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iPlanet Application Server Installation Guide |
Chapter 4 Advanced Installations for
Windows NT
This chapter describes using the custom installation wizard to install and configure the application server for the Windows NT platform. It contains the following information:
What You're Installing
For any late breaking updates to these instructions, check the Release Notes at:Using the Windows NT Custom Installer
Verifying Installation of the Application Server
Verifying Installation of the Application Server
For more information about configuring your application server after installation, refer to the iPlanet Application Server Administrator's Guide.
What You're Installing
The software you're installing for iPlanet Application Server, actually consists of a group or stack of components, including:
iPlanet Directory Server, Enterprise Edition 4.1 (SP5)
See Chapter 1 "Getting Started," for an overview of the iPlanet Application Server features and components.iPlanet Console, which has its own Administration Server
iPlanet Application Server and its subcomponents:
Note In addition to these components, Custom Installation allows you to install database clients, proprietary Type 2 iPlanet Application Server Database Drivers, and Type 3 JDBC drivers.
Preparing for Installation
Before you begin installing iPlanet Application Server you must:
Check System Requirements for Windows NT
Complete the Installation Checklist
Install and Configure the Web Server
Optional. Create a Raw Partition
Optional. Create a Mirror Directory for Transaction Manager
Optional. Install and Configure Database Servers
Check System Requirements for Windows NT
Prepare to install by making sure meet the following requirements:
Microsoft Windows NT version 4.0 with Service Pack 5 or 6
Complete the Installation Checklist
Make sure you meet the following requirements:
Check System Requirements for Windows NT
Installer is logged in to Windows NT system as a user with administrative privileges
Product key is nearby; at a certain point in installation you can't proceed without it (look for it in the Welcome letter)
Ensure that a static IP address is assigned to the server machine (contact your system administrator to get one)
Install and make sure that either of the following Web servers and Web browsers are running:
iPlanet Web Server, Enterprise Edition 4.1
Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0
Netscape Communicator 4.5 or later
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later
Install and Configure the Web Server
The Web Server and Web Browser must be installed and configured before you install iPlanet Application Server. The iPlanet Web Server is available on the iPlanet Web site at: iPlanet Application Server user and the Web Server user must either be the same or from the same group. If the Web Server is installed as a regular user, and the iPlanet Application Server user is installed as the root user, a file permission problem will exist. The Web Server won't start because it won't have access to the registry file reg.dat.
If your Web Server runs on a different machine than the iPlanet Application Server, you perform what is referred to as a "webless" installation. After performing a webless installation, you must remember to install the Web Connector plugin on the Web Server in your configuration after you finish installing iPlanet Application Server.
Create a Raw Partition
Optional. Create a raw partition on a separate disk prior to running the installation program. This is where the transaction manager log file gets stored for each Java Server.
Create a Mirror Directory for Transaction Manager
Optional. Create a directory on a separate drive from the iPlanet Application Server installation directory and specify a path to it - prior to installing the application server.
Install and Configure Database Servers
Before installing iPlanet Application Server, install the database servers and clients to use with this iPlanet Application Server installation.During application server Custom installation, you can choose to configure iPlanet Type 2, third party JDBC, or no JDBC drivers. Although you can only configure either the Type 2 driver or third party JDBC driver during installation, you can choose to configure both after installation.
You can configure third party JDBC drivers after installation by executing a JDBC driver configuration tool. When configuring after installation, you must restart the application server to apply the driver changes.
For NT execute the jdbcsetup.exe program. (Registration of iPlanet Type 2 JDBC drivers for the supported database platforms is automatic since iPlanet automatically recognizes the presence of the supported native client libraries).
Using the Windows NT Custom Installer
Before you start, check the system requirements and the installation checklist.
To Start the Windows NT Installer
The first six (6) screens of all the Wizard Installations are the same.
If you are installing from a CD-ROM, the installation wizard should start automatically. If it does not, browse the CD-ROM drive to locate and launch the file: setup.exe.
Click Next after the Welcome screen appears.
Accept the license agreement by clicking Yes.
When the Select Server or Console Installation panel appears, select iPlanet Servers.
After clicking Next, the Type of Installation panel appears.
- If you select iPlanet Console (formerly know as Netscape Console), this software wizard installs the Administrative Console as a standalone application.
Select Custom as the type of installation to perform.
