Netscape Internet Service Broker for C++ Reference Guide

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The Netscape Internet Service Broker for C++ Reference Guide provides reference information about commands and interfaces in Netscape Internet Service Broker for C++ (ISB for C++). This Preface lists the contents of the Netscape Internet Service Broker for C++ Reference Guide, describes typographic and syntax conventions used throughout the guide, and provides references for more information about ISB for C++ and CORBA.

Organization of this Guide

Typographic Conventions

Platform Conventions

Where to Find Additional Information

Organization of this Guide

This guide includes the following sections:

Typographic Conventions

This guide uses the following conventions:


Used for


In syntax diagrams, bold type indicates a required item.


Italics indicates information that the user or application provides, such as variables in syntax diagrams. It is also used to introduce new terms.


Monospace typeface is used for sample command lines, code, and object names.

[ ]

Brackets indicate optional items in syntax diagrams


An ellipsis indicates that the previous argument can be repeated.


A vertical bar separates two mutually exclusive choices.


A column of three dots indicates the continuation of previous lines of code.

Platform Conventions

This guide uses the following symbols to indicate that information is platform-specific:


All Windows platforms including Windows 3.1, Windows NT, and Windows 95.


Windows NT only.


Windows 95 only.


All Unix platforms.

Where to Find Additional Information

For more information about Netscape Internet Service Broker for C++, refer to the following information sources:

For more information about the CORBA specification, refer to the following sources:

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Last Updated: 02/03/98 17:13:11

Copyright © 1997 Netscape Communications Corporation

Any sample code included above is provided for your use on an "AS IS" basis, under the Netscape License Agreement - Terms of Use