock owner, who may not know of the unlocking operation.

To unlock a file, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Enterprise Server, choose Web Publishing.
  2. Click the Unlock File link.
  3. Select the file or directory you want to unlock.
  4. Click OK to unlock the file.
After you unlock a file, your server is automatically restarted to incorporate the lock change.

Note. You cannot use this page to unlock a file that begins with a period (as in .cshrc), a plus (+), an equals sign (=), an ampersand (&), or any hexadecimal character. You have to log into Web Publisher as the user and unlock the file there.

Adding Custom Properties
As server administrator, you can add your own custom Web Publisher file properties. These properties are added to the default set of file properties stored in the web publishing collection. Server clients can view visible custom properties in Web Publisher and use them in their document searches.

For further information about viewing and modifying properties in Web Publisher, access the online Netshare & Web Publisher User's Guide through the Help menu command in Web Publisher or the Help button on the search interface or the Web Publisher Services page.

Note. If you want to add another custom property after creating the maximum number of custom properties for a given type, you cannot remove an existing custom property and "reuse" the property's slot in the collection by adding a new custom property of the same type. For example, if you want to add a numeric property after 5 have already been created, you cannot delete one of the existing 5 numeric properties and add another numeric property in its place. The only way to use the new property is to remove the entire collection and recreate it with the new property.

This means that if you extend the maximum settings to add additional attributes, you cannot automatically use the new attributes in the existing web publishing collection. To allow this, you must use your file system to remove both the web_htm and link_mgr collection files from the search collections directory and then restart your server to automatically create a new web publishing collection for you. (The link_mgr collection is an internal file that's part of web publishing.)

To add a custom file property, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Enterprise Server, choose Web Publishing.
  2. Click the Add Custom Properties link.
  3. Type a name in the Property Name field. The name has these restrictions:
  4. Select the property's type from the Property Type list.
  5. Select one of the Permissions buttons.
  6. Click either Read only or Modifiable. By default, this is set to Modifiable.
  7. Note:

  8. Click one of the Visible to User buttons, either Invisible or Visible.
  9. If the property you are adding is actually an HTML file attribute that has been tagged with the HTML META tag, click HTML META.
  10. Note:

  11. Click OK to create the new custom property.

Managing Properties
You can list all the file properties that are available for use. These include the default set plus any new custom properties you have created. You can remove or edit only those properties that you have created. These have active Remove and Edit links in the first two columns.

To manage file properties, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Enterprise Server, choose Web Publishing.
  2. Click the Manage Properties link.
  3. The Manage Properties page appears, displaying all available properties.
To remove a custom property, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Remove link for the property.
  2. Click OK to remove the property. Click Back to return to the Manage Properties page without removing the property.
To edit a custom property, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Edit link for the property.
  2. Change the property as needed.
  3. Click OK to update the property with your changes. Click Back to return to the Manage Properties page without editing the property. Click Reset to reset any property values you changed.

Customizing Your Netshare Home Page
By default, a user's Netshare home page displays the netshare.html file in the right frame. Initially this HTML file contains mostly text and a few sample links, but you or your users can revise this file to contain other text, graphics, links, and other HTML elements.

This file is the starting point for a user's workspace on the remote server and is what other users first see when they access the user's home page. You or the owner of the home page may want to provide some explanation of what other files, folders, and services are available through the home page and display some navigational links to route other users through the site.

These are the default files that are installed in a Netshare home directory:

Customizing the Web Publisher User Interface
Web Publisher uses a standard set of default properties to describe its files and folders. These properties are listed in the Manage Properties page (choose Web Publishing and click the Manager Properties link) and are used in the HTML pages that the Web Publisher user sees.

As server administrator, you can customize these pages to meet specific user requirements. These pages are defined as a set of modifiable pattern files that contain pattern variables for the Web Publisher properties. These variables are named by taking the attribute name defined in the dblist.ini file (located in the yourServer/plugins/search.admin directory) and adding the prefix $$. For example, you can $$ to the variable CM_LOCK_OWNER to create the $$CM_LOCK_OWNER variable for displaying the lock owner in an HTML pattern file.

