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iPlanet Application Server Enterprise Connector for Tuxedo Administrator's Guide

This preface describes what you can expect to find in this document and contains the following sections:

About This Guide

This document provides instructions for installing and configuring the iPlanet Application Server Enterprise Connector for Tuxedo. It is intended for System Administrators who install and configure the products on Unix and Windows NT-based environments. While this document attempts to provide step-by-step installation and configuration details of the iPlanet Application Server Enterprise Connector for Tuxedo, it is intended for experienced users with a Tuxedo system background.

What You Should Already Know

This guide assumes you are familiar with the following topics:

  • iPlanet Application Server basic administration

  • iPlanet Application Server programming concepts

  • The Internet and World Wide Web

  • A general understanding of Windows NT operating system

  • A general understanding of Unix operating system and commands

  • System management knowledge of BEA Tuxedo

  • Familiarity with BEA Tuxedo programming

  • Java programming language

How This Guide Is Organized

This guide is organized into the following chapters:

Chapter 1 "Introduction" describes the Unified Integration Framework and the Tuxedo Enterprise Connector architecture and tools.

Chapter 2 "Installation" describes how to install and uninstall the Tuxedo Enterprise Connector on your target platform.

Chapter 3 "The Tuxedo Management Console" describes how to configure the Tuxedo Enterprise Connector for use with the BEA Tuxedo system. The concepts you should be familiar are described. As well as, how to use The Tuxedo Management Console to import Tuxedo data types and services into the UIF Repository.

Appendix A "Installed Components" provides a descriptive list of components that the installation procedure adds to your system.

Appendix B "Sample Programs" provides a descriptive list of samples provided with the Tuxedo Enterprise Connector.

Documentation Conventions

File and directory paths are given in Windows format with backslashes separating directory names. For Unix versions, the directory paths are the same, except slashes should be substituted in place of backslashes.

This guide uses URLs of the form:


In these URLs, server is the name of the server on which you run your application; domain is your Internet domain name; path is the directory structure on the server; and file is an individual filename. Italics items in URLs are placeholders.

This guide uses the following font conventions:

  • The monospace font is used for sample code and code listings, API and language elements (such as function names and class names), file names, pathnames, directory names, and HTML tags.

  • Italic type is used for book titles, emphasis, variables and placeholders, and words used in the literal sense.

User Roles

This section describes the various user roles and their tasks. People with a variety of skills are involved with the setup of the Tuxedo Enterprise Connector. Some of these users are listed below:

System Administrator  

This is the person responsible for the Tuxedo Enterprise Connector installation.  

Systems or Business Analyst  

This person uses the Tuxedo Management Console to configure the Tuxedo Enterprise Connector and imports the Tuxedo data types and services into the UIF Repository.  

Applications Programmer  

This person who writes Servlets, JavaServer Pages (JSPs) or Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs) that call the UIF API.

This person also uses the UIF Repository Browser to determine the available Function Objects (Tuxedo Services).  

Tuxedo Programmer  

This person develops Tuxedo services using the Tuxedo Application to Transaction Manager Interface (ATMI) interface.  

Online Guides

You can find the iPlanet Application Server Enterprise Connector for Tuxedo Administrator's Guide online in PDF and HTML formats. To locate these files, use the following URL:

Related Information

In addition to this Administrator's Guide, the Tuxedo Enterprise Connector comes with a Developer's Guide. The Developer's guide explains how to write Java programs (Servlet/JSP/EJB) to access the Tuxedo services which contain the business logic.

The installer copies these publications to ias/APPS/docs/tux subdirectory of the root installation directory of the iPlanet Application Server.

You must also refer to the iPlanet Unified Integration Framework Developer's Guide under the ias/APPS/docs/bsp subdirectory of the root installation of iPlanet Application Server for detailed information about the UIF API and Repository Browser.

In addition to these guides, there is additional information for administrators, users and developers. Use the following URL to view the related documentation:

The following lists the additional documents:

  • iPlanet Application Server Release Notes

  • iPlanet Application Server Installation Guide

  • iPlanet Application Server Overview Guide

  • iPlanet Administration and Deployment Guide

  • iPlanet Java Programmer's Guide

  • iPlanet Application Builder Release Notes

  • iPlanet Application Builder Installation Guide

  • iPlanet Application Builder User's Guide

Third Party Publications

The following BEA publications may be useful:

  • BEA Tuxedo : Administrating the BEA Tuxedo System

  • BEA Tuxedo : Application Development Guide

  • BEA Tuxedo : Programmer's Guide

  • BEA Tuxedo : Workstation Guide

  • BEA Tuxedo : Reference Manual

For more information about Tuxedo technology, refer to the following books:

  • Building Client/Server Applications Using Tuxedo - Carl L. Hall

  • The TUXEDO System - Andrade, Carges, Dwyer, Felts

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Copyright © 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2000 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated October 19, 2000