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iPlanet Unified Integration Framework Developer's Guide

Chapter 2   The Repository Browser

This chapter briefly describes the repository browser used to view and modify UIF target information; for a detailed description see your adapter documentation.

This chapter contains the following sections:

About the Repository Browser

The main function of the repository browser is as a content viewer. It is not recommended that the user directly import or delete repository contents as this can potentially result in invalid repository content.

The repository browser allows you to view the repository contents and to perform the following operations:

  • Import a node and all subtrees

  • Export an XML file of all subtrees under a node

  • Delete a node and all subtrees

  • Import the root node

These operations are described in detail in your adapter documentation.

The Browser is divided into a left and right pane. A view hierarchy appears in the left pane. The contents pane appears on the right. The actual contents depend on which node is selected in the view hierarchy.

View Hierarchy

Click on the folders in the outline view in the left pane to expand and collapse your view of the repository. Initially, the hierarchy shows:

  • the root node

  • adaptor types

  • data sources

Icons in the view hierarchy have different meanings:



Double arrow

A link to another object


A leaf node, which cannot be traversed further


A non-leaf node

An X appearing on a node indicates the node either does not exist or is invalid. To fix a node, you must fix the XML file that generated the node and reimport it.

Each node type is represented by a different color. Primitive non-data object image (leaf) nodes are yellow. Colors for data object nodes are identified in the following section.

Data Object Views

The Repository Browser allows you to view data object templates, data object types, and data object image folders in different ways. The node color specifies the view currently being displayed. Nodes are color-coded as follows:




data object type definition


data object template


data object image

You can switch between views by clicking the right mouse button on a folder and changing to the desired view. The views available depend on the kinds of data object, as follows:

  • A data object template can display type information, data, or an image. The data is the type's default value. The image is a value that overrides the default.

  • A data object type can display type information or data. The data is the type's default value.

  • A data object image can only display its image, which is its value.

Typically, you view the type definition's return values and the data object template for values passed as parameters from a servlet or EJB.

Using the Repository Browser

Use the Repository Browser to perform the following operations:

  • Import a node and its subtrees

  • Export an XML file of subtrees under a node

  • Delete a node and its subtrees

  • Import the root node

  • Start the repository browser from the Start menu. Whenever you perform an operation, the Browser creates a log file you can examine.

These operations are described in detail in your adapter documentation.

Importing a Node

You import a node and its subtrees under the repository node you specify. For example, you import a node after you create an XML file with the Management Console.

Note You import from a repository node or data object node; you cannot import from within a data object node.

To import a node:

  1. Select the node you want to import a subtree from the view hierarchy.

  2. Click the Import icon in the menu bar.

  3. Specify or browse for the XML file that defines the subtree.

  4. Specify the log file or keep the default.

  5. Click OK to start the import.

  6. View the log file for messages or errors in the XML file.

Import Notes:

  • The XML file imported must exist in the same directory as the repository.dtd file. Otherwise, an error occurs.

  • If needed, modify <iAS installation root>\APPS\ file according to your LDAP configuration parameters. The installation setup should have already done this for you.

  • Importing deletes an existing subtree with the same root node as the imported XML file. For example, if bsp.A.B already exists and an XML file with root B is being imported under bsp.A, it first deletes the bsp.A.B subtree and then imports the XML subtree specified in the import file under bsp.A.

Exporting an XML File

You export an XML file of all subtrees under the specified node. For example, to export an XML file as part of deploying an application.

Note You export from a repository node or data object node; you cannot export from within a data object node.

To export from a node:

  1. Select from the view hierarchy the node to export.

  2. Click the Export icon in the menu bar.

  3. Specify the name of the destination XML file.

  4. Specify the log file or keep the default.

  5. Click OK to start the export operation.

  6. View the log file for messages and errors in the XML file.

Deleting a Node

You delete a node and all nodes underneath it. For example, you may need to delete a node created in the wrong hierarchy location.

Note You can delete from a repository node or data object node; you cannot delete from a node within a data object node.

To delete a node:

  1. Select from the view hierarchy the node that you want to delete.

  2. Click the Delete icon in the menu bar.

  3. Click Yes when the warning message appears.

  4. View the log file for messages and errors.

Importing the Root Node

To import a root node and its subtrees:

  1. Click the Import Root icon in the menu bar.

  2. Specify or browse for the XML file that defines the subtree.

  3. Specify the log file or keep the default.

  4. Click OK to start the import.

View the log file for any messages or errors in the XML file.

Viewing the Log

Use Notepad or your favorite editor to view the log file. By default, the log file is called bspbrowser.log in the APPS subdiretory where UIF is installed.

Troubleshooting Tips

The following errors can occur when importing or exporting XML files:

  • If you receive a FileNotFound exception, make sure the given file location is the valid location.

  • If you receive a parsing error, it may be the XML file is not validating against repository.dtd. Examine and correct the XML file.

If you receive a class not found error, the xml.jar file may not be in the classpath. Although the installation setup handles setting the classpath for you, modify your classpath if the file's location is not in the classpath.

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Copyright © 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2000 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated June 08, 2000