On the Location of Installation panel do either of the following:
Accept the default pathway as the location in which to install the server
Click the ellipsis (...) to browse through your computers' files and select another directory; the default directory is c:\iPlanet\iAS6.
On the Components to Install panel, keep the default choices; the selected checkboxes indicate which components are necessary, with the following possible exceptions:
- If you have less than 200 megabytes available on this drive for the installation of iPlanet Application Server, browse to select a different drive. Do not use a directory name that includes spaces.
If you have a different directory service already installed, uncheck the Directory Suite component.
Do not check the Netscape Directory Server 4.1 Synch Service. It is better to configure it after installation
Installing the Directory Suite
By definition, the Directory Server stores configuration data and directory data. An administrator, who has the privileges to administer this data if necessary, exists for the Directory Server's configuration and data storage databases. See "Directory Server" for more information, or see the iPlanet Directory Server Installation Guide.Within the iPlanet Application Server Directory Server installation there are several panels, which:
Install a Directory Server
Register the Directory Server's data tree by indicating what Directory Server stores:
Sets up following administrators:
Records general settings for the Directory server's
Sets Administrative Domain boundaries for the Directory Server
To Designate the Configuration Directory Server
The Configuration Directory Server contains the data tree used by iPlanet Application Server. The Directory Server stores these configuration settings in the data tree: o=NetscapeRoot. Multiple server installations can store their configuration settings on this Configuration Directory Server.If you install Directory Server with iPlanet Application Server, you must designate this installation of Directory Server as the configuration directory, even if another installation of Directory Server already exists at your site.
If you don't install Directory Server with iPlanet Application Server, you must designate an existing Directory Server as the configuration directory. The Directory Server you designate as the configuration directory must contain the data tree: o=NetscapeRoot.
On the Directory Server 4.1 panel, choose one of the following options:
Set a new Directory Server as the Configuration Directory by keeping the default setting.
Use an existing Directory Server by selecting "Use existing configuration Directory Server," and supply the following general server settings:
To Set Up iPlanet Application Server Data Storage
The Directory Server gives you the option to distribute data amongst multiple Directory Server databases. It does this by using a plug-in that chains together distributed data. For more information, see iPlanet Directory Server Deployment Guide, which is available on the Web.
Choose one of the following options:
To store directory data in the newly installed Directory Server, select that option.
To use an already installed Directory Server for data storage, select that option and supply the following general settings of the existing Directory Server:
To Set the Directory Server's General Settings
These settings consist of an identifier for the Directory Server's host machine, the port number of the LDAP communication port, and the data information tree suffix that is used to identify the root of the database tree for this iPlanet Application Server installation or the Directory Server.The suffix is the name of the entry at the top of the Directory Server data tree, below which iPlanet Application Server data is stored. For more information on standard directory suffixes, see the iPlanet Directory Server Administrator's Guide.
For the Server Identifier keep the default; it's set to the local host (which is the computer you are installing the Directory Server on.)
Keep the default Server Port number, 389 (the standard LDAP port number); if it's not in use.
Keep the default; it is set to the domain name for the computer you're installing on.
To set the Directory Server's General Settings
Set the Administrator ID and password for this configuration server instance on this panel.
Enter the Administrator ID and password for the Configuration Directory Server administrator.
Tip Save this Administrator ID and password. You'll need it in the future if you ever want to uninstall iPlanet Application Server and Directory Server.
To Set the Administration Domain
The Directory Server administration domain allows you to logically group servers together so that you can more easily distribute server administrative tasks. A common scenario is for two divisions in a company is to have each want control of their individual servers. However, you may still want some centralized control of all the servers in your enterprise. Administration domains allow you to meet these conflicting goals.
Note For more information see the iPlanet Directory Server documentation at:
On the Directory Server 4.1 Administration Domain panel, either accept the default or enter a unique name for the Administration Domain.
To Set up the Directory Manager Distinguished Name
The Directory Manager's Distinguished Name is the special directory entry to which access control does not apply. You can think of the Directory Manager as your directory's superuser.
Enter the Directory Manager DN or keep the default.
Enter the Directory Manager's password; it must be at least 8 characters long.
- In most cases, it is best to keep the default value, which is set to the common name of Directory Manager, as: cn=Directory Manager
To Set the Supplier and Consumers for Directory Manager
Replication is the process by which directory data is automatically copied from one Directory Server to another.
