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iPlanet Application Server Installation Guide

This chapter describes the contents of iPlanet Application Server Installation Guide. It contains the following sections:

Using the Documentation

The following table lists the tasks and concepts that are described in the iPlanet Application Server manuals and Release Notes. If you are trying to accomplish a specific task or learn more about a specific concept, refer to the appropriate manual.

Note that the printed manuals are also available online in PDF and HTML format, at:

For information about

See the following

Shipped with

Late-breaking information about the software and the documentation  

Release Notes


iPlanet Application Server 6.0  

Installing iPlanet Application Server and its various components (Web Connector plug-in, iPlanet Application Server Administrator), and configuring the sample applications  

Installation Guide  

iPlanet Application Server 6.0  

Creating iPlanet Application Server 6.0 applications that follow the open Java standards model (Servlets, EJBs, JSPs, and JDBC), by performing the following tasks:

  • Creating the presentation and execution layers of an application

  • Placing discrete pieces of business logic and entities into Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) components

  • Using JDBC to communicate with databases

  • Using iterative testing, debugging, and application fine-tuning procedures to generate applications that execute correctly and quickly


Developer's Guide (JavaTM)  

iPlanet Application Server 6.0  

Administering one or more application servers using iPlanet Application Server Administrator Tool to perform the following tasks:

  • Monitoring and logging server activity

  • Implementing security for iPlanet Application Server

  • Enabling high availability of server resources

  • Configuring web-connector plugin

  • Administering database connectivity

  • Administering transactions

  • Configuring multiple servers

  • Administering multiple-server applications

  • Load balancing servers

  • Managing distributed data synchronization

  • Setting up iPlanet Application Server for development


Administrator's Guide  

iPlanet Application Server 6.0  

Migrating your applications to the new iPlanet Application Server 6.0 programming model from the Netscape Application Server version 2.1, including a sample migration of an Online Bank application provided with iPlanet Application Server  

Migration Guide  

iPlanet Application Server 6.0  

Using the public classes and interfaces, and their methods in the iPlanet Application Server class library to write Java applications  

Server Foundation Class Reference (Java)  

iPlanet Application Server 6.0  

Using the public classes and interfaces, and their methods in the iPlanet Application Server class library to write C++ applications  

Server Foundation Class Reference (C++)  

Order separately


About This Guide

This Installation Guide tells you about the various kinds of installation procedures for the iPlanet Application Server and how to follow them.

This manual is intended for system administrators, network administrators, evaluators, application server administrators, web developers, and software developers who want to install iPlanetTM Application Server.

What You Should Know

Before you begin, you should already be familiar with the following topics:

  • Application Servers

  • Client/Server programming model

  • Internet and World Wide Web

  • Windows NT/2000 or SolarisTM operating systems

  • Java programming and J2EE

How This Guide is Organized

This Guide is organized as follows:

Chapter 1 "Getting Started", gives an overview of iPlanet Application Server features, iPlanet Application Server components, installation options, and system requirements for installation.

Chapter 2 "Preparing to Install", provides an overview of the minimum requirements, and steps to be taken prior to installing iPlanet Application Server.

Chapter 3 "Easy iPlanet Application Server Installations", contains the quick installation procedures for both the Windows and Solaris platform, including the ezSetup installation option.

Chapter 4 "Advanced Installations for Solaris", describes the Custom Installation options for the Solaris platform. This installation option is recommended only for experienced users.

Chapter 5 "Advanced Installations for Windows," describes the Custom Installation option for the Windows NT/2000 platform. This installation option is recommended only for experienced users.

Chapter 6 "Uninstalling,"describes uninstallation procedures.

Appendix A "Configuring iPlanet Application Server," describes configuration options in more detail.

Documentation Conventions

File and directory paths are given in Windows format (with backslashes separating directory names). For Unix versions, the directory paths are the same, except forward slashes are used instead of backslashes to separate directories.

This guide uses URLs of the form: http://server.domain/path/file.html, where:

  • server is the name of the server where you are running the application.

  • domain is your internet domain name.

  • path is the directory structure on the server.

  • file is an individual filename.

The following table shows the typographic conventions used throughout iPlanet documentation.

Table 1    Typographic Conventions 





The names of files, directories, sample code, and code listings; and HTML tags  

Open Hello.html file.

<HEAD1> creates a top level heading.  


Book titles, variables, other code placeholders, words to be emphasized, and words used in the literal sense  

See Chapter 8 of the Installation Guide.

Enter your UserID.

Enter Login in the Name field.  


First appearance of a glossary term in the text  

Templates are page outlines.  

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Copyright © 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2001 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated June 21, 2001