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Installation Guide for iPlanet Process Manager 6.0

Chapter 1   Preparing for Installation

This chapter describes the various components of Process Manager 6.0 and discusses the prerequisites for installing the product.

Process Manager 6.0 Engine can be installed on Solaris Unix systems and Windows NT systems. Process Builder 6.0 can be installed on Windows NT systems.

On Windows NT, you install the product with an onscreen installer. On a Unix system, you install it with a single Unix command.

This chapter describes the following topics:

After you have completed all the pre-installation requirements described in "Getting Ready to Install", read the following chapters for installation instructions:

After completing the installation, you need to do some post-installation tasks, which are discussed in:

Process Manager Components

Process Manager has the following components:

  • Process Builder, which is a graphical user interface for building business process systems

  • Process Manager Engine (also known as Process Manager Server), which is used to run and administer business process systems. Process Manager Engine has the following components:

    • Process Express -- this is a web-based tasklist for users.

    • Process Administrator -- this is a web based interface for administering applications.

    • Process Business Manager -- this is a web based interface for managing individual process instances.

On Windows NT, you can choose to install the Process Manager Engine, Process Builder or both. On Solaris, you can install the Process Manager Engine.

Process Manager 6.0 uses the additional following products, which are installed during Process Manager installation:

  • iPlanet Directory Server 4.0 -- Process Manager identifies assignees for activities through a central user and group directory, typically the one where your corporation lists all its users and groups. This directory must be Netscape Directory Server v4.0.

  • iPlanet Application Server 6.0 -- Process Manager is an application that runs on the application server.

The Process Manager installation process installs the Directory Server, Console and Application Server. If you already have any of these components installed on your system, you can skip installing them again during Process Manager installation.

Process Manager also uses a web server and a database, which are not installed during the Process Manager installation process. These components are discussed in the section "Other Software Requirements for Process Engine."

Platform Requirements

This section discusses the hardware, operating system and memory requirements for installing Process Manager 6.0.

The following section, "Other Software Requirements for Process Engine" discusses the additional software components that must be in place before installing Process Manager 6.0.

System Requirements for Process Engine

Process Engine, which includes Process Administrator, Process Business Manager, and Process Express is available on these platforms:

  • Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 5.

  • Solaris 2.6 or 2.8

System Requirements for Process Builder

Process Builder can be used on these platforms:

  • Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 5

RAM and Disk Space Requirements

You need ~256 MB RAM to run the Directory Server, iPlanet Application Server, and Process Manager. If the database is installed on the same machine, you may need additional RAM. Less RAM may result in resource contention.

Depending on your operating system and which components you are installing, you need to be sure you have enough disk space:

  • On Windows NT system, you need ~250 MB of disk space available for a complete installation.

  • On Windows NT, you need 25 MB for the Process Builder-only installation.

  • On a Solaris system, you need ~400 MB of disk space available for a Process Engine installation.

Other Software Requirements for Process Engine

Process Manager Engine requires the following additional software components. These components must be in place before Process Manager Engine is installed:

  • Web browser -- this is not needed before installation, but is needed after installation to create a cluster.

  • iPlanet Web Server 4.1

  • Database -- Process Manager Engine needs access to a database to store process instance data.

Database Requirements

Process Manager uses a relational database to store process instance data, so you must have a database available on your local system or available over a network on another system. If you are using a remote database, you must have the appropriate database client installed on your local system.

You need to have enough privileges to create tables and views. Your database administrator can set them up for you if necessary.

Process Manager supports the following databases:

DB Server

DB Client

Oracle 8.05, 8i

Oracle 8.1.5

Sybase 11.9.2, 12

Sybase Open/Client System 11.1.1

Getting Ready to Install

Before installing Process Manager, you need to:

You also need to consider the following:

Upgrading From Previous Versions

You cannot install Process Manager 6.0 in the same location as previous versions of the product. If you have the earlier version, you must install Process Manager in a different location or you must uninstall previous versions and delete all your Process Manager database tables before starting to install Process Manager 6.0.

See Chapter 4 "Troubleshooting, Post-installation Tasks and Uninstalling Process Manager" for details.

Application Server Configuration Issues

Before installing Process Manager, you should have the following information handy:

  • Know the product key shown on the Welcome letter you received with the server products that you purchased.

  • For Unix systems, decide if you want to install iPlanet Application Server so that it starts up automatically when you boot your system. If you decide yes, then log on to the system as the root user before installing iPlanet Application Server.

Directory Server Issues

If you do not already have a Directory Server installed, you can install it during Process Manager installation. If you have one already installed, you may choose to not install the Directory Server and use an already existing directory server as the configuration directory.

For information about Directory Server, see:

You need to know the following information before starting Process Manager installation:

  • The host name and port number for the machine where the existing Directory Server is installed

  • Login ID and password for the existing Directory Server

  • The top level domain name (suffix) of your Directory Server structure.

    This is the directory entry that represents the first entry in the directory tree. You will need at least one directory suffix for the tree that will contain your enterprise's data. It is recommended that you select a directory suffix that corresponds to the DNS host name used by your enterprise. For example, if your organization uses the DNS name of, then select a suffix of

  • Administrator login ID and password

Netscape Administration Server Issues

The Netscape Administration Server is a common front end to all Netscape and iPlanet servers. It receives communications from Netscape Console and passes those communications on to the appropriate Netscape server. Your site will have at least one Administration Server for each server root in which you have installed a Netscape server. During installation you are prompted for an Administration Server port number. This is the port number that your system administrator must specify to access the Administration Server.

Make sure the port number you select for the Administration Server is unique and has not been assigned earlier during the installation process to the non-SSL port number for the configuration server.

Before installing Process Manager you need to know:

  • Administration Server user and password.

Web Server and Security Issues

You must install the Process Manager Engine components on a machine that is running iPlanet web Server 4.1.

On Unix, consider security issues related to your firewall setup.

  • Install iPlanet Application Server as the same user or as a member of the same group that installed the web server with which your iPlanet Application Server will interface.

Before installing Process Manager 6.0, you need to know:

  • On Unix systems, you need to know the full path location of the web server

  • On Windows-NT, you need to know the location of the web server. You will be allowed to navigate onscreen to the location of the web server during installation

Browser Requirements for Users

To use various Process Manager components, users need a web browser. The browser must be running on the workstation of the person who is using the Express, the Administrator, or the Business Manager.

This section discusses the browser requirements for:

Process Builder

Process Builder is a Java-based application and does not need a browser to run. However, you do need a browser to view the online help and to take advantage of links to the Process Express, Process Administrator and Process Business Manager that appear in some dialog boxes in Process Builder.

Process Administrator and Process Business Manager

Process Administrator and Process Business Manager are web-based administration interfaces. You need a Netscape Communicator 4.5+ browser to access them.

Process Express

Process Express is a web-based interface for viewing worklists. To use Process Express, users need one of the following browsers on the system that is accessing the Express:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x,

  • Netscape Communicator 4.x.

You can download the latest Netscape Communicator 4.x from the Netscape home page at

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Copyright © 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Some preexisting portions Copyright © 2000 Netscape Communications Corp. All rights reserved.

Last Updated May 01, 2000