Accept the default supplier and consumer replication settings, unless you have another Replication Configuration design to implement.
Accept the default to populate the directory server with commonly used entries. These are provided to help you get started running iPlanet Application Server. Populate the database by selecting the appropriate radio button.
- A server that holds a replica that is copied to a replica on a different server is called a supplier. A server that holds a replica that is copied from a different server is called a consumer. For more information on replication concepts, see iPlanet Directory Server Deployment Guide.
It is recommended that you keep the default; enable schema checking.
Configuring the iPlanet Console Administration Server
Accept the default or enter a specific IP address to bind to your Administration Server.
Accept the default port number for the Administration Server.
- Be sure to enter the IP address carefully as no verification is performed.
Accept the default, or enter a unique global configuration name for this installation of iPlanet Application Server.
- The iPlanet Console requires this port number to administer the Directory Server.
Enter the NT product key for iPlanet Application Server.
- The name you assign is stored on the configuration Directory Server, under the o=iPlanetRoot tree, along with the global configuration names of any other iPlanet Application Server installations.
Select the Web Server type and instance that you have installed and running.
- This number is in the Welcome letter you received with the product and is required before installation can continue.
To Configure the iPlanet Application Servers
For iPlanet Application Server installation that have more than one server, enter the number of Java Servers (KJS) and C++ Servers (KCS) to use to process applications.
All port numbers you specify for listener ports must be within the acceptable range (1 to 65535), and must be unique (not used by any other applications on your system).
Enter the port numbers for the Administrative Server (KAS), the Executive Server (KXS), the Java Servers (KJS), and C++ Servers (KCS).
- The default values are 1; increase these values to handle high processing loads. You can also adjust the values after installation using the Administration Tool. See the iPlanet Application Server Administrator's Guide for more information.
Enter the iPlanet Application Server administrator's username and password.
The installation program lists all supported database clients. The clients are allow your applications to connect to your database back ends. Rank the clients according to connection priority, whether you've installed them yet or not. Client software can be added after installation. Sample applications are configured for the highest priority database.
Rank the installed database clients in order of connection priority.
- These are used for authentication by the Administration Server, which is used by the Administration Tool and the Deployment Tool.
To Configure the Transaction Manager
Specify whether or not to enable global transactions.
If you specified "Yes" to global transactions, enter the mirror directory path where the transaction manager restart.bak file for each KJS engine process gets stored.
Accept the default, or enter the log volume disk name where the Transaction Manager log file is to be stored for each Java Server.
- It is recommended that you specify a path on a separate disk drive by changing the default, which is on the installation disk drive.
- It is recommended that you specify a path on a separate disk drive. Indicate if the specified disk name is a raw partition.
- If the log volume is a raw partition, indicate Offset (starting page number) and Size (number of pages) in the raw partition. Make sure the size allocated for the log file is greater than 4 MB; the file should be greater than or equal to 1000 pages, at a size of roughly 4 KB per page.
To Configure Third Party JDBC Drivers
On the Third Party JDBC Support panel, enter whether or not you are using third party JDBC drivers.
If you answer yes, enter the number of drivers you want to configure before clicking Next.
For each third party JDBC driver, enter the driver's identifier, classname, and classpath; formatting each entry as shown in the wizard's examples.
Note After installation you must register the data source files for the third party JDBC drivers. The above reference also explains registration.
To Configure the Resource Manager
Indicate whether or not you want to configure any Resource Managers at this point in the installation. If you do, specify the number of Resource Managers you will use.
Accept the defaults or enter new information for each Resource Manager.
To Install Internationalization Support
To enable support for standard Java internationalization, select Yes on the Internationalization panel.
- Enabling I18N support allows multi-lingual applications to be deployed to iPlanet Application Server.
Select "Yes" if you intend to synchronize session and state information across multiple servers for failover and fault tolerance.
Enter the name of the cluster that this instance of iPlanet Application Server participates in.
Click on Sync Server or Synch Local to indicate whether this iPlanet Application Server is a synchronization server (Sync. Server) or a local server (Sync Local.)
Enter the total number of synchronization servers that you plan to have in this cluster.
If this server is a synchronization server (you selected Sync Server in the previous step) enter its IP address, Executive Server (KXS) port number, and its priority number for taking over as the primary synchronization server.
- A Sync Local server uses data synchronization services, but is not eligible to become a Sync Primary or the Sync Backup Server.