The Web Publisher Attributes
To understand how these work, look at the dblist.ini file that came as part of the default installation of your server. You can see there a series of attributes called NS-idxattr1 through NS-idxattr27. These are the default Web Publisher attributes and they follow this standard syntax:


Table 15.3 Web Publishing attributes. listed in order of NS-idxattr number
Attribute Name
Display Name


The physical path name of the file or folder that's being operated upon.


The date of the last modification to the file or folder.


The date when the file or folder was created


The size in bytes.


An internal ID.


An internal status.


The URI of a file or folder.


The owner of a file or folder.


An internal counter.


The number for a particular version of a file.


A flag indicating the state of the links in a file or folder. A link can be working, broken, or external (file) or unchecked (folder).


A flag indicating whether the file of folder is locked.


The user who locked the file manually or who is editing the file.


The user who made the most recent modification to the file or folder.


The most recent comment added for a file as part of an upload or publish operation.


A flag indicating whether the file is under version control.


The author defined for the file with the HTML META tag of Author.


The text defined for the file with the HTML META tag of Description.


The title defined for the file with the HTML META tag of Title. (not used)


The language defined for Web Publisher.


A flag indicating that the content and metadata of a file has been indexed.


A flag indicating that the metadata only of a file has been indexed. The file's content has not been indexed.


The default file extension defined for a particular file type, such as .doc for Word files and .pdf for Acrobat files.


A flag indicating that the content of a file should be indexed when the metadata is indexed next.


The title defined for the file with the HTML META tag of Title.


An internal indicator.


An internal filename.

The Web Publisher Pattern Files
The Web Publisher pattern files use the Web Publisher pattern variables to display values, and to pass values between the user's system and the remote server. The pattern files use a combination of HTML syntax and JavaScript to define additional variables and to display information to the user.

The following default Web Publisher pattern files are in the yourServer/plugins/content_mgr/ui/text/en directory on an English language server:

The remaining pattern files display a short message, typically as a result of not being able to satisfy the request.

A good place to begin customizing the interface is by modifying the existing pattern files. After you see how they work and you understand pattern variables, you can create your own pattern files and change the configuration files and other pattern files to point to them.

There are three kinds of Web Publisher pattern variables:

Most modifications to the Web Publisher pattern files involve simply changing which attributes you want displayed in the properties pages, adding or removing variables from the pattern file. That is, adjusting the use of the variables defined in the dblist.ini file. Other modifications are likely to involve the pointer variables, identified by their "-NS" suffix. The Web Publisher-defined variables are not intended for general use, and thus are not described at length here.

Pointing Pattern Variables
There are some pattern variables that point at specific files and displays them in one of the frames in the browser.

The pointer variables that you can use in your pattern file are listed in Table 15.4.

Table 15.4 Pointing pattern variables
Variable name
Custom properties page (gets data for it)
The right frame displays the HTML version of the file
Link status page
Properties page
Left-hand frame
Custom properties page (posts data from it)
Compare versions page
Version history page
Check links page
Web Publisher applet

Conditional Variables
You can set up a search to use a variable conditionally so that if there is no value associated with the variable, nothing is displayed. The syntax is as follows:

For example, you could request that the document's title be output if it exists. If there is no title for this document, not even the label "Title:" is to be displayed. To do this, you would use code like this:

Figure 15.1 shows the file properties page displayed by the sys-prop.pat pattern file. The fields for Owner, Title, Author, Lock Status, URL, and so on are all defined in the pattern file. Most of the variables are in the dblist.ini file, but there are a few that are defined by Web Publisher.

Figure 15.1    Figure 1: The Web Publisher file properties page

To see how these work together, here are some of the more interesting lines from the file properties pattern file, sys-prop.pat, that define various fields and their labels:

<TD><input name="CM_OWNER" value="$$CM_OWNER" size="40"</TD>
<TR VALIGN=BASELINE><TD><B>Lock Status:</B></TD>
<TD>$$CM_LOCK_STAT (only lock owner may unlock) <SPACER type=horizontal size=10></SPACER>
$$CM_LOCK_VAL:<SPACER type=horizontal size=5></SPACER>
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="CM_LOCK_STAT" ><BR></TD></TR>
<TD NOWRAP><B>Rendition</B>:</TD>

Notice these aspects of the lines:


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