Scroll down the Current Settings list to verify your settings. Click Back to return to a previous panel to make corrections, otherwise click Install.
The installation program notifies you when all of the iPlanet Application Server files are in place. Select OK on the final dialog to reboot your computer, so that the new settings can take effect.
Verifying Installation of the Application Server
You can use a pre-installed application to verify that iPlanet Application Server is running. Since this basic application, which uses servlets and JSPs, does not rely on a backend database, it runs without any post-installation setup.
Open your browser and enter the following URL:
Press Enter.
- http://yourwebserver:portnumber/ias-samples/index.html
Click the Test Connectivity to iPlanet Application Server link to run a basic application.
Press the shift key and click on the browser's Reload button to ensure the application repeatedly returns a new HTML stream.
Installing iPlanet Application Server Clusters
A simple cluster configuration is demonstrated in the instructions on the iPlanet Developer's Web site. This simplistic cluster configuration is not representative of a true production configuration, but is sufficient to demonstrate the behavior of the iPlanet Application Server.The configuration consists of two machines that each have a Web server instance and an iPlanet Application Server instance installed. One machine also has a Directory Server instance that is used by the application servers on both machines, as shown in the following illustration.
Figure 4-1    A simple iPlanet Application Server cluster configuration
In this simple cluster, configuration data is stored in the directory server on the first machine. When the second application server is installed, it uses the same directory server for configuration information. It's preferable to use the same data tree in the directory server, so that the same configuration information can be shared between all servers and Web connectors.
During installation of the second application server, you must enter the same value for the cluster name and global configuration name as specified during the first application server installation.
In this example, the Web servers are on the same machine as the iPlanet Application Servers. If the Web servers were housed on a separate tier of machines, then you would enter the same global configuration name and cluster name during the Web connector installation.
To Install iPlanet Application Server Clusters
See the instructions for installing and verifying the simple cluster in Figure 4-1, on the Windows NT platform at:
Using the Sample Applications
To better understand specific technology features provided by iPlanet Application Server, run the iPlanet Application Server Technology Samples.
To Use the Sample Applications
Start running iPlanet Application Server.
After you become familiar with the iPlanet Application Server sample applications, run the Sun Samples, which are applications based on those found at The Java Pet Store example in particular demonstrates how a popular J2EE application is deployed to iPlanet Application Server.Open your browser, enter the following URL, and press Enter:
Select the iPlanet Application Server J2EE Application Samples link and select a specific sample application. Follow the application-specific setup instructions to establish the necessary database settings and to run the application.
You can review the source code of the sample applications and associated J2EE XML Deployment Descriptors by browsing in the following location:
You can also find compile scripts at this site for experimenting with the sample code.
Installing the Web Connector Plug-in
The Web Connector plug-in passes requests from your web server to applications on iPlanet Application Server.iPlanet provides Web Connector plug-ins for the following web servers:
If you install iPlanet Application Server on a different machine than where the Web Server resides, you are beginning what is referred to as a "webless installation" of iPlanet Application Server. If this is the case, after you install iPlanet Application Server, you must also install the iPlanet Application Server Web Connector plug-in on the Web Server machine.
Before you install the Web Connector plug-in, do the following:
Check whether or not the iPlanet Application Server 6.0 Web Connector plug-in has already been installed. If it has, the web server instance is already configured for iPlanet Application Server and you do not need to re-install the plug-in.
This procedure assumes that you have already installed iPlanet Application Server and Directory Server.Stop running your web server instance.
Log on as a user with administrative privileges before installing the iPlanet Application Server Web Connector plug-in.
To Install the Web Connector Plug-in
After you finish installing iPlanet Application Server in a webless installation, take the installation CD-ROM to the machine or machines that host the web server and run the installation program.
For more information about the iPlanet Application Server Web Connector Component, see the iPlanet Application Server Administrator's Guide and the Deployment Tool Online Help.When prompted, select "iPlanet Servers" as the components to install.
Select Typical as the installation type.
Specify a target installation directory. Do not include spaces in the path name.
When prompted for the components you want to install, select only "iPlanet Application Server 6.0" component.
Select only the "Web Connector Plug-in Component" from the list of subcomponents.
Follow the instructions of the installation program.
Select OK on the final dialog to reboot your computer, so the new settings can take effect.
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Copyright © 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2000 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.
Last Updated February 09, 2001